Peng Yi's cry made Peng Xuefei, who was in severe pain, firmly held his mind. He slowly looked at Peng Yi, and let me, who was out of his wits, suddenly returned to my mind. I saw grandfather Bai taking pulse for Ziyi. At once, my desperate heart showed a glimmer of hope.

Yes, and grandfather Bai. He can always bring back the dead. I believe he can save Ziyi and Peng Xuefei. Neither of them can die.

Thinking about it, I immediately rushed forward and asked Han grandfather, "how are you?"

When I said this, my voice was obviously a little trembling. My heart was praying, praying that grandfather Bai could surprise me. However, after the diagnosis of Ziyi and pengxuefei, grandfather Bai's face became very gloomy and seemed to have no confidence at all. He just sighed, "let them lie on their back first!"

Hearing this, Peng Yi quickly helped Peng Xuefei untie the ropes on her hands and feet, and laid her flat on the ground. And I immediately untied the rope for Ziyi and put her aside.

Next, the white grandfather took his medicine box, for purple and Peng Xuefei began treatment.

At the scene, we fell into a dead silence. Everyone's eyes were focused on the old miracle doctor, grandfather Bai. Everyone's expression was different, but they were all concerned about this matter. Everyone wanted to see what kind of art uncle Bai would have to bring the dead back to life.

Even the people from the black Luocha side did not disturb us. They were quietly watching the white grandfather, not to mention the black Luocha people. Even the black Luocha people were still watching with great interest. Their eyes were full of pride and madness. For her, this might be a contest, a contest between her epoch-making poison king and white grandfather, the miracle doctor, but black Luocha It seems that she has special confidence in herself. She doesn't believe that grandfather Bai has the ability to detoxify.

After a long time, black Luocha said with a little impatience: "don't delay your time. This poison is carefully prepared by the toxin of toad for thousands of years. Without antidote, immortals can't save them!"

Black Luocha's tone is full of confidence. She doesn't think that white grandfather can detoxify. She just wants to see the drama early and see who I choose.

However, the white grandfather is not affected by the black Luocha, he is still dedicated to the treatment of Ziyi and Peng Xuefei.

Ten minutes later, grandfather Bai finally got up, but his expression was more dignified. Even, his forehead exuded fine sweat. He looked at me directly and said in a heavy tone: "the toxin has invaded their bone marrow. I can't get rid of it. I can only relieve their pain temporarily and help them up!"

White grandfather's words, like a huge thunder, blow me dizzy, I just born that silk hope, instant annihilation, my heart is like a sledgehammer chiseled open, sad. I looked at the white grandfather, pathetically: "there is no other way?"

Smell speech, white grandfather can't help but for a moment, then, he suddenly stretched out his hand, said to me: "give me the antidote!"

I had a shock. At once, he handed the small porcelain vase to the white grandfather.

Grandfather Bai poured out the antidote in the bottle. It was a black pill, about the size of rat excrement. As he watched and smelled it, he seemed to be pondering over the ingredients of the antidote.

At this time, Peng Yi has helped Peng Xuefei to the wheelchair and sat up. I also quickly helped Ziyi to the wheelchair.

After the short treatment of white grandfather, Ziyi and Peng Xuefei really eased a lot, at least not painful to die and die, will not scream constantly. However, due to the poisoning is too deep, their faces are still very ugly, their forehead is full of sweat, their eyes are lax, their lips are pale, completely lost vitality, their originally haggard look has become more and more bleak, and it is heartbreaking to look at them.

But grandfather Bai, after studying the antidote, gave it back to me, and solemnly said to me: "this is indeed the antidote, but I can't study the ingredients thoroughly in a short time, and I can't quickly configure it. Now this antidote can only save one person, there is no other way!"

With that, white grandfather also heaved a deep sigh.

This time, I completely fell into despair, in front of a dark, Peng Xuefei and Ziyi, must die one, this cruel fact, let me heartbroken, I can not accept, more can not choose, they who die, I can not stand.

My hand trembled again. I could hardly hold the antidote in my hand. The huge shadow devoured me mercilessly. I couldn't bear the fact that they were going to die in front of me. God is so cruel, both of them have walked on the edge of the ghost gate. Even if I fight to death, I can only pull back one.

All of a sudden, I became very powerless and powerless. My face was covered with pain and sadness. I didn't even dare to see Ziyi and Peng Xuefei any more.

However, strong Peng Xuefei, but at this time suddenly opened her mouth, she tried her best to say to me: "Suluo, save Ziyi, I'm ok!"

Peng Xuefei's voice, very weak, but her tone is firm, a word, completely reflects her heart to give up life and die. I can hear her words from her heart. She really wants me to save Ziyi. She doesn't want me to tangle or suffer. She just wants to free herself and everyone with death.Ziyi on the other side, after hearing Peng Xuefei's words, slowly slowed down. She supported herself, sat up straight and said to me, "Suluo, save Feifei, I'm not afraid to die!"

