About the Ye family, Qiqi also talked about my father's involvement with the Ye family when he was young. At that time, the Ye family's attention did not go to the underground world. Therefore, the underground world at that time was very chaotic and there was no order at all.

Later, the people in the underground world became more and more rampant and developed more and more. Even many people started the arms business. From time to time, gunfights broke out. This not only disrupted the order of the country, but also seriously threatened the status of the Ye family. Because of this, the Ye family paid attention to the underground world, and they realized that the power of the underground world must be re controlled It was at that time that the Ye family took advantage of my father.

My father was born as a ghost king. In just a few years, he swept the underground forces all over the country and built his own empire. He changed the chaos in the underground world. Some gangs like cancer were wiped out by my father. At that time, my father was a terrifying existence. He formulated a set of rules, one of which no one dares to violate. That is, people in the underground world are absolutely not allowed to be involved in the arms and drugs business, and they are not allowed to fight with guns and ammunition. Violators will be attacked by all underground people.

Since then, the old rule has been completely followed by everyone in the underground.

In fact, we consciously abide by it, not only because of my father, but also because this rule has its benefits. In the past, most of the underground people used weapons to fight. Those who had the most powerful weapons were the king. Some organizations had a small number of people. However, good weapons can also become famous schools. This is not fair at all. It is even more in violation of state regulations. After removing guns and ammunition, people in the underground world began to practice martial arts crazily, and many of the strong ones were slowly honed in that way Practice out, this will also eliminate everyone's lazy mood, let everyone have a goal to struggle.

The underground world was changed because of my father, but after changing the order of the underground world, my father went into seclusion directly. As a chess piece used by the Ye family, he completed his mission and quit the underground world. On the contrary, the Ye family, the main emissary behind it, has secretly controlled many forces. On the surface, the Ye family does not interfere in the affairs of the underground world. In fact, it is the real underground emperor. Many things in the underground world are controlled by them.

Therefore, the strength of the Ye family has exceeded people's imagination. They are the real heaven. It is because of the strong Ye family that my father, who dares to go against the heaven, dare not violate the orders of the Ye family.

After finishing the Ye family, Qiqi explained to me the next capital.

The capital, of course, is the Royal holy land at the foot of the emperor. Naturally, the order of that place is not comparable to that of us or other cities. In the capital city, there is no organized gang, because there is a set of strictest rules in the capital, that is, it is absolutely forbidden to form cliques. As long as there is a group fight in the capital area, the participants will immediately be investigated to see if there is a triad nature. Once found out, the consequences will be very serious.

Due to the severe crackdown, the order of the capital can be said to be extremely good. There are basically no group fights, let alone killing people. For example, we always fight in groups, and there are countless deaths and injuries, which can never happen in the capital.

However, the underground forces can not develop in the capital, which does not mean that other forces can not develop either. There is one kind of force that develops in the capital, namely, family forces.

Over the years, many big families want to extend their hands to the capital. After all, the capital is the most prosperous place. Everyone wants to go there. It is equivalent to the top of the pyramid. How many people have broken their heads to rush to the top of the tower. However, not all families can develop. After years of fighting, only four families have emerged and become the shining pearl.

After years of development, their four families are now deeply rooted in the capital. It is impossible for other families to penetrate into the capital to share a share. In other words, the influence of the capital is basically divided up by the four families.

For example, Xia family and Sheng family are big families in China, but they can only be stationed in the province. They will never be able to reach the capital. Even if they divide a mu of land, it is totally impossible. It can be said that no matter which of the four families stomps, there will be a big shock in the country.

Of course, although the four families are the most powerful, there are also strong and weak within them, that is, the four families. Among them, the Ye family is the strongest among the four families, and it is worthy of being the first of the four families in Beijing.

Talking with Qiqi, I have a deep understanding of Beijing and ye family. Suddenly, I feel like a frog at the bottom of a well. I think my sky is very wide and wide, but it turns out that there is a sky outside, and the real strength is that of the Ye family. But I just sit and watch the sky.

Before that, I still naively thought that if I defeated the bloody cherry blossom, I would not be far away from unifying the underground forces of the whole country. Before long, I would be able to achieve hegemony. But until this moment, I realized that even if I successfully built the Kingdom, I was only a mole ant to the Ye family, and I still could not escape its control.No wonder my father knew that he was used by the Ye family, but he didn't dare to fight back. Even when the Ye family asked him not to step into the capital city, my father followed it all his life, because he knew the root of the Ye family and knew that the Peng family was an inviolable existence. No matter how they develop, they are still ants. Ye's family is an elephant. It's a huge thing. If you raise your hand, it can make us disappear. Therefore, fighting with them is a way to kill ourselves.

