Hearing this, I was even more astonished. I hardly knew whether I was dreaming or my head was short circuited at the moment. I felt that I was already in a floating state, and it was like walking into another space. In a word, what grandfather Bai said really puzzled me so much that I forgot what I should say and how to react at this moment.

Uncle Bai was so surprised that he tried to explain to me: "what Ziyi and Peng Xuefei took are not lethal poisons, but a kind of ecstasy that can make people stop breathing. This kind of drug has a very special property. It doesn't harm the human body, but it can make people fake death. Generally, after 12 hours, when the efficacy is over, people will slowly die Wake up.

Of course, this kind of medicine is not developed by ordinary people, and it is also resolutely attacked by the state. However, it is not surprising that heiluocha, as the daughter of the poison king, can develop a fake death medicine! "

After listening to grandfather Bai's explanation, my eyes were even more astonished. Normally speaking, I should be ecstatic to know that Xu Nan is not dead. However, I am not in a state at all. I just think it is too incredible. I really don't believe this possibility. Grandfather Bai said that what black Luocha gave Peng Xuefei and Ziyi was not really lethal poison. How could this be possible?

With the snake and scorpion heart of black Luocha, she killed people without blinking an eye. Obviously, she deliberately tortured me with Ziyi and Peng Xuefei. How could she use feign death to muddle through? It's not like the style of black Luocha at all?

Involuntarily, I slowly shook my head and whispered: "this is impossible, how can this be possible?"

White grandfather listened to my words, frowned slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "nothing is impossible. At first I didn't believe it. However, when I checked the situation of Ziyi and pengxuefei and analyzed the properties of the antidote, I determined that it was a fake death drug!"

White grandfather's tone, very serious, his face is also serious, he let me believe this possibility, but after I believe, my heart seems to have a gunpowder explosion, my eyes suddenly become red, I almost roared to grandfather Bai: "since you know this is not poison, why don't you say it earlier?"

Maybe I was too excited. At this moment, I didn't control my mood, and my tone was full of dissatisfaction.

Since she wants to see the innocent girl, she can't feel her innocent feelings immediately. But if I did, I would have provoked her and made her kill. Besides, the black widow had long guessed that I could see through her plot, and she had deliberately indicated to me at that time! "

Hearing this, I immediately remembered that Hei Luocha was very confident in her poison. She said that no one could solve the poison, and she specially said "including you" to grandfather Baihan.

Until now, I know that the meaningful "including you" in black Luosha's sentence is not that she is extremely confident in her own poison, but that she wants to convey another meaning to grandfather Bai, which obviously contains threats. That is to say, once white grandfather points out the truth, Peng Xuefei and Ziyi will really die.

White grandfather understood the meaning of black Luocha, he was naturally not easy to take two people's lives, so he did not point out the black Luocha's plot.

I can understand the white grandfather's forced concealment. I also believe that black Luocha deliberately did not kill Peng Xuefei. After all, no matter how cruel she was, she was also against my father and me. For the woman who was in the same situation with her, she did not choose the next killer. However, why did my anger still not disappear? I just feel very oppressive and bent. I feel that I have been played by someone as a fool again.

I was cheated, deeply cheated, this feeling. It made me feel bad. My eyes became more and more red, and my anger increased. I was dissatisfied with the white grandfather again and said, "why is the war over and black Luocha all dead? You still don't tell me, but you still keep hiding from me. Why?"

When I heard this, grandfather Bai's face was cold. He looked at me coldly and sighed, "Arlo, to be honest, I didn't tell you on purpose. I wanted to see how you would deal with this matter. It was also a test of your life. But the result still let me down. You killed yourself for love.

All along, I have paid special attention to you. I think your future is limitless, and you will surpass your father. Your recent performance is indeed in line with the standard in my mind. However, your biggest weakness is the kindness of a woman. In particular, in your eyes, women are more than everything else. This is the thing that holds you back. I don't want to have anything I don't want you to be trapped in the emotional aspect all the time, so I have been hiding from you. Even when I get to the edge of this cliff, I will enlighten you first and then tell you the truth! "

A word, white grandfather said very slowly, very organized, every word, every sentence, all into my heart, I heard the white grandfather's sincerity. I can feel that grandfather Bai really thinks for me, and what he said is very reasonable. My biggest shortcoming is indecision and sentimentality.

For my indecision, my father has said me before, he also advised me to improve, but for emotional matters. I may be adhering to my father's characteristics, in the emotional aspect is particularly persistent, but my father no longer clings to love, he will not commit suicide for love, he would rather go to prison to atone for, rather than commit suicide at will. And I, actually put aside everything, just want to extricate themselves, this is not a man should have performance.Grandfather Bai's concealment was not wrong. He kept it from me in this matter, and finally let me fully expose my shortcomings. Then he woke me up and let me recognize myself.

