I said this is not pretending, nor arrogant, but sincere, I really don't want to waste time and entangle him.

But for him, I said this is a satire to him. He felt humiliated and his anger erupted. He even didn't want to talk nonsense with me any more. He directly drank a sentence: "you want to die!"

After that, he suddenly attacked me. In an instant, he turned into a virtual shadow, and quickly flashed to me. At the same time, he manually hit me with a hook.

From this point of view, I immediately knew that speed was definitely his strength. He was really as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, he had come to me and made moves against me.

Of course, he's fast, and I'm not slow. I've caught his direction and dodged his first shot.

One hit missed, the cold man shot me again. This time, his speed was faster and his moves were more agile.

My eyebrows were on top of my head, my eyes were rigorous, my body quickly leaped, and I dodged away again. But this time, his attack followed. At this moment, I felt his real strength. Not only was his speed fast, but his moves were also very unique or perfect. I had never seen such martial arts before. I felt like he was unpredictable His movements are fluent and coherent, which can be said to be impeccable.

I finally know why the indifferent man is so frivolous. It turns out that his martial arts skills are really powerful. It's impossible to say that there is no special expert's guidance for such skills. It's really more than enough to deal with ordinary people with his strength. However, what he meets is not others, but me.

Now I have reached the peak level since I came back from miaojiang. So, even if the cold man's moves are perfect, I can easily resist them, but I'm just resisting them. Since the cold man's moves, I've constantly dodged. When I can't dodge, I'll resist. I didn't take the initiative once, and I've been in defense Status.

I know in my heart that no matter what, I have to stay on the line. If I want to stay in the capital for more time, I can't offend people too much, especially people like him. From his words and deeds, I can feel that this cold man is not easy to be provoked. If I really want to play him for good or bad, I will be in trouble. So, I've been defending, I'm not attacking, I just want him to stop.

But who could have thought that the more he fought, the harder he became, the more determined he was to kill me. If I didn't fall down, his anger would not disappear. However, the fact is that he didn't want to go down for several rounds. He can't hurt me at all. I'm just like an insurmountable mountain. No matter how fierce, fast, and agile an indifferent man is, he can't help me. His moves are perfect, and my moves are ever-changing. No matter how abnormal his moves are, I can easily resolve them.

The onlookers were totally crazy. Their eyes did not wander for a moment. They always focused on us. In their eyes, the fight was really brilliant and dazzling. However, they did not see any sense of tension, because everyone could see that I should pay easily, but the indifferent man was struggling. Even the onlookers who did not know martial arts could see it Understand which is stronger and which is weaker.

Gradually, his face is more and more unable to hang, he felt a kind of thing called humiliation, he was disgraced in full view of the public, he became crazy behind, put his own housekeeping skills out, he was still calm, but at the moment he quickly turned into a mad cow.

Although his moves can't pose a threat to me, I can't stand his endless moves. I feel irritable, and I don't want to waste time with him any more. So, while the cold man is constantly using his moves, I suddenly put out my hand and grabbed the iron fist that the indifferent man smashed at me, and yelled: "enough!"

My voice is very severe, extremely powerful, indifferent man's fist is held by me, can't even draw out.

I thought it was all like this. The indifferent man would give up his heart, but he didn't. this guy is arrogant and his bones are even harder. He belongs to the role of not seeing the coffin and tears. Seeing that he couldn't pull out his hand, he immediately threw out his right foot to me. This foot came very suddenly and quickly.

However, he can't escape my eye no matter how fast he is. When he kicks his foot, I kick his right leg above the knee. He kicked his right foot back in an instant.

He ate pain but did not give up, and then left foot, kicking at me, I also go out of the foot, kick on his left foot knee, and his left foot to kick back.

Defiant and unyielding, he still does not give up, his free left hand, pinched into a fist, hit me.

