Mr Loser,Fight back!

Chapter 909-910

In the vast night sky, suddenly sounded my thundering command, the sky seems to change color. At this moment, I seem to be a real emperor, full of infinite spirit, domineering everywhere.

My 600 soldiers received my order and immediately attacked the black Luocha camp like a locust.

Just as soon as my brothers started, my father, who was the first to attack, had already reached the black widow. His speed was too fast and his spirit was boundless. It seemed that the thousands of troops in black Luocha were dust in his eyes. My father was not afraid of the black robed troops of black Luocha or ten old masters. He ignored all the people on the scene, Take black Luocha directly.

Of course, black Luocha side, also has been prepared, they are like hungry wolf general, have been staring at us for a long time. So, as soon as my father got close, the three white haired elders who took the lead immediately attacked. They united like vines, which entangled my father and kept my father away from the black widow.

The three old people with white hair are all over 90 years old, but their movements are not affected by their age at all. They are as fierce as the wind. Their strength is extraordinary, as if in direct proportion to their age, how old they are, how deep their strength is.

My father was entangled by such three masters. Naturally, it was difficult to get rid of the encirclement. Moreover, the three white haired old men were entrusted by the black Luocha father on his deathbed and vowed to take my father's head. Therefore, they were very cruel, decisive and merciless. My dad was like stuck in a terrible quagmire. He couldn't get out of it for a while. He had to deal with it wholeheartedly.

But I have to say, my dad is very strong, very strong. His strength is so high that no one has come after him. He is a myth. Under the siege of three abnormal masters, my father can still cope with it freely. His body seems to be transformed into a shadow. His movements are like electricity, his strength is like thunder, and his momentum is like a rainbow. He is a combination of ten thousand advantages.

This time, my dad clearly showed his true level of strength. In the past many times, my father didn't give all his strength, because the enemy he had dealt with was quite different from his strength. My father didn't need to try his best to crush them.

However, this time is not the same. These three ghost like old people are too terrible and terrible. If my father wants to suppress them as soon as possible, he must show his real skill.

My father's real Kung Fu, that can be called a strong, he is like having three heads and six arms, can withstand attacks from all directions with ease. Even if the three old men join hands and are impeccable, the attack is dense and fierce, and the moves are step by step, my father is not disordered at all. He can control the enemy from thousands of miles, which is more terrible than the devil.

My father's momentum is different from mine. I belong to the sharp and sharp type, while my father belongs to the introverted type. Only those who really understand martial arts can see the powerful and rebellious energy in my father's body. With simple moves, my father can play amazing power. Therefore, no matter how strong the three white haired old men are, they can't defeat my father.

While my father and the three big white haired old men were fighting, many of my brothers had already rushed to the battlefield. However, in the face of our turbulent army, black Luocha was totally indifferent. Her eyes were still arrogant. She did not open her mouth to give orders. She just gently waved the bamboo stick in her hand. Immediately, the seven elders behind the black Luocha and the rear ones The black robed team also all went out to meet my brothers.

The ancient war, officially started!

The momentum of both sides is extremely strong, just like two fireballs. As soon as they collide with each other, the flames will burst into the sky.

It can be said that as soon as the battle started, it directly entered the climax and was extremely fierce. The main melody of the battle is the sound of killing and howling. The sounds are interwoven. After being rendered in the night, it is like the battle song of gongs and drums, which makes everyone's blood more warm and boiling.

The black robed battle group of red cherry blossoms was really beyond my expectation. After all, I underestimated their combat effectiveness. These people feel that they are dead men. They are elite dead men specially trained by red cherry blossom. Their fighting effectiveness is excellent. In a word, their overall combat effectiveness is definitely better than my brother.

However, my brother's team combat ability is more coordinated, coupled with my father's platoon arrangement method, which makes our side more powerful. Therefore, in the face of the black robed battle group with extraordinary strength, my brother still has the advantage.

However, in terms of experts, the other side has seven old people to join in. I am quite short of top experts. My father's six generals, Han Yimo and sun Xiangru, are all top experts. However, the thousands of troops must unite to be considered as superior in strength, and the same is true of relying on heaven to kill dragons. Therefore, the overall situation is still a bit pessimistic.

Seeing the scene more and more fierce, more and more fierce fighting, my heart is also more and more nervous, more and more excited, but, I still did not join the fight.

