The atmosphere of the scene froze after a word from black Luocha, and everything seemed to be still. In all the silence, black Luocha opened her mouth again, and she looked at me again. The strange air way of yin and Yang:

"because of your cruelty, the little girl chose to run away from home and wander alone. It's really miserable. Sullo, do you know where my men found her? It was found in the city of your hometown. She ran to your hometown.

Ha ha, she loves you too much. She wants to remember your past and all your things. She is really too stupid, but she doesn't know that she will not change her love for you again. Everything she does is useless. She is destined to be a poor abandoned woman, always! "

Speaking of the end, black Luocha can not help but accentuate the tone, she seems to be for Peng Xuefei, as if for their own grievances. She and Peng Xuefei really have the same pain. It is because of this kind of sympathy that she can speak for Peng Xuefei, because heiluocha can best understand the pain in Peng Xuefei's heart.

But Peng Xuefei and heiluocha are two types of people. Because my father cheated and betrayed her feelings, she completely lost herself. She buried the seeds of hatred in her heart, which blinded her eyes, lost her sense, and lived only for hatred. Finally, she became so insane and dehumanized.

Peng Xuefei, though she hated me at the beginning of knowing the truth, later, her hatred faded. In other words, she could not hate me at all. She understood me and understood my love for Ziyi. Therefore, she didn't blame me, but her love for me was more profound. She couldn't give up her love. She couldn't fight for it. She could only hide this love in her heart, Therefore, she would like to leave home, to my hometown to find my shadow.

Now, black Luocha's disclosure of this matter is tantamount to exposing Peng Xuefei's hidden love in the bottom of her heart, which makes Peng Xuefei's face even worse. She doesn't dare to look at me again, but through her eyes, I can still feel her despair and shame.

I don't know, Peng Xuefei, how deeply she was hurt by me, how cold she was originally. She never experienced the taste of love, and did not dare to easily communicate with others. When she finally trusted me, fell in love with me and depended on me, I told her that everything in the past was nothing but my utilization of her.

What's more, I cheated her feelings for another woman. It was a fatal blow to Peng Xuefei, but she was kind. She swallowed everything into her own stomach. She didn't blame me, nor did she retaliate like black Luocha.

However, such a kind-hearted woman, now has to be exposed in public by the black Luocha, mercilessly destroyed, how can I bear it?

My heart has been riddled with holes. Black Luocha is making a hole in my heart. She wants me to regret, to feel guilty and to suffer. I really feel more and more guilty about Xia Xiaoxiao, and I don't want to see her hurt. But Xu Nan, she is also innocent, she is my love, because I love her to do wrong, but this is not her fault at all, now hear the words of black Luocha, Ziyi's heart, will also be very painful, very painful!

Looking at these two women I care about, because I fall into a trap and suffer here. I couldn't calm down. My broken heart kept shaking, and my faith suddenly became more and more profound. No matter what, I would save Peng Xuefei and Ziyi, and I would not allow them to have an accident.

After thinking about it, I could not help but become firm. My body gradually exuded the spirit of indomitable determination. Then, I roared at the black Luocha with great momentum: "old witch, you do something bad for revenge, I can understand, but I didn't expect that your heart was so dark that you had reached the point of unscrupulous means to achieve your goal. You're also a character. I thought you made an appointment to have a fair fight. I didn't expect that you just used two innocent women to restrain me, and tried to deal with me by this dark means. No wonder my father won't like you. You deserve it. I tell you, if you dare to touch them, I will definitely uproot your organization! "

What I said was full of pride and momentum. This time, I was not impulsive and lost my temper. I said these words after careful consideration. I poked at the heart of heiluosha with the words that my father would not like snakes and scorpions. The purpose was to provoke her and let her have a fair fight with me. Don't use women as a threat. Finally, I said the threat words, I hope black Luocha think twice before acting.

But what I didn't expect was that she didn't care about my stimulation and threat. After hearing what I said, she just laughed contemptuously, full of scorn and irony.

After laughing, she spoke leisurely and said to me with disdain: "boy, you look down on yourself too much. Do I need to take hostages as a threat to deal with you people? If I want to, I can make you disappear at any time. I'll tell you the truth, I brought these two women here to let you make a choice!

