Uncle Yang has not changed. His appearance and temperament are the same as at the beginning. However, his feeling in my heart has changed. Up to now, I can't see him completely, let alone what he is thinking. At this moment, I just feel that there are five flavors in my heart.

However, uncle Yang didn't look at me at all since he came out. It can be said that he ignored all the people in the audience. He just stared at my father with his deep eyes. Then, in the silent night sky, uncle Yang's voice sounded: "Sugo, you're here!"

With the sound of Su Ge, Yang Shu called very naturally, as if they were still very close brothers. From Uncle Yang's tone, he could not feel his hatred for my father at all. He didn't exude a sense of war. It seemed that he was really greeting an old friend.

It was because Uncle Yang's tone was so soft that the atmosphere of the scene suddenly eased a little. Without that kind of sword drawing and crossbow stretching, the two armies just stood upright in the same place as a puppet man.

As our commander-in-chief, my father has been searching for uncle Yang and hated him to the core. But now, when he finally saw Uncle Yang, he didn't show any anger. In other words, he was suppressing his emotions. Outsiders could not see that he had expression fluctuations. He always maintained his unpredictable image, his turbid eyes, one He stares at Uncle Yang as if to see through uncle Yang.

After a long pause, my father spoke leisurely and calmly said, "Tieqing, give me an explanation!"

Smell speech, Yang uncle can't help shriveled mouth, relaxed said: "explain what?"

Obviously, my father asked why Uncle Yang had betrayed him, but Uncle Lin's rhetorical question was like he didn't know what had happened. He felt that uncle Yang didn't care about the betrayal at all. In other words, he didn't feel that he had betrayed my father at all.

If Wu Tianhao was the one who said this, my father would certainly be angry. However, for uncle Yang, my father could always bear it. Maybe it was the deep love between their brothers. Maybe my father just wanted to get the reason. Before he knew the reason of his betrayal, my father would not break out easily. Even if he felt hurt again, my father would bear it.

However, the feeling of patience is irritable. Compared with my good brother in the past, he is more worried. In order to relieve the boredom in his heart, my father didn't immediately answer uncle Yang. Instead, he asked me, "is there any smoke?"

I didn't carry a cigarette, so I quickly asked for a cigarette from my brother. Then, I put the cigarette in my father's mouth and lit it for him.

My father smoked a few cigarettes quietly, silent for a long time, he continued to speak: "talk about you and Jingwen matter!"

Jingwen, of course, is my mother Ye Jingwen.

Every time I mentioned my mother, my father would be full of sadness, and this time, behind my father's calm words, there was not only sadness, but also endless pain.

I finally know why my father suddenly wants to smoke, because only smoking can suppress his pain in his heart. Otherwise, he may not even open the voice. The betrayal of his best brother has been a painful thing for him. Most importantly, it has something to do with the woman he loves.

In my father's eyes, my mother's business is always the biggest thing, and also the last thing he would like to mention. From childhood to adulthood, my father never said more about my mother in front of me. Now, he has to speak in front of thousands of people. It's hard to imagine how he can say it without brewing feelings.

But Uncle Yang, hearing my mother, his expression finally changed. His eyes suddenly filled with a very complex look, as if he combined love and pain together, and more memories lingered in front of him.

Immediately, uncle Yang also took out a cigarette to smoke, deeply smoked two mouthfuls, he just slowly opened a way: "I and Jingwen matter, don't you know at all?"

Hearing this, my father almost did not hesitate to answer: "I don't know!"

Uncle Yang took a deep puff of smoke again. Then, he shook his head, looking helpless and painful. With this bitterness, he narrated leisurely:

"when Jingwen appeared in our army, I saw her at a glance, and later I fell in love with her. However, I never mean to speak. When I finally got up the courage to tell you about it, you told me that you liked Jingwen and you wanted to chase her.

At that moment, I was confused, and my heart burst. I had all kinds of pain, but I couldn't say it. Finally, I could only bury that love in my heart and encourage you to pursue her, because I treat you as a big brother in my heart. I don't want to argue with you, not at all.

However, I never thought that Jingwen at that time had fallen in love with me. We were in love with each other, but I dare not show my love. I can only pretend to be stupid and pretend that I have no idea about her. I have always been your strong backing.

When you were in the army, you were an outstanding representative in every aspect and a model of the soldiers. Jingwen's father, who was our commander at that time, valued you very much. You are relying on the respect of the leader, so regardless of Yan Jie's feelings, directly to the head of your feelings for Jingwen. The chief tacitly agreed that you two could communicate, but he made a condition for you to reorganize the order of the underground world. Without saying a word, you resolutely agreed, and soon retired from the army.You left, of course, I am not good to stay in the army, because I do not know what attitude to face Jingwen, so I also followed the discharge.

