Mr Loser,Fight back!

Chapter 903-904

With the fall of her hand, Ziyi is declaring to the world that her life has come to an end and she is dead.

At once, the breath of death suddenly came and covered the whole field. Everyone's face became dignified. This scene affected all the people, including the brothers in our team and the other party's people. Their faces were extremely serious and even more melancholy.

In this huge battlefield, Ziyi is equivalent to the first person to die, but her death alone can bring out the endless spirit of death, as if the battlefield has been reduced to a tomb, and the air is filled with the smell of hell.

Ziyi's blood, a little bit of dye in my face, the firelight, reflected the blood red light on my face, shining brilliantly, startling the eyes of the audience.

Time, in this moment, once again frozen, the picture is still, everyone in the painting is staring at me and Ziyi.

Ziyi's breathing stopped completely, her eyes were still open, her expression was fixed, a pair of dead eyes, her death deeply stabbed into my eyes, impacted my heart, let me heartbroken, heartache intense.

Never so painful, so painful that I can't describe, pain to my despair, Ziyi, she lost her young life, left me like this, she died, really died.

I didn't have to bear the pain of Ziyi's death, but why this time, especially the pain?

At the beginning, Ziyi committed suicide under my knife in the headquarters of Wutang. I thought Ziyi was dead. In a moment, I became crazy and crazy, killing people in Wutang and 4tang. At that time, I was so painful that I completely lost my mind and became a real madman.

And this time, Ziyi died, I did not go mad, not crazy, just the pain in my heart, silent pain, fatal pain. I thought that I had been prepared for Ziyi's death in front of me, so I could bear the fact that I could not suffocate. But at this moment, I saw Ziyi's life disappear, and I didn't close my eyes until she died. I couldn't stand it. My eyes were dim and full of tears. All my strong fortresses collapsed and my whole body was gone The skin is gone.

I became a body, a long time of solidification in Ziyi's side, when I can breathe a little, I slowly return to God, and then, I stretched out my shaking hand, put it in Ziyi's eyes, and gently closed her eyes for her.

It can be said that anyone with a little conscience will be touched by this picture. My brothers, even those who don't have any intersection with Ziyi, can't help but wet their eyes. Some of them even sob soundlessly. However, as the initiator of all this, heiluocha has no heart of mercy. She saw Ziyi's death and saw such a tragic scene, No Sympathy, on the contrary, showed a cheerful look, her eyes, become more and more bright.

When I closed Ziyi's eyes, black Luocha finally couldn't help laughing. She laughed wildly and wantonly. The laughter was full of joy, which was her most incisive and hearty. The whole night sky was shaking her happy laughter. Her smile was incompatible with the sad scene in front of her.

After a while, black Luocha stopped laughing, but then, she cried out madly: "ha ha, he didn't choose Ziyi, he didn't choose Ziyi!"

At this moment, black Rosa completely became a crazy woman who was neither human nor ghost. She kept repeating this sentence. It seems that I didn't choose Ziyi, which is a special thing worthy of her happiness. That is to say, I gave her the best answer, and she was very satisfied.

Father saw his son's teeth suddenly, but he didn't choose his son's teeth, but he didn't choose his wife's eyes? Why were you so cruel? Why didn't you choose me? Why did you use me to hurt me? You were confused. You should die

With that, black Luocha was full of resentment, and she was almost heartrending. She changed from a happy madwoman to a resentful woman. She resented my father and hated my father. She vented all her resentment over the years to my father at this moment.

This woman is really a total perversion. Her heart is completely distorted. She tried her best to catch Ziyi and Peng Xuefei, and insisted that I choose one of them. In fact, she was not simply trying to torture me. She just wanted to test me. She wanted to know whether I would choose the woman I love or the woman who loved me. By doing so, she tried to test whether Su Qiyao's son would repeat Su Qiyao's mistakes. In the end, she was still there Revenge for what happened then.

Now, she saw the answer I chose and confirmed that Xu Nan died in front of me. Therefore, she was happy, happy and satisfied. She did not blame herself for killing an innocent life. She was only excited by the answer she saw. She really lost her conscience.

