Bai Ling's parents have already known that I am a fake, but they don't mean to blame me. It may be that grandfather Bai explained the reason to them. They all understand me and even treat me as a son-in-law, constantly serving me with vegetables, asking me for help and eating after dinner. They still want to keep me for one night. As the saying goes, it's hard to give up the hospitality. The Bai family is really enthusiastic. I can't refuse it, so I promise to stay overnight.

However, Bai Ling and I did not sleep together. It was not convenient for her to take care of the children. Moreover, our relationship was not good enough to sleep together again. At the same time, I knew that it was very rare for me to get along with her more. Therefore, I stayed with Bai Ling and my son this night.

Until the night was very deep, Bai Ling and her son were all asleep, so I left quietly and went back to the guest room to sleep.

The next day, after I had breakfast here, I said goodbye to Bai Ling and her family. I was about to leave. Bai Ling didn't say anything. She just told me to take care of myself. Whenever I want to have children, I would like to see her. She is always welcome to me.

And the white grandfather, is meaningful to say to me: "remember to care more about your father!"

From grandfather Bai's words, I can tell that he is still a little worried about my father. Indeed, after returning from Miao, my father looks like a normal person on the surface, but his heart must be suffering a lot.

My father suffered an unprecedented blow in the battle with the bloody cherry blossom. His scar was uncovered. His brother died for many years. The woman who had a close relationship with him committed suicide. His subordinates died. Most people could not bear the pain. If my father was not strong enough, he would have collapsed, but even if my father was strong enough He is also a human being. He must have a soft side. In his soft heart, he must be scarred. Perhaps only he knows how hard he is.

Think of these, I suddenly feel sad, sad for my father, white grandfather said right, I, as a son, should pay more attention to my father, he is now the biggest concern is me, the biggest spiritual pillar is me, only I, can gradually resolve his pain and sadness, let his heart slowly compound.

Just, I don't understand Bai's grandfather. I think he is more and more elusive. He seems to be an old fairy. He can see everything clearly. He is very considerate to me and my father. Even we are very clear about what we think in our hearts. The strangest thing is that grandfather Bai seems to know my father's past and the relationship between him and my father must be extraordinary, but I still don't know what relationship they had before and how they knew each other.

These questions, I asked my father, also asked the white grandfather, but they are all taciturn, I am not very easy to ask, I can only solemnly promise white grandfather, firmly said: "yes."

With that, I turned directly and set foot on the way back.

After seeing Bai Ling and seeing my son, I also settled my mind. Involuntarily, I speeded up the speed. My heart galloped like my car. I seemed to be integrated with the car and leaped on the country road.

At noon, I came to the war headquarters, Peng family manor.

As soon as I came back, I got a moving news, that is, my mother is still alive, and she has returned to the Ye family.

This news really surprised me and surprised me. I didn't expect that my mother was still alive. For so many years, my father and uncle Yang had been looking for my mother, but there was no news. I thought my mother must have died.

However, after the last time I went back, I still wanted to explore my mother's news. Although I felt hopeless, I still wanted to have a try, and I would be reconciled after I tried. Therefore, I specially sent the most capable intelligence personnel in the war to go to the capital to inquire about my mother's information.

To my infinite shock, the intelligence personnel I sent actually got the news about my mother. What's more, it's totally good news. My mother is still alive and has successfully returned to the Ye family.

According to the intelligence group's elite report, it's not a day or two before my mother returns to the family. It seems that it has been a period of time. However, the Ye family has always kept a low profile. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to probe into the Ye family's affairs. I, the elite of the intelligence group, also spent a lot of effort to get to know about the Ye family To, he seems to have learned that my mother is not psychotic now, she has returned to normal, but this is only heard, there is no evidence.

However, no matter what, this is a big surprise for me. The first time I received the news, I thought of my infatuated father. So, I immediately called my father's phone. However, to my disappointment, the number my father used to give me has become a blank number, and I can't get through at all.

Think about it. This number was used by my father to let me contact. At that time, I was still in danger. Now, my crisis has been lifted. My father has retired. Of course, he doesn't want to be disturbed. He just wants to stay in his hometown alone and recall his life.

