The fire is still shining, the vast battlefield, silent, all people seem to be frozen, only I am walking gently, the whole field of vision, with the movement of my feet and moving.

When everyone watched me go to Ziyi, everyone almost decided that I chose Ziyi. Between the people I love and those who love me, I choose the one I love. Unconsciously, the crowd sounded a sigh and regret sound, if there is no sound, very weak.

I didn't care about other people's eyes and opinions, just unswervingly close to Ziyi. In the blink of an eye, I had come to Ziyi. In the process, I didn't look at Peng Xuefei. Although Peng Xuefei wanted me to save Ziyi and she was ready to die, she was still sad to see me so decisively chosen. In her eyes, a faint sadness emerged.

And Ziyi, also did not because I choose her and happy, on the contrary, she was very excited to me and cried: "I do not eat, I do not want your antidote, you give Feifei!"

This cry, purple can not help coughing up, her energy is too limited, the body is too weak, but she still try her best to lose temper with me. Perhaps, she is dissatisfied with my indifference and unfeeling to Peng Xuefei, and she can't watch poor Peng Xuefei die like this. As she just said, if Peng Xuefei died, then even if I saved her life, she would not live peacefully, because she knew that her life was paid for by Peng Xuefei, and she certainly didn't want to.

When Ziyi was excited, I put my finger on my mouth and hissed.

My action let Ziyi quiet down, also let the whole audience quiet down, those faint exclamations all extinguished, this moment, the quiet needle in the field can be heard, there is no sound.

In the silence, I ignored everything, only looked at Ziyi affectionately and said slowly: "although our wedding has not been completed, I have already regarded you as my wife in my heart. You are my favorite woman and can not be replaced.

When we first entered the University, we knew each other. Up to now, we have experienced too many difficulties. We have survived all the difficulties. I thought that if we stick to it for a while, we can be together.

However, I did not think that the God is cruel, some people are more cruel, inhuman, you stay at home, they are not willing to let you go, after all, you are still implicated by me. You know me, if I can, I will save you even if I risk my life, because I love you too much. But now, even if I fight to death, I can't save you, because what the enemy wants is not my life, but to torture my heart. She wants me to kill the woman related to me.

You and Peng Xuefei are both women who have gone through my life deeply. I can't bear any death of any of you. I don't want to choose, but I have no choice. I don't have time to escape. Anyway, I have to make a choice.

Ziyi, we have been in love for so long. I believe we all know each other. I believe that no matter what I do, you will understand me.

You know, I owe Peng Xuefei, at the beginning, in order to save you, I used her innocent, cruelly hurt her, I really sorry for her, her thing is like a thorn in my heart, has been deeply pressing me, I always have guilt for her.

This time, if she died because of me again, then I even live, also have no meaning. I, solo, have always been open and aboveboard, and I really don't want to live my life with guilt. I don't want the love between us to always have a mustard, so I decided to leave this antidote to Feifei. Ziyi, I believe you can understand me, right? "

A word, I said very slowly, very difficult, throat is dry, heart is bitter, said my eyes are red, eyes are sad, also with invisible perseverance.

At the beginning, people in the field thought that I was going to give the antidote to Ziyi, but at this moment, they clearly heard that I wanted to save Peng Xuefei. Suddenly, the whole audience was shocked. Everyone's eyes showed an extremely incredible look. Many people even couldn't help but cry out. Obviously, they all felt incredible about my decision. This is Xu Many people can't understand.

However, Ziyi listened to my words, but her mood eased down. She felt my sincerity from my words. She understood my decision and respected my decision. Therefore, Ziyi nodded with tears almost without hesitation: "mm-hmm, I'm not afraid of death, I can understand you!"

After saying this, Ziyi's tears burst into her eyes, but they were not sad tears, but happy tears. She was happy that she could get my love, and that she could pay for me. She finally felt her own value and felt that she could no longer implicate me. She would like to die to complete me.

It's not like this.

However, purple agree, Peng Xuefei will not agree, she listened to me and purple, immediately became extremely excited. Weak she, regardless of everything, began to cry, said she did not want to die without antidote.

Peng Xuefei said more excited, almost passed out.

I quickly turned around, walked quickly in front of Peng Xuefei, gave the antidote to Peng Yi beside her, and said seriously: "give it to Feifei quickly!"Although Peng Yi is eager to save her daughter, he can't accept it like this. After all, it involves Ziyi's life. Therefore, Peng Yi finally chooses to refuse politely.