I am now more sober to realize that I am not mature, responsible, unselfish, or even courageous enough. I have no ability to bear guilt and self blame. I was selfish and didn't consider other people's feelings. Fortunately, grandfather Bai saved me in time and let me stop at the precipice.

Speaking of it, I should thank grandfather Bai. He is my benefactor and my teacher. Over the past few years, he has been paying for me in silence. He has helped me save me countless times. The purpose is to hope that I can change, I can grow up, and I hope to witness my difference. I don't know what the relationship between uncle Bai and my father is, but I can really feel the white grandfather's right My good, without him, I would have been gone, so no matter what happened, I should not be angry with Bai grandfather.

Thinking of this, I directly restrained my emotions and said to my grandfather Bai with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry, Grandpa Bai, I won't make the same mistake again, I will certainly remember your teaching!"

When I said this, my eyes were full of perseverance, I was not perfunctory white grandfather. I am down to the bottom of my heart, white grandfather's earnest teachings, more clearly their shortcomings, in the future, I will try my best to improve themselves, to be a real man.

White grandfather felt my determination, his cold face finally eased down, and even, he nodded happily. Then, he asked me to put Ziyi down again, saying that it was time now, and Ziyi had not woken up. Maybe he had been greatly stimulated. He came to help Ziyi wake up.

At this time, I came back to my mind and quickly put Ziyi on the flat ground. Then, grandfather Bai began to check Xu Nan's pulse and rectify it. There was a moment of silence in the space. It seemed that I heard my heartbeat. Until this moment, I felt how intense my heartbeat was. It was the intensity of ecstasy, the intensity of excitement, and the fact that Ziyi didn't die The most real reaction to the facts.

Before, I was so surprised by the fact that I forgot the excitement. Even because of the deception of grandfather Bai, I feel angry.

At the moment, the misunderstanding disappeared, and everything returned to peace. I found that I was so excited and excited that Ziyi didn't die. It was just God's favor to me. I had planned to live my life with guilt and guilt.

But all of a sudden, I found that this guilt I can use my life to make up for, because, purple live, I can really make up for her.

The more I think about it, the faster my heart beats. The intense feeling will wrap me up. I suddenly feel very lucky and happy.

When I was in a mood jump, grandfather Bai's voice was lingering. While he was treating, he was talking to himself. He said that the black widow was not really insane. She was crazy in front of my father. She had a deep heart knot with my father, so she looked paranoid. She wanted to revenge my father, so she would do a lot of wrong things.

When it comes to the death of the black widow, the white grandfather sighs. If only my father and black Luocha were together, it would not have been like this. The blood flowed into a river and people were dying. My dad doesn't have to be upset because of my mom.

White grandfather said that he did not agree with my father and my mother together, this is a bad fate, but also the only thing that makes my father this mythical figure suffer a blow, because my father's strength is enough to be proud of the world, but can't restore my mother, because my mother was born in the Ye family in Beijing.

Ye family, it is like the five finger mountain of the Buddha. It can hold down my father, the great saint who makes a big noise in the sky. No matter how powerful my father is, he can't escape from the five finger mountain of Ye family. It seems that in the eyes of grandfather Bai, the Ye family is like heaven, and no one can surpass it.

It is precisely because the Ye family is too powerful, so even if my father has great ability, he can only bow down and submit to the throne. Even though he knows that he has been used, he does not dare to complain. Even if the Ye family forbids him to enter the capital, my father abides by it.

As for the Ye family, the more mysterious grandfather Bai talks about, the more excited I am. In fact, through the dialogue between my father and uncle Yang last night, I probably learned about the strength of the Ye family. I think it is sacred. It seems that it is much stronger than the Xia family and Sheng family. But now, when I see the white grandfather's face when talking about the Peng family, I find that the strength of the Ye family is more and more superior After my imagination, I couldn't help asking, "grandfather Bai, what kind of family is the Ye family?". Why can't my dad do anything to them? "

Hearing this, grandfather Bai's face suddenly became very serious. First, he slowly pulled out the needle in Ziyi's temple and put it away. Then, he raised his head leisurely and looked at me. He said solemnly: "Ye family is the head of the four families in Beijing, and its power occupies half of the whole country!"

Half of the country, the moment I heard this word, I suddenly shook hard. I can't imagine that there should be a family that can occupy half of the country. What an incredible thing?

I couldn't slow down completely. I couldn't believe it. Unconsciously, I wanted to ask my grandfather Bai carefully. But at this time, Ziyi, lying on the ground, suddenly opened her eyes and she woke up.Ziyi wakes up. This shining fact immediately implicates my soul and thoughts, and I don't have to do more entanglement in the Ye family. After all, no matter what the Ye family is, it has nothing to do with me. I'm always too far away from them. I don't want to have any connection with such a big family. I believe that they can't admit my identity, otherwise they won't do it for so many years Regardless of me, I just need to be good at myself. Now, for me, Ziyi's business is the biggest thing.