I understand that my father will always love, miss and feel guilty for my mother, especially after the incident of Yang Shu and Hei Luocha. My father's feelings of this past are deeper. There must be endless pain in his heart. He can't really be happy in this life. However, if my mother is still alive, the situation is certainly different. If my father can reunite with my mother, he will smile again and be happy at the bottom of his heart.Thinking of this, I couldn't delay for a moment. I directly ordered a ticket to my hometown. Then I drove to the airport immediately.

Time flies by in the urgency, I quickly boarded the plane, quickly got off the plane, to the small airport of my hometown city, I immediately took a taxi and rushed to my hometown.

When I arrived home, the time was already up. The evening sun was about to set, and the reddish light poured down on my yard. After a long time, my home was still the same as before, full of warmth, cleanliness and tidiness. As soon as I came in, I saw my father. At the moment, he was sitting in the courtyard sipping tea. I didn't know what he was thinking. Anyway, he was quite intoxicated.

He did not seem to find my arrival, until I walked in front of him, he saw me, then, he slowly put down the teacup, looked at me, puzzled: "Arlo, how did you come?"

I sat down opposite my father and poured a cup of tea in the teapot, but I didn't have any. I drank it up in one sip.

Moistening my throat, I just said to my father, "Dad, I came to tell you that I have inquired about mom. She is not dead. She has returned to Ye's house now."

Although I tried to keep calm, my voice was still excited, and my voice was obviously urgent. I was looking forward to my father's reaction. I knew that he would be extremely excited and excited when he heard the news, but I was wrong, totally wrong.

After listening to my words, my father didn't react at all. He just gave a faint voice, as if, the shocking news was a small matter in his eyes.

I was so confused that I couldn't believe it. I looked at my dad and said, "Dad, did you hear me? Mom has returned to Ye's house."

Smell speech, my father gently raise an eye, look at me, calm way: "hear, why?"

His tone is still plain, as if my mother's business has nothing to do with him.

Only two days later, I suddenly felt that my father had become strange. My mother was the person he cared about most in his life. How could he be so insipid? His insipidity made me worry more and more. I asked him directly, "Why are you not happy? Don't you want to go to her?"

Hearing this, my father couldn't help but pull the corner of his mouth, showing a wry smile. Then, he took a cup of tea, sipped his tea, and then whispered, "I can't go to the capital city!"

My father's voice, calm with a little bitterness, it seems that I touched the pain in his heart, I just remembered that the Ye family has given my father a foot ban order, forbidding him to set foot in the capital city, but this can't be the reason why my father doesn't look for my mother.

After a pause, I went on to say, "then I can send someone to pick up my mother. It's good for us to get together."

A family reunion, this word for me, is how luxurious, since I was young, I lack of family warmth, especially lack of maternal love, I have never had a complete family, so, for a family reunion, I sincerely look forward to and yearn for, this has become a dream of mine, if this dream can be realized, I am certainly excited.

However, my father has always been indifferent, he seems to be not interested in my mother's matter, has always been a little cold attitude, he looked at me without expression, and sighed: "it's so easy, don't you know, the Ye family has always denied me, they can't let your mother and me together!"

All in all, my father used to care about the Ye family, but he was so afraid of the Ye family. But my father had some scruples about the Ye family. I couldn't manage that much. I said, "no, we'll take mom here by force."

After listening to my words, my father seemed to have heard a joke. He chuckled and then said to me, "don't be silly. The strength of the Ye family is not what you can imagine. You'd better not try to touch their dignity. Arlo, you'd better take care of your own business. You don't have to worry about my business. I'll be fine at home! "

My father said this with profound meaning. It sounds like he really dare not touch the Ye family. Even, for the so-called scruples, he would rather give up my mother.

Slowly, I began to calm down, and the surging waves in my heart gradually calmed down. It was not that I gave up the idea of picking up my mother. I just suddenly understood my father and understood why he heard about my mother, but I was not excited at all.

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