Sun Xiangru and others were shocked when they heard about this. Wanma, an active element, came up to my father and said, "ghost king, you haven't seen it. Su Luo is so powerful. His roar can shake off the poisonous insects climbing all over the mountain. His foot is even more shaking and trampling the insect emperor to death. It's too aggressive!"

As soon as Wan Ma finished speaking, sun Xiangru could not help speaking and praising me to my father: "ghost king, I think your son is really promising. He seems to have an invisible King's demeanor. When the insect emperor meets him, he wilts and even dares to resist. This is too unthinkable!"

Others could not help but agree, saying that I have created a miracle, and I am destined to become a master in the future.

They boasted of me, but my father still didn't care. He was just immersed in his memory, feeling that he was not surprised that I could kill the insect emperor and drink back thousands of poisonous insects by myself. My father seems to know a little about this strange phenomenon that I can't even think about. However, he didn't show any signs. He was silent and thinking in his own world.

After a long time, my father suddenly regained his consciousness. Then, he jumped over the pool more than ten meters away and came to me.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but marvel. My father looked like a haggard old man, but his strength was still unfathomable. He had reached the peak, just like he had lightness skill. As soon as he came to me, he asked me in a deep voice: "how can black Luocha let you break into Miao territory? Don't you encounter any obstacles on the way?"

Obviously, my father has no longer tangled with the poisonous insects, as if it was a trivial matter, which is not worth mentioning. Now he is still concerned about my problem. He is strange that how can I break into the dragon pond and tiger den? You know, even if there are no poisonous insects, this place is close to the black Luocha's nest. When I come here, it is almost as if I have arrived at the gate of red cherry blossom It shows that I have broken through the red cherry blossom's defense line and penetrated into their interior, which has obviously violated the dignity of blood cherry blossom.

According to the law, it is impossible for me to let me call my own door. Therefore, not only my father, but also sun Xiangru and others are very curious about this issue. After my father asked, sun Xiangru and Han Yimo also crossed the pool and came to me. And thousands of troops, relying on the sky to kill dragons, they estimated that they were haggard. They did not have the strength to jump so far. Fortunately, the water in the pool was not deep and had not reached the chest position, so they directly ran into the pool and came over.

After they all gathered around me, their eyes were all staring at me, full of doubts and perplexity.

I know that they fought all the way, but also experienced many crises. It was not easy for them to resolve the crisis of bloody cherry blossom. Finally, they fell into the hands of black Luocha. Therefore, they could not understand how I could get here safely.

I didn't hide it. I explained frankly: "there were several obstacles. However, they were all dissolved by us, and we also killed the main force of thousands of people, such as blood rose and poisonous rose

In a word, shocked four, startled sun Xiangru and others were instantly stunned. It can be said, since I appeared, I have repeatedly let Sun Xiangru and other people by surprise. I seem to be a miracle, creating an extraordinary Road, who can imagine. I used to be a drag on oil, let my father worry about the little fart child, unexpectedly can grow up to this point.

This time, they really realized that I had the ability to be on my own, and my wings had really grown out. They all saw my extraordinary.

Even my father, after listening to what I said, was completely shocked. Before, my father was not surprised that I killed the insect emperor. But now, hearing that I broke through the trap of blood cherry blossom and killed the main force of blood cherry blossom, my father finally had a reaction, and the reaction was very big. His originally godless eyes were full of surprise, and his whole person was stunned.

After a long time, my father suddenly showed a smile. He looked at me as if with light, he was very surprised to look at me, heroic said: "good, good, my son finally grew up!"

When he said this, my father's voice was full of excitement. He was happy for me, proud of me, proud of me. His joy was beyond words. The decadence and depression that haunted my father just now disappeared. It seemed that in such a moment, his face became radiant, and his passion and bravery could not help showing. So my dad is really happy.

Perhaps, for my father, I killed the insect emperor and drove away the poisonous insects because I had a special constitution that others did not have, which could not reflect my personal ability. However, it is not the same now. What I am talking about now is that the bloody cherry blossom is the most powerful organization in China. I even use my own ability to cut all the way through the barrier of bloody cherry blossom and exterminate it The main force of red cherry blossom. What a difficult thing it is. It really shows my ability.

