Mr Loser,Fight back!

Chapter 907-908

At the moment, the image of black Luocha is like a fierce ghost. Her actions are especially exaggerated and her voice is sharp and harsh. Her words are even more frightening. In a moment, all my brothers who are eager to try are shocked, and my team suddenly stops.

My towering fighting spirit also solidified in an instant. Just now, I vowed to cut the black Luocha into pieces because I weighed the strength of both sides. I knew that my father and I could definitely destroy the black Luocha and others.

Although, in terms of the total number of people, we are the same. But our side, combined with my father's strength, there are many masters. The number of our masters can definitely crush each other.

However, now the black Luocha suddenly said that she had dug the hole and sent out such a sharp call. This let me understand that the female devil head still had cards, and she hid her backhand.

Suddenly, my pride was drowned, and my heart began to tremble. I felt very uneasy and afraid. I was not afraid of my own death. Because Ziyi died, I had no idea of living, but I was afraid of something wrong with the people around me.

If it's a close fight, all of us can get out of it. Fight to death, but the current situation, obviously not good, we are likely to have no chance, will be crushed by black Luocha. The consequences are really terrible.

I dare not think, fear will swallow me inch by inch, I just the despot gas, all dissipated, with a very vigilant heart, I cautiously looked around. In my opinion, the black Luocha may have ambushed thousands of troops, ready to kill us completely. However, after looking at it for a long time, I did not see any movement around, and I could not feel the hidden breath of a large army.

My brothers, who were startled, immediately regained their consciousness and watched from side to side. All of them were uneasy and prepared to deal with various crises.

At last, several figures appeared in our sight. They also came out slowly from the rear of the enemy battle group, that is, from the trees where the black Luocha appeared.

There are only ten of them. However, their momentum is equal to that of thousands of troops. What's more, they are generally very old. Looking at the past, they seem to be all old people who are about to be buried in the soil.

Years have completely eroded them, making them become bony skin and bones. They are full of vicissitudes, and their face is completely aging.

Among them, the leaders are three old men. The sparse white hair on their heads is enough to prove that they are too old to be old any more. It is estimated that they will be 90 years old. The old men who are dying may be swept away by the wind, but their momentum is strong and powerful, which makes people feel awed.

The seven people behind the three old people with white hair are relatively younger, but they should be 70 or 80 years old. They look older than the old women pushing wheelchairs before, and their momentum is also overshadowed.

Such a combination of ten people is really invincible, too terrifying, too frightening. In the attention of the whole audience, the top ten elders slowly walked through the middle channel of the black dress team and walked towards the black Luocha. Only when they got to the back of the black Luocha, did they stop.

There are ten more soldiers in the other team, but only these ten people, and all of them are old people who want to go to the ground, have boundless power. It is no wonder that black Luocha can be so rampant, no wonder she is not afraid of us. So it is, she has hidden such a deep card, ten old men The momentum of the people is really destroying the weak.

Staring at those old people for a long time, I feel more and more small, as if I have been submerged in their mighty ocean, for a time, I can not find their own existence.

After a long pause, I suddenly regained my consciousness, and then I turned my head. Looking at my dad, he asked in amazement: "Dad, I killed all of their top ten masters. Why are there so many powerful masters in there now?"

This is really strange. In the last war, I slaughtered the top ten experts of black Luocha. I thought that there were no more powerful people around the black Luocha. At least in my opinion, blood rose should be the most powerful master under the black widow's hand. After all, they can be the hair care of blood cherry blossom. But now out of the ten old man, clearly all more than blood rose, they are abnormal level master.

And my dad, obviously, was surprised by the top ten. Since they showed up, my dad has been staring at them. His muddy eyes are shining, as if to see through each other.

My father didn't react until I asked. His eyes didn't move away from the old man. He just came back to me with a bleak tone: "they are not the people with red cherry blossoms, they are the men of black Luocha father!"

Hearing this, my heart couldn't help shaking. Black Luocha's father, this terrible man, I thought he was buried in the earth, so he didn't threaten me. Originally, I thought it was too simple. Black Luocha's father died, but he still had his subordinates. The most terrible thing is that all his subordinates are monster level masters.

Even my dad, he's very wary of these old people. It's true that my father fought all over the world. No one is his opponent. However, when he met the father of black Luocha, my father was easily defeated. If it was not for the black widow, my father would have been dead. Therefore, my father should be afraid of the father. At present, although he is not here, he is not a vegetarian. Of course, my father will pay attention to him.When I was shaking my spirits, one of the old men with white hair stood up and said haughtily to my father, "Su Qiyao, long time no see!"

