The moment we saw the stockade, all of us stopped. It covers a very large area, just like a huge military camp. There are many wooden houses in the stockade. Even when it's time to cook, there are cooking smoke from the top of many houses. It seems that ordinary people are cooking. Moreover, we can hear the crowing of chickens and the barking of dogs It seems that, as usual, there are ordinary people living in the village.

We don't think Hei Luocha doesn't know our existence, but she doesn't give any abnormal signs. She is really a mystery. The more unpredictable, the more terrifying.

We can all feel that behind the calm, there must be unknown storms. Therefore, at this moment, we were all worried. Our faces were dignified and our brows were tight. My father, the leader, was relatively calm. He had a kind of temperament that he was not afraid of the weather. Even if the atmosphere of the stockade was normal and strange, my father didn't care. He just said calmly, "go!"

With my dad's order, we all started to move forward again.

There is only one road to the stockade, which is paved by pebbles. Walking on it seems that we can enjoy foot massage and make our bodies comfortable after a long journey. However, our hearts are always heavy. Every step we take, we only feel one step closer to the abyss of hell. That kind of quiet fear erodes US invisibly. Our team is just like this It was shrouded in the dark wind, and everyone revealed a gloomy color.

My dad and I were at the top of the line, and the rest of us followed us in an orderly way, rows and rows of people, unstoppable. Of course, under the appearance of majestic, it is our cautious and uneasy heart. We are walking cautiously and constantly approaching the stockade.

The entrance of the stockade is a large gate frame made of wood. Just like the city gate, there is a row of characters on the top of the door frame. However, it seems to be Miao language. I can't understand what it means.

However, on a stone tablet standing outside the gate of the village, it was engraved with Chinese characters. When we approached, the words on the stone tablet immediately came into our eyes, and we could see that it read: "no personnel of the surname Su are allowed to enter the village."

At the moment of seeing these words, my father and I almost stopped at the same time and didn't get close to them. The other brothers also stopped and did not move forward. Our mighty brigade stood at the door of black Luosha.

At this moment, I seemed to freeze the frame, staring at the eight characters. The literal meaning is easy to understand, that is, the surname Su can not enter the stockade. But I actually from this word between the lines, feel black Luocha to my father extreme hatred, hate to the bone marrow. She carved this hatred on the stone tablet without concealment. Even, all the people with the surname Su were on the blacklist of black Luocha. She put the stone tablet at the entrance of the stockade, which was obviously a sign to all the people in and out of the village. Her black Luocha and Su were irreconcilable. With hair standing on end,

is as like as two peas. Its implication seems to be that this place will become the burial place of the people surnamed su. When the tombstone is set up and the pit is dug, we will jump in.

Thinking of this, my heart couldn't help shaking. Originally, I couldn't figure out why there was no movement in heiluocha. She didn't come out of the mountain to deal with us or set up obstacles on the road. All these are too abnormal. Abnormal let me guess black Luocha's mind.

However, at this moment, I suddenly understood that the reason why heiluocha did not act was to wait for us to come. She seemed to have prepared a grand banquet of conspiracy in her nest. Once we were hooked, she would bury us all here. Let's go back to the scene.

Unconsciously, I felt cold all over my body. The chill pierced into every pore of my body. I didn't dare to think about it any more. I quickly turned to ask my father, "what should I do?"

My father was completely deaf to my question, as if he had not heard it. His eyes were fixed on the words on the tombstone, and there were thousands of stories in his eyes. He felt that he felt this more deeply than I did. What he saw was not only the hatred of black Luocha, but also the plot and trap. He seemed to have been recalled and touched the heartstrings.

After a long time, my father finally moved his sight away from the stone tablet and looked up to the big stockade in front of him. Then, he spoke slowly and made a heavy voice: "we'd better not go in and call them out!"

My father's tone is full of unspeakable feelings. Obviously, it's not his pleasure to quarrel with black Luocha. How to say, he had been the favor of black Luocha, and was deeply loved by black Luocha, he used the feelings and strength of black Luocha, and finally abandoned her mercilessly. Therefore, my father has always felt guilty for her. If it was not the last resort, my father would never take anyone to attack here.

