I left, vigorous pace, free and easy back, but my heart is extremely heavy, should be said to be desolate, I don't know why, Fang Qing, like a ridge in my heart, a difficult to cross the ridge, every time I see her and her dialogue, I like back to the past time, like the former Suluo, but, no matter before or now, I don't understand Why would she wait for me to explain, and what would I explain to her? I really can't think of it.

No mistake, Fang Qing knows me very well. She knows that I am a person who would rather die than surrender. She knows that I am a man who never gives up. But she does not know that I am also a man with self-respect. I have suffered endless humiliation. I will also lose face, and I will be shameless. I will also have no face to face all kinds of hardships before.

I want to change my face for something. I just want to draw a full stop to the past and start over again with a new identity. Yes, I came back with ambition. The purpose of coming back is revenge, not to find Fang Qing and revive her old love. That is to say, this belief has made me come back with a life in one year abroad.

I quickened my pace of action and waited for the turn of the path. When she completely disappeared in Fangqing's sight, I finally couldn't help it. Facing the small trees beside the road, I was beaten by Fang Qing with a firm belief. But I didn't understand, I really didn't understand. What does Fang Qing feel about me and really love me? Or pity me?

After a good vent, I calmed down my mood, and then restored Ye Zixuan's state. After all, now I am living as ye Zixuan, and then I go back to my bedroom. At this time, my bedroom is already full of people, and reasoning is the protagonist of the scene. Many people gathered together to listen to him talk. He stood on the stool like a reciter, and said my glorious deeds with the vernal equinox. He also told some things I didn't know when I was with him. Most of the things were made up by him. He called me a God.

I have to say, his speech is really persuasive. The people around him listened with great interest and were fascinated. I stood in the bedroom for a long time before being found out. At this time, everyone ignored the reasoning and shifted the focus to me again.

Now I am already a very influential person. I feel that I am a strange guy who hides his strength. I do not show the mountains and dew at ordinary times, and I make a big splash at the critical time. This makes many people think that I am more powerful and can not leak out, and they admire me more. Most of these people are my classmates in my class. Maybe they think that they can follow me In a class, there is light on the face.

And these are exactly the effects I want. From the students' reaction, I know that this has laid a good foundation for me to become a freshman. If I can get a place in the next long-distance running project again, then my reputation can be completely established in the school. At that time, I will be able to carry a big flag and be able to go with the wind. In other words, the day of my revenge is just around the corner.

Now, everyone's expectation for me is the next long-distance running project, which has become a hot topic for many people in the school, because the omnipotent students have spread the news about it. Many people know that I have another project, that is, the last axle competition and long-distance running of the whole sports meeting.

This is also the highest scoring project. For college students, it is equivalent to the marathon of the Olympic Games. What it tests is a person's comprehensive quality. After all, the ability of long-distance running is not achieved overnight. Although, in the sprint, I can win the first place, but there is an essential difference between long-distance running and short-distance running. Sprint reflects the explosive power of speed and short distance, while long-distance running reflects your endurance, physical strength and perseverance. Ordinary people, let alone what rank in the long-distance running 10000 meters, even if they can persist in running 10000 meters, it is enough.

So far, the only person who can't be admired by the four people in aerospace university is the one who can't be admired in this project, Even to give him the qualification of shoes are not, white autumn Yan, is the school's true myth.

In the long-distance running project, no one has broken the record since he was admitted to school, but these are nothing. Long distance running is just a hobby of him. The reason why he has become a mythical existence is that he is the super overlord in the school, the boss of the whole university, and the object that all students look forward to.

It can be said that from the beginning of his freshman year, he started his own name. What's more, in a short period of one and a half months, he unified his senior from freshman year. However, we know little about him. We only know his name, but we don't know where he is from. The background is too mysterious.

