At the moment, Wu Tianhao has not changed at all. He is still dressed in a suit of clothes and shoes, dressed like a dog and a hypocrite. As soon as he appeared, he pulled the corners of his mouth and said to us mysteriously, "you are here at last!"

Listening to his tone, he seemed to be waiting for us here, which more and more confirmed my idea. I couldn't help but believe that Hei Luosha is here waiting for us to take the bait, just. Isn't the ambush she set up in the stockade? Why did Wu Tianhao come out again?

I don't know. I don't know what the black Luocha means. She is so unpredictable. Even Wu Tianhao in front of her is also an enigmatic gesture. He is filled with a breath of insight, which is most unbearable. It is his words, full of deep disdain for us.

This Wu Tianhao is the same thing. If he despises me, it's better. After all, I'm a younger generation, but he is still so frivolous in the face of my father, you know. He used to be just a driver of my father. Now, he not only betrays my father, but also dares to despise my father, which is really hateful.

Even if my father could bear it no longer, he couldn't stand such a mean person. His eyes flashed with cold light, and his voice was extremely cold: "Wu Tianhao, you traitor, dare to appear in front of me!"

When I said this, my father had already burst out killing intention. Obviously, his hatred for Wu Tianhao was not weak. No matter how, Wu Tianhao was also a traitor. What my father couldn't stand was betrayal. Especially, the traitor also revealed a haughty air at the moment, which made my father unbearable.

However, Wu Tianhao still keeps his calm attitude. He is not afraid of my father at all. He also looks as if he is taking it for granted. In the face of my father's anger, he just casually replies: "I didn't betray you. I was originally a person of Yang Tieqing, and I have always been!"

As soon as I heard Yang Tieqing, my father's face suddenly changed. For a moment, all his anger seemed to turn to Uncle Yang. He didn't want to talk nonsense with Wu Tianhao any more, and said directly, "call your master Yang Tieqing out!"

My father's voice doesn't sound emotional, but that sentence of your master is full of irony. He slapped Wu Tianhao heavily. Obviously, in my father's eyes, no matter how arrogant Wu Tianhao is, he is just a dog. My dad doesn't want to talk to the dog. He just wants to find his real enemy, uncle Yang.

But Wu Tianhao, he seems to care nothing about my father's ridicule, his face is still that cheap, even, he also sneer, then Yin and Yang strange way: "sorry, Su ye, he is not here!"

His tone, really want to beat, standing on the side of me, have a kind of impulse to hit him, not to mention my father, suddenly, my father's momentum suddenly came out.

With fierce momentum, my father roared at Wu Tianhao: "do you want to die?"

My father got angry. Although he didn't care to talk to Wu Tianhao, he was so perfunctory about Uncle Yang. It was difficult for my father to be angry. We all came here to find black Luocha and uncle Yang. But now, Wu Tianhao says that uncle Yang is not here, and my father certainly won't believe his lies. My father should know Yang Shu and Hei Luocha very well. He knows that they are not people who shrink back from the battle. In particular, this is the home of black Luocha. And black Luocha and uncle Yang have been trying to deal with my father. Or, they are waiting for my father to come to the door. How could they leave here?

Wu Tianhao made fun of my father on this issue, which was to make an attack on Tai Sui's head. He completely angered my father. This time, my father really killed Wu Tianhao. It felt that if Wu Tianhao said a half empty word, he would die without a burial place.

But even so, Wu Tianhao is still full of confidence. He is not afraid of my father from the beginning to the end. Even if he violates my father's dignity, he doesn't care. All of a sudden, he held his head high. He took a step forward. Then, he sorted out his tie, looked at my father with pride, and said confidently, "I don't want to die. You dare not kill me!"

This also highlights Wu Tianhao's confidence. It seems that he is invincible in the world with a few soldiers and crabs. Even in the face of our thousands of troops, he is not afraid at all and dare to challenge my angry father.

As a matter of fact, everyone knows that Wu Tianhao dare to act boldly, not because his strength is so strong, but because he is relying on him. Because the position he is standing in is the nest of black Luocha, and he has someone to support him behind, so he dare to be so arrogant.

However, my dad's intention to kill has completely broken out. He doesn't care where this is and why Wu Tianhao has confidence. He only knows that the dog who didn't pay attention to him should be damned.

Almost as soon as Wu Tianhao's voice dropped, my father yelled: "I want to die!"

With this roar, my father swept to Wu Tianhao like a whirlwind.

But just as soon as my father started, Wu Tianhao said in a hurry: "kill me and you won't see the leader!"

When Wu Tianhao finished his speech, my father's figure had reached him and was about to make a move, but he heard this. My dad's action stopped suddenly, and his face suddenly solidified. Then, he looked at Wu Tianhao fiercely and said in a deep voice, "what do you mean?"Seeing my father like this, Wu Tianhao's face suddenly showed a sense of satisfaction. It seems that he used his own strength to suppress the ghost king, which is a very proud thing.

