It's a woman's voice. It's not loud, but it's so abrupt that all of us unconsciously stop and look back at the source of the voice.

I saw a graceful figure running out of the stockade in a hurry. Her feet were disordered and her expression was anxious. Her eyes were full of worry.

When I saw her, I was in a daze, and the pride in my heart suddenly stagnated because she was Miaomiao.

Many of my brothers know Miaomiao, so no one stands in her way. He made way for her.

Miaomiao almost ran to my side in one breath, but she didn't come to look for me. As soon as she arrived here, she immediately ran to my father and said to my father anxiously, "Uncle Su, if you really love Arlo, let him go back now. Don't let him follow you, he will die!"

The appearance of Miaomiao made me very surprised. In particular, I hit the nest of bloody cherry blossom, and she even wanted me to go back, which made me unable to understand

I clearly remember that when I first encountered the poisonous conspiracy of bloody cherry blossom, Miaomiao appeared. At that time, she specially advised me to go back, saying that I must not fight the bloody cherry blossom and never die.

However, I killed morphine in front of her, and I broke through the obstacles of red cherry blossom, destroyed its main force, and even rescued my father. I think all these can prove that I have strength at least. I am not as vulnerable as she thought.

But how can I think that in the end, Miaomiao would even come out to stop me. Of course, she may know that she can't persuade me, so she directly persuaded my father.

At first, my father certainly didn't want me to take risks. He was more worried about my safety than anyone else. Because of this, he took advantage of my training in the dark moon hall and led the team to the blood Butterfly nest. Moreover, when he was trapped, he wrote to grandfather Bai to let him take me to hide.

However, from the moment I rescued my father, my father's idea changed completely. He really saw my ability. He thought that when I grew up, he would like to fight with me against the enemy. But now, Miaomiao suddenly ran out and said such a word to him, which shocked my father instantly and could not help asking, "what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Miaomiao can't wait to say: "the leader wants to kill him. If he goes, he will die!"

Miaomiao's tone is very anxious. My father frowned when he heard it. It seems that he has taken this matter seriously. After all, if there were no special circumstances, Miaomiao couldn't be so excited, or, if there was no absolute assurance, Miaomiao would not say so sure. My father cared about my safety and would certainly attach importance to it. However, Miaomiao was ultimately the child of Uncle Yang, and my father could not completely believe her words. Therefore, for a while, my father fell into meditation. There was no statement.

At this time, I stood up and said with displeasure to Miaomiao language: "if black Luocha wants to kill me, I have to see if I have this ability!"

I don't mean to be arrogant, but to Miao Miao. I just want to let her know that my strength is not weak. She doesn't have to look down on me again and again. Although I know that she is good for me and worried about my accident, she always advises me. But I just don't like her denying my ability.

Suddenly, Miaomiao heard my voice and became more and more anxious. She turned to me and said, "Suluo, I'm not kidding. What I said is true. This time, the leader's main target is you. If she really wanted to kill your father, your father would have died. She wanted to use you to torture your father. Now, you have violated her dignity again and again. She is determined to want you to die. She has been absolutely prepared to take your life in front of your father. You used to seek your own death! "

When she said this, Miaomiao's speed was very fast and her voice was very loud. She seemed helpless and urgent. She almost cried out all her inner feelings.

This kind of Miaomiao is definitely not a disguise. Her eyes are transparent. It's pure worry and anxiety. Therefore, my father can't help but believe what Miaomiao said. He thought black Luocha was in an open space, waiting to face him head-on, but now listening to Miaomiao's words, my father seems to be wavering. He realizes that things are not as he thinks Simple.

As a result, when I was preparing to refute Miaomiao, my father suddenly looked at me and said seriously, "Arlo, do you want to think about it?"

Hearing my father's words, I didn't think about it for half a second. I directly refused him and said, "don't think about it. I won't shrink back. Since I decided to come to Miao, I've put my life and death aside. Dad, if you really respect me, don't try to persuade me again

I know that although my father affirmed my ability, after all, I was his only son, and he did not dare to risk my life at all. I also know that my father was touched by Miaomiao's words because he said that I was the target of black Luocha. My father himself was not afraid of black Luocha, but he was certainly afraid of black Luocha against me, even more afraid of her to deal with me, So he tried to persuade me.

