Smell speech, I quickly explained: "I am not an outsider, I come to look for someone!"

Hearing this, the guard looked at me again. However, his eyes were still scornful. He continued to ask me in a cold voice, "who are you looking for?"

a cut above others. He feels that the people in Pyramid are feeling good about themselves and think they are superior. Maybe they are related to their top position in Pyramid. Anyway, they are not very welcome, or even despise, as long as they are outsiders. It seems that in their eyes, we are from the countryside, the rural erotic people. Zhao Dan and others are like this, so are the guards in front of them.

Fortunately, I still have some immunity to such contempt, and my mentality is not affected by this kind of influence. Despite being despised, I still maintain my atmosphere and calmly look at the fierce guard and airway: "find my mother, Peng Yanjie!"

Wei Meng guard's face suddenly changed. He was indifferent and finally had a violent expression change. His cold eyes were full of light. His eyes were incredible. He asked me in disbelief: "who are you looking for?"

I affirmed again: "my mother, ye Jingwen!"

For ye Jingwen's three words, I purposely stressed the tone. I thought that, I said so clearly, the security guard would certainly understand, flatter me, and take me to meet people. Even if he was not qualified to take me in, he would at least inform the Peng family or let me go.

However, I was wrong. After confirming what I said, the guard regained his apathy. In addition, there was a stern look in his indifference. He said to me definitely: "sorry, our miss is not seeing any guests. Please go back."

Once again, he impolitely ordered me to leave, but it was so indisputable that I was really surprised.

If I only told him that I wanted to find Ye Jingwen, he could be excused for refusing me. But I clearly stressed that ye Jingwen is my mother, that is to say, I am Ye Jingwen's son. Unexpectedly, the guard ignored my identity at all, and was still so ruthless. I didn't understand why. I was afraid he didn't understand clearly. I repeated: "my name is Suluo. I'm Su Qiyao's son and ye Jingwen's son. I want to see my mother. You let me in!"

My tone is unquestionable, but in the eyes of the guard, I am stubborn. He is a little impatient to see me so persistent. His look can't help getting colder. He looked at me straight and said in a deep voice: "yes, I said, we miss don't see guests, no one can do it, you go back!"

The guard's words were like a heavy hammer, pounding me hard. No matter how I said it, I was Ye Jingwen's son. At least there was the blood of Jia Ye in my body. Even if the Ye family didn't admit me, it would not change this fact. But how could I think that even a guard at the door was so overbearing that he didn't pay attention to me at all. It felt like a dog of the Ye family could do it Look down on me, can arbitrarily expel me.

Unconsciously, my anger rose slowly. My eyes began to emit the light of anger. I glared at the fierce guard and said in a sharp voice: "I came all the way here to see my mother. Why don't you let me in?"

When I said this, my momentum also faintly revealed. However, no matter how strong I was, no matter how angry I was, I couldn't frighten the fierce guard. He was like a heavenly general guarding the South Gate of heaven. He didn't care about me at all.

However, hearing my questioning tone, he still sternly replied to me: "this is the master's order!"

In a word, I was speechless in an instant. It turned out that the guard was so resolute and inhumane that he didn't care about me at all, not because he was such a loser, but because he obeyed the order and was the order of the Ye family leader. Of course, he did not dare to disobey.

It seems that the head of the Ye family has already given an order not to allow my mother to see outsiders, especially my son.

Before I came to Beijing, I had a dream that my mother was under house arrest. After I woke up, because of the reality of the dream, I couldn't help thinking that my mother was probably under house arrest. But at that time, at most, I just speculated. Now, after listening to the guard's words, I could almost conclude that my mother was indeed under house arrest. At least, she was not free.

Thinking of this, my heart became more anxious, such a situation, let me almost can not control, I do not care how large the Ye family is, no matter how majestic the orders of the Peng family master, I only know that I want to see my mother, so my momentum gradually strengthened, more and more fierce, my eyes, tightly staring at the fierce guard in front of me, tough way: "such as What if I have to go in? "

Weimeng guard listened to my words and shrunk his mouth in disdain. Then, as soon as he waved, two uniformed guards standing on the sentry box rushed over. They almost coincidentally pointed their submachine guns at me. It seemed that I would move, and they could beat me into a beehive at any time.

