These poisonous insects seem to be the same as human beings. The poisonous insects that I drink back in front of me are shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Those who die and die around the insect emperor are the main army, similar to the role of the guard. All of them are powerful.

Of course, even though they are the main force and have good combat effectiveness, they dare not attack me. Even if they are loyal to the insect emperor again and see me approaching, they will retreat one after another.

Next, the valley staged a shocking and gorgeous scene, that is, every time I move forward, the nearest poisonous insects will immediately retreat on both sides. If I take another step, they will continue to retreat and scatter on both sides, forming an unimpeded road for me to go straight to the insect emperor.

I am like a real emperor. No one dares to stand in my way. Even the most loyal poisonous insects dare not move me. It is useless to let the insect emperor scream and command me.

Finally, the insect emperor really felt my terror, even, it did not dare to attack me, it just looked at me closely, eyes full of vigilance.

Obviously, this supreme insect emperor also cares about his face. Even though he knows my strength is against the sky, he does not escape. He feels like he can't put down his face and is embarrassed to run away.

However, when I approached step by step and came to the insect emperor, the insect king, who was personally trained by black Luocha, finally retreated and gave up the so-called dignity. Turn around and run up, this little bug, the reaction is really extraordinary sensitive, speed is also extraordinary fast.

Of course, no matter how fast it is, I can't let it run away.

In the moment it just ran, my momentum will surge out and suddenly cover my whole body wide range of position. Under the influence of my momentum, the speed of the insect emperor's escape is obviously weakened, and its every move is within the scope of my capture.

Before it ran far away, my body suddenly jumped up and flashed directly above the insect emperor. Then, my right foot stepped down heavily towards the running insect emperor.

My body brings out my infinite energy, and my right foot accumulates all my strength. If you go down with one foot, the power is boundless.

Perhaps, it is my momentum is too strong, too powerful, the running insect emperor suddenly stopped, its feet seem to be entangled by something, can not move, so that it wants to run can not run. In the moment of its hesitation, my feet, with great prestige, stepped on the insect emperor's body.

In an instant, there was a clear feeling under my feet. I felt a tough thing, creaking and destroying.

As the insect emperor's ashes at my feet, the whole valley changed color, the haze dispersed, the earth trembled, roared and hissed. Only because when the insect emperor died, all the poisonous insects around him seemed to have broken the magic spell and got freedom. They moved at the same time, moving in all directions, running at full speed.

These thousands of poisonous insects, without the command of the insect emperor, no longer care about the goals of my father and sun Xiangru. They feel the death of the insect emperor, only fear and fear. All they have to do at the moment is to run for their lives and run for their lives quickly. They almost fight for their old lives and run as fast as they can.

Small insects, brought by the movement, almost caused the collapse of the earth, they fled the battle. It is really vast and infinite, and the speed of their escape is even more startling. Only a moment later, all the poisonous insects that had just spread all over the mountains and fields disappeared.

Within the valley, a peaceful scene was suddenly restored. The smoke of gunpowder died and everything was silent.

This moment, my heart's sense of heroism is simply bursting, the whole person has become relaxed and comfortable, and quite relieved. I'm proud of myself. Proud of myself, I broke up such a terrible army of poisonous insects on my own. They destroyed my father's people and besieged my father and his six generals for such a long time. Now, they are wiped out by me. It's like I killed thousands of enemies by myself. It's really brave.

Finally, I am no longer a child living under the wings of my father. Finally, I also have the time to save my father. Suddenly, I see my own value, and my body seems to have glittering gold.

However, exterminating poisonous insects is only the first step of success. I can't get too carried away. After all, the insect emperor is only a poison cultivated by black Luocha. The most difficult thing to deal with is heiluocha himself. I wonder if she has any more terrible aftereffects. Therefore, I must regroup as soon as possible, and with my father and them, I will go to heiluosha to avenge my blood.

After thinking about it, I quickly took back my right foot. Then, I didn't even look at the corpse of the insect emperor on the ground. I turned around and walked slowly to the pool. Then I said to the stunned sun Xiangru and others with ease: "OK, it's solved!"

For my father, the poisonous insect is the biggest enemy. Anyone who sees a poisonous insect has to retreat and stay at a distance. Especially the king of poisonous insects, the insect emperor, its deterrent power is even more amazing. Even general Zhang Huxiao and other generals are deeply afraid of him. It seems that in their eyes, the insect emperor is more terrifying than the God of death.

