I have experienced the sinister nature of red cherry blossoms for many times. However, I can accept them no matter what they do. I also step out of their intrigues step by step. However, what I can't stand is that they even arrest women to do threats. Only inferior organizations can do such things. Bloody cherry blossoms are really cruel and shameless.

However, Hei Luocha was not ashamed. She was angry when she saw me. Instead, she was more relaxed. She looked at me playfully and said, "young man, don't be so angry. You still don't know me enough. What's this? More despicable things are still ahead of us."

Said, she also stretched out her yellow hand, slowly touched the face of the next purple, action, full of provocation.

Ziyi was in great pain. Now she was touched by the black widow's ghost hand. She immediately felt that she had been violated. She was so scared that she could not help shivering. Her tears surged down and her eyes were filled with sadness.

I saw Ziyi's tears, and my heart was cut like a knife. It didn't matter to me that I suffered, but I couldn't stand it, especially in front of me. So at this moment, my anger turned into a volcano and erupted. The natural gas in my body was also released without reservation, and my murderous spirit reached its peak "I'm going to kill you, old witch!" roared red eyes at black Luocha

Roar, earth shaking, resounding through the sky.

My brothers saw this, immediately a shock, ready to fight, ready to go, just wait for my command.

However, in the face of our eager legion, black Luocha didn't care. She was not nervous at all. She just looked at me scornfully. Then, her sunken eyes suddenly shot a cold light, and her mouth even made an extremely cold voice: "Suluo, you are too impulsive, can't you stand it? It's a good play. It hasn't started yet

Black Luocha's words, as if with a terrible Magic general, immediately suppressed my towering anger, I suddenly realized that the matter is not so simple, the meaning of black Luocha, obviously, she has a second hand.

This time, my heart trembled even more, my head seemed to explode in general, the pain was severe. I don't know what is the back hand of black Luocha, but I feel that what is waiting for me will be more terrible storm.

Sure enough, with the fall of the voice of the black Luocha, there was another movement in the jungle behind the black clothes. In the same position as before, there was a man pushing a wheelchair. However, this man was not an old lady, but an old man with black hair. He is very similar to the old lady with black hair. He is also old and strong. It can be seen that they are similar in age and strength. They are all top experts.

The old man with black hair also pushed his wheelchair covered with black cloth at a very slow speed, and went to the path in the middle of the black robed army, until he reached the other side of the black rosha.

Seeing this wheelchair, I was totally confused. My brain became more and more confused and painful. I even thought I had an illusion. How could I have another wheelchair? What the hell is going on here?

At this time, black Rosa grinned again, showed a gloomy smile, and said to me: "this is also the gift I prepared for you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black Luocha's hand suddenly moved, and directly tore the black cloth wrapped in the wheelchair.

Time, another familiar face, clearly reflected in my eyes, stimulate my nerves, she is a woman who has countless ties with me, but was mercilessly hurt by me, and finally ran away from home, Peng Xuefei.

The woman in the wheelchair is Peng Xuefei. How can it be? How is that possible?

At the beginning, Peng Xuefei was completely injured by me. She ran away from home alone without telling everyone else. No one knew where she was. Even Peng Yi couldn't find her. She was totally hiding. How did black Luocha catch her? What's more, Peng Xuefei was abandoned by me. She had nothing to do with me. Why did black Luocha arrest her? Why on earth is this?

Peng Xuefei, she has been poor enough, she can not get my love, also can not get my people, she lost all, gave up all, alone floating outside, lonely. Such a poor woman, black Luocha unexpectedly did not let go, her conscience was eaten by the dog? I can't understand the madness of black Rocha. I just love Peng Xuefei in the wheelchair.

Now, like Ziyi, her hands and feet are tied to the wheelchair, and her mouth is also pasted. Her face is haggard and gloomy. However, compared with Ziyi, Peng Xuefei has an indescribable sadness. She has lost her vitality completely. Looking at it, she is so weak, as if she were dead.

My heart was so painful that I could hardly breathe. At this moment, Peng Yi, who was behind me, suddenly jumped out and hissed: "Feifei!"

Peng Yi's voice, deafening and enlightening, made me suddenly wake up. I heard Peng Yi's inner shock and pain, and felt his beloved daughter's heartache. At the critical moment, seeing his daughter fall into the clutches of the devil, this calm and experienced man still couldn't control his emotions.

