Now, for the people in the underground world, it is a kind of honor to be able to enter into the fire of war. However, not everyone can get this kind of glory. Nowadays, the fire of war is different from the past, and it is impossible to receive people casually. The conditions for receiving people must be much stricter. Peng Yu has done a good job in this respect. I have to say that Peng Yu is really capable. His ability is not only reflected in his military force, but also in management. He is also very talented.

As Peng Yi's only son, Peng Yu has learned a lot about managing gangs since he was a child. Therefore, he is also very good at managing gangs. During our absence, there was no chaos in the war. Instead, he became more solid and stronger. As for the income, Peng Yu did not make any suggestions. He just made a list of plastic talents and waited for me Come back and make a decision.

Peng Yu's performance, let me and Peng Yi are very satisfied, since then, I also began to pay attention to Peng Yu, he is a qualified talent.

Although we lost hundreds of people in this world war, we gained a reputation in the war, and became one of the top gangs in the country. There was an endless stream of heroes who came to join us. Therefore, Shen Muchen and others came back. Immediately entered the working state, busy is not happy.

While I was in charge of the main affairs of the war and accompanied Ziyi at the same time. For me, the development of Zhongyi League is a normal work now, and I don't worry about the risks at all. Especially in this city, there are Xia families covering us. We basically have eye to eye and can walk horizontally. Therefore, the development of war is the most stable and relaxed one. I have no scruples, it is a real accomplishment, whether it is a career, or women, have achieved satisfactory results.

Ziyi, now she can stay at my side and be my woman. Peng Xuefei, who had experienced the life and death decision made by black Luocha last time, seems to have gradually opened up a lot, and it is not embarrassing to get along with Ziyi. She really regards Ziyi as a sister and treats it with heart. She no longer deliberately avoids me, but chooses to stay in H Province, She even became a strong woman to help manage the family's industry.

As for Kiki, this mission, she is also a complete success, first, she gave me great help, let me safely return, this is Qiqi most gratified. Secondly, I succeeded in getting the Millennium toad. That is to say, Qiqi's disease can be cured at last. She doesn't have to worry about her red face any more. Anyway, it's a great joy.

As soon as he came back, grandfather Bai kept his promise. He immediately used the toad of a thousand years as an introduction to cure Qiqi's illness. After careful treatment by grandfather Bai, Qiqi's disease was completely cured. This spread all over the province and shocked people in the whole province.

However, the white grandfather low-key, did not let the Xia family to spread him this miracle doctor. In the eyes of outsiders, all the credit is due to my war, which makes my reputation of war more loud, it has become a myth in people's hearts.

As the leader of the war, my reputation has risen accordingly, almost equal to my father.

Compared to me and the momentum of the war, my father and others were obviously a bit overshadowed, because. Many people have heard that, in fact, this time, my father's people had been planted in the hands of black Luocha. It was me, a son, who took the iron and blood fighting group with the fire of war, to save him, and finally resolved my father's crisis and defeated the black Luocha.

Many people only know one thing, but they don't know the other. They don't know that the reason why the black Luocha was defeated in the end was that my father was so powerful that he showed a violent side and suppressed it. But, for these things, my father certainly does not want to explain, and this is also for my good, after all, he intended me to take his place. I can be famous, I can be brilliant, and of course he is happy for me.

At the beginning, my father came back to the world mainly for me. Now, my crisis is over, and I have learned to stand on my own. My father can rest assured that I am wandering alone. Therefore, after staying in the provincial capital for two days, when I have basically stabilized, my father is eager to return to his hometown.

For him, the life he wants most now is a quiet rural life. He has nothing to do with flowers and plants, clean up the vegetable garden, sit in a rocking chair and drink tea. He enjoys all the trivial things of life. However, the main reason why he went back so soon was for my mother. It felt that only in his hometown could my father find a good memory with my mother. Although the memory was short, it was at least beautiful. My father wanted to keep this memory for the rest of his life.

My father left, and several senior generals around him also left one after another. These people are my father's generals. They were willing to retire with my father in the past. This already represents that they don't care about rights. Now that they don't care, they can accompany my father out of the mountain because of his righteousness. Since my father has retired, they must have gone their separate ways.

It is gratifying that after this battle of life and death, Han Yimo and sun Xiangru gradually get better. In real life and death, they can feel each other's heart. Maybe they all feel that they should cherish the opportunity of life, or maybe it is sun Yihan's lovability that implicates them. Make them want to have a whole family.

