Rain wet my body, but also cold my heart, I seem to be in the world of ice, so cold, cold land, cold air, people are cold.

At this moment, I just want to leave the cold and merciless world quickly. I don't want to see my mother, I don't want to persist in the end, but I have nothing to do. The Ye family has made such a determination on me. If I continue to cling to the enemy, I will have to take a bullet.

Originally, I can still rely on the blood of the Ye family to play a little horizontal here, but after listening to white beard's words and bearing his foot, my idea immediately disappeared.

Originally, in the Ye family's eyes, I am a wild species, this words deeply stimulated me, I can't accept this kind of cruel indifference. I can't think of it. Why do ye's family members look so indifferent to their family relationship. I'm my mother's son. Since that white beard called my mother a lady, how could he be so cruel to my mother's flesh and blood?

Although, I had expected that the Ye family would not admit me, but I did not expect that the Ye family would be heartless. I also thought that it was not easy for me to see my mother, but I did not expect that I could not even pass the door of the Ye family.

Such an ending is really unsatisfactory. What's more, they even asked me not to set foot in the capital in the future. This is even more bullying. I won't let them bully me. Even if I leave the Ye family temporarily, I can't leave the capital. Even if the Ye family is strong, I won't be obedient. I specially come to the capital, even my mother I didn't see any of them. I can't do it like a lost dog.

So, although my heart is desolate and despairing at the moment, I don't want to leave the capital like this. However, for a while, I can't think of any other way to see my mother. I can only wander around the road.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier. There is no one on the road and there is no car. The location of yejiazhuang garden is very remote. Moreover, this area belongs to Ye family's important place. There are few vehicles passing by. Especially now it's rainy weather, and the traffic is rare. I'd like to call a taxi. It's more difficult than going to the sky.

I can only carry my small suitcase and walk blindly in the rain. I am like a zombie who has lost her soul, wandering in the world.

Half an hour later, my body was almost wet. The cold wind made me shiver. I was freezing. Finally, a taxi appeared in front of me. I stopped immediately. After getting on the bus, the driver looked at me with strange eyes and then asked, "where to go?"

At the moment, I have lost my direction. For me, the capital is strange everywhere. I don't know where I go. So, I have to tell the taxi driver, "you can drive as you like."

The taxi driver listened to my words, did not start the car, he still looked at me with his suspicious eyes, as if I had a problem.

I raised my eyes slightly, looked at the driver through the rearview mirror, and calmly said, "I have money, drive!"

Hearing this, the taxi driver was a little more steady, so he directly started the car and flew away.

Unconsciously, the car drove into the capital city. The downtown area of the capital is very prosperous and lively. I look at the prosperous city through the window. But the heart is more desolate, outside the bustle, taking advantage of me more lonely, I feel like a homeless child, no matter how beautiful the capital, there is no place for me.

The car was very dull and silent. The driver seemed to feel the desolation in my heart. He took the initiative to open the conversation box and asked me, "brother, are you traveling in Beijing?"

As for my real purpose of coming to Beijing, I can't tell anyone. I can only perfunctorily perfunctorily the driver and say, "Hmmm!"

After hearing this, the driver asked again, "is this your first visit to Beijing?"

My mind has been floating out of the sky for a long time. I have no mind to chat with the driver at all. I just mechanically responded to him with a sentence: "Hmmm!"

Hearing this, the driver's look suddenly changed. He became a little excited and arrogant. He seemed to feel that he was very powerful. He guessed my business at once. Then, he drove me around the capital city and chattered with me in a daze. He seemed to change his role from a driver to a guide.

After passing through any famous place in the capital, he would be proud to introduce it, saying that this is not good. He also said that I came to the right place to relax in the capital. Many scenic spots here are worth visiting.

In the driver's nagging, I seem to feel something called enthusiasm.

All of a sudden, they didn't feel warm until the bottom of Beijing was warm-hearted. In a word, they didn't feel warm-hearted until they were warm-hearted in the bottom of the city. They didn't feel warm-hearted until they were warm-hearted in the society.

However, even if the driver is more enthusiastic, I have no mind to listen to him. I am still wandering in my own world, unable to extricate myself.

Rainy sky, gradually dim down, the prosperous city lit up a variety of neon lights, the night finally shrouded down.

As night fell, I began to realize that it was time for me to find a foothold, so I went straight to the eloquent taxi driver and said, "stop at any hotel!"Hearing this, the driver finally stopped his endless chatter. He said "OK" and focused on driving.