Ziyi's words are also from the bottom of my heart. Although she is hurt and painful now, although she dreams of growing old with me, at this moment, Ziyi still chooses to fulfill others and sacrifice herself.

In the face of death, Ziyi and Peng Xuefei, two women who have no strength to tie a chicken, do not show any fear. Instead, they are determined to let themselves die.

They are like a tug of war competition, and what they pull out is not a rope, but my heart. My heart has been torn in two, and the pain can no longer hurt. I want to talk to them, but I find my throat is blocked and I can't speak at all. Pain, has completely submerged me.

But Peng Xuefei, she listened to Ziyi's words, and saw me so painful, she suddenly realized that I didn't have half feelings for her, and Ziyi was also a good girl worthy of my love. Therefore, Peng Xuefei's sad mood disappeared. She was a very easy to satisfy person. For her, I didn't choose to let her die immediately. That's enough. She had already After being very satisfied, her pale face even showed a smile. Then, she opened her mouth again and said to me, "don't worry about it any more. Choose Ziyi. She is your favorite woman and a woman who shares weal and woe with you. What are you hesitating about. As for me, you don't have to worry about it. I'm living and I'm suffering. Death, on the contrary, is a kind of liberation. In fact, I have thought that I would die, solo. You can help me

In the end, Peng Xuefei could not help praying to me. She just wanted to let me know that if I chose to save Ziyi, she would not suffer, but would be relieved. She hoped that her death would not bring me remorse. She was so weak, but she said so much in one breath just to make me less painful.

But how could Ziyi see Peng Xuefei die? After hearing Peng Xuefei's words, she was afraid that Peng Xuefei would persuade me. Therefore, she also quickly said to me: "Suluo, I don't want you to save me. Even if you save me, I will not live happily. I am a troublemaker, always bringing you numbness and suffering. I thought that when I got home, I would not be bound to you, but I didn't expect that I would still be a drag on oil and make you embarrassed. Suluo, you have helped me too much. Last time you sacrificed so much to save me, I don't know how to repay. I got your love too much. I'm satisfied. You really don't want to save me this time. Even if I continue to live, I will bring you disaster in the future. I don't want to go on like this. Feifei is very poor, she has been hurt enough, you can't let her leave with regret, really

Maybe it's because she is too excited and urgent. After finishing this long speech, Ziyi coughs out. Her last bit of energy seemed to be exhausted. She became more and more weak and miserable. She was longing for me with her life and asked me to save Peng Xuefei.

However, I, who can control their lives, always stand in the same place as a wooden man, without saying a word or expressing any kind of expression.

Ziyi and pengxuefei see that I am indifferent, and they start to persuade each other. Peng Xuefei persuades Ziyi and Ziyi persuades Peng Xuefei. Although they are already weak and intolerable, they still try their best to persuade each other. The two poisoned women, whose lives are hanging on the line, are not afraid of death. They all show love and greatness, touching.

The huge battlefield, without the slightest breath of fighting, is filled with a strong sense of sadness. Ziyi and Peng Xuefei became the focus of the audience, and many people were moved by them. However, the bloody Cherry Blossom people are still cold-blooded and merciless, especially the black Luocha, she is no one.

While Peng Xuefei and Ziyi were persuading each other, black Luocha suddenly clapped her hands and clapped. She also sarcastically said in a disgusting voice: "touching, really moving. I admit that I have been moved. Sulo, your life is good. It's so happy to have two women who love you so much. Unfortunately, there is not much time now. Have you not considered it? "

Black Luocha's words, like a strong bomb, blew up in this solemn atmosphere of the battlefield, time, this terrible thing, will consume Ziyi and Peng Xuefei's life, the God of death is coming, I have no time to think about it.

All of a sudden, the whole audience couldn't help looking at me, waiting for my answer. Even Peng Xuefei and Ziyi, the two women who gave up their lives and died, stopped talking and looked at me again.

At this moment, everyone's expression in the field was full of solemnity. Their minds were different, and they had their own answers in their hearts. However, no one tried to persuade me with their own thinking, because, as everyone knows, onlookers are not good at giving advice, and this kind of outsider is not good at interfering. Only I can make decisions myself.

Even Peng Yi, the loving father, did not interfere with my thoughts. He was just quietly waiting by Peng Xuefei's side, silently mourning.

And Ziyi's side, empty, she seems so lonely and pitiful, Peng Xuefei at least has a close relative to accompany, but Xu Nan, it seems that the world abandoned general, so desolate, but she did not complain, just quietly waiting for the call of death.Time goes by quickly. Scene, extremely nervous, I stood in front of the two wheelchairs, looked at the left side of Ziyi, and looked at the right side of Peng Xuefei, slowly, my heart's answer began to clear, my steps also followed.

In the audience's attention, I held the antidote tightly and quickly walked towards Ziyi

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