Seeing the overwhelming poisonous insects sweeping towards me, my heart could not help shaking wildly, and a violent shock hit me, feeling that the whole person had been wrapped up in fear. However, no matter how afraid I am, I will not shrink back. My deep belief still supports me and makes me go forward bravely in any case.

I resisted the trembling in my heart and tried to get rid of the fear that haunted me. Then, I worked hard to stimulate the natural gas in my body.

In an instant, the natural gas like a spring gushed out violently, and then filled my whole body. Finally, it erupted fiercely from my body, and the aura was more powerful than ever before.

With boundless momentum, I met the blade and rushed towards the poisonous insects.

Although these poisonous insects are not big, even in the eyes of ordinary people, they can be easily trampled out with their feet. But I am very clear, their killing power is very strong, I am ready to fight them to death.

In fact, the first reason I came to this canyon from the cliff is to break through these poisonous insects, see my father and them, and see how they are doing.

In addition, there is another reason, and also the most important reason, that is, I want to take risks with my own body, to see what is the power of the poisonous insects cultivated by black Luocha. I want to fight against them and find out their weaknesses, and finally destroy them. Only when these poisonous insects are completely eliminated can I save my father and not be afraid of black Luocha.

Otherwise, these poisonous insects will always become the killing weapons of black Luocha. As long as she calls on the poisonous insects, she will be invincible in the world, because no one can defeat her army of poisonous insects.

Therefore, if you want to defeat black Luocha, the premise is to eliminate poisonous insects. I am the only one who is likely to survive under the toxic erosion of poisonous insects. Therefore, I am the only one who can face the tens of thousands of poisonous insects personally and find out the way to eliminate them.

In order to achieve this goal, I will spare no effort, even if I pay the cost of life. If I fail, I will become benevolent. If I can rescue and complete my purpose, I will do it in one fell swoop.

Thinking in this way, I can't help but surge more natural gas, my momentum is almost destroyed, my speed is like rocket launch, fiercely shot at the front of the wanton ferocious poisonous insects.

Just when I ran into a poisonous insect. A strange scene appeared.

Those poisonous insects that gnaw their teeth and claws at me would like to devour me, but when they hit me, they suddenly stopped and did not continue to attack me. On the contrary, with my approach, these can destroy all the poisonous insects, even continue to retreat.

This scene is so incredible that I can't help but be stunned. I can't understand the situation at all. According to the principle, these poisonous insects can't be scared away by the momentum of a person. In terms of momentum, my father's momentum should be much stronger than me. Even he can't break through the poisonous insects to escape, saying that the poisonous insects will not fear the powerful momentum of human beings. But why are the poisonous insects scared away by me ?

You know, they are special poisons trained by black Luocha. Even Qiqi can't do anything with them. What kind of insect killer doesn't work for them at all. Their ability should be so great that they dare not come near me?

With full of doubts, I ran forward a few steps, and issued a startling roar. This roar brought out the endless momentum in my body. The roar was earth shaking and constantly echoed in the canyon, like the birth of the king of beasts.

Those poisonous insects suddenly heard my roar, as if they had seen a ghost. They all ran away as fast as they could climb.

By this time, many of my brothers had already reached the cliff above my head. They were standing on the top of my head, and they could see clearly what happened below. When they saw that the poisonous insects were scared away by me, they were all dumbfounded. Their eyes were full of surprise and surprise, and even some people couldn't help but cry out.

However, I did not care about the above situation, I was just shocked by my ability, I really did not expect such a thing to happen.

I thought that as long as my natural gas can dissolve the toxicity of these poisonous insects, I would be very lucky. As for the biting of these thousands of poisonous insects, I am not sure. I only intend to fight against them to prevent myself from being bitten too badly. But who would have thought, they did not bite me at all, on the contrary, I was scared to run away in panic, this is simply a miracle in the miracle, unimaginable.

Is it my natural gas that has a special ability not only to expel the poisonous gas in my body, but also to scare away so many poisonous insects?

As soon as the idea came to light, I immediately rejected it. It can't be like this. In any case, the natural gas belongs to a kind of momentum. No matter how powerful the momentum is, it will not let the poisonous insects retreat without fighting. And if it wasn't for my natural gas that frightened thousands of poisonous insects, what would it be?

Suddenly, I suddenly thought that at the beginning, on the mountain where I went to the dark moon hall, I was also relying on myself to scare away the wolves on the mountain. All this seems to indicate that the animals are afraid of me.

Do you think I'm born with the ability to frighten animals and insects? That's why the poisonous insects trained by black Luocha will be scared away by me? Although, this reason is a bit absurd, but I can only think like this. I can't control so much. Anyway, my biggest crisis has been lifted, which is the best.So I quickened my pace and walked towards the small valley Qiqi was referring to.

