Weak woman, hearing this word, I can't help but sneer. If she is all weak women, then all women in the world are weak women. This aunt is not only savage, but also likes to distort the truth. Obviously, she is unreasonable, relying on her own status, and does not put anyone in the eye. Now it's better. She has become a weak woman, and I'm a heinous bastard. I didn't do anything, but she said that she was extremely guilty. This is the first time I've seen such a high quality.

My heart also slowly generated anger, no matter how the current situation, I want to argue for a bit, so, I directly dissatisfied with Zhao Dan: "I never thought of bullying you, has always been you unreasonable, it is you looking for trouble!"

Seeing me back, Xiao Dan's anger soared again. She glared and said in a hurry: "you"

maybe she was angry. For a time, she didn't know what to say. At this time, a man stood up, and he suddenly accelerated his speed, flashed to me, grabbed my collar, and said arrogantly: "sister Dan said you bullied her, you bullied her, but you dare to be cunning Do you want to die

Sure enough, these people are all birds of a feather, all unreasonable ancestors, to reason with them. It's a waste of time. I don't want to talk too much with them. I just threw the two words to the man: "let go."

My voice, steady and with invisible dignity, cold with a domineering, how to say, I am also the boss of the war. Although I'm nothing in the capital city, I'm honored and respected by countless people outside. I'm used to being respected. If I'm just scolded and wronged, I don't care. Now I was seized by a young man by the collar. This is a complete insult to my dignity. Of course, I would not be polite. I did not start. Such a voice alone suppressed the arrogant man.

This guy may not be able to think about it. How dare I yell at him? His eyes are almost startled. The other men and women around me were also stunned. However, the shock was only temporary. After they were shocked, they immediately uttered a sarcastic voice: "Damn it, this country bumpkin is really a fool. In the capital, he dares to complain

"Yes, which Valley is this wonderful flower? I don't know this is the capital city!"

"Ha ha, maybe I haven't seen the world before. I don't know the height of heaven and earth!"

"It's supposed to be a tourist. There's no need to waste time with such people. Let's just have a fight."

Along with these noble childe unceasingly sends out the discussion sound, the surrounding onlookers. More and more people are watching. It's clear to all the onlookers that these young ladies and gentlemen are bullying and bullying. Obviously, I'm an outsider, and the other party is a nobleman in the capital city. Therefore, no one will meddle in his business and just watch the play quietly.

Seeing more people around, sister Zhao Dan not only did not fear, but became more powerful. She raised her haughty chin and said to the man in a cold voice, "ah Ke, hit him!"

The man who grabbed me by the collar immediately responded. His expression turned fierce in an instant and swore at me: "looking for death!"

With that, his other fist was pounding at me.

Don't say, this boy's Kung Fu is really good. The power of that blow is so strong that ordinary people can't play it. However, no matter how powerful he is, he is also a pediatrician in front of me.

Just as soon as his fist was about to hit my front door. My head was not in a hurry or slow, slightly deflected, and then I dodged the attack of ah Ke. Then, my body swung hard to the left. This movement seemed very casual, but actually brought out my endless momentum.

Ah Ke, who stood in front of me with his left hand still holding my collar, seemed to be under an invisible impact. He was almost out of control. His hand immediately released my collar and his figure flashed to the left.

This scene happened so quickly that outsiders could hardly see what was going on. I'm afraid that only the party concerned could feel my invisible power. Therefore, as he stepped aside, his face suddenly turned white, just like white paper.

Other people are gaping, a puzzled look, in the public's bewilderment, I stretch out my left hand, put my clothes on the one-piece hat to buckle on the head, my right hand is carrying the suitcase, so, I ignored everyone. Go straight away.

Until I passed through the crowd and walked for a long time, all the people responded. Among them, Xiao Dan's sharp voice rang out: "ah Ke, what's the matter? Why don't you hit that country bumpkin?"

Then, ah Ke's hard pressed voice rang: "I can't beat him!"

Then, ah Ke's voice rang again: "don't you claim to be one of the best in the military area. How can you beat a country bumpkin! "

Ah Ke sighed helplessly: "he is a master!"

When she said this, ah Ke's voice seemed very weak, but at the same time, with a kind of admiration amazement, obviously, he realized how high my strength was. However, he knew it, but others did not know. In their opinion, ah Ke was powerful at the beginning and must have been bragging. Now, when she met a person, she showed her true appearance. Therefore, after she finished speaking, the group of people Immediately disdain way: "cut!"

A word, full of irony, however, in their grinding chirp, I had already carried the suitcase, quickly shuttled through the crowd, and soon disappeared in the waiting hall.I couldn't hear what they were saying, and I didn't want to know. For me, the faster I got out of this land of right and wrong, the better. I almost showed my walking speed. Almost in the blink of an eye, I arrived at the taxi Park of the airport.

