For a long time, I thought my father didn't find out about my mother, and I felt foolishly that my father thought my mother was dead. But today, seeing my father so calm, I knew that maybe he had already known the news of my mother's return to Ye's house before I came. After all, even the spies I sent could get the news. If my father wanted to inquire, it would be easy to know.

The reason why he can be so calm may be that he has already looked aside. He knows that some things are predestined and can't be forced. He has passed the age of impulse, and he will not be confused for love and go against the powerful Ye family.

Of course, it's just the Ye family that can't scare my father away. I think the more important reason is that my father heard uncle Yang's story and knew the love between my mother and uncle Yang. This should be the biggest blow to my father, because it made my father think that he destroyed my mother's happiness, and made my father feel that my mother had never loved him, He had forced a relationship with my mother at the beginning, which not only hurt my mother, but also hurt black Luocha and uncle Yang. He felt that he was a sinner. He would not have the face to see my mother again, let alone take my mother back.

My father doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes and make the same mistakes again. He must think that in the past, it was he who was too persistent in love that he made a big mistake and hurt so many people. Now, he knows that my mother loves uncle Yang, so he can't cling to this hopeless relationship any more. He probably gives up my mother completely. Therefore, when he hears about my mother, he will show Now it's so negative.

At this moment, I was deeply aware of my father's pain, I seem to have seen his heart full of holes.

After a long silence, I finally opened my mouth and asked my father, "Dad, are you related to Uncle Yang

My father shook his head and said, "no, don't ask so many questions. If there's nothing wrong, you can go back. Don't worry about me!"

Now my father, where there is a little bit of the courage before, is completely like a lonely old man, so negative, so miserable, let people heartache, no wonder grandfather Bai specially told me, let me be filial to my father, my father really changed a lot, this let me be convinced, uncle Yang's thing, the blow to my father is not general big.

So, instead of leaving, I continued to say, "Dad, in fact, I think my mother still loves you!"

Sure enough, this sentence of mine is like a panacea. It wakes up my father and makes him depressed suddenly. His dim and inanimate eyes all flash out a trace of light. He looks at me directly and says in an urgent manner: "why do you say that?"

I pursed my mouth and slowly explained, "in my opinion, if a woman is defiled, especially a clean woman, then her first thought must be suicide. If my mother doesn't like you at all, she won't be able to live with you and even be willing to give birth to me for you. Even if it's because of Uncle Yang, it's impossible. Anyway, I think my mother must have you in her heart! "

These words are my real views. Although I don't know my mother, I know women better. Women are very concerned about chastity. If my mother doesn't like my father at all, how can she be defiled by my father, and still desperately plead with her family to protect my father, even willing to live in seclusion with my father, and even gave birth to children for him.

Maybe, my father thinks, this is because of Uncle Yang, my mother will treat my father kindly because of Uncle Yang, but I don't think so. If my mother loves uncle Yang with all her heart, she won't treat my father like this. Some women prefer to be determined by death, and they can't seek perfection through compromise. As a young lady of a large family, my mother can't be so aggrieved.

It's just that these are my opinions, or I can say, my guess. It's hardly convincing. My father didn't believe it at all. After listening to my explanation, all the light in his eyes disappeared and was replaced by disappointment and helplessness. He didn't argue with me, but said blandly, "I know. You go back first. I want to be alone."

My father gave me the order to leave again. Obviously, he really wanted to stay alone and not be disturbed.

I see my father like this, in my heart is not taste, in my opinion, my father is the most indomitable man, he is omnipotent ghost king, is the great God, now, he lost the glory, become so gloomy, this is simply more than his accident also let me suffer, I don't want my father to continue such depression, but I also know, I can't persuade him, no longer Talking down will only make him more irritable.

After thinking about it, I still stood up and said goodbye to my father: "OK, I'll go back first!"

With that, I turned and left, but instead of going out immediately, I crossed the courtyard and came into the hall of the house.

Standing in front of the hall, my eyes fell on the old picture hanging on the wall. The person in the picture is my mother, who is gentle and beautiful and has a very special temperament.

