Although, I am a little bit drunk now, although my head is a little dim, but my consciousness is sober, do not need to look up, I know who the person who is talking, obviously, she is the unruly miss I met on the plane, Zhao Dan, she did not expect to meet me here, I did not expect to meet her here, this enemy, is really haunted.

However, now I really don't want to quarrel with her. No matter how noble her status is, I just don't care about her. As for her brutal and domineering words, I just don't seem to hear her. I just continue to take up the remaining half glass of wine on the table and drink it out in one gulp. Then, I put down my glass again, and then I slowly picked up the bottle and continued to pour.

Because I drank a little too much, my movements were not fluent, but I was still not in a hurry. I was not affected by the people and things in front of me. It seemed that everything around me had nothing to do with me. I was lonely and depressed.

But Zhao Dan, she was originally a hot tempered girl. She came to me to set up a teacher to blame her. Now she was ignored by me. How could she stand it? Suddenly, she was angry. When I just filled the glass with wine, she directly picked up my wine cup, threw the wine in it on my face, and said angrily, "hillbilly. I'm talking to you, don't you hear me? "

It can be seen that Zhao Dan hates to be ignored. A lady like her likes the feeling that all the stars support the moon. She is used to being a princess, but she is taken as air by me again and again.

On the plane, I ignored her so much that she was so angry that she had to settle accounts with me. Here, she found me, and I continued to ignore her. She must have been more angry and would have poured my wine as soon as she came up.

Wine drenched my face, self-esteem was trampled on again, my heart, suddenly filled with anger, came to the capital for a short day, but I continue to accept insults, suffer injustice, every time, I try to endure, do not care, because, I know the capital is a land of right and wrong, I can not offend people at will, so, I am willing to be a shrinking turtle, borrow alone Wine, but, did not expect me to be like this, but still restless, or bullied.

With full of indignation, I raised my head and looked at the domineering Zhao Dan in front of me.

At the moment, she is still that dress up, a tight suit, full of personality. The difference is that Zhao Dan has a cap on her head, which makes her look more fashionable. Beside Zhao Dan, many men and women gathered together. Besides those I met at the airport, there were five or six strange faces. Moreover, these people were aristocratic children. They were very luxurious and dressed up. Obviously, they came to the bar to get together Yes, I happened to meet.

To be honest, I really want to be full of fire, but after thinking about it, I think it's not necessary to get angry with these ignorant childe and miss. Moreover, I still want to stay in the capital city. These people are either rich or expensive. If I really fall out with them, I will not be able to eat good fruit in the capital in the future. Therefore, I try my best to suppress my anger Zhao Dan warned: "I'm in a bad mood, don't mess with me!"

Zhao Dan heard me say that, her white cheeks were red with anger from me. She puffed her cheeks and wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say. Of course, the friends beside her couldn't stand me being so presumptuous. Except for the white man who had experienced my strength at the airport, all the others were angry. The girl started to satirize me and said that I was too forced to play. All the boys were filled with indignation and muttered to clean me up. One of the big boys couldn't help it. He immediately stood up, grabbed my clothes and swore: "do you know who the hell you're talking to?"

This big man, obviously has some strength, muscle is also very developed, in front of him, I look a little weak, he said, but also want to pull me from the position, but, unfortunately, no matter how hard the big man, can't lift me, I sit on the seat, motionless, I don't look strong, but seems to have a thousand gold 。

The big man's face turned red when he ate his shriveled face. In my eyes, this kind of person is just a clown. I don't want to look at him any more. I just gently stretch out my hand and grasp his wrist. Force a pinch, the mouth also cold spit out two words: "let go!"

As soon as I pinched it, the big man felt pain, and his hand holding my clothes was released immediately. As soon as he released his hand, I also released my hand. However, the big man suffered a loss and couldn't get off the table. After I let go, his other hand directly picked up an empty beer bottle and smashed it down on my forehead. "I'm a grass mud horse!" he yelled

Bang, the bottles of wine were split on my head, and the glass fragments rolled down my clothes. If we hadn't attracted other people's attention just now, when the empty wine bottle bloomed on my head, people in the bar hall were finally shocked. Many people turned their eyes to my side, even to the music All of a sudden, even the lights hit me. In an instant, I became the focus of the audience.

A long time ago, my head was very hard. It was OK to drop a brick, not to mention a wine bottle.