Seeing his refusal, I immediately frowned and said sharply: "this is an order. There's no time. Let Feifei eat it!"

Peng Yi felt my dignity, so he didn't give up any more and had to take the antidote.

Peng Xuefei was more and more excited. Her eyes were red and red, and her tears finally began to flow. She could no longer pretend to be strong. Her mood completely collapsed. She cried and begged me to help her. She also said to Peng Yi that she would never take antidotes. After that, she directly closed her mouth.

No matter what Peng Yi said, Peng Xuefei did not open her mouth. Her attitude was very firm.

Standing on one side, I directly faced Peng Yi and solemnly said, "pour it in!"

Peng Yi frowned and nodded his head. Then, he firmly grasped Peng Xuefei's cheek and forced the antidote into Peng Xuefei's mouth like pouring poison.

Suddenly, struggling Peng Xuefei was in a daze. The antidote completely entered her throat. Everything was a foregone conclusion. Peng Xuefei couldn't accept the ending at all. It seemed like a great blow to her. She suddenly became dull, tears flowed silently, and her eyes were full of pain.

I looked at Peng Xuefei deeply and said to her in a hoarse voice: "Feifei, live well."

Finish saying, I straight turn around, quickly returned to purple by the side.

At this moment, Ziyi has completely collapsed. Time devours her mercilessly, so that she can't continue to support. She can't bear it, her tears are dry, her eyes become extremely lax, and the whole person is dying.

Looking at such a woman, my heart was cut like a knife, and the pain was intense tearing me. However, I tried to endure the pain. I tried to open the voice and said to Ziyi: "sorry, Ziyi, I didn't protect you well. You have to suffer and suffer for me all these years. Now, you have to die because of me. My sin is too deep. I'm sorry for you. You give everything for me, just because you love me. Your wish is to live a simple and peaceful life with me. This requirement is the simplest for ordinary people, but I can't give it to you.

I am doomed to be a disaster, something happens around me, even if I want to calm things down, I want to hold you in the palm of my hand, I want to give you happiness, but in the end, I implicated you to death. God is so unfair, they all say that a good man's life is safe, but why won't he let you go and let you die at such a young age?

Ziyi, what can I say? I can't make up for my fault. I just want you to know that I love you and always do. Also, I will take revenge for you. I want the old witch's blood debt and blood payment. I want people with bloody cherry blossoms, they can't die easily! "

Said. My throat almost burst, my eyes turned blood red, and my eyes were full of anger and hatred. I was filled with anger and hatred, which made me turn into a maniac in an instant. My look was filled with extreme grief, and my body was burning with fierce anger.

All the people present felt my infinite anger. Seeing my magical side, I was completely changed in their eyes.

I will not be the Suluo with the heart of benevolence. Before that, I have always been a man and a man. No matter what I do, I will not do too much. Even for some sinful people, I did not kill them all, but this time it was different. I was angry. I abandoned his mother's righteousness and morality. I did not put black Luocha and blood cherry blossom When they are human beings, they are monsters, a group of heartless monsters. It's not too much to kill them thousands of times. I must kill them all to comfort Ziyi's spirit in heaven.

But, purple listen to my words, but can no longer respond, she has lost the ability to speak, she can not hold on, because, half an hour, has arrived, toxicity has completely flooded Ziyi, she can only struggle to open her eyes, affectionate looking at me, as if to engrave my face in her last memory of life.

At the moment, the whole world seems to be quiet, in this world, everything is illusory, only I and Ziyi exist, all around, are completely ignored by me, immersed in pain, I can't help but stretch out my hand and take Ziyi's hand.

I took her hand, leaned over to her and whispered in her ear: "Ziyi, you can go safely. When I avenge you, I will go down with you. When we live, we can't be partners. After death, I will guard you forever

In a word, it has revealed my most true heart, which is what I thought when I decided to give Peng Xuefei an antidote. I once promised Ziyi to lead her to a quiet two person world, but this long cherished wish has not been achieved, Ziyi is going to leave me, I can't let her alone in the spring of nine, anyway, she died because of me, I can't live a person with peace of mind, I can only rely on her in another world.

And dying purple Yi, in listening to my words, eyes immediately changed, she opened her mouth to say what to persuade me, but, too late, she just opened her mouth, suddenly spewed out a big mouthful of blood.

Blood gradually in my face, blurred my eyes, I through the blood red line of sight, see purple in the powerless droop of the head, her pale hands, also from my hands quietly slide down

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