This time's abandonment, can not only cause irreparable damage to her soul, but also make her die on the spot. I can't, really can't.

Peng Xuefei, she loves me too miserably. All she gets from me is deception and utilization. But even so, at the foot of Mangshan Mountain, she still knelt down and begged her father to spare me for my emotional swindler. I feel sorry for her, owe her love, life is not over. I can't owe her more. I can't let her die in front of me with pain and despair.

Just, do I have the heart to let Ziyi die? We have been together for so many years, Ziyi has suffered a lot for me. As a good girl, because of me, she has suffered so many crimes. Her fragile body has been wandering on the edge of death for so many times. Who can understand her pain? She for me, has been black and blue, how can I bear to hurt her again, even, cruel let her die?

Suddenly, the haze of pain covered my whole, my heart completely torn open. And at this time, Qiqi quietly came to my side, she shook my head, motioned me not to make a choice. Obviously, Kiki can't stand this cruel scene. As a woman, she can feel how deeply hurt Ziyi and Peng Xuefei are. She knows more clearly that if I make a choice, it is the greatest cruelty. No matter who dies, it will lead to great tragedy. This is a tragedy that no one wants to see.

Even Miaomiao, she can't look down. In the past, Miaomiao's love for me was domineering. She only wanted other women to stay away from me. Now, she can't bear to see the two women related to me hurt. However, for the black Luocha, she may not know how to face it now, so she has been pulling the clothes of poplar trees, as if to pray for uncle yang to help me.

Finally, at the critical moment, the poplar stood up, he directly to the black Luocha persuasion way: "forget it, they are still a child. There's no need for that! "

As the leader of the blood cherry blossom, black Luocha is incomparable. Except uncle Yang, the man who has had relations with her, no one dares to dissuade her. But Uncle Yang seems to have no right to speak. His dissuasion not only does not work, but infuriates black Luocha. As soon as Uncle Yang's voice fell, black Luocha turned his head and swept at Uncle Yang. He roared, "no one can stop my business, including you. Today, no matter what, I want Suluo to make a choice."

Black Luocha's tone was not polite. In her eyes, there was no one worthy of her attention, and Yang Shu was no exception. It can be said that the present black Luocha, there is no trace of human nature, she is not a person, completely become the devil.

And uncle Yang, he is an honest man, will not get angry with black Luocha, he also knows well. It is absolutely impossible for him to change the behavior of black Luocha. Therefore, instead of persuading heiluocha, he stops Miaomiao, who wants to make a start for me, and does not let her violate the dignity of black Luocha.

In fact, I also know that black Rosa is determined to revenge me and my father tonight. No one can change her decision. What she wants now is my choice. I can't escape it. I must have a statement, otherwise black Luocha will not give up. After thinking about it, I immediately looked at the black Luocha and said in a sonorous voice: "I don't choose!"

My tone of voice is very decisive and unquestionable. I can't appoint Ziyi to die or Peng Xuefei to die. I can't continue to hurt them, let alone watch them die. Therefore, not making a choice is my only answer.

But such an answer will obviously irritate the black Luocha. I am afraid that the black Luocha will go mad, and Ziyi and Peng Xuefei will end up worse. Therefore, I quickly added: "black Luocha, I warn you, if something happens to them, I will definitely frustrate you!"

this time, I almost roared out all my momentum, and felt that the essence between heaven and earth was instantly focused on me. I just wanted to let black Rocha know that if she moved purple and Peng Xuefei, I would let her smashed to pieces.

However, no matter how strong I am, I can't bluff the black Luocha. When she saw me like this, she just felt ridiculous. Suddenly, she showed a sarcastic smile again. She looked at me playfully, enigmatic way: "ha ha, I knew you would disobey, but tonight, you have to make a choice!"

As soon as Hei Luosha said this, immediately, the black haired old lady and the black haired old man beside her seemed to get some hint. At the same time, they removed the hands on Peng Xuefei and Ziyi's heads, and then. The old lady with black hair tore off the adhesive tape on Peng Xuefei's mouth, and the old man with black hair pulled off the adhesive tape on Peng Xuefei's mouth.

