Mr Loser,Fight back!

Chapter 905-906

At this moment, I was extremely stable. Even though the volcano erupted in my heart, on the surface, I was still as stable as a mountain. I didn't have too many expressions, and I didn't have half a word of nonsense. I directly let my father start fighting, because in fact, I couldn't wait.

Anger has completely engulfed me. If I can, I really want to rush to the front of the black Luosha and tear her to pieces, so that she can never live beyond life.

However, I know too well that the consequences of impulse are very serious. In terms of strength, I certainly can't compare with Hei Luocha. She is a super master who can be compared with my father. If I rush forward recklessly, it will not only harm myself, but also implicate my father and make my people confused.

Therefore, if I want to revenge, I can't be reckless. I must rely on my father and let him command our team, and really fight with the bloody cherry blossom. Only in this way can we have a chance to annihilate the other party and kill the black Luocha.

The brothers behind me, hearing my request for a fight, were immediately shocked. One by one, they were filled with righteous indignation and roared vigorously

in the roar of the brothers, there was also reluctance and anger, and the cruel means of black Luocha. It has already caused my brother's great dissatisfaction. We all want to kill this despicable devil and avenge me with blood.

Of course, my father would like to swallow up the black widow, but he was more worried about me, because he was deeply aware of how much pain I was hiding under the appearance of calm, which was unbearable for ordinary people. My dad has been staring at me with his bright eyes, full of worries.

After a long time, he reached out his hand, stroked my head, and sighed: "son, you have suffered!"

My father's tone is meaningful, but I can still hear that he is trying to soothe the accumulated resentment in my heart. He is afraid that I will be hoodwinked by hatred and affect my play in the battlefield. In this way, I am easy to be dangerous.

In order to make my father feel relieved, I can't help but straighten my chest and look at him calmly. He said sonorously, "I'm ok. I can bear it. I just want revenge now. Let's fight quickly."

Anger and resentment can't affect my mind. I have already buried this overwhelming resentment in my heart, but the strength in my body is getting stronger and stronger, as if it is about to break through my body and burst out with amazing power.

My father saw that I was so firm that he didn't say anything else. He just promised me solemnly: "don't worry, dad will revenge you!"

After saying that, my father immediately took his hand off my head, and his cold eyes aimed at the black Luocha. Then, in the cloudy night sky, my father's powerful roar burst out: "black Luocha, you have lost your conscience and do all kinds of evil, but I think you have been kind to me before. I didn't want to kill you completely, but tonight, you successfully broke my bottom line. Your viciousness is really outrageous. What you do is not allowed to be done. If you do not uproot your organization, I am afraid the whole society will be in turmoil. Today, let you and your bloody Cherry Blossom disappear from this world forever! "

After a long time in the air, I feel that the sky is my father's momentum. All along, my father is a man of indomitable spirit. He has the strength to do what he says.

I can feel my father's strength and anger. He has made a killing order to the black Luocha. For me, he can no longer care about the old love. Now the black Luocha is just his enemy. He really wants to kill the black Luocha and exterminate the bloody cherry blossom.

As a matter of course, since my father has already said so, I'm afraid that all people in the underground world will be afraid. You know, the ghost king is a powerful underground myth. In front of each other, he is the invincible God of war. Whoever he wants to die on the third watch, no one will live on the fifth.

However, the rampant and limitless black Luocha is not afraid of my father at all. In other people's eyes, my father is the ghost king who frightens the world and tears ghosts and gods. In the eyes of black Luocha, my father is just the knockout of the old times.

After listening to my father's words, black Luocha immediately made a disdainful voice: "Su Qiyao, you are always so arrogant, even if your people are defeated by me, you are still so frivolous. I don't know what kind of proud capital you have. Do you really think that with the help of your son, you can revive your momentum and turn defeat into victory? It's a joke. More than 20 years ago, my father could easily capture you. Today, I can also easily destroy you! "

The voice of the black widow was as harsh as the magic sound. Her tone is really too crazy, she not only despises my father today, even the invincible ghost king, she also looks down on. Listen to her meaning, it seems that her father is invincible. My father was also a prisoner of her father. What's more, she may feel that my father was able to dominate the whole country with her help. She really put herself on that day.

