Several other people, with the fall of the gun, in the cheers of thousands of people, like a runaway wild horse toward the end of the crazy rush, and I compared, or a bit slower, and then I immediately react to come over, a little bit of one foot, a force, my whole person will shoot out, looking at the people in front of me, I just want a word, that is, chase, hard pursuit, desperately chase At this moment, I have forgotten everything. My body and heart are immersed in this fast sprint. There is no one else in the eyes, only the destination not far away.

Shouting, screaming, cheering sound, shaking my eardrum, and in this short few seconds, I surpassed one after another ahead of me, to the final sprint stage, my body burst out of more powerful power, and by this time, I was only one step away from the No.1 river.

He is really not a simple person, not too tall, but also such a brave explosive force. There is only one belief in my heart, that is, to surpass him, for Fang Qing, for his ridicule of me, and to surpass him, I will get the pleasure of defeating him.

At the moment when I was near the finish line, I successfully drove with Jiang Wuji. Several other players were left behind by us. I have to say that Jiang wutrace has strength, but it is a pity that he met me. Although I was a second late, it does not mean that I will lose.

At the end of the race, I completely entered the acceleration phase, and my speed was improved to the maximum. However, Jiang Wuji was not the same. He had already entered the acceleration stage from the start. At the end of the day, he didn't have much explosive power, so in the end, he had no strength.

As long as I accelerate, surpassing him is a quiet thing. At this critical moment, in the voice of thousands of people, I successfully surpassed Jiang Wuji. The next second, I took a step ahead of him and crossed the finish line, and he, following closely, rushed past. It turned out that I got the first by accident, and he failed to get the second.

Before the game started, I had already guessed that Jiang Wuji would compete with me in this competition, and only he has the possibility of winning the championship. So, no matter what the result is, surpassing him will be my goal.

And I got such a result, obviously did not let everyone down, but, I got the first again, in the eyes of many people, I am still a myth, although most people support Jiang Wuling lost, but I still got the cheers that should be expected, although the response is not as big as expected, but really beat Jiang Wuji, I have been satisfied, so, in me Just when he was complacent, Jiang Wuji came to me with a overcast face, stretched out his hand and said in a cold voice, "Congratulations, ye Zixuan!"

It seems that he is not reconciled to losing to me, but since people take the initiative to stretch out their hands, I am not good at beating people's face. Then my hand is held together with him. It seems that we are like friends, but in fact, we have different ideas.

I looked at him and replied with a smile, "thank you." Then I glanced at the crowd around, but I didn't see Fang Qing's figure. I didn't want to stay here any longer. With a little complicated mood, I left the noisy playground in a low-key manner.

Through the two competitions of high jump and 100 meter race, my name has been thoroughly spread in the school. It is amazing to many people that I can achieve such a result. What's more, I am still a freshman who has just arrived at the school, which makes many people more surprised. Therefore, the sports meeting has been held for a day, and many champions have been produced. However, the fastest rising popularity has been achieved, I'm the one who enjoys talking about most.

No matter where I go, I can feel some appreciative eyes and some praising discussions. It seems that my name has been engraved on every part of the campus. I don't like noisy places. Now I just want to have a good quiet.

So, I opened to reason, I was a person came to the back of the school on a vacant land, quietly smoking, smoking a cigarette, I can't help lying on the grass, mouth with a grass, looking up at the blue sky, thinking about the future road, in this day, I offended Jiang Wuji and Du Yuhang behind him, feeling a little bad Yes.

In fact, I have the ambition of dominating the University. On the one hand, I want to trample on the people who have bullied me completely. On the other hand, it is also a more important reason. I want to wake up to the students in this university and let them stop looking down on others and bullying others indiscriminately, because the roles you look down upon may make you scared in the future. I want them to know that salted fish will turn over.

In the silence of the time, I suddenly heard the clear sound of ziye

I suddenly turned my head and saw that Fang Qingzheng came slowly towards me. Her figure was still graceful and fashionable. In the sunshine, she looked so beautiful. But at this moment, I didn't want to appreciate her beauty. My mood was a little uneasy. I was afraid that what I worried about most would happen.

Just before the start of the match, I was a little worried about whether Fang Qing found me or not. Fang Qing knew me well and even surpassed myself. Therefore, I worried that no matter how good I disguised, I could not hide her eyes.

