Qiqi's back is still thin, but it has a huge sense of strength, as if, her small body, can support the whole world.

Her strong, infected me, her words, touched me, I suddenly realized that Qiqi is not blindly confessing to me, is not regardless of the occasion and I mess, she did, she has her special intention, she is actually in persuading me, hope I bravely out of the haze.

Qiqi is smart and careful. She knows how important Ziyi is to me. She also knows how great a blow Ziyi's death has caused to me. She is very afraid that I will fall down forever. She is even more afraid that I will make a fool of myself. Therefore, she wants to persuade me to be more open-minded, but she is not good at persuading me directly.

Smart she told me in her unique way that she Xia Yuqi is always my strong backing. She knows that Peng Xuefei has lost her indelible shadow because of Ziyi's death, and it is difficult to come with me in the end. She will go further and further with me because of her parents' affairs. I'm afraid that Qiqi is the only one suitable for her to be with me Aggressive way to tell me, just hope I know, she will always wait for me.

Understanding the pain of Qiqi, my heart can not help but become more painful, I know, Qiqi just don't want me to give up the whole world for Ziyi, don't want me to give up the bright future. For this reason, she is willing to be the double of Ziyi, but she doesn't know that Ziyi is the only one that can never be replaced, and my determination can not be easily changed.

No matter what, I'm going to let go of Kiki's kindness. Let her love, such a failure, let me feel bad, but I have to do this, I have no other choice, can only face Qiqi far away back, in the heart said a: "sorry!"

At that time, I set my mind on how to arrange for these seriously injured brothers. Under the emergency treatment of grandfather Bai, they have temporarily stabilized their injuries. However, with their bodies, they can never travel a long way. From this place to our camp, the road is not only rugged, but also a long way. It takes at least a few hours to walk. Those seriously injured brothers must not be able to stand the twists and turns What's more, it's too late to walk, so we have to set up camp on the spot.

But this time, we came here on foot. We were light, and we didn't bring a lot of things. We had to use what we had here to build a place to live.

Fortunately, the black Luocha left some things in the jungle behind the battlefield. It may be that the black Luocha had already chosen the address. Here, we found a wooden house built in this bush, which is just convenient for us to use. We can process it at will, and the place we live in will be basically settled.

Of course. For us elite soldiers, it doesn't matter even if we sleep in the wasteland. What we really want to settle down is the wounded. They need to be well cared for, and they must be given a comfortable environment. It was not until more than two o'clock in the morning that we had completely recovered the wounded in the war.

This time, we can finally breathe. After a night's tossing, all brothers were exhausted, and everyone was half dead tired. However, even if they were tired again, the brothers could survive. After all, it was better to live than anything.

Even if the brothers die, they will not be able to live in the future.

However, in my heart, only the determination to die, I just want to finish what should be done before I die. Just after I have settled all my seriously injured brothers, Peng Yi and Peng Xuefei came to me.

To my surprise, Peng Yi knelt down in front of me as soon as he arrived, and said excitedly, "thank you, Arlo, thank you for saving Feifei!"

For a long time, I always treat Peng Yi as my uncle. He is my elder and Peng Xuefei's father. Now, he suddenly kneels down for me. I can't help but get scared. I quickly reach out to help him and say, "Uncle Peng, what are you doing? Get up and talk!"

Even Peng Xuefei was frightened by Xia Jiang's behavior, and she followed me to hold her father.

After Peng Yi was lifted up by us, he solemnly said to me, "Arlo, I'm here mainly to apologize to you. It's Feifei who has hurt you and Ziyi's child. If it wasn't for Feifei, Ziyi would not have died. I'm sorry to you. In the future, my life will be yours. I swear that I'll work hard for you all my life. I will never say goodbye

Listening to Peng Yi's words, I felt as if I had knocked over the schizandra, which was extremely complicated. For Ziyi's death, I really felt that Peng Xuefei had no responsibility, but Peng Xuefei took on the psychological shadow because of this. Even Peng Yi apologized to me for it. I didn't want them to have too much psychological burden. So, I quickly explained to Peng Yi that it was necessary to save Feifei Yes, this is what I owe her. I believe Peng Xuefei will understand. I repeatedly told Peng Yi not to feel guilty, but to be loyal to the war.

After my persuasion, Peng Yi finally returned to normal. However, Peng Xuefei's face was as heavy as ever. In a short time, she seemed unable to get out of the shadow. Her eyes were filled with indelible sadness and guilt.Time, as if suspended for a few seconds, a few seconds later, Peng Xuefei suddenly came forward and said to me deeply: "Suluo, thank you!"

After all, Peng Xuefei to me, also just hold out these words, she seems to have a lot of words to say, but can't say it.