I finally understood why my father didn't give black Luocha a chance. A woman like her who was arrogant in the bone could not bear it. My father was a myth and a legend. Only he dominates others, where can he stand others riding on his head? Especially black Luocha is still a woman, and my father can't let her run wild.

In this world, few men can stand a woman who is too strong and too arrogant. What's more, my father himself is so strong that he can't be suppressed.But at this moment. My father didn't break out for his repeated belittlement and disdain for the black Luocha. He knew that it was not the time to show off his strong words. Therefore, he was too lazy to fight back at the black Luocha, but turned to the army behind me. Start assigning tasks to the generals.

Today, when I set out, my father had already assigned me to this team, which senior leaders took who were clearly divided.

Now, all he has to do is to instruct the general how to fight and attack the target.

I have no doubt about my father's military skills. Under his leadership, my people will certainly be able to play the effect of thousands of people. I have confidence in my father and more in my people.

After a while, everything was ready. My father turned around, staring at me, and solemnly said, "son, you can give orders."

In the end, my father left the decision-making power to me. I understood what my father meant. He wanted me to be the only coach and avenged his blood feud.

I didn't wriggle. I nodded directly to my father. Then, I stepped forward two steps and came to the forefront of my whole team. In an instant, I became the unique king of the whole court.

Standing in the middle of the field, I was calm as water, but my team was full of wind and clouds. Everyone had a hundred and twenty thousand spirits and surging blood. They were ready to fight and ready to go. Just wait for my order.

As a commander-in-chief, I naturally feel the passion and fighting spirit of my brothers. In my heart, there is also a flow of heat. The anger and resentment originally accumulated in my heart has penetrated into every cell of me. I'm not in a hurry to explode, but the strength and heat flow in my body are getting fiercer and fiercer.

Then, I raised my eyes and looked deeply at the black Luocha. My eyes were like a shuttle, as if I could see through everything. This was the first time that I seriously looked at the black Luocha. I could see that this thin woman with coarse linen clothes and white hair did have extraordinary skills and frivolous capital, but now I am not afraid of her. My eyes, as if reflecting the black Luocha into a skeleton. I've seen her end.

After a long time, I suddenly opened my mouth and slowly said to the black Luocha: "black Luocha, please remember that you have two things to do. First, you should not catch innocent women to do experiments. 2、 You should not underestimate me and my war, tonight, you will pay for your stupidity, I want you and your people, all buried here

At the end of the day, I almost screamed. The turbulent power in my body exploded. My surging momentum rose to the sky. My kingly spirit was even more powerful.

Hatred didn't make me lose my mind. On the contrary, it made me realize myself clearly. What's more, the potential of my body was aroused without reservation. At this moment, my whole body seemed to shine with dazzling light, just like the hot sun.

The huge battlefield, everywhere filled with my fiery breath, all the people on the scene seemed to feel my towering momentum, and everyone's eyes showed a color of surprise.

But on the field, only the old woman black Luocha, she has always maintained her arrogant posture, no matter how powerful the deterrent I showed, black Luocha did not change a bit. As if everything between heaven and earth can't bluff this abnormal devil.

In the eyes of black Rosa, we are all dust, insignificant. Even if I burst out of momentum, even if my father gave a death order, even if my team was crying for food, the black widow still didn't care.

Even, she saw me like this. All of them couldn't help laughing with disdain. Her eyes were full of disdain. Her expression was extremely arrogant. With her sunken eyes, she looked at me contemptuously, sarcastically and sarcastically: "ha ha, sure enough, like father, like son, two father and son are really a virtue, they are arrogant, do not know the height of heaven and earth. You want to kill me, it's understandable, but you also need to see if you have this ability. Do you really think I'm waiting for you here without any preparation?

I tell you, I've dug a hole for you, ready to bury your father and son. Originally, if you behaved better, I could play with you slowly. Now that you are in a hurry to die, I will help you

Say, black Luo Cha suddenly look at a change, face up to the sky, shrill voice roar way: "all come out!"

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