Now, with my skill going up, this kind of wine bottle can't hurt me at all, just like tickling me. However, it's not so good to be hit on the head with a bottle in public. My anger in my heart is aroused again. Suddenly, I raise my red eyes, look at the big man who hit me and yell: "get out of here!"A word, imposing, exploded in this silent bar, shocked four.

This time, I was really angry, but I didn't break out immediately. I just roared out my anger from the bottom of my heart. I wanted to use my deterrent power. Frighten off these bastards.

However, no matter how powerful I was, I couldn't frighten the lawless aristocratic children. On the contrary, my rolling words also angered them. All these indignant childe brothers wanted to attack me, especially Zhao Dan, who had a grudge against me. She could not stand it, and then she cried out: "kill him for me!"

However, at this critical moment, an extremely harsh voice suddenly sounded in the bar: "stop it all!"

Accompanied by this voice, a large group of uniformed security guards, the crowd have to avoid, to these security guards to make way for a way.

Many uniformed security guards passed through the crowd and came towards me at a high speed. The leader was a man in a suit and a greasy face. He should be the manager of the bar.

In Beijing, there are no Gang organizations, but there are security guards and bodyguards. For security reasons, this large bar will hire some security guards to keep the order of business. Now our actions have affected the normal operation of the bar. Therefore, the security guards come out naturally.

The leader of these uniform security guards is the greasy administrator. He comes in a fierce manner with serious and angry eyes. However, when he sees that Zhao Dan and others are gathered here, his look immediately changes. The anger in his eyes is no longer, and his expression is not any severe. Instead, he puts on a fake smile Zhao Dan flattered and said with a smile, "it turns out that Miss Zhao is here. What's the matter with Miss Zhao's anger?"

The tone and attitude of the manager completely set off Zhao Dan and showed his dignity.

At this time, Zhao Dan was very angry. Seeing the manager running out, she was obviously displeased. She glanced at the manager and said in a cold voice: "manager Wang, there is a jerk who doesn't have long eyes. I want to teach him a lesson. Is it OK?"

After that, she also looked at me with haughty eyes.

After listening to Zhao Dan's words, the greasy administrator immediately froze with a smile. His expression became very difficult. It was not easy to answer Zhao Dan for a moment.

I can tell from Zhao Dan's words that this man is the manager of the bar. In other words, he is in charge of all aspects of the bar. Now that Zhao Dan wants to beat me in public, he will certainly be in a dilemma.

The order of the capital is so good that there are not many such incidents of gathering people to beat people. Once they happen, they will attract attention. In any case, I am a guest of the bar. If I am beaten in his bar, the reputation of the bar will certainly be affected. At that time, who dares to come to drink in his bar. However, Zhao Dan's deterrent power is still great. It seems that he has a long history The manager tangled for a long time, then slowly began to say: "Miss Zhao, beating people here is still not very good. Even if you don't look at my face, you should also look at the face of my boss. You say it is right. In this way, I'll let this boy apologize to you, and this matter will be settled!"

With that, manager Wang turned his head to look at me and said in a sharp voice: "boy, you really don't know Taishan. Even Miss Zhao dares to offend her. Don't apologize immediately!"

Manager Wang's tone is very impolite, but I know that he also wants to calm things down and make things bigger and smaller.

But Zhao Dan obviously disagrees with manager Wang's statement. Before I could speak, Zhao Dan said directly and domineering, "can you finish by apologizing? That's too cheap for him. I don't think it's easy for me to fool me. I want him to kneel down and kowtow to me, so that this can be stopped! "

Zhao Dan, a savage woman, is really not unreasonable. Her words can not help but cause a burst of sighs from the surrounding audience. In fact, everyone can see that Zhao Dan is obviously bullying others, but we all know that Zhao Dan's status is extraordinary. Therefore, even if the bystanders have opinions, it is impossible for anyone to fight against injustice for me, even Wang The manager was choked by Zhao Dannong, and his face turned very embarrassed and said: "this"

obviously, manager Wang also felt that Zhao Dan's demands were too much, and he certainly did not agree with her practice. Zhao Dan's unreasonable provocation also hit him in the face. However, he was still afraid of Zhao Dan's power, and the manager dared not speak.

At this time, the man who stood aside and kept silent all the time came out. He pushed manager Wang aside without any politeness, and said very domineering words: "don't worry about this matter!"

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