Seeing the moment when Ziyi opened his eyes, I immediately felt excited. Then I squatted down quickly, holding Ziyi's hand, and said excitedly, "Ziyi, can you hear me?"

Ziyi heard my voice, can't help but slowly turn his head, full of confusion to look at me, her eyes some dull, some inanimate, but when she saw me for a moment. Her eyes suddenly filled with tears, and then they burst into tears.

Just a moment, Ziyi's mood suddenly became excited, she directly cried to me and called out: "Arlo, why are you so stupid, why do you want to die with me, why ah!"

Ziyi's voice was very weak, but she still tried her best to shout out. Her tone was full of blame. She saw me for the first time. She was not excited. She complained about me. Obviously, she mistook herself for dead. She remembered what I said to her before she died. Therefore, she thought I died with her. Of course, she didn't want me to die Will be so excited at this moment.

This silly girl is really hard to accept such a fact. Let alone her, even me, seems like a dream. A moment ago, I was still in the grief of losing Ziyi. I thought Ziyi was gone forever. The people we love are separated by Yin and Yang. I will always live with heartache.

However, in the twinkling of an eye, the sky suddenly changed from rainstorm to sunny day. Xu Nan, she actually woke up. At present, she was lying in front of me alive and talking, which was really like a dream.

Speaking of, this dream like feeling is more than once, Xu Nan, she and I have a little bit like, that is, life is hard.

Last time, in Wutang, Ziyi committed suicide in order to protect me. At that time, I thought she was dead, but later, grandfather Bai picked up her life. Although she was in a coma for a long time and suffered a lot of crimes, she was still alive.

Now, I think Ziyi is dead, but she has come back to live. The feeling of parting in life and death really makes me feel like riding a roller coaster. The ups and downs are too intense.

After a long time, I stretched out my hand leisurely, wiped off the tears from the corner of my eyes for Ziyi, and explained affectionately: "fool, you are not dead, I have not died for you, we are all alive!"

My tone is both excited and sincere. However, Ziyi doesn't believe my explanation at all. She still thinks that we have come to hell. She shakes her head to me and says, "don't lie to me, I know I'm dead!"

At this time, purple has no tears, but her tone, or very sad, listening to people heartache.

For such a purple Yi, I was a little sad and laughing. I didn't have any nonsense. I directly held her up and pointed to her grandfather Bai and said to her, "really, you're not dead. It's grandfather Bai who wakes you up. You see, he's all here! "

Smell speech, purple immediately turn around the line of sight, along the direction of my finger, saw white grandfather, suddenly, her confused eyes, suddenly burst out a strange luster, but. Her state is still in a state of dementia, I do not know whether she believed my words, so I anxiously said to the white grandfather: "white grandfather, you help me explain it, she does not believe me!"

The white grandfather stares at us to scan a few eyes, then, he suddenly wry smiles and shakes his head way: "I still have something to do, go back first, your affair, you two young couple explain slowly! However, Ziyi, it's true that Arlo wants to die for you. You have to talk about him well

After that, the white grandfather turned around and left. After a few steps, he turned back to me and said, "boy, you should go back earlier, so that your father and your brothers will be worried!"

After the explanation, the white grandfather quickened his pace and left, leaving only Ziyi and I on this beautiful cliff, basking in the sun and blowing the cold wind.

When everything is quiet, Ziyi seems to gradually come back to God. Although she is still unbelievable about her resurrection, all the plants, trees, flowers and the world around her are so real. The dialogue between my grandfather Bai and me is even more vivid and real, which makes Ziyi believe that she is not dead, but the fact is too shocking Time buffers are needed.

In this way, we are in the world of nature, silent. Feel the breath of life, I hold Ziyi in my arms, let her close to my chest, listen to my heartbeat, we feel each other's rhythm of life, enjoy the beauty of this moment.

Time, in the slow passage, after about ten minutes, Ziyi finally opened his mouth to break the silence and asked me, "Arlo, what's going on?"

I also did not conceal, the cause and effect of the matter to Ziyi told again.

After hearing this, Ziyi's expression can't stop being surprised. Ziyi can't believe black Luocha's use of fake death medicine. Maybe, she didn't expect that black Luocha had a kind heart and didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately.No matter what, although the black Luocha gave us mental torture, we were all OK in the end, especially after escaping from death, Ziyi learned to cherish, cherish life, and cherish every minute and second with me.

She nestled in my arms and sighed about this experience. Ziyi felt that she actually wanted to thank black Luocha, because the multiple-choice question given by black Luocha made her see my heart clearly and knew that I was a man worthy of trusting for life.

Of course, what Ziyi doesn't agree with is that I die for love. Here she is, she told me emphatically that I should never do stupid things again. Even if she is really dead, I can't commit suicide. In that case, she will look down on me. In Xu Nan's opinion, I am a man of indomitable spirit, and nothing can knock me down, even if it is the love that will never die OK, I am the hero in her mind.

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