After searching for so long, I finally met my father. It was like finding a clear spring in the vast desert.

In an instant, my heart jumped wildly. My emotion reached the extreme, and my excited hands were a little shaking.

Ever since I entered the valley, my heart has been troubled by negative emotions.

In fact, what I worry about most is not whether black Luocha has ambushed here. I am afraid that my father is no longer alive. I am really afraid that he can't hold on and leave me.

So, before hearing the sound of water, I was so anxious and excited. Now, really see my father is still alive, I am more excited can not help it, I finally thoroughly relieved, heart ecstasy.

However, after the joy, my heart began to ache again. It was a kind of heartache and heartache. My nose became sour.

Because, at the moment, my father, completely lost the original feeling of tiger and tiger, he is old, vicissitudes, tired, frustrated, does not seem to be my kuibao strong Yama father at all.

In my impression, my father is the world's invincible Yama, is a mythical hero, he once appeared in front of me, is a set of indomitable image, every time he can frighten my eyes, let me feel different he. Even after he was locked up in the dark hall for several months, his body was in a state of disorder. However, at the moment of his appearance, his momentum was extremely domineering. Standing on the mountain, he was just like a god descending from the earth, powerful and mysterious, powerful and unrestrained, with a sense of hegemony beyond everything.

However, at this moment, in front of me, he is not only in a mess, but also in spirit. He looks like an old man with grey hair, tired face and stiff body.

Although, he used to be full of white hair, but it is a kind of able white, because his face is not old, full of energy, gas cover the sky. But now, he is really like an old man over 80 years old, so old, so poor.

My dad has changed, completely changed. In the past three months, I don't know how he survived. But judging from his image, he must have suffered endless pain. Now he looks like a drop in the ocean, sitting in the middle of the pool, motionless, looking like he is practicing martial arts, and he is hungry and unable to move.

And Han Yimo sun standing around my father, with thousands of troops, relying on the sky and killing the dragon, is even more demoralized. These gods of war, who once dominated the underground world, have changed their faces.

At the beginning, they were all famous and frightening. How many people in the underground world are in awe of them and even regard them as myths.

However, these mythical figures are so bleak at the moment. They are not as good as beggars. Their bodies are thin, their faces are haggard, their spirits are tired, and their temperament is decadent. Even Wanma, the fat man, seems to have lost his fat, and almost become skin and bone.

And Han Yimo and Yitian, the two former beauties, also lost all their aura.

Han Yimo no longer has the heroic heroine spirit, and Yitian has no particularly young temperament. They seem to have become withered flowers, eclipsed, and their clothes are dilapidated. Fortunately, they can cover the key parts of the body.

However, Qian Jun was relatively miserable. He had no clothes and was standing on the boulder with his bare arms. He was already thin, but now he is even thinner. He can see the ribs. The worst thing is that there are still many holes in his spare ribs chicken, which is very painful to watch.

It can be said that the six of them, all miserable, crumbling, but they are still supporting themselves, guarding my father's body, for his escort. They say it's escort, but they don't have any deterrent power at all. They are just a few remnant soldiers.

The once invincible gods of war, in the end, only a few of them were left, and they became like this. It is really the end of a powerful crossbow.

However, their bodies collapsed, their momentum was gone, their spirit was tired, but their faith did not die, even if it became a candle in the wind, they still stood still, such a scene, I really sad.

Who was that sound? I could hear it. It was Sun Xiangru's roar. Obviously, when he heard my footsteps, he would immediately be on guard. He must have thought that the enemy was coming. After all, he could walk into the valley full of poisonous insects safely. In their view, there were only black Luocha people. Of course, they didn't expect it was me.

I stopped at the edge of the pool, and then I called out to them in the middle of the pool, "it's me, solo. I'm here to save you!"

With this cry, I almost tried my best. I hope to shout out my momentum and let my dad and their parents feel hope and let them know that Wu Lai broke through all the crises and broke into this place. I am no longer a child who needs protection everywhere. I have grown into a man of indomitable spirit. I can come to rescue them.

