Unexpectedly, Miaomiao's birth is more dramatic than mine. She is the product of revenge of an era. There is no emotion between her parents. Her arrival is a tragedy. She is more pitiful and miserable than me.

Therefore, at this moment, Miaomiao is almost crazy. Her tears are like the water breaking the dike, which is constantly overflowing. Her sadness is flowing upstream into a river, which is flooding to the extreme.

The atmosphere at the scene became very strange. Everyone's emotions were infected, but no one spoke. Finally, my father broke the silence. He looked at Uncle Yang with his deep eyes and said in a deep voice, "Tieqing, you'd better take Miaomiao and leave, don't get involved in this. You know, I don't want to hurt you. You are a man of conscience, but also a person of general knowledge. Although you and black Luocha have children, you have no feelings. You should also know that heiluocha is no longer an ignorant girl at the beginning. She is completely insane now. The bloody cherry blossom is a cancer of society. If such an organization exists, it is a kind of harm to the country, and I must eradicate it! "

In fact, up to now, not only my father, but all the people in the audience should understand uncle Yang. They know that uncle Yang is not bad in heart. He only opposes my father and forms an alliance with heiluosha just because of some kind of hatred and responsibility. His infatuation and his sense of responsibility have moved everyone. No one is willing to make enemies with such a person.

My father, in particular, attaches great importance to the relationship with Uncle Yang. This is the brotherhood cultivated from childhood to adulthood. How could he have the heart to fight against uncle Yang.

Therefore, my father wants to dissuade uncle Yang. He just wants to aim at black Luocha. After all, black Luocha has really changed. Although my father owes her, it's all before. Now black Luocha is not the simple person at the beginning. She has become a snake and scorpion woman. Her blood cherry blossoms permeate every corner, poisoning human beings and her existence, no matter what It is harmful to the society, to my father, to me, and to my brother. My father certainly will not allow such people to exist.

However, uncle Yang didn't agree with my father. After listening to my father's words, he suddenly led Miaomiao over and pulled her to his side. Then, uncle Yang looked at my father solemnly and said, "brother Su, you don't have to persuade me any more. I will not quit today. I love Jingwen, but I can't do anything for her, which makes my conscience uneasy. However, heiluocha, no matter what, she is Miaomiao's own mother. If she is willing to give birth to a child for me, she is doomed. I can't treat her as a passer-by. I owe her a debt. Therefore, I must help her. Even if she dies, I will have no regrets. "

Uncle Yang's words completely expressed his firm position. He was such a strong minded man that he could be affectionate to any kind of love.

To my father, uncle Yang made the most selfless brotherhood. At the beginning, he gave up his favorite woman for the sake of this brotherhood.

For my mother, uncle Yang is also the biggest infatuation, so many years, uncle Yang always only has this woman in his heart, and because of this woman, he can't be brother with my father any more.

Although uncle Yang had no feelings for the black Luocha, he did his duty. After all, they had a daughter. Uncle Yang could not stand by and watch her.

What's more, it's time to end the feud between right and wrong. Uncle Lin will not leave like this.

Uncle Lin's insistence made my father's eyebrows tighter. Although he knew uncle Yang and his stubbornness, he couldn't bear to fight against uncle Yang. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it. He looked like he wanted to stop talking.

This is the first time I saw my father so tangled and miserable. It's really distressing to see him like this.

Of course, uncle Yang also felt my father's love. Why didn't he cherish this brotherhood? Otherwise, he would not have this attitude today. Seeing my father's entanglement, uncle Yang couldn't help speaking again. He looked at my father very seriously and said with deep pain: "Sugo, you don't have to worry about me. It's you. You shouldn't let Arlo follow me. Black Luosha will really kill you He is the son of you and Jingwen. Can you bear to watch him go wrong

Hearing uncle Yang's words, my father's expression changed again and became very dignified. Both uncle Yang and Miaomiao said the fatal problem, that is, black Luocha wants to kill me, which is what my father cares about most. Therefore, the tangle in my father's eyes is not there, instead, perseverance. The momentum of his body, also slowly rising, a profound breath lingering in his body.

Then, my father suddenly stretched out his big hand, stroked my head, and made a very heroic voice: "with me, black Luocha can't move a hair of Arlo!"

However, just as soon as my father's voice fell, a very bleak female voice followed the air raid: "what a big tone!"

