His actions and tone directly show that he doesn't care about manager Wang at all, just like this luxury KTV manager is a very small role.

Pushed away manager Wang, he immediately came to the table, said to me indifferently: "according to the Miss said to do, speed!"

His words were so severe and unquestionable that they gave me an order.

I still have an impression of this indifferent man. At that time, at the airport, what I couldn't see through most was this cold and aloof man. He was different from other Playboys. He was too proud and unsmiling. He had an egotistic temperament. His strength seemed to be elusive. In the airport, I didn't see him speak a word, but now, he seems to be unable to hold his breath Or he didn't want to waste time with me. He finally stood up.

Don't say, this indifferent man's aura is still very strong. As soon as he came out, the whole audience was completely silent. Even the manager Qian, who was pushed away rudely by him, did not dare to fart any more.

However, even if he can bluff the whole audience, but also can't bluff me, I still sit in situ, light looking at him, cold response: "dream!"

Two words, cold and resolute, showed my uncompromising attitude. I was right. It's impossible for me to apologize, let alone let me kneel and kowtow. It's not necessary to think about it.

The crowd saw that I was fearless in the face of danger. They could not help but look at me with a new look. Their eyes were special.

But he saw me disobedient, the man's cold face, changed more chilly, saw, he leisurely extended his hand, held the wine glass on the table, then, his eyes also sent out a chill, he gently opened his lips, cold to me: "give you another chance, according to Miss Zhao said to do, otherwise I want you to be like this cup!"

As soon as his voice fell, a crisp sound pierced everyone's eardrum. At the same time, everyone's eyes were wide open, showing a color of surprise. Everyone really saw that the glass that had been held by the indifferent man just now broke directly. The glass fragments of the wine glass were scattered on the table, while the man's hands were safe and sound.

This scene shocked the whole audience, even I was slightly surprised. His simple action shows his strength. Although the glass is made of glass, it is very firm. The indifferent man can easily crush it with his fingers, and his hands are still intact. This is not what ordinary people can do. I can feel that the strength of this indifferent man is a little deep and hierarchical. At least, he can be regarded as a master Maybe it is because he has enough capital that he is so overbearing.

Of course, I was only slightly surprised. For the cold man, I was still not afraid, and my expression did not change. I just stood up carelessly after the cold man finished speaking. Then, I reached out and grabbed the glass fragments scattered on the table.

When most of the pieces of glass are in my hands. My body's natural gas, quietly burst out, and then quickly gathered, in an instant, this gas all accumulated in my right hand holding glass fragments.

In the attention of all the people, my right hand suddenly forced and pinched suddenly. Immediately, the creaking sound was ringing in the box, stimulating everyone's nerves. All of them frowned at the same time, and their eyes were incredible.

In a flash, the voice disappeared, in the eyes of all the consternation, I slowly put my clenched right fist in front of the indifferent man, and then, I slowly loosened my fist.

It is even more unbelievable that the glass fragments in my hands have turned into glass powder. The fine powder slowly flows down from my hand and floats in the air of the bar, glittering with gold and particularly dazzling.

With the fall of the powder, the silent bar hall, I am very cold and very indifferent voice: "that depends on whether you have this ability!"

To the people on the scene, it was just a miracle among the miracles. In a moment, the whole scene was astonished. Everyone was stunned, and their eyes were full of all kinds of surprise.

At this moment, I was a monster in their eyes. I showed the lightness in my bones and revealed the most unexpected side.

No one can believe what they see in their eyes at the moment. My hands are nothing but flesh and blood. Those people who don't know martial arts at the scene don't know how I did it. It's unbelievable that such a master as a cold man can't believe it. How could he imagine that I have such strength? In his opinion, I'm just a man Mole ants from other places.

It's easy for him to ravage me. The reason why he came out to deal with me personally was that he didn't want Zhao Dan and his gang to waste more time on me. He wanted to solve me earlier.

But now, instead of scaring me off, he was sent to the army by me. This is the most serious blow to him. While he was shocked, his face became very ugly. For a time, he could not get out of the tiger and bend to the extreme.