But when I finally got to this stage, how could I possibly flinch in the face of the battle? I must help my father to sweep away the bloody cherry blossoms. No one can shake my determination. Even though the black luochabu is trapped in the net, I will not hesitate to wait for me.My father saw my determination. He also knew my character. He knew that I had decided something. Nine cows couldn't move me. So he didn't advise me any more. Instead, he turned to Miaomiao and said in a determined tone: "son, I know you mean well, but don't worry. I'll protect Arlo. He will be OK. You can go back first."

After that, my father immediately ordered, "let's go!"

As soon as the order was given, our whole army was out again.

I said goodbye to Miaomiao and immediately followed my father's pace.

Miaomiao couldn't stop us. He could only hiss and yelled: "what I said is true. You should believe me!"

However, what Miaomiao said could not stop us from marching. After we walked for a long time, Miaomiao suddenly uttered a heartrending voice: "Suluo, you are a fool!"

There was despair in the cry, but I didn't look back at her, but I could clearly feel that she cried and she cried for me. It seems that this time, she was 100% sure that I was in danger. She thought that I would die in the hands of black Luocha, so that I would suffer so much. Even if my father was with me, Miaomiao still believed that I would die.

However, the more she is like this, the more I have to prove myself. Even if I know that the road ahead will be more dangerous than I imagined, even if I know that Miaomiao is so sure that I will die. This is not a groundless story, but I can not stop. In any case, I will end up with heiluocha, and I will fight a big battle with my father side by side.

Full of agitation of the heart, I stepped on a powerful step, and kept moving forward, never looking back.

Wu Tianhao and those men in black are still at the forefront, acting as guides and leading our army forward. The dark sky gradually lost the last bit of brightness, becoming more and more dark, and then the moon floating clouds, the whole land, relying on this weak moonlight to illuminate.

We walked in the moonlight with firm steps, but we were also cautious. Although we knew that Wu Tianhao really took us to see black Luocha, we were still afraid of ambush in the middle. Therefore, during the March, we kept a certain distance from Wu Tianhao and kept vigilant at all times.

The night breeze brings out a trace of coolness, but the cool wind can't disperse our blood. All of us are full of passion and strong sense of war.

Half an hour later, at last, we came to an open area. It was like a prairie, but it was surrounded by jungle. Wu Shenghao stopped at the center of the ground

As soon as Wu Tianhao's voice fell, suddenly, there was a sound of crackling in the dark area directly in front of us. Then, the fire blazed everywhere, and countless flames lit up on the flat land in an instant. These were the lights from the fire pot.

as like as two peas of fire pan came out, the vast open space of the fire basin stood by many people. Their dress was completely unified, all black robes, exactly the same as those of Wu Tianhao.

At present, the total number of these black robed soldiers is about 600, which is no less than that of our side. They stand upright and orderly in rows, which is a bit of the style of the ancient army. It is irresistible at a glance.

No wonder the black Luocha is so confident. It turns out that she is really ready for the army to stand in this battle, and their momentum is really frightening. Their whole bodies are wrapped in black, and their faces appear and disappear in the flickering fire light. They look terrible and frightening, just like hell's death.

Seeing this scene, we all stopped at once, arranged a battle, and formed a confrontation with each other.

Wu Tianhao and others, who led the way, walked into the crowd without a sound. Then, they integrated into their team and drowned in the crowd.

The scene is still for a moment. The picture is fixed on the open land surrounded by the jungle. On the huge ground, there are braziers burning flames. There are two huge teams in the front of our team. My father and I are standing in the front of the team. The other team is like a bean curd, which is a square team without leaders.

But in a flash, the bean curd was suddenly cut off from the middle, and the soldiers in black suddenly scattered on both sides, leaving a road in the middle.

Then, a figure came out slowly from the road. The man was dressed very formally and meticulously. He looked like the chairman of a company. All over his body, he was haunted by the temperament of a businessman. However, such a person had a distinctive momentum. Under the appearance of his businessman temperament, it seemed that he was full of the power against the heaven, and his feet were not anxious or angry Step, more like a thousand pounds of force, the grass was his step in the general depression.

As soon as he appeared, the Black Legion became a foil, and all the brilliance was focused on him. Under the salute of all the black robed soldiers, he finally walked out of the crowd, and then, he stood in the front of the whole team, leading the way.

The firelight shot at his face, let me see his face clearly, this face is so familiar, but at the moment, I feel strange, this familiar and strange person, is the person who raised me up and treated me like a son, uncle Yang, Yang Tieqing

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