The voice was very cold and abrupt. It was just like the thunder and lightning in the sky, which caught people off guard. Even, her voice had a strange effect. It felt that all the living creatures nearby were scared to be silent. There was no sound of insects or birds in the jungle around. At this moment, the huge scene was really quiet, even like the wind I was scared to stop by the sound. It was very strange.

It can be said that this female voice is the most shocking female voice I have ever heard. The momentum contained in the voice can cover everything, boundless and overwhelming.Having seen Han Yimo, poisonous rose, blood rose and other top female heroes, I have no prejudice against women's martial arts attainments. I deeply understand that as long as I practice hard, both men and women can achieve superb martial arts. But at this moment, hearing this bleak female voice, my heart was broken by the town, and my soul was shocked to fly. It's too hard to imagine. It's really incredible. How can a woman's voice be so strong?

The whole scene, everyone is in a deep shock, a long time back to God.

When the voice slowly dissipated, finally, a figure came out of the jungle behind the black letter army.

The square line of the black robed army, at the moment, still has a middle road, and the figure who appears in the jungle walks directly into this road and comes towards us.

Under the fire light, the figure of this person is gradually clear, but we still can't see her face clearly. She gives people the feeling of ghosts in the night, which is very dangerous and terrifying.

The most obvious thing about her is that her white hair is completely traceless. It reflects with my father's white hair, just like two Kongming lanterns. However, she is different from my father. Although my father's hair is gray, his body is bulky, and this person's figure is extremely thin. He has no meat at all, only skin and bone, like a skeleton. If there was a gust of wind, it might blow her down.

Maybe it's because she is too thin and hard to walk. So at the moment, she is clutching a crutch, saying that the crutch is not a crutch, or a very ordinary bamboo stick, which is almost as tall as her people. She is relying on the bamboo stick to get closer to us step by step.

A little way, she walked for a long time, until she came to Uncle Yang, she slowly stopped.

At this time, I finally see her face, this look, my heart can not help shaking, the whole body is cold feeling. Because, her face is really terrible, her facial features are not bad, but her face is thin like a skeleton, her thin eyes and cheeks are sunken, and her nose and Huan bone are very protruding. Moreover, her skin is very poor, her face is covered with spots, and she looks very disgusting. There is no normal place in her whole face, which is more than a ghost.

I know, this woman is not very old, but. She has white hair and is as thin as firewood. She is dressed in coarse linen and clubbed with a bamboo stick. She looks like an old lady in the twilight. If you don't feel her momentum and imagine her terror, you will only find her pitiful and desolate just from the old-fashioned appearance.

Although. I have never seen her, but from the sound she just made, I can guess that she must be black Luocha.

For this woman, the whole audience seems to be afraid of her. Even uncle Yang sees her, they all consciously pull Miaomiao to one side. On the air field, she is really unique, no one can defeat, she stands in front of the black robed team, just like a Yaksha, terrifying and unique.

After she stood still, she raised her head gently and glanced at my father. Then, she made a cold and piercing voice again: "Su Qiyao, for so many years, I didn't expect that your tone is still so crazy. Do you really think you are invincible in the world?"

As soon as this person spoke, the sky suddenly changed color, and I felt numb all over. Her voice was colder and colder, which could really pierce into people's bones. The most important thing was that her expression when she spoke was particularly cruel. Her sunken eyes were full of hatred for my father.

But my father, he didn't care about the white haired girl's accusation. He was just shocked by the white haired girl's appearance. It seems that her change makes my father can't imagine. He hasn't slowed down until now. After a long time, my father sighed with astonishment: "black Luocha, how can you change yourself into a man, a ghost or a ghost? Is it worth it?"

This person, as expected, is black Luocha. At the beginning, she was a beautiful woman, but now she has become the ugliest woman in the world, which can be said to be the most frightening woman. After so many years, my father saw black Luocha again, but he found such a change. How can he believe that even though black Luocha has become a big enemy of my father, my father will inevitably be touched when he sees her like this. His voice has become a little hoarse.

However, black Luocha could not feel my father's touch at all. After listening to my father's words, she was even more angry. Suddenly, she raised the bamboo stick in her hand and forced herself to the ground. Then she yelled: "isn't it because of you? I hate you, Su Qiyao

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