But my father, after he understood the intention of black Luocha, his face suddenly changed greatly and became very ugly. He frowned tightly and cried angrily at black Luocha: "black Luocha, you are so unreasonable. You know that I was forced to be together with you. How can you compare it with this. Even if you have to say that you are a victim, you should understand the pain of being hurt. How can you impose this pain on others? They are just children. You have done evilMy father's tone is helpless, and with a towering anger, his anger all want to completely swallow up the black Luocha.

As my father, Su Qiyao couldn't bear the black widow's abuse of me. He couldn't accept it. Because of his resentment against him, he added this inexplicable hatred to me.

But black Luocha's heart is really black. She doesn't feel that she has done wrong at all. She also looks like a matter of course. In the face of my father's anger, she is not afraid at all. Instead, she replied: "I don't care. I only know that you hurt me cruelly. You are merciless and you are unjust. If it wasn't for you, I would not have become what I am now. I just want to torture you and torture your son I want you to pay a hundred times, I want you all to live like death

The more she said, the deeper the resentment of Hei Luocha. In her dictionary, there was no reason at all. What she determined was what was full of hatred and murder. She thought that she was the master of the world and wanted to play with her enemies.

Her arrogance infuriated all my brothers and ignited my father's killing intention. My father's eyes were already red, and his eyes were endless anger. He opened his mouth angrily and was about to say something to black Luocha.

But at this time, has been bent over staring at purple I, suddenly moved.

From the moment of Ziyi's death, I have been silent and kept the same posture, guarding her side. However, at this moment, I finally moved my eyes from Ziyi and slowly stood up straight.

My action is still silent, but in an instant attracted the attention of the whole audience. Even my father, who was furious with the thunder, did not confront black Luocha any more, but turned his eyes to me.

In everyone's attention, I gently came to the back of Ziyi's wheelchair. Then, I pushed the wheelchair and moved Ziyi's body to one side. Then, I slowly returned to the field under the whole audience's attention. I just like a ghost, silent to get up, silent to go, and silent to.

After standing still, I directly turned my eyes to Peng Xuefei. Although Peng Xuefei took the antidote and maintained her life, her state was more miserable than death. She swallowed the only antidote and watched Ziyi slowly die. This was the most cruel torture for Peng Xuefei. Her body and mind were broken and her soul was broken. She seems to have lost all of her vitality and lay powerless on the wheelchair. Her face is paler than when she was poisoned. Her eyes are empty and inanimate. Tears keep falling from her eyes. It seems that she is so pitiful.

Peng Xuefei has always been strong, even if I cheated her, hurt her, abandoned her, she would not let me see her sadness, she would only lick the wound alone, what she thought was not to give me trouble, not to let me tangle.

But now, for her sake, I am willing to give up Ziyi's life. This not only hurt me, but also destroyed Ziyi's fresh life. Such an end, Peng Xuefei how to bear, strong she, finally is a complete collapse.

Until this moment, Peng Xuefei still did not relax. Her life was still there, but her soul seemed to be lost. The black Luocha's practice was inhuman, killing a woman and deeply injuring another woman. Peng Xuefei's life was not dead, but her heart was dead.

Seeing Peng Xuefei like this, I added a painful weight to my heart. It was so heavy and heavy, but I didn't say anything more. I just told Peng Yi, "take Feifei down!"

Peng Yi immediately pushed Peng Xuefei aside. In an instant, in front of our army, only me and my white haired Dad were left.

The cold wind rustled, blowing away the sad breath on the battlefield, but could not blow out the hatred in my heart. Ziyi was dead, but her blood still remained on my face, imprinted with the imprint of bone, engraved the deepest pain. However, up to this time, I still did not go crazy. After Ziyi's death, I did not look at black Luocha, as if ignoring her. In fact, the ugly face of black Luocha has gone deep into my mind, and the hatred has gone deep into my bone marrow.

I didn't flow my emotions on the surface. The violent storm pressed on the bottom of my heart, turning grief into strength. With this invisible force, I opened my feet and gently came to my father's face.

Then, I looked at my dad with the deepest eyes and said in a deep voice, "Dad, do it!"

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