Love really does harm to people. I feel that my father and uncle Yang have been crazy about love for half their lives. The saddest thing in the world is that the brothers fall in love with the same woman. In particular, in the end, neither of them has got the woman, and the generation of women can't be happy. This is the evil fate that makes my father and uncle Yang become enemies.

However, this long-standing feud is slowly dissolving in Uncle Yang's accusation and my father's confession.

At this moment, the hatred between my father and uncle Yang seemed to have dissipated. They stood quietly in the night wind and looked at each other silently. Their eyes were still very red, but there was no hatred in their eyes.

However, my mother's business is still a stem, is a river, separated in the middle of their two brothers, so that they are difficult to reconcile.

The night became more and more quiet, and the two teams were still facing each other, but the leaders of the two teams, my father and uncle Yang, had no intention of fighting. They looked at each other for a long time and were silent. Finally, my father took the lead in breaking the silence and sincerely said to Uncle t Yang: "Tieqing, no matter how much resentment you have against me, I am willing to accept it, and I am willing to bear it, but It's not now. Today we'd better put down the old grudges for the time being! I admit I was wrong, but you don't have to help the bloody cherry blossom to help the tyranny! I don't want to fight with you, all right

Obviously, my father has given up everything. He doesn't care about Uncle Yang's cheating and betraying him in the past. Because he understands uncle Yang's sufferings, he is willing to accept uncle Yang's punishment. However, he doesn't want uncle yang to be involved in the red cherry blossom team. Tonight, my father just wants to settle the grudge with red cherry blossom, and he doesn't want to be involved in Uncle Yang.

Indeed, although Yang Shu and Miaomiao were in the blood cherry blossom, they didn't really hurt my father and me. My father didn't want to meet Yang Shubing, so I didn't want to. Anyway, he was my adoptive father and Miaomiao's father.

But I didn't expect that, for my father's proposal, Yang Shujing flatly rejected: "no, it's not my intention to deal with you all the time. It's heiluocha who wants to solve the enmity with you, and I have to help her!"

Hearing this, my father's brow suddenly frowned, puzzled way: "why?"

All of a sudden, Yang Shuyang raised his face and looked at the boundless night sky. His eyes became more complicated. His thoughts seemed to stretch very long. In the long melancholy, uncle Yang made an infinitely ethereal voice: "because she is Miaomiao's biological mother!"

Uncle Yang's voice, like smoke, was floating in the air, but it hit people's hearts heavily. It shocked all the people present, especially me. I felt as if I had suffered a heavy bomb, and I became totally destroyed in an instant.

Tonight is destined to be an extraordinary night. The war has not yet started. Just listening to Uncle Yang's dialogue with my father here, I feel like I've been on a roller coaster. Too many surprise shock me, let me suddenly seem to accept.

About my mother, once I was a blank, but now, I know all her stories, and I am shocked by her family background. Unexpectedly, the Ye family is so powerful that even my father is so afraid of them.

You know, at the end of the day, there are no people or things that my father is afraid of. However, he does not dare to offend the Ye family at all. Even because of the Ye family's warning, he dare not even set foot in the capital.

As for the love triangle between my father, my mother and uncle Yang, the emotional relationship is already complex enough, but it turns out that the fact is much more complicated than I imagined. This is actually a four corner love that can't be explained clearly.

Black Luocha loved my father, my father loved my mother, and my mother loved uncle Yang. Finally, uncle Yang and black Luocha got together again. Even with their crystallization, I was surprised that their child was Miaomiao.

No wonder Miaomiao ran away from home, suddenly into the blood cherry blossom, can do whatever he wants in the blood cherry blossom. It turns out that she is the biological daughter of heiluocha.

But it's unscientific at all. Yang Shu loves my mother, while Hei Luocha loves my father, and they are both devoted to love. According to reason, Yang Shu and Hei Luocha can't have any feelings. How did they get together and give birth to a daughter?

Moreover, Miaomiao is one year older than me, although it is calculated by month. She was a few months older than me, but she was still born earlier than me. So, before my father and my mother had sex, uncle Yang had already had sex with the black widow. It was just too chaotic. The more I thought about it, the more confused I felt, the more my brain would explode.

At the scene, the person who was more shocked than me was my father. Uncle Yang was my father's best brother, and black Luocha was my father's admirer. Both of them had a lot of relationship with my father. But now, these two people suddenly became a pair. Where my father reacted, he became silent.

Once again, the audience fell into absolute silence, and in the silence, a figure appeared slowly in the night. This person is the daughter of Uncle Yang and heiluosha, Miaomiao.