On my side, except for the commander-in-chief of the army, my grandfather Bai and the second uncle of the Xia family did not act. As flower protectors, they protected Qiqi, Peng Xuefei and xiaosun Yihan, and, of course, the dead Ziyi.

The other party, black Luocha, the old man with black hair and the old woman with black hair who came out with a wheelchair, did not start. In addition, uncle Yang and his daughter, Yang Simiao, did not join in.Black Rocha and I, as the two sides of the commander-in-chief, have been standing still, looking at each other coldly.

Through her skull like eyes, I feel her strong intention to kill. I know that she especially wants to kill me, and my hatred is no less than her. I am eager to frustrate her immediately. However, I know that I can't beat her. If I fight her blind with anger, the consequences will be absolutely unthinkable.

Because, I am the coach of our side, once I have something to do, my brother will certainly be affected, and my father will be more affected. Therefore, in any case, I can not be impulsive, I just silently with the black Luocha stalemate.

Finally, or black Luocha, the old witch, could not help it. Suddenly, she cried a voice, and then, suddenly rushed to me.

At this time, the black Luocha, which has a little old look, she was thin, instantly turned into a black whirlwind, crazy swept to me. Two guards, the old man with black hair and the old woman with black hair, rushed up with her.

Now, the battle in the field is very hot, our personnel are all in the fight, no one can be separated from the lack of skills to block the attack of black Luocha. Seeing the murderous black Luocha was about to kill me. Finally, the white grandfather moved, and he rushed to the black Luocha with lightning speed.

However, the black Luocha didn't plan to fight with the white grandfather at all. Seeing that the white grandfather rushed to her, she didn't worry and slowed down the speed directly. The black haired old man and the black haired old lady who followed the black Luocha accelerated their speed and rushed out from behind the black Luocha to fight against the white grandfather.

Although the white grandfather is fierce, but these two black haired old people are not vegetarian either. When they unite, they immediately entangle the white grandfather and make him unable to get rid of him.

Remove the white grandfather this obstacle, black Luocha immediately speed up, continue to sweep towards me.

The second uncle of the Xia family saw this and wanted to stop him, but I directly reached out and motioned him not to move, because he had to protect several women. Moreover, he tried to block the black Luocha with his strength, which was even more of a suicide.

Although I know that I am not the opponent of black Luocha, but I have to fight with the arrow on the string. At this time, I have no way to escape. After all, there is a life and death contest between me and black Luocha. Either she or I will die.

The seeds of hatred have sprouted in my heart. If I don't kill the black Luocha, it's not enough to vent my anger. Originally I had the impulse to tear her into pieces, but I kept holding on.

Now, black Luocha ran to me, and I could not avoid it. Of course, I couldn't bear it. She made me angry at the same time, but also inspired me full of war spirit, my surging natural gas, immediately surging out.

When the black Luocha body rushed in front of me, my momentum had reached the strongest. However, in the eyes of black Luocha, I was always a mole ant. She didn't care about my momentum. As soon as she approached me, she attacked me. Between the electric light and flint, she raised the bamboo stick in her hand.

I know that the bamboo stick is not the crutch used by black Luosha to support herself, but her weapon. So, seeing her lift the bamboo stick, I immediately became nervous, and my body suddenly flashed to avoid its edge.

However, I didn't expect that the black Luosha didn't attack me with weapons at all. She just forced the bamboo stick into the soil. Then, with the help of the bamboo stick in her hand, she jumped into the air. Her body completely swept towards me, and her feet directly attacked me.

This move is really unpredictable, which makes people defenseless. I didn't even give me any reaction time. I just dodged from her bamboo stick, but I never thought that the feet of black Luocha were attacking me. Moreover, her speed was so fast and her power was so strong.

Almost reflexively, I stretched out my arms and protected them in front of my chest. I took my arms as a shield and quickly resisted the fatal blow of black Luocha.

In a flash, black Luocha's feet, accurately kicked on my arms, immediately, a powerful force from my arm, spread all over my body, I felt as if I had been struck by thunder, the whole was stunned, the eyes were full of panic, my whole momentum was suddenly suppressed, this moment, I became a wooden chicken I'm in a daze.

The next second, relying on the bamboo stick, she kicked my black Luocha across the body, and moved again. Her feet were like a chain of shells, and she even kicked two feet at me. These two times, the strength of the black Luocha was more domineering and fierce.

Stupefied, I immediately flew out and fell heavily on the ground

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