Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1844: The wedding will be late, but it will always come

"Of course I will." Doctor Zhuo smiled and took Jian Si's hand.

Seeing the friends around him, they all found their own happiness, Lin Motong felt happy for them sincerely.


The relationship between Lin Motong and Ming Ye Leng stabilized, and the two people's careers also made great progress in different aspects.

Ming Ye Leng has become the most important force in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and it also has absolute appeal.

Lin Motong's catering business is also getting bigger and bigger, even starting to open branches abroad.

At the same time, her wedding with Ming Ye Leng was also put on the agenda.

Because of the delays of various things, the two have never officially held the wedding.

Now that the dust has settled, the cold tomorrow will still make up for Lin Motong's wedding.

Once in a lifetime, once in a lifetime, he didn't want Lin Motong to leave any regrets.

The wedding began to prepare.

This time, Mingyu and Yun Lan happened to be retiring at home, and they had enough time to help their son prepare.

It took a full three months to prepare for the wedding.

On the day of the wedding, everyone was dressed up.

Lu Zhanting and Yunwei took three children, Mo Chenyi and Zhifei also took three children, An Che and An Qi took twins, and other friends, Suya Dinghai, Dr. Jian Sizhuo, etc. foot.

Everyone was dressed up at the wedding scene.

There are also many relatives and friends in the Ming family, and the whole wedding was held lively.

The flower girl is held concurrently by Yueyue and Ruirui. When they delivered the diamond ring carefully selected by Ming Ye Leng to Ming Ye Leng's hand, and when Ming Ye Leng personally put it on Lin Motong, the entire auditorium burst out There was a warm applause.

The wedding was successfully completed, and tomorrow night coldly led Lin Motong down the flowery stage and walked towards the stage.

Just when I walked to the stage, suddenly, a person rushed out of the oblique stab. She was wearing the clothes of the waiter on the scene, but her expression was a bit hideous. As she approached, she drew out the knife on the table and pointed towards Lin Motong Zi stabbed.

Everyone's attention was very distracted, and Ming Ye Leng was also turning his head to talk to Yueyue Ruirui, so no one noticed that this woman was unique.

She quickly came to Lin Motong's side and stabbed the knife towards Lin Motong, Lin Motong let out an exclaim.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, everyone screamed, and the bodyguard had reacted and knocked the woman down.

Ming Ye Leng stretched out his hand and hugged Lin Motong, and saw that her snow-white wedding dress had bleeding stains that stained her wedding dress with a dazzling red.

His eyes flushed suddenly: "Hitomi? Hitomi? Are you okay?"

Everyone was shocked. Doctor Zhuo hurried past everyone, walked to Lin Motong, and said coldly to Ming Ye: "Master, let the young lady get in my car, go to the hospital immediately, and help her bandage the wound. I don't know her now. Where did it hurt."

Mingye gritted his teeth and pointed at the woman: "Control her."

Then he picked up Lin Motong and strode into Doctor Zhuo's car.

Everyone was very worried, and quickly followed.

What is Lin Motong's injury? Everyone is hanging on his heart. Yun Wei feels that Yueyue and Ruirui will be comforted, let them get into her car, and leave Langlang to Mingyu and Yunlan to take care of.

Everyone has seen clearly at this time, the woman who hurt Lin Motong just now is Mrs. Lin.

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