At the scene, only the white people who had dealt with me before showed a relatively indifferent performance. Maybe he had already recognized that I was a master. He knew that my strength was not so strong. Therefore, at the moment, he was not so shocked. On the contrary, he still had a gratifying look in his eyes. This can explain why he didn't stop me at the airport and let me leave Open, not he deliberately let me go, just because, I am really a master, this point, here is completely verified. In this way, we all know that it is not that the white man is too weak, but that I am too strong.To be honest, if I'm not forced to show my strength easily, I just know that if I don't show my strength, these bullies will never give up. They are forcing me to keep a low profile.

After I showed my skill, these aristocratic children were really honest. They were all dull and did not make any sound. I didn't want to waste time with them. I clapped my hands directly, and then put my hat on my head. In the eyes of the audience, I left in silence.

However, it is obviously impossible for me to calm down. Just as I went to the bar, the cold man who was slapped in public by me suddenly chased me out of the bar. Where could he bear the anger, he would not let me leave after eating the flat. Therefore, he immediately chased out of the bar and blocked my way.

It is estimated that I have extraordinary strength, and his attitude is not as arrogant as before. The expression full of his face is only rigorous. He closely examines me with his cold eyes, and then even lightly opens his mouth and says: "what's your origin? Come on the newspaper!"

While he was talking, other people came out of the bar. It seemed that everyone was very interested in me. Everyone could not help wondering who I was and why I came to Beijing.

But the purpose of my coming to Beijing is to find my mother. I won't easily disclose it to outsiders. No matter whether the cold man's origin is big or not, I don't want to cause any trouble because of my mother, and I won't be stupid enough to report to my family. Therefore, for the question of the indifferent man, I almost immediately refused: "I don't need to tell you, get out of the way!"

My voice is very strong, but also shows my unique courage, I just hope that he will retreat in the face of difficulties.

However, this indifferent man seems to have no fear of me, even if he knows my strength is high, and he is not afraid of me. After listening to my words, his hidden anger gradually shows up. He stares at me coldly, and his tone is rampant: "hum, I don't care who you are. If you offend me today, don't want to retreat from the whole body!"

His words are still very domineering, it seems that he really has the ability, this ability is not able to practice overnight, this is the spirit accumulated over time, obviously, the indifferent man is a person who has seen big waves, but no matter how capable he is, it has nothing to do with me. I am still cold and disdainful to say: "what do you want?"

The indifferent man chuckled and said in a cold voice, "I've abandoned your hand!"

Hearing this, my heart can not help but smile, this tone, really big can, even if he thinks he is very strong. Also should not be frivolous to this point, should not so do not put me in the eye, since he is so stubborn, I do not need to be polite to him, I once again in a cool tone, issued a cold voice: "you do not have this ability!"

After hearing this, he seemed to be slapped by me again. The anger in his eyes burned rapidly, and his voice also brought out endless anger: "I don't know the height of heaven and earth. Do you really think that you can defeat me if you have strong internal power? Ignorance

Listen to the indifferent man said, Zhao Dan and the gang immediately with a sudden realization, they can not help but realize. I pinched the glass into powder before. Maybe it was because I used special skills. I played a little trick by virtue of my deep internal power. Thinking like this, they immediately got excited. One by one, they yelled: "yes, Senge, clean him up and let him know how powerful you are!"

"Damn it, a hillbilly, dare to play wild in the capital and kill him!"

"SENGO, we support you!"

Of course, there are also more cautious, issued a slightly different voice: "this boy seems to have some strength, you should be careful!"

From these voices, I can hear that Zhao Dan and other people regard the indifferent man as invincible in the world. They may have seen the strength of the indifferent man, or have heard of it. Anyway, they all think that the indifferent man is a master of military force. However, I only showed my extraordinary strength just now, which shocked the whole audience at the beginning, but when they saw the indifferent man's self-confidence After the letter, they couldn't help but feel that I couldn't beat the cold man in my fight. After all, fighting not only depends on strength, but also requires moves and speed, which are also very important. In the eyes of these people, the comprehensive ability of the indifferent man is absolutely the strongest.

Even I have to admit that the indifferent man is a master. In the younger generation, he is a rare talent. Unfortunately, the opponent he met today is me. I didn't need him to fight, so I said to him frankly: "you can't beat me!"

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