Therefore, my father is no longer hiding the feelings of the bottom of his heart, he smiles, really happy, he is sincere praise me. My father used to boast about me occasionally, but it was all encouragement and encouragement for me. In his eyes, I would never grow up. He would encourage me to grow up by praising me. It can be said that his praise of me at the beginning was perfunctory. No matter how I changed, he didn't really recognize me. He just took me as a fragile glass, always holding it in his palm, and he didn't dare to let me take risks. This time, he came quietly without saying hello to the bloody cherry blossom. He felt that I couldn't help him and he didn't look up to me The power of.At the moment, I completely broke my father's concept, he finally said that I grew up, he finally felt that I had the ability from the bottom of his heart, and he finally appreciated me without any disguise.

Getting my dad's approval, I'm happier than anything. I've worked so hard and struggled for so long. I finally let my father see my growth, and finally got his sincere praise. For me, more than ten thousand people respect, more than countless glory, all want to come freely, unconsciously, my face also appeared a deep smile, my heart, is swing open the waves of happiness.

When I was giggling, my dad suddenly patted me on the shoulder and said, "let's go!"

Smell speech, I suddenly a shock, inexplicable stare at my father, doubt asked: "where to?"

My father immediately stepped forward and made a bold voice as he walked: "settle accounts with black Luocha and Yang Tieqing!"

At this moment, my father's brilliance was ignited again. His voice was so vigorous and powerful, his steps were so steady and vigorous. His whole body radiated the light of self-confidence, and he recovered his original appearance.

The other people present were also affected by my father's momentum. Immediately, they were all shocked and quickly followed my father's steps.

There are only seven people left in the once invincible team, but their momentum is still determined by the heaven. The seven of them are worth thousands of troops and have an irresistible momentum. It's daunting.

I look at their back, which is full of gas. I can't help but feel more excited. It's both gratifying and exciting. Just a moment ago, they were still lonely on the boulder, depressed and gloomy. Now, in a twinkling of an eye, they have changed into individuals, becoming so lofty and magnificent. This really makes me very happy, at the same time, I am very, very excited, because, I am going to fight with them against the black Rocha.

Thinking of this, I quickly stepped forward to keep up with my father.

A group of eight of us quickly shuttled through the valley. The air in the valley was still cold, but it was neither gloomy nor terrifying. None of those terrible poisonous insects disappeared. We walked all the way, completely unimpeded.

Soon, we went out of the valley and into the canyon outside.

As soon as we get to the canyon, we can see that a vast group of people are rushing towards this side. They are extremely large, and their momentum is brilliant, and their pace is even more hasty. When my father and I walked out, a loud and clear voice burst out of their group immediately: "the boss is coming out!"

Obviously, this extraordinary group of people, that is my brother, with the sound of that loud and clear voice, immediately, the vast front of the team will be like the rising tide of the sea, surging, all people are excited to rush towards me.

I went ahead, met the brothers, and asked, "how did you get down?"

Hear my question, many brothers just like birds, chirp to answer me, they you a word I a word, almost everyone is excited to tell me. It's a pity that they are so numerous and their voices are so confused that I can't hear them at all.

Finally, Qiqi came up to me and explained in a loud voice in my ear: "we saw the poisonous insects on the top and disappeared in an instant, so we made sure that the crisis of the poisonous insects was relieved. However, you have not come out all the time, and we are worried that you have been ambushed by black Luocha. Therefore, we just ran down to see how you are. It's good to see you now, and everyone is very happy. "

Qiqi's tone is full of excitement, and her voice is a little shaken. For my safe return, my brothers are all excited and confused. Even Qiqi, who has always been calm, has not concealed her excitement. Even her eyes are red now. It can be seen that she is very concerned about my safety. Worry about me all the time.

I looked at Kiki deeply and said softly, "I said I would be OK!"

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