Originally, with Xu Ziyi, I really had great ambition. I wanted to unify the underground world and build a different empire. But purple died, and I suddenly found nothing was nothing. Everything was a bubble. I could not protect my beloved woman, but I also talked about what to change the underground world order and what to do to benefit mankind.

In the end, I'm still a waste. In the face of death, I'm powerless. Even if I grow up to this day, I think I'm very strong. But if Uncle Yang hadn't sacrificed himself to save me, I would have died under the staff of black Luocha. I didn't even have the ability to protect myself. Finally, I also implicated others. Heaven seems to have doomed me to be the only star of Tianshan, No matter what I experience, there are always people who give their lives because of me. I have caused too many people to die miserably. Too many dead souls are pressing on me, which makes my heart heavy.

Last time, hundreds of my brothers died in vain in the battle field in the Mangshan war. At that moment, I suffered a huge blow, and I was once depressed. But in the end, because of the Enlightenment of grandfather Bai, the encouragement of Peng Yi, and the stimulation of reality, I still walked out of the haze. I chose to face the future bravely, and I was open to life and death.

However, this time, I lost nearly a thousand brothers in this contest with bloody cherry blossoms, and uncle Yang died for me and implicated the innocent Ziyi. Even if I could see it again, I couldn't bear such an outcome.

Perhaps, the sacrifice of brothers can bring the future glory of war. Their death is valuable, and they also die in heroism.

Perhaps, uncle Yang's suicide is a kind of relief, reincarnation in the afterlife, can lead a better life.

Perhaps, Ziyi died for love and was satisfied with the happiness of death. She felt that she could no longer involve me, so she felt relaxed. She felt satisfied that she had finally done something for me. She died in my arms, so she was happy.

But how can the living be calm? I live now, there is no way to be at ease, especially, Ziyi's death, let my heart knot, no matter what can't be solved.

I have never given Ziyi real happiness and stability. For so many years, she has been suffering from torture and waiting. After suffering so much inhuman torture, she has been waiting for me, waiting for me forever.

I promised her many times when she was born, telling her that when I remove all obstacles and complete everything, I will be with her.

Now, she's dead, but I can't escape my promise. It's time for me to keep my promise.

In this world, there is nothing I can't let go. My father solved his old grudges and got a new life. My brothers, who are still alive, survived in a pool of blood. In the future, if they continue to develop the war, they will certainly have a good future.

Miaomiao, she has her own choice. I can't control her or promise her. I just give her a sorry and a thank you.

Peng Xuefei, she in my persuasion, also gradually began to come out of the haze, I only hope that she can see through thoroughly in the future. Usher in a different life.

Qiqi, she can finally live like a normal person, I believe, such a smart girl, will not be bound by me for life, she will have a brighter new life.

In the early morning, I have almost settled my last wish. Then, I can go with Ziyi without regret. I can finally fulfill the promise of Ziyi.

Since, I can't live with her forever in this world, I hope, under the yellow spring, I can live with her forever. I can't let Ziyi alone in the underground. Although I know that Ziyi doesn't want me to do this, she just wants me to live well, but I know more clearly that Ziyi's lifelong wish is to be with me, and I must fulfill her long cherished wish.

Thinking of this, my sad heart suddenly became firm, I began to feel relaxed, in fact, there is nothing terrible about death, but can be carefree, carefree, very good.

Involuntarily, I slowly stretched out my hand, stroked Ziyi's cheek, and whispered: "Ziyi, you always want to live a plain two person life with me. This is your wish, and I have promised you that I will accompany you to live in seclusion when I finish my own affairs. Now, my affairs have been basically solved, but you have left me forever. I'm useless. I can't protect you and let you stay at home. I'm really a waste! "

Said, my heart, can't help but dye a layer of sadness, my red eyes, finally did not strive to fall tears, tears, silent drip in Ziyi's face, along Xu Nan's face, gently slide.

The light of sunrise, floating on Xu Nan's face, lining her perfect, as if she is still alive, so beautiful.

Looking at such a purple Yi, my heart couldn't help but jump more fiercely, and the emotions in my body constantly burst out. With endless affection, I opened my mouth again and said in a hoarse voice: "Ziyi, do you know? This world is a restless world. We are still too simple. In fact, there is no absolute paradise in this world. No matter where we hide, we will be disturbed. However, there is a place which is absolutely quiet. No one will disturb us. That place is hell. So I decided to go to the yellow spring with you and accompany you forever Can always together, not be disturbed, I know I do this is selfish. But I hope you can understand me, don't blame meWith this sentence, my sadness suddenly stopped, my heart became more and more firm, the idea of suicide, filled my whole mind.

