A word of hate brings out the emotion of black Luocha completely. The hatred completely engulfs her and makes her lose her reason. She forgets the warmth in the world. She has become a ruthless ghost, and her momentum shows up inadvertently.

That thin figure, as if contains the power of heaven and earth, is really too strong, her aura is no less than my father, no wonder she once appeared, she shocked the whole audience, and suppressed all the heroes.

Of course, my father must have felt the anger of the black Luocha and the tremendous momentum. However, instead of retreating, he took the initiative to take two steps forward, facing the black Luocha, full of righteousness and saying: "black Luocha, your enemy is me, it has nothing to do with my son. Don't you want to avenge me? Then let's have a fair fight. "

My father's meaning is obviously to draw the anger of black Luocha on him. He still cares about Miaomiao and uncle Yang's words. Afraid of the dark Luocha is too targeted at me, he does not want me to have an accident, just wish me peace.

However, for my father's request, Hei Luocha was totally dismissive. She snorted with anger and said angrily, "you dream, your son is stubborn and disobeys my meaning many times. He also killed my nephew, killed my Dharma protector and so on more than a thousand subordinates, killed my insect emperor, he will die!"

The tone of black Luocha is very fierce, and her murderous spirit also bursts out. She has already sentenced me to death, and there is no room for turning back.

After listening to the words of black Luocha, my father's tone also became tough. He directly said to black Luocha: "as long as I su Qiyao's life is here, I won't let anyone touch my son!"

At this moment, my father's momentum finally reflected. He wanted to tell black Luocha that he would defend me with his life, and no one could do anything about him.

But black Rosa, she did not care about my father's words at all. Hearing this, she gave out a gloomy laugh. The laughter floated in the night sky of this trick, and it seemed very lonely. Before the laughter dissipated, the voice of black Luocha suddenly rang out: "then I can tell you that no one can stop the people I want to kill, including you, Su Qiyao!"

My father is crazy, and black Luocha shows her more crazy side. Now she, from the inside to the outside, every inch is so frightening, and her momentum is super strong against the sky, as if she can really control the fate of people in the world. Her self-confidence does not need to be forced at all, it is completely from the heart.

Even my father was blocked by the words of black Luocha. He had a calm face and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it. When my father suppressed his anger, he took the opportunity to say: "Su Qiyao, do you know what I'm looking forward to most? What I'm looking forward to most is not your death, but your own eyes watching your son die in front of you. I feel comfortable thinking that you are going to suffer the pain of losing your loved one. Ha ha ha ha

Suddenly, the whole night sky was shaking with black Luocha's disgusting laughter. She was so unscrupulous, so sinister and frightening. The laughter was full of her malice and showed her arrogance. She was really like a demon and couldn't stop laughing.

Now, don't talk about my dad, even I can't restrain the anger in my body? From black Luocha. I have always been in a state of shock, I was shocked by the skeleton shape of black Luocha, and by her strength against the sky, so that I could not recall for a long time.

But now, black Luocha's laughter severely stimulated my nerves, her words even more concussion my heart, let me involuntarily on the raging.

This crazy woman is really crazy to the extreme. She despises me and treats me as an ant. However, she still doesn't pay attention to my father. She completely regards herself as the God who dominates all things. What's more, her hatred of my father has reached a distorted and distorted state. In particular, her laughter was unbearable.

So, I didn't wait for my father to say anything. I stepped forward directly to the heartless black Luocha and roared angrily, "old witch, don't be ashamed to talk about it here. Why do you talk so much nonsense?"

A roar, also roared out my endless momentum, but also roared out my confidence in the bottom of my heart. Compared with the number of people, we are not less than her, and we are not necessarily weaker than her. Why should I be afraid of her.

And black Luocha listened to my words, suddenly calm down. Instead of being angry, she said to me in a very peaceful tone: "don't worry, young man. Let's see what I've prepared for you first."

Dali, what does this mean? When I heard black Luosha say this, I felt more and more uneasy. All my brothers also felt that black Luocha might play a trick. They became very serious one by one. Everyone's nerves were strained and they kept the highest vigilance.

But the black Luocha is still a gloomy and profound appearance, no one can guess what she is thinking under her ugly face. She just showed a more insidious smile when she heard my words.

With this smile, she slowly opened her mouth and uttered a bleak voice: "bring it up!"

Her voice is not loud, but it is full of deterrence. It spreads over thousands of miles. Soon, we can see that behind the black robed man, that is, in the jungle where black Luosha appeared before, another figure came out. She is also a woman. However, her age is definitely older than that of heiluocha. It is estimated that she is at least 60 or 70 years old. Her old face is very old Are full of wrinkles, her eyes are dark and deep, years in her face mercilessly engraved deep traces. But she was just old, her hair was black, her body was strong, and she looked more energetic than the black widow.Although it's quite far away, I can feel that this old lady with black hair is a top expert with unfathomable strength. Of course, no matter how powerful she is, I don't pay too much attention to her. What I watch closely is what she pushes out.