Since then, you have chosen the road, I have chosen to go into business. I originally wanted to live a peaceful life like that, but who knows, Jingwen came to me again. She saw that I like her, so she actively encouraged me to go to her home to propose marriage. She always stressed that the person she loved was me, not you.

I'm afraid to destroy the brotherhood between us, I didn't promise her, but Jingwen is a very stubborn person. She said to me that she would never marry you in any case, and asked me to make it clear to you. She said that our brother's relationship was good and that you would understand me.

Jingwen's persistence moved me, I really can't let her go, because I really love her, my love is no less than you, I also know that emotional things can not be forced, you and Jingwen together will not be happy.

So, I'm going to find a chance to talk to you. However, I didn't expect that you who entered the underground world have changed and completely changed. The former Su Qiyao is no longer here. What is more is a myth of the underground world, a frightening ghost king! "

Speaking of this, uncle Yang suddenly stopped, he raised the cigarette in his hand and took a hard puff. I can see that uncle Yang has been immersed in memories. He talked about so many past events like nobody else. All these things were unknown to me before. Uncle Lin never disclosed it to me.

However, at this moment, on the eve of the war, uncle Yang told us all that he had experienced with my parents. His voice was full of bitterness, and his eyes had fallen into deep memories.

At this moment, the huge battlefield, silent, everyone's breath, all become light, the whole scene seems to be filled with a solemn and sad atmosphere.

After taking a deep breath of smoke, uncle Yang continued to speak:

"until then, I really felt your strength. No matter whether it was because of love, your bloodiness was completely revealed, which made me feel terrible. It also made me fully understand that your love for Jingwen is not so simple on the surface, you are very persistent, and you have paid for her till death Everything. If I had told you about Jingwen and me at that time, I think that we would not only be unable to do it as brothers, but also would fight against each other. I didn't want to be like this, so I quit completely.

In order to let Jingwen die for me, I hurt her heartlessly and said a lot of unfeeling words. In order to make her believe, I still bring all kinds of women to my side every day, just to let her have no fantasy about me.

Those days, is my most painful time, I almost lost myself, just to let Jingwen die, later, she really despair, did not look for me.

And you, through several years of hard work, have created a different myth, reorganized the order of the underground world, and completed the task assigned to you by the leader. Therefore, you retired from the Jianghu and handed over a perfect answer to the Ye family. The Ye family also fulfilled the promise of that year and allowed you to be with Jingwen.

However, the object you want to contact is Jingwen, not her family. If her family agrees with you, can you be together?

You are wrong. You are wrong from the beginning. You don't know what Jingwen wants, let alone understand her. You just try to conquer the Ye family and let the Ye family admit you, but you don't know how to capture her heart. You spent several years on that road, and you missed the best time.

So, after you retire, no matter how hard you try and how good you are to Jingwen, you can't move her. You don't understand love, and you never think about your own reasons. You just think that Jingwen dislikes you and your life experience is not good. You are not convinced and disobey your life, so you take advantage of the drunkenness and forcibly give her to XX! "

At this point, uncle Yang's voice choked. Perhaps, this incident touched the most extreme pain in Uncle Yang's heart. Those who made him calm like this could not restrain their sadness and emotion.

At the moment, uncle Yang's eyes are very red and red. Even his eyes are wet. His eyes are like the cigarette ends in his hands. The two kinds of light reflect each other, making Lin Shu more and more desolate.

All the people on the scene were completely shocked by Uncle Yang's words, but also by his emotions. The field was dead and silent. No one made any comments. Everyone looked at them in silence.

In particular, I was shocked to the point that I was almost out of my wits. My heart was shaken for a long time, and my emotions wrapped around me like silk. I really didn't expect that the story between my father, my mother and uncle Yang would be like this.

I used to want to know about my mother for countless times, but my father didn't tell me. The only thing he said was that he was sorry for my mother and I, saying that he was forced to have a relationship with my mother before giving birth to me.

Although my father said this, I was still young, but I always remember vividly. I know that my father is guilty to my mother. However, I don't know that the story in the middle is so tortuous. My father is so crazy about my mother. He was really for my mother. He would take the initiative to retire from the army when he was at the peak of his life, and devoted himself to the ground for my mother The next world, finally for my mother, gave up the position of underground emperor.

Because of my mother, my father's life trajectory changed and changed, but in the end, he still hurt many people, especially uncle Yang, who has been selflessly loving my mother, but finally suffered unspeakable pain.Uncle Yang's pain was too deep and oppressive, and the whole audience couldn't help breathing.

Time passed silently. After a long time, uncle Yang's cigarette was burned out. Then, he threw away the cigarette end in his hand, then looked at my father and said very strongly: "Sugo, I admit you love Jingwen, but your love is too overbearing!"

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