Without any delay, I quickly took a taxi and got into the car.

An episode, I instantly ran out of the clouds, I came to the capital, only to find my mother. Before I came, I had learned that my mother was in the Ye family, and ye's family was located in a courtyard in the urban area. Later, with the gradual development of the Ye family, more and more children of the Ye family gathered in the capital city. The courtyard could not accommodate the Peng family. Therefore, they moved to the western suburbs.

In the western suburb of the capital, there is an extremely prosperous manor. The people in the manor are the Ye family. It is said that the area of the manor is almost equal to that of a small town, and many prominent people of the Ye family live in it. It can be regarded as the peak of the capital's power, similar to a palace city.

my first stop in the capital was to go to this outsider So as soon as I got on the taxi, I told the driver, "go to Ye's house."

The driver sniffed at me through the rearview mirror. Then, he quietly started the car.

The taxi quickly left the Beijing International Airport and headed for Ye's manor in the western suburbs.

The roads in Beijing are very congested. Even on the airport expressway, there are still a lot of cars and cars. Each car can only crawl slowly like a snail. The taxi I take is no exception.

During the journey, the driver's eyes would always scan at me. From time to time, he looked at me through the rearview mirror. Finally, he couldn't help being curious and asked me suspiciously: "young man, is the Ye family you mentioned the Pengjia manor in the western suburbs?"

Listening to his tone, it seemed that he was not sure where I was going. In other words, he could not believe that I was going to the real Ye family manor. Therefore, after all, he could not help but confirm with me. However, as far as my dress is concerned, I can hardly say that I am going to travel to Beijing. But when I got off the plane, I went straight to Ye's house, which inevitably made the driver suspicious of me.

Of course, I don't care about the opinions of the irrelevant people. Seeing his questions, I just gave a positive reply: "well, it's the Ye family in the western suburbs."

Hearing what I said, the driver continued: "young man, I'd like to remind you that ye Jiazhuang garden is not a tourist attraction. It's a forbidden area in the capital city. Ordinary people are not allowed to enter it!"

It can be seen that this driver is also a stranger. However, he has become a taxi driver in the capital city, so he has some understanding of the capital. He knows that I have stepped into the forbidden area of the capital. Only when he is kind enough to remind me that, after all, everyone is a foreigner.

I know his good intentions, so I also very kind to say: "thank you, I know, I go to Ye's manor to find someone!"

Listen to me, the driver's eyes are shining, as if he has found a new continent. You know, what I mean is to go to Ye's house to find someone, which means that I know ye's family. From this, I can see that my identity is also extraordinary, which of course makes the driver's jaw dropping.

Then, the driver's speech box completely opened, he has been talking incessantly, approached me, I did not show enthusiasm, nor too cold, is carelessly perfunctory.

More than an hour later, the car arrived near Ye's manor. Before getting off the bus, I handed the fare to the driver, but the enthusiastic driver refused again and again. He said that he should make a friend and never be polite to him.

The driver was so enthusiastic that I couldn't pour cold water on him. So I said thank you directly and got out of the car. After saying goodbye to the driver, I went straight to Ye's manor.

From afar, I can see the prosperity and magnificence of the manor. It is like a giant, very imposing and magnificent. Its magnificence is really not comparable to Pengjia manor. Compared with Pengjiazhuang garden, it is a little bit of a witch.

The vast area ahead seems to belong to the category of Ye's manor. It is surrounded by jungle on three sides, but in front of it is a flat and wide road, which is the only way to the interior of the manor. This road, from the position I am standing now, leads directly to the gate of the manor.

The gate of the manor is very luxurious and magnificent. From a long distance, you can see two columns of giant dragons circling around the gate. It feels that these two pillars can reach the sky.

However, the Ye family manor is not allowed to be approached at will, not even near the gate of the manor. On the only road leading to the gate, there are many sentry boxes, one at each interval.

On the sentry box, standing are fully armed guards. Those guards, at first glance, are soldiers, with extraordinary temperament. They are one by one, holding submachine guns in their hands, which makes people dare not mess around.

The guard of Ye's manor is really very strict. I was stopped by the guard as soon as I arrived at the first guard box.

This guard is not the first guard in the sentry box, but a guard patrolling in this area. He seems to have some power, like the leader of other guards. He is very tall, very powerful, like a fierce tiger. However, his eyes are cold and somewhat inhuman. He comes to me and only uses his cold eyes to scan my eyes Then I mercilessly expelled the way: "capital city, no admittance

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