If Peng Xuefei fell into the hands of other people, perhaps there is hope of survival, perhaps Peng Yi will not be so irrational.But now it is heiluocha who kidnaps Peng Xuefei. She is not a person at all. She is a devil. She has lost her original conscience and is completely insane. If I want to threaten her to let her go, I'm a fool.

Therefore, I can only tremble the voice to her way: "black Luocha, what do you want?"

At this moment, my momentum is no longer, my anger is no longer, and I even have no temper. I have lost all my confidence. I am really panicked. My voice is shaking and my voice is even more powerless. I don't know what to do, and I dare not do it, because I can't take Ziyi and Peng Xuefei's life to impulse, I'm really afraid of their accident.

Black Luocha saw my nervousness and fear, and she became more and more proud. Her mouth was deeper and her eyes were full of fun. She looked at me darkly and said in a cruel voice: "what do you want to do? Isn't that obvious? Of course, life is not like death

Life is not like death, these four words, mercilessly poke my heart, I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that Ziyi and Peng Xuefei will be implicated, if they have anything, I will really be worse than dead.

Heiluocha, she is really cruel and smart. She easily grasped my weakness and knew that I was a heavy emotional person. She knew that I couldn't bear the suffering of the woman I cared about most in front of her. Therefore, she wanted to torture me with Ziyi and Peng Xuefei. This is the card of heiluocha. Her card can completely restrain me. No wonder Miaomiao will say I will There is no doubt of death.

Suddenly, I just feel a dark, the whole person fell into the abyss, completely despair, but I still have a voice in my heart told me, we must hold on, no matter what, we can't easily be destroyed, I need to be strong, strong against black Luocha, strong protection of Ziyi and Peng Xuefei, I can't watch them two things happen 。

Thinking of this, I immediately stepped forward and roared: "old monster, if you have anything, just come to me and let them go!"

My father was afraid of my impulse, so he quickly reached out to stop me. Then, he turned his eyes to the black Luocha and sternly accused him: "black Luocha, you are too much. You should have a bottom line in your life!"

For the black Luocha's bad behavior, my father obviously can't see past, however, black Luocha is very proud of herself, she still does her own way. As if she was proud of her behavior, she looked at my father with joy, then looked at me, and then sneered at us: "I just asked two little girls to play a game with me. You don't have to be so nervous!"

Black Luocha's words are very easy to say, but I just feel creepy after listening to it. I can't imagine what the so-called game of black Luocha will be. This kind of torture really makes me suffer. My footstep stagnates in the spot, the heart is overturned.

At this time, I really don't know what to do with the black Luocha. After a long pause, I turned to the black Luocha and said in a deep voice, "go ahead, how can you release them?"

Although I know that there is not much chance for black Luocha to release people, I also want to fight for it as long as there is a little chance, because I really don't want to play any games with the black widow, and I don't want Ziyi and Peng Xuefei to be hurt a little bit.

However, the black Luocha certainly will not be as I wish, and even, she completely ignored my serious words, Quan should not have heard, she just used her eyes, tightly staring at Peng Xuefei, and then, she stretched out her hand leisurely, stroked Peng Xuefei's hair, while touching and saying to me: "Suluo, I heard that this little girl is very affectionate to you, but you are Take advantage of her love for you, hurt her ruthlessly, and finally abandon her with Ziyi. You are cruel

When she said this, black Luocha's tone was very affectionate. She seemed to be talking about Peng Xuefei and me, as if she were talking about her own affairs.

At that time, my father also used the feelings of black Luocha to achieve his goal. After using it, my father abandoned her ruthlessly, and finally only wanted to be with my mother.

And I, from the very beginning, was holding Peng Xuefei's heart, approached her, pursued her, and chased her after her. I achieved my goal, abandoned her, and finally with purple together. I felt that I was completely repeating my father's mistakes. Therefore, after listening to the black Luocha's words, my face was heavy, my father's face was heavy, and the faces of all the people at the scene were heavy. Even Peng Yi, after listening to black Luocha's words, his face became very ugly, as if he had been greatly hit.

Black Luocha herself, is touched, she suddenly from the chaotic state of a little spirit, but, her eyes become more sad.

Black Luocha stabbed her scars in front of so many people. How can she not be sad? However, she is strong in the end. No matter how, she is also the princess of the provincial capital. She has the perseverance that ordinary girls don't have. She is not so easy to collapse. Even though her heart was broken, she did not cry.

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