My father didn't fight against the Ye family. It was a wise choice indeed. In fact, leaving aside the Ye family, my father is absolutely a legend. When he was young, he achieved his position and even changed the order of the underground world. It was he who made the underground world more peaceful. At least, he did not have guns and ammunition. This benefited people who started on the ground like me, and also reduced the casualties in the underground world and the rank of the country The preface is peaceful.

But what's the use of all this for my dad? In the end, he had to be alone in the old house in his old age, lonely and desolate.

When I think of my father, I can't help but feel heartache. I can't let him live with regret. He has worked so hard for me. As a son, I have to repay him and be filial to him so that he can enjoy his old age without regret.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that I want to take my mother over. It's just that, even if my mother agrees, but as long as the Ye family doesn't agree, I can't help it. If I force myself to mess around, it's even worse.

Involuntarily, I fell into meditation. I was seriously digesting Qi Qi Qi's words, about the capital, about the Ye family, which made me surprised. I had to brew it well and digest it slowly. I needed to feel how big the gap between myself and them was.

Qiqi saw my sad face, and seemed to have guessed what was on my mind. Her expression immediately became serious. She was very nervous and said to me, "sulo, you don't want to make any idea, do you? Ye's family is not something you can offend. Don't have a festival with them. You'd better not even set foot in the capital. You'll be your local emperor outside! "

I can hear that Qiqi is for my good, and I don't want her to worry too much about me, so I perfunctorily said to her, "I know, I have self-knowledge!"

After saying this, I tried to suppress my own worries, so that Qiqi could not see anything unusual. Today I came to inquire about the Ye family from Qiqi. Now that my goal has been achieved, I should also leave. Therefore, after chatting with Qiqi for two more times, I said goodbye.

Qiqi did not polite to me, only said: "contact again."

Then I walked out of Kiki's house.

Go outside, I can't help but look up at the north, murmured: "capital, capital city!"

The capital city is the capital of the country and one of the most prosperous places in the country. It's a place where many upper class people tend to go. However, in the past, the capital was so unpredictable that I had no interest in it. What I wanted was peace. The more lively and prosperous the place was, I didn't want to go.

But now it's different. I'm suddenly full of yearning for the capital. Qiqi talks about the capital so much that I really want to know about the capital. For me now, other places are not challenging. I have no goal to strive for. However, the holy place in Beijing has aroused my interest. I would like to see if it is not Qiqi really said so magical, I also want to see how powerful the Ye family is. Of course, what I want most is to get my mother back and have a family reunion.

Therefore, after a dialogue with Qiqi, I became more eager to go to the capital, and my determination was stronger. The capital city has been rooted in my heart.

In this way, I took a step and went directly back to Peng's manor.

At present, Pengjia manor, just like the Imperial Palace, is very imposing and has many guards, which makes the whole manor extremely tight. And I'm like the emperor in this palace. Wherever I go, the guards will be strict and salute me respectfully.

I didn't feel the feeling of being superior too much. As soon as I got back to the manor, I immediately held a meeting. The gist of the meeting was very simple, that is, I would like to visit the capital city.

Taking advantage of the presence of many high-level officials, I formally proposed to them that I would leave for a period of time. As to when I would come back, I was not sure for the time being. After I left, the affairs of the organization would naturally be taken care of by the beautiful men.

As for why I want to go to the capital, my brothers don't have to think about it. I'm looking for my mother. In this regard, my brothers have proposed to go with me. I did not hesitate to say: "no, I go alone is enough, no one to follow. We do not know that the capital is a key area of the country. Gangs are not allowed to appear in the capital city, and even some people are not allowed to form gangs. If we break into the capital more often, it will certainly cause attention and it is easy for accidents to happen. What's more, I went to the capital to find my mother, not to fight, so I don't need anyone to follow me. I can take good care of myself

In fact, we all know that my strength has reached the peak, and ordinary people can't really hurt me. Even if there are those who can hurt me, my brother and brother will not be able to protect me. I go alone, the safety factor is relatively high. Therefore, I decided to go to the capital.

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