Ziyi didn't say anything about it, I also understood that through the advice of grandfather Bai, I had already seen it and understood that I had almost made a big mistake. Now, Ziyi said this again, I understand more clearly that no matter what happens in the future, you can't be silly. Your life is given by your parents. Except for the irresistible factors of natural and man-made disasters, you can't throw it away at will.

In particular, if I want to be a real man, I need to have the courage to bear everything. Just like Ziyi said, nothing can knock me down. This is the hero in her heart. In addition, the most important thing is to take into account the feelings of others. Don't live for yourself.

At this moment, Ziyi and I seem to have endless words. This feeling of survival is really good. It seems that people can grow up once they die. This is a bit similar to the truth that people can gain wisdom by taking a fall. However, it is more profound. Ziyi and I have crawled through the gates of hell for so many times. Now is the time for us to really mature Know how to cherish life, but also to understand, cherish our hard won love.

Our love has always had many obstacles. It's not easy to walk down, but fortunately, to today, all obstacles seem to have been cleared. In other words, Ziyi and I have finally achieved the right result. I don't need to let Ziyi hide and hide any more. I don't need to let her wait for me endlessly. I don't need to let her worry about me. I don't need to worry about her being threatened Threat, in a word, we are finally able to be together in an open and honest way.

Unable to help it, I hugged Ziyi and said from the bottom of my heart: "Ziyi, we won the war, the black Luocha is dead, the blood cherry blossom is out, we can be at ease together in the future, no one can separate, I will protect you for a lifetime!"

After that, I directly used my mouth to deeply imprint Ziyi's lips. A simple kiss represented the everlasting life of Ziyi and me.

Ziyi felt my temperature, felt the reality, felt the happiness. Although Ziyi knew that the victory of a great war was won with the blood and lives of countless people. She was inevitably sad about this. What she didn't want to see was fighting, bleeding and sacrifice. However, she also knew that only fighting can bring peace and peace.

Now I have experienced many wars, won many victories, and finally reached the peak. I have become stronger than ever before, and I can hardly find an opponent. Then, I don't need to experience any war that can threaten my life.

This is Ziyi's happiest point, because what Ziyi wants is a peaceful life, a life that is not disturbed by outsiders, and a life without fear. Up to now, she finally feels that this kind of life is not far away, and she will soon go to her own terminal.

For a better ending, Ziyi is full of expectations, but she cherishes the present, especially at this moment, she can be alone with me, enjoying the world of two, which is Ziyi's most happy thing.

Don't say, I choose this place to end my life, the scenery is really beautiful, almost all the beauty of nature are included. Before, because I wanted to commit suicide, I didn't want to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Now, Ziyi wakes up, the burden in my heart is relieved, and the surrounding scenery seems to be bright.

I began to deeply feel the beauty here, the sky is very blue, the sun is very warm, the mountains are continuous. The land is vast, especially the air in the mountains is so fresh that I feel relaxed and happy when I breathe here.

Ziyi and I sat quietly on the cliff, while enjoying the scenery, while talking. In ignorance, time passed quietly in the romantic atmosphere. Until noon, the sun was shining in the sky. I suddenly remembered what grandfather Bai said before he left. He asked me to go back early. Don't let my father and brothers worry. They must be waiting for me now.

Thinking of this, I quickly came back to God and said to purple, "OK, let's go back!"

Smell speech, purple also from the dream world reaction, she looked up at me, um.

I smile, then, I let go of Ziyi, squat in front of her, back to her, and boldly released two words: "come up!"

Ziyi replied shyly, "no, I can go!"

I firmly said: "come on, the mountain road is difficult to walk, you are still very weak, can't walk, I carry you!"

My tone is beyond doubt, purple listen, also did not decline, she stretched out her hands, directly lying on my back.

Then, I also stretched out my hand to hold Ziyi's legs and lifted Ziyi's back easily.

Ziyi is very light, carrying her is not a burden. On the contrary, my body is full of power, just like fighting chicken blood. Soon, we left the edge of the cliff. In the rugged mountain road, I carried Ziyi on my back and walked fast.

Because of the fast walking, I only spent more than an hour to get to the camp.

As soon as we got back, we ran into Peng Xuefei, who was waiting in the intersection. Looking at Peng Xuefei's eager and excited appearance, she should have heard grandfather Bai say that Ziyi was still alive, so she specially stayed here to wait for us. She wanted to witness the miracle at the first time.

And when she really saw the living Ziyi, her eyes immediately filled with intense excitement, her mouth can not help bending up, showing a grateful smile. After I put Ziyi down, she completely ignored me. She rushed forward and hugged Ziyi. She felt as if she had found her sister who had been separated for many years. Even, Peng Xuefei's excited tears came out. She held Ziyi and kept repeating: "if you're OK, if you're OK!"Of course, Ziyi is also very happy. She knows that what happened last night was a great torment to the three of us. It is that kind of torture that makes Ziyi know more clearly that Peng Xuefei is a very good and good girl. After being hurt so deeply by me, she not only does not blame me, but loves me wholeheartedly, even willing to die for me.

