Of course, I have gone, which does not mean that the development of the war fire has stagnated. We still need to continue to develop and grow. In the days when we return to the provincial city, the forces of the war have expanded rapidly. We have received a large number of elite soldiers. This place can not accommodate us. We urgently need to expand outward and expand the territory. It is urgent to wait.

But, expanding out, it is a big event, which means I will take my father's old road, fighting fire, is about to create our own glory, we will play the whole day.

It is because this is different, so Shen Muchen is not good to take the idea, while I haven't left. We have come to an agreement. On this day, the main purpose of our meeting was basically to agree on the expansion of power.

To expand our influence, we must attack gangs in other places. We have already understood that the small schools have no deterrent to us. We don't have to worry about it. The only tricky organization is the strongest in China. The gang has a solid foundation, many members and overall strength It's very strong. We don't want to take it down, it's not easy.

However, we don't care. Even the blood cherry blossom is so terrible that we are not afraid, and why are we afraid of other gangs. Even if it is strong, we should try our best to attack it.

At the meeting, we made a perfect plan according to the current situation of the underground world. The whole army of war and fire divided into five routes and began to expand rapidly.

The five ways of military horses are led by puffer, duhaisheng, Bai Qiuyan, Dongzhiming and Yang Tianyi. They are equivalent to commander-in-chief of the army horse, each leading a large team of people and horses to conquer the corresponding territory.

We divide the domestic territory into five parts, namely southeast, northeast, South China, North China and central China. The five places are conquered by Marshal No.

Duhaisheng once had a strong and powerful iron head help in his hand. In the underground world, he is a very good general.

The other four places, the attack difficulty is relatively small, so let Peng Yu four people to rate the Department to attack.

Peng Yu, his military value is outstanding in the war. His management ability is also very good. Especially in those days when we went to cherry blossom, Pengyu fully demonstrated his management ability. Now, Peng Yu has the ability to lead a team. Peng Yu also thinks his son has the ability to lead the team. Therefore, he has no objection to Peng Yu's leading the team.

In addition, Dongzhiming, Shen Muchen and Yang Tianyi, they followed me to die several wars. They all performed very well, and we all agreed that they all have the qualifications of generals.

The development of the war fire has become a first-class gang in the underground world. Among them, it is inseparable from the credit of the excellent members of the war fire, who have grown into the peak characters. This expansion, also equivalent to their experience.

In this expansion plan, Shen Muchen is the commander in chief, Peng Yi is the deputy commander in chief, and some veteran generals like Mu Nan have a heavy responsibility. They are all cooperating with the five road army to solve some difficult problems.

This big action is also considered to be the time when I really show myself in the war. It depends on whether everyone in the organization attaches great importance to this action. Everyone is extremely serious in performance. Everyone wants to keep a history of youth and create a miracle of my own.

The meeting, which was held until late, was later. After that, we had a dinner together at the top of the meeting, and after that, we were scattered.

I went back to my bedroom for a rest, maybe because of my heart. This night, I didn't sleep well, and I had a nightmare. I met my mother in my dream.

From childhood to age, I have never seen my mother's real appearance. My memory of her is only in that black and white photo. So, for so many years, I almost never dream of her. Tonight, I dream about my mother for the first time.

Maybe, it's these two days that I'm too tangled with my mom, anyway. This dream is very real. In the dream, my mother is not free, and she is kept in the house. She has to wash her face with tears all day. She is very sad and feels very poor. She still has my father and my son in her heart. Unfortunately, she wanted to see me, but I could not see it. But I wanted to bring her out, but was blocked by the large Ye family. Cruel of them, we would not be allowed to meet our mother and son. I tried to resist. But, ye family for me, is higher than the sky, I even if I try hard, can not shake them.

I was so weak in my dream. I was suffering, holding back, really uncomfortable, but couldn't help it. I burst out. I was roaring and shouting.

Immediately, I woke up from my dream and woke up to find that I had been full of cold sweat and my heart rate was accelerating. There are still lingering fears in my heart. This dream really frightens my heart. I really feel like I have experienced the life to experience in the future. It is too real and real makes me more eager to find my mother.