The movements of these two old monsters are very unified and their speed is incomparable. Ziyi and Peng Xuefei's mouth was unsealed, but there was no time to say a word, because the next second, the black haired old lady pinched Ziyi's cheek, at the same time, the black haired old man pinched Peng Xuefei's cheek. It's in the electric flint room. The black haired old lady and the black haired old man both took out a small pill from their bodies and put them into Peng Xuefei's mouth and Ziyi's mouth respectively. The action is complete in one go, without half a minute delay.

After Ziyi and Peng Xuefei were infused with the pills, their faces suddenly changed. They seemed to have suffered a thousand arrows penetrating the heart. The pain could not help crying out. The sound was full of pain, heartrending pain.

Their voice, pierced into my ears, directly into my internal organs, a moment, I only feel the five internal organs are broken, the pain is unbearable, this is more than killing me. I completely lost my mind and roared to black Rocha: "what have you done to them?"Hearing the speech, black Luocha faintly laughed twice. Then, she slowly and leisurely replied: "nothing, just give them two to eat the poison that I have prepared by myself. The toxicity is not very strong. You can let them support for half an hour. After half an hour, they will be poisoned and killed!"

Hearing this, I trembled all over, fear devoured me completely, anger wrapped me. My flame is burning, my eyes are red, almost hysterical. I roared at the black Luocha crazily: "old witch, you are shameless!"

She continued to ignore her anger. This poison is specially made by me. No one can detoxify it except for the antidote I have prepared! "

Finish this sentence, black Luo Cha suddenly looked at the vegetable grandfather, added a sentence: "including you!"

Obviously, Hei Luocha knew that grandfather Bai was an old doctor with superb medical skills. When she said this to him on purpose, it was enough to show that no one could dissolve her poison, even the great master of white.

After the voice dropped, black Luocha immediately waved again.

The black haired old man and the black haired old woman got the sign of black Rocha, and they immediately pushed the wheelchair to our side.

This time, their speed is very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, two wheelchairs came to me, and the black haired old man and the black haired old woman completed the task and immediately turned back.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them returned to the black widow.

The black widow, who was pondering, suddenly took out a small white porcelain vase from her arms with her thin hands. Immediately, she took a small porcelain bottle and said to me indifferently: "this is the antidote, only one, unique, it is only enough for a person's weight, that is, only can save one's life, you don't be smart to think of giving the antidote to two people separately, in that case, both of them will die!"

With that, she shook her hand.

Immediately, the small white porcelain bottle shot at me as quickly as the concealed weapon.

When the small porcelain vase flew in front of me, I suddenly reached out and caught it. At this time, the voice of black Luocha floated over again: "Suluo, their fate is now in your hands, please make a decision!"

The purpose of black Luocha is to play with me in the applause and make me sad.

I knew black Luocha's trick, so when she asked me to make a choice at the beginning, I flatly refused, because I didn't want to be manipulated by black Luocha, and I didn't want Ziyi and Peng Xuefei to die because of my choice. Even if they couldn't escape, I would never have killed them myself.

But how can I think, on the contrary, the black Luocha actually will my army, let me completely have no way to retreat. Peng Xuefei and Ziyi are in front of me and the antidote is in my hand. I have to make a choice anyway.

However, at this moment, I'm completely out of my wits. I don't know how I got the bottle thrown by black Luocha. I only know that Ziyi and Peng Xuefei can't live for half an hour. They are going to die, they are going to die.

This fact, let me not believe, I can't believe, how blink of an eye, they took poison? Their two lives are coming to an end? Even if I have an antidote, I can only live one?

I can't think of it. My brain is blocked and my heart is exploding. I feel so painful that I can't breathe. I can't make a choice. The white bottle thrown to me by black Luocha seems to weigh a thousand pounds. My hands are shaking and my feet are shaking. My soul has already flown away. At the moment, I am a walking corpse.

All the people in my team, in this moment, were stunned. Everyone's expression was condensed with anger and deep pain. All of them stood in the same place as if they had been ordered. Finally, the white grandfather took the lead to react, he rushed out of the team, came to Peng Xuefei and Ziyi in front of them, pulse for them.

Then, Peng Yi also responded. Suddenly, like an explosion, he rushed to Peng Xuefei's wheelchair and cried out in pain: "Feifei!"

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