Peng Xuefei was moved by Peng Xuefei's love and appreciated her bearing and mind. In particular, Ziyi knew that if she died, Peng Xuefei must bear the most painful suffering in her heart. Therefore, she came back to live, which was equivalent to unloading Peng Xuefei's heaviest burden. Peng Xuefei was relaxed and happy, and Ziyi was naturally excited.

Involuntarily, Ziyi also tightly hugged Peng Xuefei. They hugged each other excitedly and confided in each other. They completely ignored me as a living person.

I can't help but stand aside and watch them quietly. Their excitement and joy have infected me and made me excited. I'm very glad to see Peng Xuefei and Ziyi so affectionate. I'm more glad that they are all alive.

Think of last night, black Luocha let me make a choice, no matter who choose, there is a must die, that kind of feeling, is really heartrending. Now, it's a great blessing to see both of them alive. It's God's favor for me. I'm grateful and grateful.

Time passed quickly. Peng Xuefei and Ziyi held each other and said something for a long time. Finally, they separated slowly. Then, we went back to the camp.

The brothers in the camp, of course, also know the news that Ziyi is not dead. One by one, they are like ants on a hot pot, waiting for us anxiously. When Ziyi and I appear in their sight, they immediately become excited birds, all cheering up. They unfold their most joyful smile and fully reveal their inner happiness 。

After the victory of the war, the brothers did not cheer and cheer, but Ziyi was alive, and we returned safely. The brothers were in full bloom with the most happy mood, as if they had been repressed for a long time, and now they have been thoroughly vented and released.

Seeing the brothers' enthusiasm and unreserved exhilaration, I suddenly understood that last night, everyone was in a low mood. Maybe it was not only because of our heavy casualties, but also because I lost my soul. The brothers all know what Ziyi means to me. If she dies, I'm losing the most precious thing. The brothers must not cheer. They are considering for me.

Now, Ziyi is not dead, and I will be fine. Therefore, the brothers put aside the huge burden of heavy casualties, and they are really happy. They finally celebrate this commemorative victory with cheers.

Ziyi, a brave and unyielding girl, has also won the recognition of my brothers. Even my father couldn't help admiring Ziyi. It seems that my father has admitted Ziyi's daughter-in-law from the bottom of his heart.

In the crowd cheering, there is a person silently watching all this, she is Qiqi.

For the news that Ziyi is not dead, Qiqi must have known it for a long time. However, she was not as emotional as other people. She was just watching quietly. Although she did not make a sound and did not make a big move and performance, there was a real gratifying color in her eyes. She was happy that Ziyi was still alive and was also happy for me.

Originally, Qiqi thought that Ziyi was dead, and she would not hesitate to confess to me in order to comfort me. She was afraid that I would degenerate or even do stupid things because of Ziyi's death. Now, Ziyi is alive, she knows that I will not be depressed. Although this means that there is no possibility between her and me, Qiqi does not show any unhappiness. She is really happy for us She seems to be more willing to be the woman behind her than to have me possess me.

At this moment, all the people finally got rid of their worries and got together happily. We replaced the feast with simple dry food. Everyone ate the most delicious lunch.

After eating, we began to discuss the return journey. As the vehicles of our large army stopped on the road, we had to walk to the parking place from here, and then drive back to the provincial capital.

My father is most familiar with the roads in this area. According to the vehicle location coordinates provided by us, he carefully analyzed and found the shortest walking route. My father said that it only takes two or three hours to walk from here to the parking place. The most important thing is that we can walk normally.

After a night's cultivation, all the brothers have recovered their spirits. As for the injured brothers, with the careful treatment of grandfather Bai, there is no big obstacle. At least they can walk well. However, some of the brothers who were seriously injured still needed to be carried on stretchers. However, this did not affect our March.

After discussion, we cleaned up a little, and then set off immediately. As we passed the Miao village, my father and I went to see Miaomiao to say goodbye.

When we came to the gate of the village again, we found that the stone tablet which was forbidden to enter the village had been removed. However, my father and I still did not enter the village. We just sent a brother to inform Miaomiao.

In one day, everything is changing, and the stockade has changed. It has lost the vitality of yesterday and has become lifeless. It seems that the whole stockade is covered with heavy haze because of the death of black Luocha.Miaomiao, as the daughter of heiluocha, inherits the supreme right of heiluocha with the help of Wu Tianhao, and the management right of the whole Miao village falls into Miaomiao's hands.

We waited outside for a moment, and then we saw the flowers coming out of the stockade. At this time, Miaomiao was still dressed in mourning clothes. But from her, I could see the breath of a queen. She seemed to be a bit of the domineering power of her mother, heiluocha. She looked very dignified and awed.

I don't know whether it is the death of Yang Shu and Hei Luocha that makes Miaomiao too sad. Anyway, she looks quite indifferent now. But I know that Miaomiao is hot in heart. It can be said that she has extraordinary bearing. She can give me her mother's most precious thousand year old toad under the impact of the death of her parents. This shows that she has a deep affection for me, but This feeling Miaomiao can not see hope, so she is a little desperate. At present, she seems not to think too much about feelings, but only try her best to be filial to her parents.