He left his hands behind him, then pulled the corners of his mouth and said haughtily, "because I stay in this stockade to show you the way. Don't you want to see the leader and Lao Yang? They're waiting for you somewhere else! "

Hearing Wu Tianhao's words, my heart suddenly shakes. My brain, as if instantly opened, entangled with my doubts, was finally solved at this moment.

I finally understood why there was no obstacle along the way. Why did we make a lot of noise in front of the gate of the stockade, but the people inside were still indifferent. Originally, they were not here at all. They were waiting for my father in other places. Does this not mean that the trap set up by heiluocha is not in the stockade, but in another place? And that's where black Rocha is waiting for us?

Is Wu Tianhao's words credible? What if he lied to us?

In this regard, my father is also very cautious, he did not believe Wu Tianhao's words completely, only said in a cold voice: "where?"

In the face of my father's doubts, Wu Tianhao suddenly gave a mysterious smile. Then, he swept past my father and walked straight ahead, saying: "you come with me, I'll take you there!"

Of course, Wu Tianhao didn't go to the stockade, but to the layman. He passed my father and passed me by. The dozen men in black immediately followed Wu Tianhao's footsteps.

I didn't stop Wu Tianhao, but went to my father and cautiously said to him, "Dad, what kind of plot is that black Luocha playing?"

To be honest, I don't know whether to believe Wu Tianhao or not. If what he said is true, is black Luocha holding a Hongmen banquet for us. Should we go to the banquet?

Up to now, I still feel that I can't understand the black widow's routine, and my father, he did not make a rash decision. He did not respond to my questions. He just kept weighing Wu Tianhao's words.

At this moment, all of us stood still and did not move. After all, we really had a hard time getting to the gate of heiluocha's house. We could not follow Wu Tianhao because of his words. It's a big deal. I can't make a decision. I have to wait for my dad to make a statement.

On the other side, after Wu Tianhao walked for a while, seeing that we had not responded, he couldn't help turning around and mumbling: "Mr. Su, when have you become so timid? What are you worried about? I'm afraid I'll take you into a trap. It's not the same where to set a trap. Why bother to take you there? The leader just doesn't want to be stained with blood at her own door. She has found a good space and is ready to bury all of you! "

After saying this, Wu Tianhao added: "of course, if you don't believe it, just take someone to the stockade!"

Although Wu Tianhao's words are frivolous, they also sound like a general. But it makes sense. Indeed, if the black Luocha really intends to set traps, why not set them on the road we have to go through? Moreover, this is indeed the hometown of heiluocha. She should not want her own home to be infected with bloodbath.

As I pondered, my father had already made a decision. He stepped forward and solemnly said, "go!"

In terms of the experience in the world, my father is much richer than me. It is obviously impossible for Wu Tianhao to play tricks in front of my father. Therefore, since my father has made up his mind, I can't say anything. Immediately, I also follow my father's steps.

My father has always said everything. No one dares to refute his decision. Therefore, we all turned around and prepared to start.

However, grandfather Bai was a little worried. He was also the only one who dared to doubt my father. When everyone obeyed my father unconditionally, he stopped my father directly and said in a low voice, "Qiyao, I'm afraid there is a fraud."

Hearing this, my father shook his head and said seriously: "no, black Luocha is a conceited person. She knows that I have broken through her defense line, and she knows that war can't be avoided. She's not afraid of me. She wants to come. She's ready to fight me to death

When the voice dropped, my father went on. His steps were firm and his words were firm.

Originally, I was full of vigilance to black Luocha, always thought that she would do something conspiracy. Now, hearing my father's words, I suddenly feel that I think too much. Maybe, the black Rocha is not as complicated as I thought. Because I don't know her well, I can't understand her. The more I can't understand her, the more terrible I think she is.

However, for my father, black Luocha is not a mysterious figure. They are old acquaintances. My father should be very familiar with the character of black Luocha. Since my father firmly believes that she has chosen the battlefield and is ready to face us head-on, it should not be wrong.

I believed in my father, so, after he took his steps, I immediately waved my hand and ordered, "keep up

All of a sudden, the whole army of our army was out. Wu Tianhao grinned with satisfaction. Then, he stepped forward again.

My army followed closely. At this moment, my heart was no longer full of doubts and fears, only pride and blood. No matter how confident the black Luocha was, in short, as long as it was a frontal confrontation, I was not afraid. I like such a fair and aboveboard battle. Even though the other side was strong, I could maintain momentum and fight it to the end.Therefore, I am not only not afraid, but also full of expectations for the next challenge of black Luocha. My brother, like me, has high morale and momentum.

But we have not gone a few steps, suddenly, a clear and familiar voice broke through the air: "wait

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