Of course, his own personality charm is also very bad, school grass, but after the unification of the school, he began to take a low-key line, did not bully the weak, did not interfere in the fight between the various classes, the fight between grades do not interfere with each other, is also his proposal, and people from other schools are not allowed to enter the school to beat people, which is also put forward by him Qiu Yan is the person in the mouth of the little sister, and the person that the famous people in the whole school fear.I admire Bai Qiuyan, not because of anything else, but because of his low-key. I have been to school for a long time, but I have never seen him. In addition to appearing in the long-distance race, he almost never shows up in public at other times, and has always kept a low-key.

However, people never stop talking about him, because I have also heard about this man's myth. Chen Haoran, the king of singles, can't get on the stage at all. In terms of single challenge, he absolutely blew Chen Haoran. No one has ever seen him do it, because there has not been a person who does not want to be killed to provoke him.

And every strong person, there is a fatal weakness, that is, women, to him, of course, the only woman he deeply loves in this school, as long as the school people know, she is the school flower Luo Ziyi, is a particularly beautiful girl, but her family is not good, so, her dress is very simple, also Never make up, but even so, can not block her style, she has a beautiful face, and a kind and simple heart. Also because of Luo Ziyi's reason, Bai Qiuyan gave up the rule of the school completely in her sophomore year.

With her own conditions, it is easy to find what kind of person, but she did not, even Bai Qiuyan's pursuit, she flatly refused, as if, she did not expect love, as for why, no one knows. She is like a lotus flower out of mud but not dyed, so holy, her purity, and because of this, she has won the favor of countless people.

In school, there are countless boys who adore her, but no one dares to pursue her, because everyone knows that she is the person Bai Qiuyan likes. With this, no one dares to make her idea. However, Bai Qiuyan and Han Boyang are two different kinds of people. Bai Qiuyan has never used despicable means to pursue this woman. He only wants to gain her favor by taking actions, so he has been guarding Luo Ziyi for nearly four years.

The reason why people worship him is also because of Bai Qiuyan's persistent love. After all, it's easy for a person like him to find a girlfriend in school, but he doesn't, and he always sticks to this love silently.

This year is his last year in school and the last time he stands on the field. He attaches great importance to this competition. It is said that he intends to leave a record that can never be surpassed in school as a memorial. And the same low-key Luo Ziyi also seems to be a friend, come to see this four-year fruitless pursuit of Bai Qiuyan's game, cheer for him.

Therefore, the last ten thousand meter long-distance race the day after tomorrow naturally became the most popular competition in the whole school. In addition, Wang, a new and outstanding person, also participated in the competition, which made the competition more exciting. When it comes to Bai Qiuyan and Luo Ziyi, my classmates are more and more enthusiastic. They depend on me to stay in my bedroom and keep on giving me science about their deeds. They are very envious of me, not only to compete with Bai Qiuyan, but also to see this mysterious school flower.

The main reason is that Luo Ziyi will appear in every competition of Bai Qiuyan. Therefore, in every event of Bai Qiuyan, the second place is the head broken. Therefore, when I go to participate in this competition, many people are looking forward to it, but they don't hold much hope for me. They think it's difficult for me to get the place. Of course, some people will look forward to it There will be another miracle on my head.

My classmates have come to encourage me, saying that as long as I try to get into the top five, it will cause a stir in the school. Indeed, this competition is an opportunity for me. As others say, even if I come back with the fifth place, it will also cause a sensation. If I just rely on these, I will do my best, but my ambition is more than that, my goal Is to surpass Bai Qiuyan, let the name resound thoroughly in every corner of the school.

This competition will be held in the afternoon two days later. The time is in a hurry, and it will come as scheduled. On this day, the sun is still bright, but the school is more full than every day. There are people everywhere. Even the men who live in the dormitory for a long time in the classroom are all out in succession. Everyone is very serious about the game.

Although the scene outside was extremely sensational, it had nothing to do with me, because the game was in the afternoon. After morning exercise, I went back to my bedroom to have a sleep. After waking up, I took a bath, had some lunch, and set off to the playground with reason

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