To be honest, according to the power of the Ye family, it is extremely simple that they want to probe into me. Moreover, my current identity is extraordinary. My father is Su Qiyao, the ghost king, and I am the leader of the war. If they have a little intention, it is not difficult to know what I look like. However, they do not know me. Obviously, in the eyes of the Ye family, I am an unworthy existence.

But in any case, the noble white beard is willing to come out to see me, which shows that the Peng family still cares about my identity as the son of Ye Jingwen, which is the only thing that makes me happy. Therefore, in the face of white beard's question, I still very sincerely answer: "yes, I'm Suluo!"

I thought that if I admitted my identity, his attitude towards me would change, but I didn't expect that white beard would turn cold after listening to me, and his tone was not good: "go back. Don't come back to the capital, let alone come here! "

White beard's tone is full of dignity. It seems that he is the king who is superior. His words can't be refuted. He is giving orders to me.

Suddenly, I was speechless. I just saw some hope, thinking that if I saw a powerful person, my situation would change.

However, how can I think that this white beard is more domineering than the guard. He not only asked me to go back, but also told me not to set foot in the capital city in the future.

This moment, I suddenly thought of my father, my father was banned by Ye family, so that he has not set foot in the capital for many years. Unexpectedly, the Ye family also had an attitude towards me, which made me feel very uncomfortable. An invisible anger filled my body, and it became more and more fierce. I couldn't help it. I yelled to white beard: "why, I want to find my mother, you let me see her!"

Hearing what I said, white beard could not help but snort. Then, he uttered a very cold voice: "where do you think this is? You can see who you want to see? Listen to my advice, if you want to have a stable life in the second half of your life, just like your father, never set foot in the capital city! "

Sure enough, the Ye family already regarded me and my father as the God of plague. They did not allow my father to have any relationship with their Ye family. Even my son, who is the blood of the Ye family, should be completely isolated.

The Ye family is really too much. Originally, my father was unable to enter the capital because of the ban. I felt oppressed for my father. He was so fabulous that he didn't enter the capital for so many years because of a word from the Ye family. This is a blow to my father's dignity. Now, they have given me such a tyrannical command. Even the tone of white beard is threatening. It seems that if our father and son disobey the order, we will have no peace for the rest of our lives.

The Ye family treated me and my father too unreasonable and overbearing. This kind of tyranny is beyond my bottom line. I can never listen to them like my father. The more they want me to stay away from the capital, the more I want to stay here.

After thinking about it, I straightened out my chest, glared at the white beard, and firmly said, "I won't go until I see my mother!"

My tone is extremely tough. I don't believe it. What can the Ye family do to me? No matter how bad it is, I am also the son of Ye Jingwen. I also have the blood of Ye family. Besides, this is the important place of the capital. They dare to kill people recklessly?

However, after all, I underestimated the ability of the Ye family. They really dare to be disoriented. After I finished speaking, the calm white beard suddenly burst into a strong momentum. In addition, in his powerful momentum, he also faintly took the opportunity to kill. He coldly glanced at me, opened his lips, and issued a cold voice like hell Ghost: "do you want to die?"

In just four words, white beard showed his incomparable dignity. This is really the dignity of people standing at the top of the pyramid. Ye family is worthy of being Ye family. They really hold up half of the sky in the capital. As the head of the four families in the capital, ye family is not a reputation. They are really extraordinary. My bones were still hard, but when I faced the white beard, I suddenly became spineless. I could feel it. If I disobeyed him again, I would be in ashes.

Therefore, I did not dare to refute him with a very strong attitude. Quietly, I lowered my posture and calmly said to white beard: "I don't want to die, but I don't want to go. I just want to see my mother. I come here to see her!"

White beard listened to my words, directly waved his hand, and said angrily, "if I say no, I can't. If you die of this heart, go away!"

No matter what moment, white beard showed arrogance. He was just like the emperor. His Majesty was inviolable. I, in his eyes, could not even count as dust. I also knew that he was so powerful that I had to worry about it. I didn't dare to offend him. However, I didn't want to leave like this. I didn't want to be despised by others. I didn't even want to be my mother None of them.