This urgency, prompted me to act immediately, just in the dark, I got up, hurriedly, I quickly wash, took a shower, changed a clean suit, then, I booked the ticket online, while packing up, can not wait to go to Beijing.When I went to the capital for the first time, I was looking forward to something. There are some things that alert me. Anyway, I'm going to open my eyes and see the world. I didn't know how many days I would stay. I didn't pay too much attention to my luggage. I just took some clothes to change. I know that the weather in the north is much colder than ours, so I specially brought some thicker coats.

After packing up, I was ready to leave. When my brothers heard that I was going to leave, they came to see me off one after another. Maybe I left a little too suddenly. Many people were reluctant to part with me. I just went to the capital city. But for the brothers, it was like parting in life and death. They were very worried about me and constantly told me to be careful, and let me never have conflicts with Peng family.

It seems that everyone is worried about the same, even those who do not know the Ye family thoroughly know that the Ye family is heaven. It's a day that I can't offend. Therefore, everyone hopes that I can treat myself well and not fight against the Ye family.

I agree with you one by one, and I urge all the brothers to leave. After they leave, they must go to the world to make a new world. I hope that when I come back, I will hear the news of victory.

After saying goodbye to my brothers, I left. I didn't let anyone send me off. Instead, I drove to the airport by myself.

On the way to the airport, I called Ziyi. As soon as the phone was connected, Ziyi's soft voice immediately came: "Arlo, are you back?"

Her voice, showing her gentle and happy, at the same time, there is also a trace of urgency, obviously, two days at home, Ziyi has been waiting for me.

However, I just solved Bai Ling's case, followed by my mother's business. I felt that my problems could not be solved completely. However, I know that this should be my last major event. It is also my wish from childhood to adulthood, family reunion, and parents' safety. I will realize this wish in any case.

After a pause, I made a serious voice to Ziyi: "well, back, but Ziyi, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you for the moment, I'm going to go to the capital city!"

Hearing this, Ziyi's enthusiasm was suddenly annihilated, as if, a basin of cold water poured on her head, suddenly, she was silent.

I understand Ziyi's mood. She finally came out of the ghost gate. She thought she could stay with me forever. She must be waiting for me to marry her, but I did one thing after another. How could Ziyi be happy? She certainly didn't want to live a life of endless waiting.

Seeing Ziyi's silence for a long time, I was about to open my mouth and explain to her that I would be back soon. Unexpectedly, Ziyi suddenly said, "what are you going to do in the capital city? Is there no danger? "

In Ziyi's tone, there was no unhappiness and criticism, but only care about me. I realized that Ziyi didn't blame me. She was just worried about me, and she was afraid of my accident. At this moment, I could feel the uneasiness and worry in Ziyi's heart, so I immediately explained to her, "nothing happened, that is, I got the news from my mother. She's at Ye's house in Beijing. I want to take my mother home and have a family reunion

My words, said very relaxed, feel to take my mother from the Ye family is a piece of cake. Of course, when I say this, I don't want Ziyi to worry about me. I don't want her to be always in a state of uneasiness.

After listening to my words, Ziyi was very concerned and said to me, "well, you should take care of yourself and remember to bring more clothes. It's cold in the north. I'll wait for you to come back!"

Ziyi's words, also said very light, it seems, she is also afraid of me worried about her, she wants to show strong in front of me, the performance does not matter.

I smell speech, hastily solemnly return to her way: "I will!"

After chatting, I was about to hang up, but Peng Xuefei's voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone: "Suluo, you must take good care of yourself."

With the disappearance of Peng Xuefei's voice, there was a beep in the phone. Obviously, the other party hung up first.

Hearing Peng Xuefei's voice, I suddenly feel gratified that they have a companion, which is also a great good thing, Ziyi will not be alone, Peng Xuefei is also a lot of cheerful, which is really good.

Involuntarily, I grinned and grinned happily. Then, I focused on driving, speeding up and rushing to the airport.

Soon, I came to the airport, put my car in storage, and then I took my little suitcase and went inside the airport to change my boarding pass.

When I get my boarding pass, I'm ready to go to the waiting room. However, at the entrance of the security inspection office, I was stopped before I had time to go through the security check. Looking back, it was Qiqi who came in a hurry. She ran to me with her anxious face and fast steps.

I looked at her inexplicably until she came to me. "Qiqi, why are you here?" I said

Qiqi see my question, not breathing, slightly shy back to me: "I saw your ticket, I rushed to see you off!"

Hearing Qiqi's words, I was shocked and stunned, which made me lose my mind for a moment.

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