His moves are coherent, but they are a little too frequent. I can't stand it, I can't stand it. Even if my heart is broad, even if I intend to calm things down, I can't stand his repeated provocations. I'm also a man of temper. I also need to vent, and I have reckless times. Therefore, when his left fist hit my face, I quickly turned my head and avoided his fist. At the same time, my feet were in the lightning and flint, fierce The ground kicked him in the chest.

This foot, I used a lot of force, the body is still strong and indifferent man, eat my foot, the whole person is flying, but, his right hand is still tightly pulled by me, so even if his body is empty, people can not fly away.And just as his body was hanging in front of me. I took his right hand, and I jerked it down.

My strength runs through his whole body. After a while, his empty body smashed heavily on the ground, sending out a huge dull sound and splashing dust.

A moment ago, he was still arrogant and domineering. In an instant, he became a dead dog and lay on the ground. However, he was really bloody. He was still unconvinced and wanted to struggle to get up. However, this fall directly destroyed the strength in his body. As soon as his upper body left the ground, his shaking hands could not support his body With a slap, he fell on the ground again.

The whole scene has been shocked stupidly, so large space, absolutely silent.

I stood in the night, overlooking the cold man under the feet, light mouth way: "I said, you can't beat me!"

At the moment, he is as frivolous as a dog, and I, standing tall and proud, the situation is clear, the victory or defeat can be seen. For me, beating him is not something to be proud of, but I just want to beat him in public, that is to say in front of the public that he can't beat me. I do this to remind the arrogant and indifferent man I hope that he will behave wisely in the future, and don't be ignorant of good or bad. I also give Zhao Dan and others a warning not to be dogged. Laozi is not easy to be provoked.

Finish saying this, I ignore to drop on the ground ashen face turn head to see Zhao Dan and others.

By this time, they were still in unbelievable shock, with dull eyes, pale faces and funny expressions. If I was just trying to crush the glass pieces into powder just now, I will really show my strength at this moment. I have not only brute force, but also supernatural force. I can easily beat the indifferent men to get up. This strength has completely exceeded their expectations, making them unable to recover for a long time.

Not to mention these young aristocratic children, even manager Wang, who had seen the world, was completely shocked. He gaped at me, a face of incredible.

Facing the dull eyes of the whole audience, I walked slowly to Zhao Dan. Then, I looked at her and said haughtily, "don't provoke me in the future."

My tone is very cold, cold to the bone, my expression, cold in a little fierce, I just hope she can feel my terror, don't pester me.

Zhao Dan's face was full of changes after listening to my words. She caught me in the bar today and thought she could clean me up. But the most powerful one of them came out and was beaten by me again and again. It must be a shame for Zhao Dan. After all, in her eyes, I am a bumpkin, a country bumpkin who has never seen the world.

Now, my salted fish is turning over. Of course, she can't slow down. It can be said that Zhao Dan's frustration is no less than that of an indifferent man. In particular, I warn her in public, which makes her face lose. She opened her mouth to refute me, but she didn't know what to say.

Everyone at the scene knew that I was extraordinary, so they did not dare to trigger my anger. Outside the hotel, it was still quiet.

But, in this silence, suddenly, the sound of the siren across the night sky, suddenly came, I immediately realized that the police came.

The public security in the capital is not built. Just after the trouble, the police arrived at the scene. In our place, the police had no time to take care of this trivial matter. In this capital city, the police not only have to deal with it, but also are very efficient.

Since the police are here, I'm sure I can't do well. Although I beat people in self-defense, this is the capital city. I'm not familiar with my place of life, but Zhao Dan and others have extraordinary identities. In other words, the police will certainly lean towards Zhao Dan. I can't say with just one mouth. Once I'm arrested, I will inevitably fall into a dark hell.

So, as soon as the siren came into my ears, I immediately started to run as fast as I could. Before anyone else could react, my figure quickly disappeared outside the bar.

I didn't care what other people were in. I just ran away for a long time. Until I was sure that no one was coming, I slowed down and walked on the streets of Beijing.

The night in the capital is beautiful, the lights are charming, and the buildings have their own characteristics. However, I don't want to enjoy it. I am like a wandering soul, wandering in the cold street.

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