Now, there is no obstacle in front of me, and the poisonous insects all retreat when they see me. However, as soon as the poisonous insects ran away, the dense white bones on the road were completely exposed to the outside, and they looked very dangerous. Although the dead people had rotten and lost their skin and flesh, and only white bones were left, I still felt that they died with their eyes closed.

Involuntarily, my heart is like acupuncture general, the pain is extreme, arrived here. I feel more and more deeply that these white bones are the people under my father's hands. How can I not feel heartache when they die so tragically.

Along the way, I crossed the white bones carefully, not stepping on them, while praying for them, praying for their peace in another world.

After a while, I arrived at the entrance of the small valley. This is the gap between the two small peaks, but it can also accommodate a person's position. According to Qiqi, my father must be in the valley, so I rushed into it without hesitation.

When I walked into the valley, the poisonous insects gathered at the entrance of the valley immediately ran away and made way for me. I entered the gap between the two mountains without any obstruction. It was like a small alley. The mountains on both sides were equivalent to two walls. There was only a narrow sky above me, and the road under my feet was narrow and rugged. When I walk here, I feel oppressed and suffocated, and my feet are very heavy. I can't walk fast, so I can only walk step by step carefully.

However, when I walked out of this narrow road. When I came to the valley, my eyes suddenly lit up and my breath was smooth.

It turns out that there are caves in the valley. The area inside is very wide, which forms a sharp contrast with the small gap just passed by. It is like a paradise. There are many flowers, plants and trees here, but most of them are withered. Because they are eroded by poisonous insects, the poisonous insects inside are much more dense than those outside. They are almost everywhere and planted There are many kinds of poisonous insects, all of which are reptiles.

Even, I saw ants, of course, not ordinary ants, but very scary ones. They were very big, with sharp mouths, and their eyes seemed to emit a gloomy light, which was extremely terrible. In addition to this special ant, there are many poisonous insects that I have never heard of. They are all strange things. I don't know how black Luocha cultivated them.

However, no matter how terrifying they are, they can't frighten me, because I can clearly feel that any kind of poisonous insects, seeing me, are just as scared as seeing their natural enemies. No poisonous insect dares to come near me for half a step and will only make way for me.

My way ahead is still unimpeded. But my heart is very uneasy, this feeling is very vague, can't say, perhaps, I am worried, worried about the black Luocha people hiding nearby, the most important, I can clearly feel, this valley rotten smell is more thick, more full of gloomy breath, in my sight, on the ground Lin Lin Lin mistakenly lay a lot of corpses, looks abnormal bleak, let people can not help but with one 's hair standing on end. I'm afraid. I'm afraid I'm late. I'm afraid my dad's had an accident.

This uneasy feeling, tightly around me, let me unconsciously speed up the pace, fast to the valley deep. However, the deeper you go, the colder the air is, the lower the temperature is. It feels like walking into the refrigerator. I don't know why. The environment here is so strange that it doesn't conform to common sense. It's just like hell. It's cold and horrible.

Almost out of control, I slowed down again and became very cautious. As I walked, I looked around, but when I got to the depth, the fog was so thick that I couldn't see the scene clearly at all. I could only feel my way forward and keep vigilance at all times.

Walking along, I suddenly heard the faint sound of water, which immediately swept away the uneasiness in my heart and inspired the hope in my heart.

Originally, this strange environment, this strange poisonous insect, this dense white bone, let me deeply fear, because, under such circumstances, my father has little chance to survive.

However, hearing the sound of water, my gray heart immediately activated. Water is the source of life, and water proves that my father still has hope to live. Otherwise, if you are trapped in this ghost place, you will die of hunger and thirst even if you are not poisoned by poisonous insects.

Without delay, I immediately followed the sound of the water. This time, my steps became hasty and urgent. That voice pulls me and gives me a lot of motivation.

Although the deeper the water mist, the lower the temperature is, the lower I am. When I came to the deepest part of the valley, sure enough, a pool came into my eyes.

This pool is very strange, because all the cold air seems to come out of this pool, and it feels like an ice pool. In the middle of the pool, about 10 meters away from the edge of the pool, a huge rock protruded from the water, like an island floating in the sea.

Because the fog is too thick, I can only see the shadow on the boulder, but I can't see whether it's a person or a ghost. However, when I see the shadow, my heart is beating violently and I'm nervous.

Slowly, I approached the edge of the pool very carefully.However, just as I was about to reach the edge of the pool, a voice suddenly broke through the air: "who?"

The sound was so powerful that it pierced the air and even dispersed the fog.

Suddenly, I could see the figure on the huge stone in the middle of the water. There were only seven of them. Six of them were standing. They were sun Xiangru, Han Yimo, thousands of troops, and dragon slaughtering relying on heaven.

And in the middle of the boulder, sitting motionless and cross legged, is no one else, but my father, Su Qiyao.

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