After listening to my affirmative answer, grandfather Bai could not help but take a deep breath. Then, he said in a deep voice, "well, you say you are invincible, right? If you can pass me, I won't stop you! "

White grandfather's words seem to have deep meaning, I listen to the heart can not help but have a bad premonition, feeling that he wants to do everything possible to stop me from going down.

I secretly raised my vigilance and cautiously looked at grandfather Bai. After he finished speaking, he directly took his medicine box. Then, in front of me, he was playing with all kinds of things in his medicine box, looking as if he was dispensing medicine.

About ten minutes later, grandfather white made a small box of liquid things. Then, he took this thing and said to me, "Arlo, this is a kind of poison that I have prepared. It's not very toxic, but it can anaesthetize an elephant at least. If you are really invincible, you must be able to resist the toxicity of the poison. If you can't, you will be in a coma. Then we'll turn back and try to find a way again, OK?"

When I heard this, I knew that grandfather Bai had said that he had passed his level. It turned out that he was testing my anti drug ability. I finally knew that he was not blindly stopping me from going down. He had his ideas and more reason.

Indeed, compared with the so-called drunk poison made by grandfather Bai, the venom of those poisonous snakes, centipedes, spiders and scorpions below must be thousands of times stronger. If I can't even carry the anesthetic poison. Then, as soon as I got to the cliff, I would definitely die. There was no chance for me to struggle.

White grandfather's consideration is indeed thoughtful, after all, I last defused the blood rose poison, perhaps just out of accident. If I can neutralize other poisons, it is not a coincidence. It may prove that I really have the ability to resist drugs.

Therefore, I had no objection to the way of grandfather Bai. I put out my hand directly and said seriously, "OK, come on!"

Smell speech, Han grandfather eyebrow a twist, to me nodded: "en!"

As soon as the words fell, grandfather Han immediately used a silver needle to dip the liquid in the box, that is, the drunken poison. Then, he stabbed the silver needle with poison into my arm.

As soon as the needle pierced into my skin, my arm immediately felt numb. A strong toxicity penetrated into my body and flowed in my blood. It stimulated every nerve cell in my body and made my eyelids close. The whole person was drowsy.

But I didn't fall. Instead, I forced myself to calm down and tried to stimulate the Qi in my body.

My Qi really has a vast and boundless function. As soon as it is stimulated, it immediately suppresses the intoxication in my body. This natural gas, like a detergent, can remove all the stains in my body. This powerful and endless stream of Qi can directly devour and absorb the poison in my body and quickly restore my body to normal.

Almost a moment later, the anesthetic made up by grandfather Bai was cleaned up by another breath in my body. My whole person suddenly became fresh and fresh, and I didn't feel sleepy and tired at all.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes, with a very calm tone to the white grandfather said: "I'm ok!"

In a word, all of us can't help but exclaim. Everyone was completely shocked by my ability. Now, some people who didn't believe I could be invincible in the beginning slowly accepted this incredible fact.

Even the white grandfather was surprised by my abnormal constitution. He called it inconceivable. He also took pulse for me.

After a very serious pulse, white grandfather has finally become speechless, he has no reason to stop me. I took the opportunity to say: "grandfather, now you should believe me, can I go down?"

White grandfather is highly respected and has a good word. He said before that as long as I pass his pass, he will not stop me. Therefore, he did not say anything to dissuade me at the moment, but he did not say that he agreed with me to go down. It seemed that he was still worried about me.

At this time, Qiqi, who had been silent, suddenly came to me and said to me, "solo, this can not tolerate a trace of risk. You must be careful. Heiluocha has not been out of the mountain for many years. Who knows what she has done and what her martial arts have become? Do you know? Do you know how powerful these poisonous insects she has carefully prepared? Maybe everything is not what you can imagine. Let alone whether you can fight these poisonous insects, even if you can, what if these countless insects bite you to death inch by inch? "

Kiki's words were full of anxiety and her expression was anxious. Obviously, she didn't want me to go down and take risks. What she said is not wrong. Black Luocha is a mystery. She has been preparing for my father for many years. She must have made enough preparations for these years. Her martial arts skills may become unimaginable, and the poisonous insects she summoned may also be unimaginable. Even if their toxicity will be eliminated by me, they will devour me completely like termites. At that time, I think it will be full of holes, and even the bones will be bitten.

It's a terrible outcome, but I'm not worried. I still have confidence in dealing with insects. My body is hard and natural gas is strong. I should have no problem fighting these insects. If I can't deal with these small things, what can I do to fight with black Rocha.After a pause, I resolutely said to Qiqi, "it's OK. I can carry it. You don't have to worry about me!"

After listening to my words, Qiqi's face was more anxious. She frowned and said to me in a deep voice: "but have you ever thought that since there are so many poisonous insects here, it is very likely that black Luocha is below. Even if you break through the obstacles of poisonous insects, you will be in danger

Qiqi's words, but let my heart shake, yes, the poisonous insects are terrible, but the black Rocher himself is more terrible. These poisons under the cliff are obviously cultivated by black Luocha. This is also difficult to protect the black Luocha, perhaps in the vicinity, if I met her, she must also be stripped alive.

