Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1845: All because of her

It turned out that Mrs. Lin and Lin Lide had previously convicted Lin Motong’s kidneys and were sentenced, but because she did not seriously harm Lin Motong, she also behaved well in prison, so she is now released on bail.

But even though he was released on bail, when he came out, he knew that his daughter Lin Xuechan was seriously wounded and imprisoned for stabbing Yan Manqing, and the family's wealth was also dispersed, basically in a state of family destruction.

Since she was young, she became Lin Lide’s junior, and later became the main room as she wished. After kicking her mother Lin away, she has been living the life of a rich and wealthy wife. Now suddenly, her husband When he and his daughter were in jail, everything went into nothingness, and everything that was flashy seemed to pass by in a blink of an eye, and he naturally hated Lin Motong.

That's why she appeared at Lin Motong's wedding and did such a thing.

After being caught, she was still struggling frantically: "Lin Motong, you **** it, you killed my harmless spirit, if it weren't for you, my daughter would not hurt people, no It will be what it is now..."

Yun Lan said angrily: "Your daughter's illness is her own business. You want to murder Tongtong's kidneys and treat your daughter. You have already violated morals and laws. What can Tongtong do for you? Your daughter stabbed you. Yan Manqing, going to jail is also something she deserves. All of this has nothing to do with Tongtong! Blame, why don't you blame yourself for ruining Tongtong's family and life when you were a junior, and blame yourself for the current end? "

With a few words, Yun Lan exposed everything about Mrs. Lin.

Everyone also accused Mrs. Lin one after another.

Mrs. Lin is still yelling: "It's all because of Lin Motong, all because of her..."

Yun Lan said directly: "Let her hand over to the police. Keeping such a person is also a very unsafe factor for society. In the future, I am afraid that someone like her will not be allowed to have the right to bail."

"You take advantage of the fire to rob, and the officials protect each other..." Mrs. Lin was dragged away, still cursing.

But everyone despised her more. For people like her, others have long lost any sympathy.

She, like her daughter Lin Xuechan, is the kind of person who blames everyone else for the mistakes she made.

There is no need for such a person to reason with her.


On the other side, Lin Motong was sent to the operating room.

Doctor Zhuo is operating on her.

Everyone is waiting worriedly.

Especially on the cold night tomorrow, his expression is very serious, with his thin lips pressed tightly, without the slightest smile, the whole person stands upright, motionless like a sculpture.

The lights in the operating room finally came on, and they rushed over coldly tomorrow night.

Dr. Zhuo took off the mask with regret in his eyes: "Master, sorry, the young grandma was stabbed in the aorta. She lost too much blood. I have tried my best."

"What do you mean?" Ming Ye Leng heard all these words, but felt that every word was completely incomprehensible, "What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry, Master. Young lady..." Doctor Zhuo lowered his head.

Ming Ye coldly grabbed his shoulder: "You lied! Did you lie, right? Why can't such an injury be cured? You lie!"

But as the nurse pushed Lin Motong out, Ming Ye coldly watched her face covered with a white cloth, and her mood suddenly collapsed.

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