Looking at such Peng Xuefei, I am more distressed, involuntarily, I approached her. He pressed his hands on her shoulders and said to her sincerely, "Feifei, don't feel guilty. It has nothing to do with you. Give me another chance to choose, I will still choose you. You didn't do anything wrong. On the contrary, I implicated you. If it wasn't for me, black Luocha would not have caught you, and Ziyi's affair has nothing to do with you. Since black Luocha has decided to torture me, she will It won't make me feel better. Even if I don't arrest you, I may catch others and let me choose. Even if you don't catch others, you may directly kill Ziyi. In a word, heaven has doomed Ziyi to die, so no one can interfere. You must not keep this matter in your heart, you know? "

My words, said extremely slowly, each word each sentence represents my sincerity, Xia Xiaoxiao listened, finally relaxed. However, her heart is still painful, perhaps, she still wants to exchange her life for the happiness of Ziyi and me. Even if she did not blame herself, she would also have regrets and regret that she did not do anything for me.

I understand Peng Xuefei's heart, so I continue to persuade her and tell her that I have felt her dedication, her heart, and everything she has done is in my eyes and in my heart.

In order to reassure Peng Xuefei, I have said a lot and worked tirelessly.

Gradually, Peng Xuefei's heart slowly became clear, she did not blindly immersed in pain, but began to persuade me, but, Peng Xuefei is not good at words, she did not and Qiqi, with any special way to persuade me, just simply comfort me, let me not too difficult, look a little.

Peng Xuefei's enlightenment, listening to my heart is also a burst of sour, but I can give her response, just perfunctory, because I can't see it.

About half an hour later, Peng Xuefei and I finished chatting. When Peng Xuefei left, I told her: "Feifei, for the sake of me and Ziyi, we must live well and recover to the strong you before!"

Peng Xuefei didn't recognize the meaning of farewell in my words. She solemnly promised me, and then she left with Peng Yi.

After chatting with Peng Xuefei, I went to my father and many of my good brothers. I talked to them in a very natural tone. However, there were some important information that I wanted to say in the end. I was telling them the future affairs in a way they would not find out. It was my will.

Until all things have been explained, I went to the body of Ziyi, quietly accompany her.

Accompany silent, all the language is in the heart, Ziyi can feel my words, but other people, completely do not know what kind of determination I have made.

Time, in a flash, soon came to four o'clock in the morning, everyone fell asleep, the world around seemed to sleep, completely silent.

Taking advantage of the silence of the night, I quietly picked up Ziyi and left silently.

At this time, the sky is not bright, the night is very dark, as if the whole heaven and earth are covered by death, there are no stars in the sky, only the moon looming in the clouds, illuminating my way forward.

I did not say hello to anyone, taking advantage of the silence, quietly holding Ziyi and saying goodbye.

Fortunately, my brothers are tired today and sleep very heavily. No one noticed me. Like an invisible man, I quickly left the place where my brothers were stationed and quietly submerged in the night.

This is Yunnan Province. In the deep mountains, there are forests and mountains everywhere. You can't find a decent road. If you are in it, you can't tell the southeast, the northwest and the so-called direction. However, I have no direction in my heart now. I just keep going.

My pace, become faster and faster, all the way forward, I do not care whether the road ahead is thorny or rugged, anyway, my feet are installed with pulley, walking fast, seems to be very anxious to stay away from brothers. Away from all the people on earth.

I went from dark to dawn. Suddenly, a line of milky white laser cut through the dark sky, and then a line of morning light illuminated the East through the clouds. As the morning glow gradually changed from light red to deep red, the East rose a fiery red sun.

The road under my feet finally became clear. Before I knew it, I had come to the edge of a cliff. The cliff was very steep and steep. It seemed that there was an abyss below. I could not see the end at all. If I fell down, I would be broken into pieces. If a person with acrophobia stood here, he would have been scared to the ground. However, I was not afraid at all. I even sat on the edge of the cliff with Ziyi in my arms and looked at the boundless world.

At this moment, I suddenly found that the scenery of nature is very beautiful. The wave like clouds in the distance constitute colorful and colorful patterns under the sunlight. The sun rises from the beginning to the majestic, and the golden light is everywhere, the peaks are dyed, and the earth is bright.

However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it can not light my heart. I seem to have become a sculpture, fixed on this cliff, the morning wind, wantonly blowing, but also can only brush my short hair, my whole person, is still motionless.Picture frame, time also seems to be static, I sat on the edge of the cliff for a long time, eyes flow, thinking jump, heart sad.

If, I have the whole world, but if I lost Xu Nan, then what is the meaning of the whole world to me? When I had nothing, Ziyi approached me, helped me, gave me the unique light of dark life, my dead heart, because she revived, my inferiority complex view of love, because she was rich, my boring life, because she was wonderful, she brought me joy and happiness, also promoted my self-confidence and optimism, she is my angel.

The two of us, giving each other the first time, we have integrated into each other's soul, body and spirit are already combined, from that time on, we should be inseparable. But fate is too fond of playing tricks on people, and always separates us alive.

At the beginning, Xie Yu constantly obstructed me. Slowly, my life entered many other women, which led to the separation and separation of Ziyi and me. Finally, all kinds of enemies appeared one after another. They would take Ziyi to hurt me and torture me. Ziyi and I can walk to today, it is not easy, we have never broken the thorns.

Now, I have solved the strongest organization blood cherry blossom, created a miracle, created brilliance, and eliminated all difficulties. However, Ziyi can not see it. She has gone, gone forever, and she can not witness my glory.

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