In any case, they are finally reunited. Finally, Han Yimo and Han Yimo leave with sun Yihan and go back to seclusion. With a husband and daughter, Han Yimo directly abandons her property and focuses on her family.As for the thousands of troops who rely on heaven to kill dragons, the four of them are all warlike elements. They are very fond of martial arts. Through this war, they realize their shortcomings and understand that there are talented people from all over the world. They don't want to be eliminated, and they don't like the feeling of powerlessness when they lose their brothers and friends. Therefore, they are ready to retire and continue to practice martial arts. Their belief, it seems, is that they will never die, but they do not want to be crushed.

All in all, after two days back in the city, everything is changing. We cherish the memory of the dead. The living have their own destination. They either live in seclusion or struggle for their own goals. The whole world, as if changed better, I am in the center of this world, enjoying their own happiness.

On the fourth day of his return, grandfather Bai finished his work and said goodbye to me. He said he would go back to his hometown.

At this time, it suddenly occurred to me that I had promised my grandfather Bai. I promised him several times that I would go to see Bai Ling and my son. Now, things are almost stable. I happened to be free and could go to see my child whom I had never met before. So I said to my grandfather directly, "I'll take you back!"

Grandfather Bai understood what I meant, so he didn't refuse. Now, we are ready to go back to grandfather Bai's hometown.

Before I went, I settled Ziyi for a while. Ziyi knew that I was going to leave, and she wanted to go with me. However, I didn't promise her. Considering that Bai Ling and I had been falsely married, everyone thought that I was Bai Ling's husband in the village of grandfather Bai. If I took a girl with me, it would not be good. I didn't want Bai Ling to bear gossip I don't want my son's living environment to be affected. So, I didn't let Ziyi go with me, just told her to wait for me in the city, and said that I would come back soon, and would not stay there for long.

Ziyi now more sensible, she listened to my explanation, immediately understand me, without saying a word, she promised me, not to follow me. But she said she wanted to go back to H city. Ziyi said that Peng Xuefei always wanted to visit her home and the university I had studied before. Last time, Peng Xuefei ran away from home and only went to my hometown city. Before going to my university city, she was arrested by the bloody Cherry Blossom people. This has become a pity for Peng Xuefei. Therefore, Ziyi wants to take advantage of this time to go home and take Peng Xuefei with her. When the time comes, they can visit the track I have gone through together.

Knowing that Ziyi and Peng Xuefei are so close and sisters, of course, I was happy and agreed directly. However, I was still worried that their two girls were in danger, so I sent someone to protect them secretly.

After properly solving the matter of Ziyi, I finally settled down completely. Then, I took my grandfather Bai to his hometown.

Today's weather is very mild, just like my mood at the moment, calm and calm. There is no crisis around me, no burden on my shoulders, no pressure in my heart, and the whole person becomes very relaxed. I feel that I can handle everything calmly now. I really have the demeanor of a king.

With peace of mind, I drove the car very fast. Since I have been to Bai Ling's hometown several times, I am very familiar with this route. My grandfather Bai doesn't care about me at all. He just sits in the car and keeps his eyes closed.

All the way speechless, the car like the wind, galloping, before the sun set, I arrived at his hometown's village, parked the car, I and grandfather Bai walked into the village together.

Grandfather Bai is an old miracle doctor in this village. His fame is naturally well-known. In the eyes of the villagers, grandfather Bai is a living Bodhisattva. As soon as he came back, he immediately attracted the attention of the villagers. Soon, the incident spread throughout the village.

Some sharp eyed villagers also recognized me and knew that I was the man who had married Bai Ling. Therefore, their interest in me became quite high. Along the way, many people watched us, and they all showed great interest.

I walk in silence, feeling the familiar environment here. Looking at the simple and gossipy villagers, I can't help but feel a little waves in my heart. This is a strange feeling and a touch to the past.

After a while, my grandfather Bai and I came to his door. Bai Ling heard the news and arrived at the gate of the yard to meet us. In her arms, she still held a baby. The child was very good. There is no crying, just lying quietly in Bai Ling's arms and sleeping.

When I saw Bai Ling, I couldn't help but look at Bai Ling. The whole person was petrified. Bai Ling changed. This angel sister, as if she had gone down to earth, became a peasant woman. A breath of young women came to my nose. However, even a peasant woman could not stop Bai Ling's beauty. Even if she went down to the world, she was still incomparable in beauty Before, she had a more mature charm, looking very charming.

The most striking weapon is Bai Ling's weapon. She was once famous for her big breasts, but now she has a baby. Her cup seems to be a big circle, it is simply a huge chest, in addition, her overall body ratio is very good, not the kind of maternal obesity, it is particularly symmetrical.