The enthusiastic driver finally found me a more affordable star hotel and stopped. I said thanks to him, paid the fare and got off the car.

In the hotel, I opened a single room, took the room card, I went straight to the room, to the room, I immediately fell back on the bed.

Now I, just like the late stage of cancer, the whole person has lost his aura. I don't want to eat any more. I don't want to do anything. I just lie paralyzed and embarrassed.

However, although my body is weak, but my brain is in rapid rotation, I have been thinking about how to see my mother, how to take my mother back, but after thinking for a long time, I still have no clue, because for me, the Ye family is really an impossible existence, even my father's top-notch hero, are not dare to be suppressed by the Ye family Make a sound, darling nest at home, then, how can I and ye family fight.

I can hardly get close to the forbidden area of Ye family, let alone take my mother away from ye family. Even if I even meet my mother, it becomes a kind of luxury.

The more I thought about it, the more sad I felt, the more worried I was. At more than 10 o'clock in the evening, I got up from the bed and left the room directly.

Outside the hotel, I found a good bar nearby and walked in.

Inside the bar, the lights were shining, the music was booming, and the crowd was warm. I was in the middle of it, but I still felt lonely and irritable. In a corner of the hall, I sat down alone and ordered a lot of wine.

At this moment, for me, in addition to drinking to relieve my worries, I really don't know what to do. When I want to break my head, I can't think of a way to meet my mother. I have to use alcohol to anesthetize myself. When I order the wine on the table, I immediately drink it, one cup after another, until I feel a little dizzy, and my sad heart is finally relieved. I feel like floating In an empty world, he is really beautiful.

I know that this may be just the effect of alcohol anesthesia, but this brief intoxication, I also like, I like the feeling of forgetting everything.

The bars in Beijing are relatively high-grade and luxurious. There is a huge dance floor in the center of the bar hall. There are many sexy dancers on the dance floor. They swing their bodies and look very hot.

More young men and women gathered around the stage, holding bottles in their hands, and cheered heartily. The cheers were mixed with music, and filled the bar with gorgeous lights. It makes the bar very lively. However, no matter how warm the scene is, I can't stir up the ripples in my heart. I'm still in a semi wandering state. My soul is free and my mind is empty. I feel like I'm drunk. But I know clearly that I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk at all. I'm just immersed in this kind of floating feeling.

However, from time to time, there are people to interfere with my quiet, to all the beautiful women with heavy make-up, one by one, they appear in front of me, affectionately call my handsome boy, say to accompany me to drink to relieve boredom. I don't even have to look at them. I know they're bartenders.

These two years, I am not a fool, for this kind of trick, I have long seen through, if I am really handsome, handsome too eye-catching, then perhaps there are hungry women to come to me, but my image now, clearly embarrassed, my clothes drenched in the rain. I didn't change it or wipe it. After lying in bed for half a day, I was squeezed. Now I look crumpled and depressed.

The most important thing is, in order to deal with the bloody cherry blossom, I have been racking my brains. When I was thinking about it, my hair on my temples turned gray. My appearance changed a lot. In my twenties, I lost all the youth and vitality I should have. What I had was mature and vicissitudes. How could anyone take a fancy to me and these women wanted me to drink Wine is just for the sake of selling the high price liquor in their bar. I'm sure I won't be cheated. So, I refuse one for one, and there's no room for discussion.

I'm like a lonely root three. No matter who it is, they can't get close to me. I'm sitting at this table. Empty, I am alone, and I drink the empty bottle.

I am lonely and the scene of the lively fantasy, the world is drunk, I wake up alone, I am immersed in my world, enjoy.

I kept drinking, drinking, drinking, I finally got a little drunk, this is the feeling of real drunk, my whole head is confused, dizzy, the world in front of me seems to shake a little.

At this time, I felt that a large group of people were coming towards me, but I didn't care. I still kept a selfless state, picked up the glass and drank the wine out of the glass.

After a drink, I put the glass back on the table and continued to pour. However, just as soon as my glass was full of wine, someone suddenly slapped my table hard.

Suddenly, a muffled sound came, and the wine in the glass spilled all over me. Then, a sharp female voice penetrated the noisy air of the bar and pierced into my ears:

"Hello, you country bumpkin. You are so fast at the airport. It's hard for me to find my life. Unexpectedly, I met you here. Now I'll see where you are running!"

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