My father lived in this stockade for a period of time. He must know that there are many ordinary people here besides the people in heiluocha. If they are attacked inside, innocent people will surely be harmed. This is not what my father would like to see.

I also know that, no matter what the reason, we should not harm the innocent people and destroy the families of ordinary people. Therefore, I did not want to fight in. After a pause, I nodded to my father and said, "OK!"As soon as the voice dropped, I stepped forward. Standing at the forefront of our team, I straightened my chest, faced the gate of the stockade, and yelled: "black Luocha, you come out for me!"

The voice was deafening and earth shaking. I almost roared out all the momentum in my body. I wanted to strengthen my confidence through this roar. I also wanted to boost the morale of my team through this roar. What's more, I wanted to stimulate the black Luocha through this roar.

No matter what intrigues the black Luocha has set up, I believe that as long as she stands up and faces us head-on, we will not be afraid of her. I have hundreds of elites here, and my father, the king of ghosts, who can't be defeated. If the main force of the black Luocha is destroyed, the remaining forces will certainly not be strong. If we fight openly and honestly, we will have absolute confidence.

However, it seems that Hei Luocha didn't want to fight with us, because my roar didn't work at all. In the end, a woman who passed by the village gate complained to us: "what's the noise?"

After saying that, she ignored us and left. It seems that my army has no deterrent power at all, and is ignored directly by the people in this stronghold.

I didn't expect that even ordinary people in her stronghold are so crazy that they can ignore such a huge team as us.

This time, I feel more and more strange, as if everything here is unusual, an ordinary person can not be so confident, since they can not care about us, it shows that they must have expected that we will come. In other words, the black Luocha has been fully prepared, but we are all here now, but she does not come out. This makes me feel that her ambush trap is in the stockade, and she wrote on the stone tablet that the personnel with the surname Su are not allowed to enter. Maybe it is the method of encouraging us to enter and enter her trap. Her ultimate goal may be to make the village a tomb for us, and the stone tablet at the gate of the village is our tombstone.

Of course, these are just my guesses. For such a enigmatic figure as Hei Luocha, I may not be able to guess her real mind.

While I was dreaming, my father suddenly walked forward and came to my side. Then, with his eyes full of coagulant elements, he gave a startling roar at the stockade: "black Luocha, Yang Tieqing, I'm here, you come out!"

Compared with my voice, my father's voice is more powerful. As soon as he opens his mouth, he feels that the sky and the earth are changing. The sky over the stockade is shaking with my father's roar. The chickens and dogs in the stockade are scared to stop barking. It seems that even the animals are feeling the crisis, but there is still no movement in the stockade people.

Finally, the big army behind me was in a commotion, and all the brothers could not bear it. In their opinion, the black Luocha was too arrogant to come out. Some people thought that the black Luocha was too arrogant and even ignored the ghost king. Therefore, they could not bear it. They yelled in one after another, shouting higher and higher, showing the strongest fighting intention of the brothers.

My father turned a deaf ear to my brothers' clamor. However, his momentum was getting stronger and stronger. At that moment, he suddenly clenched his fist and roared up to the sky: "come out of here!"

A roar, like a tsunami, shook the sky and the earth, the entire huge village seems to have suffered the earthquake, the earth seems to shake. We're in it and we just feel dizzy.

As the sound of my dad's roar faded, finally. Inside the stockade came the sound of a group of people running in order.

Soon, we saw that more than a dozen men in black ran out of the stockade and waited outside the village gate.

These are masters of great strength at first sight, but they are very small compared with our army. Obviously, they are here not to fight with us, but to greet someone.

Sure enough, when these people were in line. A tall figure came out of the stockade.

At the moment I saw him, my heart suddenly raised. I couldn't help but see a cold light in my eyes. I can't help but know this person. I can't remember what he did to me at the beginning. He is my old enemy, Wu Tianhao

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