Just, I roar again loud, also can't control my heart pain, my voice has already been hoarse, my voice sounds choked, special heartache.

Standing on the boulder, the six people heard my voice, immediately, they all followed the sound and looked at me. When they saw clearly me standing in the fog, they were directly dumbfounded, their eyes were full of consternation, and all six of them were stagnant in place, staring at me stupidly.The picture, in this moment, seems to be fixed, for a while, the wounded soldiers suddenly opened up, said: "my mother, scared me, thought the black Rocha came!"

After all, he sat down on the ground and saw that the thin, platoon army was exhausted to the extreme. It was very nice to stand up. But in order to ease the atmosphere, he made a joke.

The scene of the frame, finally broken, all people have returned to God, and then sun Xiangru quickly asked me: "Suluo, how do you find this?"

Sun Xiangru's tone was particularly shocked, and now he seems unable to believe the fact.

Others, like sun Xiangru, are also full of doubts about this. They all look at me closely and wait for my answers.

I didn't explain it too much, but simply replied, "I came out of the dark moon hall and knew you came to Miao Jiang one step at first, and I immediately gathered people to get here. I didn't know where you were. Thanks to your daughter, she felt your existence! "

Hearing me say sun Yihan, sun Xiangru and Han Yimo face suddenly fusion, as if, my words poked in their hearts, they changed silence.

Seeing their worries, I couldn't help but add, "sorry, I have no way to follow her if I have to follow them!"

Anyway, I brought sun Yihan to this grotesque place, which was to put her in danger. I know Han Yimo and sun Xiangru are afraid that their daughter will follow the incident, so I can not help but be sad. I sincerely apologize to them for this.

However, sun Xiangru did not blame me at all. He put his hand at once and said, "it doesn't matter. I know the character. It's none of your business. Just, sulo, how did you get here, why don't these worms bite you! "

Said, sun Xiangru also surprised to see the various insects that are kept by the pool, these are terrestrial reptiles, they are around the pool, dare not enter the pool of ice water, so they can not reach the pool center of the boulder. They are like the soldiers who are looking at the tiger, all waiting on the periphery of the pool, looking at each other from the water, and encircling the seven people on the boulder.

But only the position where I stand left a large gap, no poisonous insect dare to approach me, which makes sun Xiangru and others strange. Even I am not sure. I can't explain it at all, but I can only say, "I don't know. These bugs are afraid of me. I run when I see them. I don't know why!"

When I heard this, sun Xiangru and others' dismay couldn't be more serious. They looked at me carefully and then discussed the reasons. These experienced and old-fashioned Jianghu people can not explain this strange phenomenon.

However, in my opinion, the strangest thing is my dad. From my appearance to now, he has been sitting in cross legged, indifferent, as if he could not feel his son at all. This inevitably made my heart pull up. So I asked sun Xiangru directly, "what's wrong with my father?"

Speaking of my dad, everyone was sad. They brush them all and fell into silence. Finally, Han Yi broke the silence and said, "your father has been practicing with great efforts and seeking breakthrough recently."

He was sitting in the cross legged way for cultivation. He was practicing. But his training state is too bleak. Is it because he practises it that he has become an old man? How can he still have the mind to practice his skills at this moment?

I couldn't help but asked my dad again. After Han Yimo's explanation, I knew that my father was helpless to do so.

Some days ago, my father led his people, and he wanted to kill the black Luocha nest with one stroke. Of course, my father was not blind. Instead, he had a very strategic battle, and every step was careful.

All the traps and faults set by blood Cherry Blossom were destroyed by my father. They were triumphant and killed here. But, who expected, this place is the biggest trap set by the black Basilica.

My dad and his team were lured into the canyon, and then thousands of poisonous insects were born in the sky. As a result, it was obvious that my dad's team suffered devastating blows, which was just a lot of corpses and died on the spot. More than three hundred people, and seven were left to die at last.

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