Mr Loser,Fight back!

Chapter 916-918

Indeed, this is my fault, but I have to do it. It is impossible for anyone to leave his father alone. There is nothing wrong with my father's rescue. But in order to save people, sacrifice too many people, this is really too cruel.

After pondering for two times, I tried to explain to Miaomiao again, but I didn't know how to explain it. When I was tangled, Miaomiao said again, "OK, I'm going back!"

With that, she turned and walked directly to the remains of her parents.

At the moment, it is my father who is waiting in front of the remains of Hei Luocha and uncle Yang. What happened tonight has also given my father a huge impact. Especially the death of Uncle Yang and black Luocha, my father is very sad. When we deal with the aftermath, my father has been quietly guarding by the side of Uncle Yang and black Luocha, as if praying for something.

It wasn't until Miaomiao passed by and said that he would send her parents home. He didn't delay any more and said to help Miaomiao send them back.

Next, I took people with my father and took the bodies of Uncle Yang, black Luocha and the top ten elders to the stockade.

When we came to the gate of the village again, it was already early in the morning. We fought earth shaking in the wild. The village was still peaceful, as if all the bloodbath had nothing to do with them. They still lived a peaceful life.

At this time, the people in the stockade have already entered the sleep, only a few houses are still on the light, the others are dark.

I don't know whether they have no feelings for the black Luocha, or they believe too much in the strength of the black Luocha. I feel that the people in the stockade are not worried about the black Luocha at all.

However, it may also be because they are so quiet. They don't know, a group of blood Cherry Blossom people, have died.

At the gate of the village, the stone tablet with the surname Su forbidding people to enter the village still stands conspicuously beside the door frame. My father and I do not want to disobey the meaning of black Luocha. The dead are big, so neither of us went in. Instead, Shen Muchen asked Shen Muchen to escort the bodies of Uncle Yang and others in heiluocha to the stockade. My father and I were waiting outside the stockade.

All of a sudden, people in the stockaded village were shocked by the noise of the lights for more than ten minutes. In any case, heiluocha is the patriarch of this village. The residents in the village should have feelings for her. Now that they know that heiluocha is dead, will they be angry?

I'm really afraid that Miaomiao and my brotherhood will be beaten up. Just as I want to ask my father how good he is, Miaomiao and Shen Muchen rush out in a hurry. Among them, Miaomiao still has an old wooden box in his hand.

As soon as he got outside, Miaomiao immediately handed me the wooden box and said anxiously, "this is a thousand year old toad. Take it. You leave here quickly. The people in the stockade are very excited and afraid of conflict with you."

After listening to the words of each flower, I quickly asked, "then you stay here, will you be ok?"

Anyone with a clear eye should know that Miaomiao is facing me. If I leave, I'm afraid that the villagers in the stockade will bring their hatred on Miaomiao. However, Duoduo doesn't seem to care. She directly said to me, "it's OK. Don't forget that I'm the daughter of heiluocha and the only descendant of her. Those people dare not take me for granted."

As soon as Miaomiao's voice fell, Wu Tianhao beside her echoed: "with me, Miaomiao won't have anything to do!"

With Wu Tianhao's assurance, I can't help but calm down a lot. I know that Wu Tianhao has the ability to protect Miaomiao. This is the important reason why I don't kill Wu Tianhao. Therefore, I didn't get entangled again. I solemnly said thanks to Miaomiao, and I immediately withdrew the tomb parcel with my father.

As soon as I came back, I gave the thousand year old toad to grandfather Bai and entrusted him to cure Qiqi.

White grandfather took the old wooden box and opened it. At once, a Golden Toad came into our eyes. This toad is very smart, just like an immortal. In the night, it is still shining with golden light. It seems that the insect emperor cultivated by black Luocha has become a child in front of this toad.

Don't mention toad itself. It's the old wooden box used by toads. It seems that they are very precious. From this, we can see how much heiluocha attaches importance to this family treasure. However, Miaomiao gave me such a precious thing, but Miaomiao did not blink his eyes. She knows that I need this thing to save another woman, but she can still be so decisive and generous. I really can't repay Miaomiao's love. I just wish her a good life.

When I was distracted, grandfather Bai had made a preliminary study on this toad. He had already determined that this was the legendary Millennium toad.

Therefore, he directly closed the box and said seriously, "don't worry, with it, Miss Xia's illness will not be a problem."