After meeting, Miaomiao simply said hello to my father. She said that her father had not been buried yet. My father and I could go in to see him, but my father hesitated for a few times, but he didn't go in. I don't know what my father thought inside. Anyway, he gave up the chance to see Uncle Yang at last.

If my father doesn't go in, I'm sure I won't go in either. I've come here specially to say goodbye to Miaomiao. And my father, he seems to have come to talk to Miaomiao. He asks Miaomiao again whether he really won't go with him.

Miaomiao's attitude towards this issue is as firm as ever. She said that she didn't want to go back to the city. She would live here and devote herself to guarding the tombs of her parents. She liked this kind of life.

Miao Miao doesn't seem to have any longing for her, but she doesn't want to have any feelings for her. What she wants is not her feelings. Maybe that's one of the reasons why she didn't want to go with my dad. She didn't want to be involved with me any more.

My father saw Miaomiao was so persistent that he couldn't say anything more. He only told her to take good care of herself. He said that he could look for him at any time if he had anything to do. He would help without hesitation. This is his duty.

After my father and Miaomiao finished chatting, I went to say goodbye to Miaomiao formally. This time I said goodbye mainly to thank her, and I also brought Ziyi to see her.

Miaomiao certainly doesn't know about Ziyi's life, so she should not know that heiluocha has a benevolent side. Miao Miao saw the scene of black Luocha tyrannicating Ziyi pengxuefei and me last night. Miaomiao must feel sorry for having such a vicious mother. I hope that she can be less entangled and painful, so I brought Ziyi to let her know that her mother is not as cruel as she saw.

After I went to Miaomiao, Ziyi also quietly walked out of the crowd of brothers. She went straight to me and faced Miaomiao with me.

However, Miao Miao, who has no expression, suddenly changes her face when she sees Ziyi. Her eyes are full of amazement. She can't believe that Ziyi is not dead. She seems to have seen a ghost and looks at Ziyi.

When Miaomiao is shocked, I try to explain to her that heiluocha gave Ziyi a fake death drug, and she did not intend to kill innocent people.

Similarly, I also thank Miaomiao, especially Miaomiao. It's just that Miaomiao doesn't seem to appreciate our gratitude. After being shocked, she shows only a feeling of sadness. The more benevolent heiluocha is, the more sorrowful Miaomiao is.

I don't know if it's because of the black Luocha. Anyway, Miaomiao doesn't want to see Ziyi. After getting our thanks, she just said faintly: "I hope you can be happy!"

With that, she went directly back to the stockade, without a word of farewell. She walked very freely and without any hesitation.

I look at Miaomiao's back in a daze, and my heart is full of mixed flavors. This farewell is quite a sad parting. I will meet again later. I can only wish Miaomiao happiness from the bottom of my heart.

When Miaomiao's back completely disappeared in my sight, I turned around, and then our troops formally set foot on the way back.

When we came, we sent out thousands of members. After two battles with bloody cherry blossoms, we had only 180 left.

These 180 people, after the baptism of blood, are the elites among the elite. Each of them was trained in the dark moon hall at the beginning. They are the pillars of the war. This return also indicates that they will be famous forever. In the future underground world, any one of them will be famous and extraordinary.

In the afternoon, I was walking in the sunshine, leading such a group of budding masters of kings to return to the city.

The sun poured down on the rugged mountain road, and a team walked among them, including me and the elite of the war, as well as my father's grandfather Bai, as well as several female dependents. Our total number does not exceed 200, but our momentum is to pull the mountain out of the way and destroy the weak. It can be said that among us, we have gathered the top emerald elites in the underground world. In today's underground world, many of us can occupy the top position.Of course, although the bloody cherry blossom is defeated, there are still many powerful big gangs in China. However, for us, no matter how powerful the gangs are, we are not afraid of them. Let's just ask, even the bloody Cherry Blossom can be eliminated, what other gangs we will pay attention to?

On the way back, we were enthusiastic, energetic and excited. When we got to the parking place, we immediately assigned a good team, and then we got on the corresponding cars and immediately drove to the provincial capital.

Without the threat of bloody cherry blossoms. We are not afraid of the situation on the road, so we almost ran with the wind and lightning, without stopping at all. We went on the road day and night without stopping. In the afternoon of the next day, we arrived at the provincial capital.

The appearance of H Province has taken on a new look, and the reputation of the loyalty and righteousness League has already reached the top of the sky. In other words, the underground boundary all over the country has already known us, and the word "fire of war" has become a thunderbolt and famous all over the world.

A long time ago, war and bloody cherry blossoms were about to start a war. Although our war was carried out in the deep mountains, there was no outsider and no signal, the news that we defeated the bloody Cherry Blossom still spread far and wide. Before we returned to the provincial capital, the news had spread all over the country, and the whole underground world was shocked.

However, H Province, where our headquarters is located, is also extolling our feats in the streets. Of course, more people are trying to join the war.

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