At this moment, the posture of black Luocha is really superior to the heaven and earth. She seems to regard herself as king. All of us are just civilians. She does not care at all. She grabs Ziyi and Peng Xuefei, but does not threaten me and check me. She thinks that she does not need hostages to deal with me. She just let me make a choice? What's the meaning of this?For a moment, I was confused. My brain was buzzing, but my heart was shaking. I looked at the black Luocha blankly and said, "what do you mean?"

Smell speech, black Luo Cha is a grin again, only, her smile this time, very mysterious, smile hidden the most vicious knife.

Then, she suddenly turned her head and swept the black haired woman on her left.

Black hair old woman understood, immediately put her old palm on top of Ziyi's head.

At this time, black Luocha swept the black haired old man on her right side. The black haired old man took the lead and put his hand on Peng Xuefei's head.

Suddenly, a huge dark cloud of death covered the whole scene. Everyone in the audience could not help but hold their breath and nervously watched the scene. Suddenly, black Luocha's eyes were cold and cold, and she swept me. Then, she opened her lips and said, "it's very simple. This evening, only one of these two women can live, Choose who dies

One of the two choices is that black Luocha's psychology is really abnormal. Her purpose is not simply to restrain me, not just to kill me. She is playing abnormal games with me and torturing me psychologically. She wants me to experience the most cruel test in emotion.

If the black Luocha proposed a slightly human condition, I would have risked my life to carry out it. But now, the devil black Luocha asked me to appoint Ziyi and Peng Xuefei to live and die.

Seeing that the black haired old lady and the black haired old man have reached out to Ziyi and Peng Xuefei, as long as I make a choice, one of them will die on the spot. In this way, how much pain will the dead person face? How cruel is this? How can I do it?

Don't talk about me. Even my other brothers can't stand it. Luo Sheng's daughter Yu Yan scolds him, but Luo Sheng doesn't want to stop scolding him.

Even, my father was furious and said to the black Rocha, "don't go too far!"

However, no one can change the decision of black Luocha. She has been completely insane, will not speak any reason at all, she does not care what we think of her, just want to make me suffer, let me not like death.

Seeing that I hadn't been moving for a long time, the black Luocha's eyes became more and more icy. Suddenly, she spoke again and said in a cold voice, "Suluo, make a choice now!"

The tone of the black Luocha has obviously become fierce. Among them, there is also a strong sense of killing.

The black haired old lady and the black haired old man listened to the black Luocha's words, their faces changed at the same time, and their hands on Ziyi and Peng Xuefei's heads were virtually strengthened.

Immediately, Peng Xuefei and Ziyi in the wheelchair. The flesh of their faces twitched, their brows wrinkled tightly, and the sweat kept dripping from their foreheads. They were very painful, but they could not cry out. They just looked at me with an extremely complicated and extremely painful look.

Ziyi, her tears simply can't stop, keep flowing. Her eyes did not leave me from the beginning to the end, even if this moment suffered great pain. She did not blink an eye, just stare at me, afraid that the next second will not see me. She may have realized that she is doomed, so she wants to take advantage of her life and look at me more.

And Peng Xuefei, or in the strong support of her own, she has not shed tears, but the despair in her eyes has reached the extreme feeling, she has no hope of life, she is ready to die.

Perhaps, Peng Xuefei is very clear that her position in my heart is far less important than Ziyi, so she naturally thinks that I will choose to let Ziyi live, which is her expected ending. Therefore, in her eyes, in addition to despair, there is also a trace of calm, as well as the kind of bold and heroic to give up life and die.

Peng Xuefei is very brave, she is not afraid of death, or to her, death is not the most painful, living is torture. She is in the world of feelings, reduced to tragedy, she lost love, but still want to retain a dignity, but black Luocha, even her last bit of dignity has been deprived, she has no desire to live, do not want to continue to bear humiliation in front of so many people, she just wants to die as soon as possible to get free.

Seeing Peng Xuefei like this, my heart is more painful and painful. How can I bear to let her die, and how can I have the heart to abandon her again and choose Ziyi in front of so many people? At this moment, I am really hard

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