However, no matter how terrible the black Luocha is, it doesn't mean that I will be afraid of her. Even if I meet her, I dare to fight with her. What's more, she is not necessarily down there at all, but my father and they are. Anyway, I'm going to go down and see how they're doing.

Think over, I once again with firm tone, to Qiqi way: "even if black Luo Cha is below, I am not afraid of!"

My attitude is extremely resolute and there is no doubt about it.

Qiqi listened, her eyebrows locked more tightly, but she did not persuade me, she should persuade me, since I did not listen, she also took me.

And other brothers also became very worried about me because of Qiqi's words. They advised me not to go down one after another.

But no one to persuade me, I decided the matter will not change, in the end, we can only helpless silence, no longer obstructed me.

After a brief silence, Qiqi suddenly said to me, "solo, you come with me for a moment."

With that, Qiqi went straight to the edge of the cliff. I stopped for a moment, and then went along.

When I came to the edge of the cliff, Qiqi immediately pointed to the bottom of the cliff and said to me, "do you see, all the poisonous insects below are gathering in the narrow valley. If what I expected is right, your father should be trapped in that valley!"

Kiki herself knew that my decision could not be changed. She could not persuade me, she could only point out the way for me.

Following Qiqi's direction, I saw that there was indeed a small valley, which was a gap formed by the superposition of two hills. The poisonous insects at the entrance of this valley are indeed more dense than those in other places. If you look closely, you will find that those poisonous insects are crowding into the small valley in groups, as if there is something to fight for.

Qiqi's observation ability is really meticulous. The canyon below is so large and there are so many poisonous insects. If you don't look carefully, it is difficult to find that there are many poisonous insects at the entrance of one of the small valleys, but she can see it.

She's right. If all the poisonous insects crowd there, my father is trapped in that small valley.

Thinking of this, I can't wait any more. I quickly said thanks to Qiqi, and then I prepared to take action.

However, before I set out, we still tried our best to persuade me to take safety precautions and let me wrap my body tightly. However, I didn't listen to everyone's suggestions, because I felt that all these were futile and bound me on the contrary. I don't want to waste time on equipment, let alone tie my hands and feet. I only wear a simple and comfortable suit. When I'm ready, I'll set out immediately.

I didn't go down directly from here, but looked for other places to enter the canyon along the cliff. Seeing off by grandfather Bai and others, we finally found a marginal area. The cliff was a little far from the previous cliff, so there was no poisonous insects in the canyon below. For the sake of safety and not wasting time, I chose to go down here.

Before I went down, I made an account with grandfather Bai and others. I told them to be on guard against the attack of bloody cherry blossoms at any time. They should also be careful of the attack of poisonous insects under the cliff and take good care of themselves.

I said goodbye to them. This farewell seemed particularly dignified. All the brothers were dull and worried, while Qiqi was extremely worried. Her eyes were red. Before I left, she even hugged me and whispered in my ear. I must be careful and come back alive!

I understand Kiki's heart and the worries of my brothers. They are worried that I will never return. There is no signal in this place. I can't call to report my safety. Only when I come back alive can I make everyone feel at ease.

After I said goodbye to you, I slipped from this place to the canyon with the help of a rope. As soon as I got down, I immediately felt that I had fallen from the world to hell, and my whole body was creepy and weird.

The canyon and the cliffs above. The distance is not far, but the atmosphere is very different. It is clear that everything is normal above, but here, it is extremely abnormal. I don't know whether it is due to the lack of sunlight. The temperature in this place is very low. The cold air penetrates into the pores, and the body becomes cold. What's more terrible is that. There seems to be a smell of putrefaction around here. It smells like the smell of dead people. It's disgusting.

My heart can not help beating drums, all my morale and fighting spirit, as if to be submerged by this strange environment, a deep sense of fear swept me mercilessly. For a moment, I almost wanted to flinch. But my deepest belief tells me that I can't give up in any case. No matter how steep the road ahead is, we should stick to it.With this in mind, I immediately shook my head, cast off the shadow that haunted me, and then, I went straight ahead. Towards the small valley where there are countless poisonous insects.

However, the more forward I went, the colder my body was and the more fear I felt in my heart. The shadow I had just shaken off unconsciously entangled me again. I felt that there was a devil's cave in front of me. I could not help but be frightened. But I keep telling myself. I must not be engulfed by the environment first. I must be calm.

I try to control my mind, step by step, with a firm step, forward.

At this moment, there is only one belief in my heart, that is, I must find my father and rescue my father. My faith will not collapse. My people don't fall.

Gradually, with the enhancement of my faith in my heart, my fear gradually weakened, I began to adapt to the environment here, and my pace became more and more stable.

But when I got to the inside of the canyon, my feet stopped suddenly, and my body became stiff. Because suddenly, there were countless poisonous insects in front of me and filled my eyes.

The close feeling of these poisonous insects is quite different from the feeling of standing on the cliff. At this moment, I only feel that there are millions of troops waiting for me, so vast and so terrible.

When I was stunned, those dense poisonous insects seemed to suddenly find my existence. They seemed to have seen delicious prey. Suddenly, a squeak broke through the air, like the commander-in-chief of the poisonous insects issued a command.

Immediately, tens of thousands of poisonous insects rushed to me, and the picture couldn't bear to look directly at me

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