Grandfather Bai's tone is very firm. He should be 100% sure to save Qiqi now. However, Qiqi's illness is very complicated. If he wants to cure Qiqi, he has to go back and talk about it later. Because if he wants to cure Qiqi's disease, it is not enough to cure Qiqi's disease. There are also other drug introductions to assist, so, after accepting me, grandfather Bai put himself into the treatment of the wounded.And I told Qiqi that I had got the Millennium toad. When I went back, grandfather Bai would cure her.

According to the law, Qiqi finally has a chance to live and finally realize her wish to be a normal person. She should be extremely excited. However, she was not happy at all after listening to my words. Her look was still full of dignity. She looked at me stupidly and said in a hoarse voice, "sullo, at this time, do you still think of me?"

Qiqi's voice seems to have incredible, but also seems to have indescribable moved, she may think, in the case of so many things, I should have forgotten her for a long time, but I not only did not forget her existence, but also so wholeheartedly got the Millennium toad for her, all of which made her incredible.

However, I think that this is what I should do. Therefore, in the face of her problem, I almost did not hesitate to reply: "of course, the original intention of my coming here is to help you get the Millennium toad and cure your disease!"

Hearing this, Qiqi's tears came out of her eyes. Although, Qiqi is weak, but she has always been strong, I rarely see her tears, but at the moment, she is so unscrupulous in front of my face, tears are still so turbulent.

Through Qiqi's tears, I can feel the emotion in her heart. She is extremely moved to me. This move is beyond everything, so that she can't help crying when she is calm and strong.

The picture suddenly seemed to stop. Only Qiqi's tears flowed silently. After a long time, she sobbed and asked me, "sulo, I want to know if, I mean, if, I was caught, what would you do?"

Qiqi tangled for a long time, and finally asked this question. It was so difficult to ask, but she couldn't help asking again. It can be seen that how much she cares about this matter. She must have seen me tearing my heart for Ziyi and Peng Xuefei before, so she had a touch in her heart. Maybe it was at that time that she felt small and nonexistent.

But to her surprise, at such a time, I still miss her in my heart. It is because of this that she has the courage to ask me such questions! She saw with her own eyes that when Ziyi and Peng Xuefei were caught, I was so miserable that she wanted to know what my reaction would be if she was caught.

I can feel that Qiqi is very concerned about this problem, so I directly reply to her in a positive tone: "try my best to save you, even if I sacrifice myself!"

I think, if there is such a thing, I am sure I will do it, because Qiqi's kindness to me is endless. If it wasn't for her, I would have died long ago. If she was in trouble, I would certainly try my best to save her.

However, at this moment, I answered Qiqi in such a positive way. The bigger reason is to make her happy. I don't want her to be lost. In particular, I will go to the netherworld with Ziyi soon. I only want the living people to live better.

However, I did not expect, Qiqi after listening to my answer, unexpectedly suddenly stood on tiptoe, heavy kiss on me, this kiss, mixed with Qiqi tears kiss, very sweet, sweet also a little salty.

Qiqi's kiss came so suddenly that I was completely caught off guard. I didn't kiss her. In the ward of the provincial hospital, I kissed the dying Kiki, but it would be my initiative and I was ready.

But this time, I was inexplicable, a kiss, my body immediately like electric shock, suddenly trembled, and then completely frozen.

Qiqi's kiss always brings me a different feeling. I feel that the whole person has been purified. It looks like a new look from the inside out. My walking corpse body is also activated by Qiqi's kiss.

According to the truth, in such a scene, I and Qiqi kiss is not appropriate, I also want to refuse her, but Qiqi's kiss is too magic, I can't refuse at all, I just feel that my body is not under my control, can only involuntarily immerse.

Also do not know how long, Qiqi's lips finally slowly left my mouth, from the beginning to the end, I did not move, my body has been rigid, my mind seems to be fixed, there is no room for thinking.

And Qiqi, she seems to have forgotten all, forget where she is, her heart is only in me, her white cheek, can not help but become a little ruddy, she looked at me with a little shyness, the tone solemnly said: "Suluo, I love you, always love, my life is you give, I am your person, I will not be good with others, because my heart only You. But don't worry, I won't bind you. You can choose who is with you, and I will bless you. If one day you want to be with me, you can find me at any time. I will wait for you all my life. I am willing to be your Ziyi! "

Finish this sentence, Qiqi did not have any stay, directly turned to leave, leaving me gaping, staring at her back.

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