Although it is just a small insect, it can command thousands of poisonous insects, devour my father's invincible troops, and trapped my father for so many days.

This horrible and rebellious insect emperor was eventually trampled to death by me. It was as easy and effortless as killing a cockroach.However, I feel relaxed, sun Xiangru and other people are shocked to the whole body, they have not relaxed until now. Originally, I was able to frighten back the army of poisonous insects, which was a great miracle. But who knows, I can still kill the insect king in seconds and make all the poisonous insects disappear at once. This is a great disaster, so I quickly lifted. This is an unimaginable thing. It's just like a dream. Who can believe it.

At this moment, the silence of the huge valley was strange. There was no change in the whole space, not even the sound of the wind. Zhang Huxiao and Zhang Huxiao were just like being poked. He looked at me in a daze. I spoke to them, and no one responded. They were in shock for a long time. They all looked at me like monsters.

Silence for a long time, finally, the thousand army can not help but say: "how did he do it!"

Smell speech, Wanma shake his head while sighing: "strange strange strange, really strange, boy body is not special breath."

Tu Long also exclaimed, "I've seen what a miracle is, Su Luo. It's really extraordinary."

Even Han Yimo couldn't help praising: "he has grown up."

These generals are all well-informed, but now, they all can't explain my unique ability. They only know that I'm not an ordinary person. I bring my own light, which is a kind of light that even my father doesn't have. The light struck all of them.

Compared to their shock. I seem more natural. Although I can't figure out why I have this special function, I don't have time to tangle with this. I just want to quickly take my father and others away from this land of right and wrong. So, after a pause, I said to sun Xiangru: "Uncle sun, is the crisis over now? Can we leave now? "

Hearing my voice again, sun Xiangru finally came to his senses. He repeatedly said, "yes, yes!"

Other people are finally free from the shock, they have realized that the crisis that has plagued them for many days has been completely lifted, and they have regained their freedom. This makes them jump with joy and everyone comes to the spirit. For these experts, hunger can't beat them down. The reason why they were so frustrated just now was that they felt that their hope of survival was slim. After all, it was too difficult to break through the army of poisonous insects. Now, all the poisonous insects have disappeared, and the valley has recovered its brightness and vitality. The light of hope has been kindled. Of course, they are excited.

It's just that their spirit is useless, because my father is still sitting cross legged, and nothing outside can affect him. He is always indifferent, which makes it difficult for us to do. I asked sun Xiangru to wake up my father, but Sun Xiangru said that when my father practises, he must not be disturbed, otherwise his rhythm will be disturbed and he will be possessed. In other words, the only thing we can do now is wait for my dad to wake up.

But who knows when my father will wake up, and we have no time to wait. When the insect emperor is dead, the black Luosha will be disturbed. If not, she will kill her immediately. If we wait to die here, I am afraid we will fall into crisis again. But. Without waiting, there is no other way, I am so anxious, like ants on the hot pot, waiting anxiously for half an hour.

Half an hour later, my father seemed to feel my anxiety, and finally woke up. He opened his eyes silently. At the moment, my father's eyes became turbid, not as smart and transparent as before. Instead, it was like the eyes of a dying man, very powerless, very empty, without any brilliance in his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he glanced at Sun Xiangru and others around him. Sun Xiangru and his group immediately said happily, "ghost king, you finally wake up!"

My father nodded his head indifferently, which was a greeting. Then, he glanced out of the pool and swept the valley.

There were no poisonous insects all over the place. My father was not shocked. But when he found out that I was there, he was surprised. Then, he stood up from the rock and asked me, "Arlo, how did you come?"

Look at my dad. He seems to have no idea what happened just now. He is really devoted to practicing kung fu. He really forgets himself and ignores everything.

I can't help it. I have to tell you why I came here from the provincial capital. Sun Yihan brought us to the canyon by his sensing ability. He said that all the poisonous insects were afraid of me. He also said that I killed the insect king and solved the pest crisis.

When my father heard that I killed the insect emperor, he was not as shocked as sun Xiangru and others. He just fell into deep meditation. It seemed that this incident brought back some memories of him.

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