Over the years, I have not experienced suicide for the first time. Since I jumped from a building in the pheasant university, fate has given me extremes many times, and I have tried to commit suicide several times. However, every time I was forced to do so, I was forced to die. I was forced to commit suicide, but I didn't want to die in my heart, and I was very unwilling.

However, this time is different, this time no one forced me. I want to end this life, want to accompany Ziyi forever. I choose the way of death willingly. For me now, death is really a kind of relief, because I am really tired.

Suddenly, I exhaled a long breath, then, I held Ziyi, gently stood up.

At the moment, the sun has been very intense, the sky is clear, the golden light will cover me, I bathe in the sun, physically and mentally thorough, the morning wind, still slowly blowing, my soul seems to have gone with the wind. Only the body remains here.

The mountains stretch, the jungle is all over the ground, and the natural scenery is still so beautiful. Standing at the edge of the cliff, I have a distant look at the world. Then, I look down at the abyss at my feet. Vaguely, I feel that there is something invisible under the cliff calling for me.

My heart was gently drawn, my eyes, slowly closed, my mind, sounded a voice: "goodbye, my life!"

I said goodbye deeply in my heart. With that, I hugged Ziyi and jumped directly, ready to jump into the abyss below.

But my feet have not left the ground, but my shoulder was suddenly clamped by people, suddenly, my whole body was suppressed, completely unable to move, I directly like a puppet general, rigid on the edge of the cliff. Until the person who clamped my shoulder pulled me back, I was dull, only then did I react.

I stepped back two steps and immediately stopped. Then, I turned back and looked at the people behind me. I found that an old man with a thin body but a firm face stood upright in the golden sun. This man was just grandfather white.

The moment I saw the white grandfather, my eyes suddenly flashed a strong surprise color, I looked at the white grandfather, puzzled asked: "grandfather, how are you here?"

At this moment, the white grandfather's face is rare grim, his eyes, full of solemnity, he looked at me deeply, a positive way: "of course, with you to come over!"

Come with me?

Grandfather Bai's tracking ability is very strong, which I know. In the provincial capital, grandfather Bai has been protecting me secretly. I have never found anyone behind me. In other words, grandfather Bai's tracking skills are very high, which is almost unpredictable.

So, this time, I was followed by him. I didn't wonder why I didn't notice at all. I just wondered why grandfather Bai suddenly wanted to follow me. I thought that I was very normal today. Should no one know that I would leave without saying goodbye?

What's more, when I left, everyone had already fallen asleep. I was deliberately taking advantage of everyone's deep sleep to leave quietly. Unexpectedly, grandfather Bai kept up with me silently, which was really surprising to me.

I lenglengleng looking at white grandfather, very puzzled asked: "how can you follow me?"

White grandfather's face is still serious, but his eyes, suddenly brought out a trace of helpless meaning, he looked at me, issued some bitter voice: "in fact, I have seen it for a long time, you will not be happy, so I have been paying attention to your movement!"

When I heard this, I couldn't help shaking my heart. I thought I behaved very naturally. Even Qiqi, who was extremely intelligent, was not sure that I would commit suicide. She just added this possibility to her worry, so she would use her way to persuade me to cheer up. But she didn't see that I must be upset, but grandfather Bai seemed to be sure that I would do something stupid, He even paid attention to my movements all the time. How on earth did he penetrate my heart so thoroughly?

However, it's not the time to tangle with this. No matter what the reason is, grandfather Bai knows that I'm going to commit suicide, and I can't hide it any more. So, I said to him directly: "yes, I want to kill myself. I want to die with Ziyi. You don't have to persuade me. I've made up my mind!"

My tone, very resolute, completely beyond doubt, I have made up my mind, no one can change the determination, so, no one to persuade is of no use.

White grandfather listened to my words, his eyebrows can not help wrinkling up, his eyes, is showing a clear disappointment, he said to me in a very heavy tone: "Suluo, this matter, you have been knocked down?"

I don't think of ropeway: "I didn't fall, I just don't want to live, for me, living is more tired than death, I would rather die!"

Hearing this, grandfather Bai was even more disappointed. He looked at me and asked, "what do you say when you die? Have you ever thought about their feelings?"

I said bluntly: "yes, I just sat here thinking, but I still want to die!"My determination made grandfather Bai a little angry. His eyes were more and more disappointed, and his expression became more and more dignified. Suddenly, he raised his voice and said in a sharp voice: "Suluo, you can't have this extreme idea. You have to be clear. You are su Qiyao's son. How can you think of suicide? It's a coward's performance!"

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