I also know in my heart that no matter how strong my martial arts skills are, I can't be invulnerable. If I resist, I will be doomed. In the face of the muzzle, I will be powerless. In an instant, my momentum will be destroyed.

And at this time, fierce guard, also issued a very severe voice: "unauthorized access to Ye's home, kill!"His voice, brought out his domineering, no doubt, I am hard, he is harder, I feel that he is still a head, this feeling is very oppressive, I was not willing to lose the character, but now I was so ignored by a guard, how can I swallow this tone, in terms of identity, I should be much higher than the guard, but this fierce guard, but I once again as a mole ant Step on, I really can't stand it. I want to explode too much, but I know that I can't. this is not another place. This is the Ye family. I can't let me go wild.

Before I came, Qiqi told me not to offend the Ye family. I also promised her that I would not be impulsive. Therefore, even if I am angry now, I can't do it at will. At this moment, I'd better bear it!

So, I changed my face, Haosheng asked, "can you help me to go in and inform me that I am Suluo, I have come to the capital city!"

Hearing the speech, Weimeng guard refused without hesitation: "no way!"

But it was in the moment that the voice of the fierce police dropped, a voice came from his walkie talkie: "what's going on?"

Although only four words, but I can clearly feel the dignity of the speaker, and even feel his extraordinary identity.

Sure enough, the fierce policeman's look changed immediately when he heard the words in the walkie talkie. He kept a powerful image in front of me, as if he was God. But the voice from the walkie talkie turned him into a little white rabbit in an instant. He quickly ran to the side and said something to the speaker and the other party.

After a while, Weimeng guard put away his walkie talkie. Then, he came straight to me and said seriously to me, "wait here!"

With that, the fierce guard suddenly waved to the other two uniformed guards.

The uniformed guards immediately returned to their guard box and continued to stand guard.

But I didn't care about the uniform guard who came back to the post, and the fierce guard who didn't care about the tone was not good. I was just immersed in a feeling of excitement. The emperor did not fail those who had the heart. I finally had a chance. It's hard to be shut up, especially when I'm stopped by a guard. I can't even see the face of some powerful people in Ye's family. It's even worse.

Now, I'm finally moving forward a little bit. I know that the security guard let me wait here for the person who spoke on the walkie talkie just now. This person's identity must be not low. He probably noticed the movement of our side through the monitoring, and then asked the Wei Meng guard what's the matter. Anyway, this person must have some status in the Ye family, and he would like to see me. How can I not be excited.

With the heart of expectation, I stood on the road dedicated to Ye's family and waited quietly. My surface was calm and calm, but my heart was turbulent and excited.

A few minutes later, a black car slowly drove out of the Yejia manor. It was not fast, but it was smooth all the way. After a long time, the car drove to our sentry box, and then it stopped leisurely.

As soon as the car stopped, Weimeng guard trotted to the back seat of the car and opened the door respectfully.

A man came out of the back seat of the car, under the salute of the powerful guard.

This man is thin, wearing an old-fashioned Zhongshan suit. He looks very old. At first glance, he is quite old, but his hair is dark, and it doesn't look dyed at all.

But strangely, this man with dark hair has a white and shiny beard, so I can't see how old he is for a while.

When I looked at him, the white bearded man noticed me, and as soon as he saw me, he immediately took a step and came straight to me.

The closer he was, the more I felt that the white bearded man seemed to have known him. It seemed that I had seen him somewhere, but my brain seemed to be blocked. I could not think of who he was. I just felt that there was a little impression, but the impression was too vague.

Just when I was full of wonder, the white bearded man had already come to me. After he stood up, he first looked me up and down. Then, he said very casually, "are you solo?"

When he spoke, though his tone was calm, he was quite dignified. A casual sentence showed his incomparable spirit. I could hear that the speaker in the walkie talkie was the white beard in front of him.

Obviously, white beard's status is extraordinary. However, from his tone of voice, I can feel that he doesn't know me, that is to say, the people of the Ye family don't care about me at all

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