The old man with white hair is one of the three leading white haired old men. He looks like the one with the greatest power. He is dressed in green clothes, and he seems to be unfathomable. He seems to be a man of virtue. He also spoke with great momentum. As an old man, his voice was loud and clear, but his tone was strange. He was greeting my father. In fact, he was full of sarcasm.

Of course, my father could hear the provocation in the old man's words. Therefore, without any warning, my father directly stood up and came to me and said in a deep voice to those old people in front of him: "yes, long time no see. For more than 20 years, I thought you old men were all dead, but I didn't expect to be alive!"

Although, those old people are very powerful. Although my father attaches great importance to them, they are human beings, not gods. My father can not be afraid of them. They are arrogant. My father is not willing to be weak. He is very impolite when he speaks.

My father's words made the top ten old people blush. One of the old men with white hair in green clothes stood up again and criticized my father: "hum, Su Qiyao, how can we die if you are not dead. Even if we die, we will pull you together!"

At the end of the day, the momentum of the old man in green suddenly burst out.

But my father is still not afraid, he is very calm in the face of this group of old monsters, the sight is like a torch, his ghost King's momentum, again showed.

With unparalleled momentum, my father was very sonorous to the old man in green and said: "there are many people who want me to die. However, over the years, no one can do it. If you want to kill me, it's not enough!"

My father's words are more powerful. Before the battle started, my father brought his own aura. He not only demonstrated himself, but also inspired our team. All of us have witnessed that my father just used words and momentum to crush each other.

Now another old man with white hair in his clothes stood out. His temper was even stronger. As soon as he said something, he growled at my father: "you ungrateful and shameless child. At the beginning, our patriarch really treated you, didn't kill you, and even betrothed your own daughter to you, but you didn't know good or bad. You took advantage of my miss, and even cruelly abandoned my daughter. You are so shameless, Your shameless behavior made our sick old patriarch die. I tell you, the last wish of the old clan leader was to take the life of your dog Su Qiyao.

In these years, if my young lady didn't allow me, we old men would have taken your head from your neck to pay homage to the old clan leader. Now, you, a child, have come to my stockade and want to kill my young lady. You are trying to kill yourself! "

Said, the old man to black Luocha indignant way: "Miss, still wait for what, order it!"

The old man's resentment against my father was obviously deep and deep. His words fully expounded the gratitude and resentment between black Luocha and my father. Behind the resentment, not only did my father betray the love of black Luocha, but also indirectly killed black Luocha's father.

I did think my father was wrong when I heard grandfather Bai say this. But now, I understand my father. I think my father is not wrong. If I were, I would not choose a woman like black Luocha. As for the death of black Luocha father, it has nothing to do with my father. He is seriously ill. Even without my father, he may not live long.

The death of my father was a fuse. The old man said that he almost avenged my father at that time, but he was stopped by black Luocha. Of course, it's certainly not that Hei Luocha has a benevolent heart. She should know that with her strength at that time, she couldn't fight the ghost king, or, without full assurance, she would not choose revenge. She was brewing deeper tricks and more cruel revenge, so today's scene came into being.

In fact, this was not a big hatred of life and death at all, but it was the paranoia of black Luocha that led to the growing hatred. She was crazy about love and finally fell into the devil's way.

Up to now, the black Luocha has become a devil completely. She has revealed her powerful fangs. She will take advantage of this time to revenge us severely.

When the old man said these words, black Luocha was just like a mutation. Her eyes suddenly became red and red, her anger was burning, and all her hatred was aroused. For a moment, the devil only felt that she was the most miserable woman in the world. She was full of bitterness and yelled to my father: "Su Qiyao, your death is coming Yes

After the roar, the momentum of the black Luocha reached its peak in an instant. The momentum of her whole battle group was ignited, and then it burned like a fire. They turned into a magic army, and they were opening their mouths to devour us.

In the face of the enemy's terror, my father did not frown. He was ready to fight. As soon as the black Luocha voice fell, my father's body suddenly came out like a sharp arrow.

As I left, my dad reminded me, "order!"

Looking at my father's back like a tiger, my spirit was immediately shocked, and my chest was also ablaze. My father's vigorous and resolute action made me shake and sober me up. I know that my father took the lead because he attached importance to his opponent, so he would lead the first attack and capture the thief and the king.I also understand that at this time, no matter what you lose, you can't lose momentum. Even if the hope of victory is not great, I have to show my momentum. Besides, I must repay Ziyi's revenge. As long as I have one breath, I will swear to death to wash the bloody cherry blossom.

Suddenly, with a wave of my arm, I issued the most heroic command: "go on, kill them!"

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