Now, she even took the initiative to find me, I can't help but feel a little flustered, but on the surface, I still pretended to be calm and calmly asked, "what are you looking for me for?"Fang Qing slowly walked to my body, money, looked down at me lying on the ground, said directly indifferently: "you let me down too much!"

When I heard this, my heart beat faster and my heart was about to jump out of my mouth. Was it true that I was exposed? But I still pretended to be calm and said: "beauty, I don't seem to know you well. I don't remember that I offended you."

Fang Qing replied coldly: "why do you want to win the river without trace, why don't you deliberately release water..."

To tell you the truth, my palms were sweating nervously just now, but when I heard her saying this, I immediately understood that she didn't recognize me. She only paid close attention to me during the competition. But when I heard her say this, I interrupted her and said, "why can't I win him? Let's go. Ha ha, I haven't lost since Ye Zixuan is so big! Tell you clearly, you have no right to control me

Then Fang Qing explained: "you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that. I said it for your own good. If you won Du Yuhang in the high jump, he would have to trouble you. Now he has won Jiang wutrace. They have a relationship with each other. Now you are in trouble. They have to work together to clean you up."

Hearing this, I was relieved, and my heart rate returned to normal rhythm. Then, I vomited the grass roots I bit in my mouth, then sat up and looked at Fang Qing and said solemnly, "classmate, thank you for your kindness. This kind of thing will not bother you. I don't care, let them just come here!"

Hearing my answer, Fang Qing didn't argue with me. She just walked away and sat on the lawn. She said leisurely, "do you know, seeing you now makes me think of Suluo unconsciously. So, later, I began to pay attention to you slowly. Gradually, I more and more think that you and Suluo are very similar, although he is not as handsome as you You have no strength, but your back, your breath, your blood in your bones, are all too similar to him.

Because of his life experience, everyone looks down on him. But you are much luckier than him. You don't have a miserable life experience. You are more capable than him. However, your behavior today is really too reckless. In fact, you should not win them. Although you have some background, you are not worth mentioning compared with them. "

Fang Qing's words, let me just ease the heartbeat and slightly accelerate the beat, originally, she really connected me and Suluo, originally, she said so out of concern for me, but, I don't feel regret at all, because ye Zixuan, who came back again, did not fear this word in the dictionary!

I don't know why. At this moment, I suddenly have an impulse to have a showdown with her. I want to let him know that the former Suluo has changed, and has become less impulsive. To achieve great things, not only is there blood filled with blood, but also quick thinking. If I want to be famous, I first cut into this river without trace.

However, now I am also very grateful to Fang Qing, thank her for remembering the name of Suluo, thank her for her caring advice to me. So, with some excited heart, I said calmly: "I still thank you for your reminding, but these don't matter to me. I don't need to tolerate them, but I'm very curious. Why do you care so much about Suluo If you care so much about him, why don't you go to him? "

After saying these words, my mood is a little excited, I just want to know an answer, whether she cares about Suluo out of love or sympathy, this question has puzzled me for a long time, it is also time to let it end.

Fang Qingzheng was in a state of loss of mind. Obviously, she didn't find my abnormality. She only regarded me as a listener, a person who could let her vent her emotions, or maybe I touched her sad past. In a word, this time, she did not evade my question, but replied bitterly: "I will not take the initiative to look for him, I want him to come to me, I will stay In this school, I'm waiting for him to give me an explanation! "

Hearing this, my body also couldn't help shaking. My body was like a knife. She broke up heartlessly. She said that I was not worthy of her. Why should I come to her in the end? Bearing the pain in his heart, he said to her: "he should not come back again. I heard that his face is completely lost. It's not good to come back again!"

After listening to my words, Fang Qing still didn't find my abnormality. She was still immersed in her own sadness. She looked up at the blue sky and said with heavy emotion: "I firmly believe that he will come back. Although he left in such a mess, he will not be reconciled. I believe he will have the day when the King returns."

Hearing this, my heart is more and more uncomfortable, if I take it down, I will really expose.

So, I quickly stood up, walked out a few steps, back to her said: "is a man will face, he will never come back, sorry, I have something else, left first!"

With that, I left in a hurry

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