I don't know if I haven't seen each other for a long time. When I saw Bai Ling, I felt a little choked. I didn't know what to say. I just looked at her quietly.Bai Ling is also a little shy in the face of my direct look. Her beautiful cheeks are all dyed with red, which reflects with the setting sun in the sky, making her more beautiful and moving.

Time, as if still, the space is filled with a sense of embarrassment, finally, or the white grandfather said: "well, what to say in it, don't stand outside disgraceful!"

White grandfather's words, a little wake us up, immediately, we will move, together into the courtyard.

After entering, Bai Ling opened her mouth and whispered to me, "hold him!"

Said, she directly handed me the child in her hand, I did not hesitate, immediately reached out to take my child.

This is my first time to hold a child. I was very inexperienced. I learned to hold a child like Bai Ling. Maybe I was clumsy. I woke up the little boy in my arms, but he didn't cry. He just glared at his big eyes and stared at me.

Maybe it's father son heart to heart, the little guy didn't recognize life at all. He just looked at me and didn't make a sound. He was very sensible and clever.

To tell you the truth, when I first heard that I was a father, I was a little strange. I was not used to it. I felt suddenly that I had no preparation at all. But at the moment, holding my son in my own hands, I suddenly felt very warm and infatuated with this feeling. I felt that having children was really good.

When I felt the warmth of the child, Bai Ling said to me again, "Suluo, would you name the child?"

Hearing Bai Ling's words, I immediately pulled out of my father's love. Then, I raised my face and looked at Han Shuang. I asked, "ah, haven't you got a name yet?"

Bai Ling smiles and says in a soft voice, "well, I'm waiting for you to pick it up."

Smell speech, my heart can't help but warm, I lowered my head again, looked at his son, this child, the face of meat toot, white tender, eyes are big round, mouth red and cocky, looks particularly lovely, grow up in the future, he must be more handsome than me, however, I do not want him to follow my old way, I only wish him a peaceful and smooth life. Don't be like me, always walking on the road full of thorns, life is rough.

Thinking like this, I suddenly raised my head and said firmly to Bai Ling: "Su Jingxuan, how about it?"

Bai Ling listened, grinned gently and said, "OK, it's good!"

After naming the child, Bai Ling and I finally eased the awkward situation, and we were able to sit down and have a good chat. Although Bai Ling and I haven't seen each other for a few months, I feel like we haven't seen each other after several samsara. It's a long time. It's also a bit illusory. During this period, I changed a lot, and she also changed a lot. We all grew up. Han Shuang, an angel on earth, suddenly became a mother. She had the responsibility of a mother and devoted herself to her children.

And I, is changed too much, I constantly experience life and death experience. Constantly suffering from emotional training, all kinds of tests, let me gradually metamorphosis, I have grown into a man of indomitable spirit, now I have a mature mind, with the strength against the sky, with a man's responsibility, with all the charm that a man should have.

Maybe, because of the great change, we both lost our impulsive passion. In the past, Bai Ling loved me so much and met me again after a long time. She might have jumped on me. She was very domineering. For love, she was desperate. For love, she dared to kiss me and do anything for me.

However, now Bai Ling has given birth to a child for me, but she is reserved. She has learned to keep a distance with me. Although I am the father of the child, she knows that I do not belong to her, so she does not insist. She is only very happy for me and happy for my achievements. She has been asking me questions all the time.

Because there were so many things that happened to me, I casually picked out some important things to tell Bai Ling. Bai Ling was most interested in the matter between me and Ziyi. When I heard that black Luocha asked me to choose Peng Xuefei and Ziyi, Bai Ling was worried. But in the end, everyone was out of danger, and Ziyi was ok, and we had a good result, Bai Ling And I'm really happy for me.

In fact, although Bai Ling likes me, she never thought about it. Later, she finally fell in love with a man, and eventually she had a girlfriend. Therefore, her love was always rough. But Bai Ling was very broad-minded, and she didn't want to grow old with anyone. She just wanted a short-term beauty.

Maybe in the past, Bai Ling would think of me and miss me. Now that she has a child, Bai Ling only cares about the child. Her attention is completely diverted. For the sake of her baby's health, Bai Ling chooses breast-feeding. Therefore, she takes care of her children almost all the time.

Although Bai Ling's mother has been taking care of her during this period of time, her mother only takes care of Bai Ling's daily life. Bai Ling does all the things about taking care of her children. She has become a full-time mother. Therefore, when I ask Bai Ling how she has come over this period of time, Bai Ling talks about how to raise her baby and how to take care of her children But I have some enjoyment, enjoy the warmth of this family, enjoy the subtle sense of safety.

We chatted for a long time, and we were very happy. We were forgetting ourselves. It was not until Bai Ling's mother finished the meal that we stopped chatting and began to eat

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