At this time, Miaomiao is passing by our army and walking towards uncle Yang. It seems that she has heard uncle Yang's words. Her steps are very slow and heavy. After a long time, she came to Uncle Yang and said in a hoarse voice, "Dad, is that true?"Obviously, before that, Miaomiao didn't know her mother was heiluocha, so now she would be shocked like a walking corpse.

Seeing such blossoms, uncle Yang's eyebrows could not help but frown. However, since he said this in front of thousands of people in the audience, he didn't intend to hide it. So he directly threw the cigarette end in his hand. Then, he reached out and touched Miaomiao's head and said kindly, "really, it's time for you to know the truth."

Hearing uncle Yang's affirmative reply, Miaomiao's tears filled her eyes in an instant and then slipped down. She did not restrain her sadness. Her expression was full of tangles and pains. As if, for his mother is black Luocha, Miaomiao only feel pain. She looked at Uncle Yang in despair and said sadly, "what's going on here?"

Miaomiao's doubts are also the doubts of the whole audience. No one can really understand that uncle Yang and heiluocha should come together. At this moment, almost all the eyes of the audience were staring at Uncle Yang, waiting for uncle Yang's answer.

Facing the attention of the audience, uncle Yang is not in a hurry. He just looks at Miaomiao with complicated eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, uncle Yang finally opened his voice and explained the cause and effect of the matter.

It turns out that Yang Shu and Hei Luocha did not have any feelings at all. They were able to get to know each other because of the middleman, my father Su Qiyao.

At that time, my father gave up his position for my mother, retired from the world and pursued my mother wholeheartedly. He hurt uncle Yang unconsciously. At the same time, it is clearly hurt the black Luocha.

Hei Luosha accompanied my father to fight all over the world and gave everything to my father. She certainly hated her. She wanted to revenge my father at the first time. However, she didn't choose to hurt my father, but hurt herself. She went to my father's best brother, uncle Yang, in order to achieve her own report Complex behavior.

At that time, uncle Yang was in the most depressed mood. He hurt his beloved woman and pushed my mother away completely. When my father retired from the world, he still watched my father pursue my mother. The pain was even more difficult to say. He could not complain about his sufferings. He could only use wine to drown his worries.

That is to say, when Uncle Yang's soul was most fragile and depressed, black Luocha suddenly appeared. They became drinking friends and told each other their heartfelt feelings. When two people in the same situation were together, they could find common emotional pain. Therefore, when they chatted, they talked deeply, and at the same time, they drank too much.

The role of alcohol, coupled with emotional compassion, made them unable to stop, and eventually had a one night stand. Of course, there was no love between them at all. There was only dog blood, a kind of emotional dog blood plot.

Through this night's relationship, uncle Yang and black Luocha have changed. Uncle Yang tried to cut off the past emotional distress and learn to put it down completely. Even black Luocha seemed to ease the pain in her heart. She did not choose to continue revenge, but left alone.

After that, uncle Yang's life was peaceful again. Originally, uncle Yang has slowly opened his mind, just like to live a peaceful life, but who thought, after one thing after another, constantly impact on Uncle Yang.

First, my father forced a relationship with my mother, and then my mother gave birth to me and became insane, and was picked up by the Ye family. Finally, my mother disappeared. All these things stimulate uncle Yang severely, and on the other side, black Luocha there, unexpectedly give uncle Yang corresponding stimulation.

After leaving for more than a year, Hei Luocha sent uncle Yang a girl who was a few months old. This little girl, of course, was Miaomiao.

At the same time, uncle Lin also found that a new organization, blood cherry blossom, is quietly developing. The leader of this organization is black Luocha.

At that moment, uncle Yang deeply understood that the enmities and enmities between them could never be resolved. The disordered feelings interwoven by him, heiluosha, my father and my mother would definitely cause a battle. He and my father could no longer have pure brotherhood. Uncle Yang was kind-hearted, and he didn't want to be enemies with my father, but he I'm stuck in that knot. I can't get it off.

Now, 20 years later, everything that should come has come. Uncle Yang and black Luocha are on the same front, opposing my father together. This is not what uncle Yang wants. The reality has pushed him here step by step, and he can only follow this route.

After describing the past, uncle Yang couldn't help but breathe out a long breath. He finally revealed the secret that he had buried in his heart for many years. Finally, he could not be oppressed by the inner feelings. He seemed to get rid of it.

However, uncle Yang relaxed, my father and I feel more heavy, my father's eyebrows tightly locked, eyes full of pain. His white hair fluttered gently in the wind, and his figure was completely frozen and motionless.

And I, always like a big stone, too heavy.

Although uncle Yang has explained everything clearly, my mind is still in a mess and has not been eased. I think that my birth is already a tragedy. Unexpectedly, the birth of Miaomiao is just the beginning of the tragedy

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