This old woman with black hair is pushing a special wooden wheelchair and walking slowly.

The wheelchair is very large, but it is completely wrapped in cloth, leaving only the wheels below exposed. I don't know what is covered under the black cloth. But this moment, my heart suddenly speeds up. I know that this is the great gift that black Luocha prepared for me, which I can't afford. Before I saw what it was, I was under a bit of pressure and I couldn't breathe.

My people can't help but hold their breath, nervously staring at the wheelchair wrapped in black cloth. Under the attention of all of us, the old lady with black hair pushed the wheelchair to the side of black Luocha and stood still.

As soon as the wheelchair arrived, the black Rocha suddenly grinned, revealed a mysterious smile and said to me, "Suluo, look at the gift I gave you. I'm not satisfied."

With this sentence, black Luocha's anger dissipated in an instant. At this time, she became an enigmatic person. Her expression was gloomy and vicious, and her tone was full of fun. It seemed that she was not in a hurry to fight with us, but just wanted to play with me slowly.

Touching her sinister eyes and hearing what she said, my whole person was not good in an instant. A kind of invisible fear grew quietly and spread rapidly.

It turns out that Hei Luocha is not just waiting for us to fight against us. She is not the kind of open and aboveboard woman. No wonder Miaomiao had to stop me before. She said firmly that black Luocha would kill me. She almost tried to dissuade me and my father because she was 100% sure that black Luocha could kill me. She was worried about my safety, So I do not want to die, even if my father said he can protect me, Miaomiao still spare no effort to stop me from coming.

Even uncle Yang, he just told my father that black Luosha would really kill me. Now, black Rosa himself also said that he had prepared a great gift for me. All these things indicate that things are not simple.

I can't imagine what kind of tricks will be made by the black Rosa. My heart has been beating and my throat seems to be blocked. After a long time, I squeezed out a few words from my throat: "what kind of gift?"

Smell speech, black Luo Cha direct hand, a lift the black cloth on wheelchair.

Immediately, a familiar figure in the wheelchair appeared in front of me. Suddenly, my heart suddenly burst open, and my feet could not help shaking. Finally, fear like the devil completely entangled me. Because, sitting in the wheelchair is not other people, she is my favorite woman, Ziyi.

At the moment, Ziyi's hands and feet are tied to the wheelchair and can't move. Her mouth is covered with adhesive tape. She can't even talk. Her face is very haggard and her eyes are gloomy. Her state is even more confused, and she seems very tired and decadent.

But when she saw me for a moment, her gloomy eyes immediately gave out light, her decadent state swept away, the whole person became very excited, she could not speak, only made a sound of, very painful.

Seeing Ziyi like this, my heart is in pain. It's really a thunderbolt. How can I think that black Luocha will capture Ziyi. After deciding to return to the lake, I specially asked Huang cancan to send Ziyi back to her hometown. I just hope that she can leave the relationship with me for the time being and live a peaceful life without being implicated by me.

But who knows, she was pulled in again, black Luo Cha this abnormal old woman, unexpectedly caught Zi Yi to this ghost place, this let me how believe.

My eyes gradually turned red, and my inner emotions suddenly stirred, which made me more and more miserable. For a time, I could not accept such a fact.

Slow for a long time, I just turned back, looked at the black Luocha, gritted his teeth and said: "what's the matter?"

I remember that I told Huang cancan to send someone to take care of Ziyi. Even though they could not antagonize the people with red cherry blossom and could not save Ziyi, I had an accident. At least I should get the news, not be a fool. I don't know anything, and let the black Luocha control me.

At this time, Huang cancan was more confused than I was. Her expression was dull and her eyes were full of panic. Seeing me asking her, she immediately replied nervously, "I don't know this either. I haven't received any news. When we come here these two days, we cut off the signal. Maybe Ziyi is what happened in these two days!"

After listening to Huang cancan's words, I remembered that since we entered the woods, the mobile phone had no signal at all and could not contact the outside world at all. Therefore, no matter what black Luocha did in these two days, I could not receive the information.

This is not to blame others, only blame black Luocha is too mean, her behavior really touched my scale, suddenly, my body is filled with endless anger, my eyes red issued a fierce fire, with full of anger, I quickly turned back, staring at the black Luocha, angry way: "old monster, you are too shameless, catch a girl with no strength to tie a chicken What a skill

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