With this unwilling, I tried to say again: "I don't go away. Why don't you let me see my mother? Why do you want me to leave the capital? No matter how, I also have the blood of Ye family. I'm half of Ye family. Why can't I go into Ye's house? I'm going in! "

At this moment, I was totally arguing. I wanted to say what was at stake and let white beard think twice. However, I was wrong. White beard was determined to drive me away. My words did not persuade him, but infuriated him. Suddenly, his eyes burst out with a fierce light. At the same time, his legs suddenly kicked at me like lightning.White beard's feet are very crisp and neat. There is no sign at all. It is completely unexpected. The most important thing is that his speed is as fast as the limit. I just feel that there is a whirlwind under his feet. When I suddenly react, white beard's feet have already kicked on my chest.

Immediately, I flew out of the whole person, heavily fell in the middle of the road, my suitcase, also separated from my hand, hit the ground, and I lay on the road with me.

Everything happened so fast that I couldn't believe it. My mind was confused and my heart was shaking. I know that white beard is strong, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful. Although he attacked me secretly, he acted in the situation that I didn't pay attention to, but his speed and his strength let me clearly feel his strength. His strength is definitely not under me.

In addition to my father's abnormal level master, few people are my opponents in Beijing. I think my own strength has already reached the top. However, how can I expect that I have just stepped into the capital and met such extraordinary abnormal people.

Sure enough, the water in the capital is unfathomable, the people in the capital are unpredictable, and the Ye family in the capital is even more powerful. Anyone who comes here can be so powerful.

At the moment, I am most hurt not by the body, but by the heart. I suddenly feel that I really look at the sky from the well, the capital city and ye family. Everything here is beyond my expectation. I can't see how wide the sky is in the capital. That's what I can't even imagine.

Just when I was in a trance, white beard had come to me. He stood with his hands on his back and looked down at me. He said in a wild voice:

"Suluo, I just thought that you were the son of my young lady, so I gave you a good advice. I didn't expect that you didn't know what you were. You really thought you were a root onion. You dare to call yourself Ye family. When did ye family admit you? I tell you, you are just a wild animal. Don't try to climb the Ye family. Never think about it. You are not qualified. Even your father Su Qiyao has self-knowledge and knows to stay well. You dare not set foot in the capital. You are a wild animal. You are too ignorant to climb the dragon and the Phoenix. If you don't want to die, where did you come from? Go back to where you are

White beard's tone was extremely overbearing, extremely heartless. After leaving this sentence, he immediately turned around and walked toward his car. The fierce guard waiting by the car quickly opened the door for white beard and made a gesture of greeting.

White beard went to the car, but also told the guards sternly, "don't let solo get close to the manor for half a step. He has to be stubborn and shoot him directly. He doesn't need to report!"

Say it. White beard went straight into the car, and the car immediately left.

White beard and the car just like the wind, shuttling to Ye's manor, disappeared in this area.

His men left, but his orders were deeply rooted here. Weimeng guard strictly obeyed white beard's orders, and immediately called two uniformed guards standing guard, with their hands on the warning line of the first post.

Two uniformed guards, armed with submachine guns, were solemn and ready, as if they would kill me as soon as I crossed the cordon.

I lay limp on the ground, to now have a little bit of God, my chest faint pain, heart full of holes, at this moment, I feel the world's most heartless cold, ye family, really too ruthless, they me as a wild seed, do not give me a bit of love, my self-esteem as dog dung, all these are the deepest blow to me.

I lay on the ground for a long time, so long that I almost forgot the time. I held up my dull eyes and looked at the sky. Then, I slowly propped up and got up from the ground.

Seeing this, the guard at the door thought I was going to make a mess of it. He pointed the gun at me immediately. He was not polite.

I gently curled my mouth and shook my head with a bitter smile. Then, I gently walked to my suitcase, picked it up from the ground, picked it up, and turned away.

Before I left, I turned my head and looked at the Xiaye manor. It was really magnificent and spectacular. But in my opinion, it was so disgusting. It was just a swamp. I didn't want to go in. I just wanted to stay away from it.

Scanning two eyes, I then turned over the head, did not say a word, directly resolutely left.

The sky seems to feel my inner desolation, even without warning from the rain, rain fell on the earth, the wind blows, I carry the suitcase, the leaves of the Ye home.

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