With a fierce heart, I watched her carefully. After a while, I left the hall and returned to the yard.

I did not stop, directly out of the courtyard, when my figure disappeared in the door for a moment, I threw to my father an extremely sonorous words: "Dad, I will certainly bring my mother back!"I'm not a meddler. If someone else told me not to take part in his affairs, I would certainly not. But my father is not an outsider. This matter is related to my father's happiness, and I can't stand idly by.

Besides, I also want to see my mother myself. From birth to now, I have seen my mother in the photos. I have never really felt the warmth of my mother. Although she did not raise me, but the blood dissolves in water. I was born by my mother. Anyway, I want to see her and wonder how she came through so many years. I want to feel the maternal love I lost since childhood.

Therefore, I made up my mind to help my father find my mother. I promised grandfather Bai that he would be filial to my father. Now I see my father so decadent that he seems to have lost the pleasure of anything. Even if I accompany him every day, it is impossible to make him happy. I know that what he lacks most is the lost love and the only way to make my father happy Cheer up, it's just my mom.

And I, also everything is happy, the fire of war is developing rapidly, my love with Ziyi is on the right track, only, I lack a complete family, I really want to experience the feeling of family reunion, so that my life can not leave regret. I also want to, when I and Ziyi get married, my parents are present, I hope my parents can witness my happiness. So, whether it's for my dad or for myself, I'm going to find my mom and make my parents get back together.

With this determination, I resolutely left home, my father did not stop me, perhaps, he did not care about my words, or, he knows that my promise can not be fulfilled, anyway, he did not stop me, did not persuade me, let me leave.

Out of my house, I immediately rushed to the city. Because it was too late, I didn't rush back, but went to Uncle Yang's home. This is my home from childhood to big. Although I suffered a lot of grievances and pain in this house, I think of all my recollections today, and I think of how lively and full of us The story, everywhere has the familiar taste.

But now, the family is cold and deserted, so withered, there is no vitality. Miaomiao is not here, and uncle Yang is dead again. The house is completely empty. In order to remember Uncle Yang, I lived in this empty room this night and quietly recalled the past.

The next morning, I got up and went to the airport and flew back to the provincial capital.

Although, I am very urgent to find my mother, but I am very clear that it can not be urgent. As my father said, the Peng family will definitely object to my mother being involved with my father. Therefore, it must be difficult for me to take my mother away from the Ye family.

The most important thing is that I don't know about the Ye family. This so-called super family, which occupies half of the country, is just like a tiger with a big mouth. If I'm not careful, I will be devoured by it. Therefore, I will not blindly run to the capital, before this, I went to see Qiqi.

In my eyes, Qiqi is a contemporary female Zhuge. She is resourceful and knowledgeable. She knows a lot about the Ye family.

After so many things, Qiqi and I are very close to each other now. Even the whole Xia family regards me as a great benefactor. Therefore, I go to the Xia family just as casually as I go to my own home.

Qiqi didn't touch the string of feelings any more. She knew how to maintain our relationship. She got along with me very naturally. We looked like old friends for many years, and chatted with each other.

After hearing what I asked about the Ye family, Qiqi understood what it meant. After all, she also knew what the relationship between me and ye's family was. On that day, everyone heard my father's conversation with Uncle Yang clearly, and Qiqi must also know it clearly. Therefore, as soon as I asked about it, Qiqi told me about the Ye family almost without hesitation.

Through Qi Qi Qi's explanation, I have a new understanding of the Ye family. I feel that it's too high for me to look up to. In China, the Ye family is indeed the largest family. Compared with the Xia family and the Sheng family, they have become dust.

There are countless elites from the Ye family. Even, many of them are top leaders of the country. The status of the Ye family in China is indestructible and unshakable. Nowadays, no one can compete with the Ye family. Whether it is white, business or underground, the Ye family is the best. It controls the lifeblood of the whole country. Even if you are the king of heaven, you will never offend the Ye family easily.

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