Chapter 35: You Owe Me a Day’s Worth of Your Time

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“You mean…Boss is going to marry her? Even if she is a daughter of the Jiang Family, she’s just an illegitimate daughter. Boss is practically the crown prince of the Quan Family. This…” George was slightly uncomfortable about this because he looked up to his boss as a distinguished and sophisticated man. Thus, if he were to marry someone, George thought she should at least be the missus of a respectable family.

Luo Wei’s thoughts differed from those of George’s and now he voiced a different query.

“George, do you think that Boss is doing this because he actually likes her?”

“What other reason could it possibly be?” George was confused by what Luo Wei had asked and he felt that there had to be something else involved that he was not privy to.

“Jiang Bangyuan and her brother are the toughest to deal with in the Jiang Family. Furthermore, they’re the ones who greedily covet what the Quan Family has. So, if Boss decides to marry another woman at such a time as this, it will be as good as a slap in their faces.” Luo Wei thought he could roughly understand Quan Rui’s intentions.

“Is that so?” George still found it hard to connect what Luo Wei had said with what he was seeing in front of him. He looked at the couple crouched on the lawn in the rain and said in a rather faint and distracted voice, “But I’ve never seen Boss behave like this before. It’s possible that he genuinely likes this girl, isn’t it?”

Luo Wei did not respond to what George had said. To be honest, he did not really believe his boss liked this kind of woman.

To him, Boss was a decisive man with high ambitions and grand ideals, and he had never—not once—been merciful towards his enemies.

All throughout his life, he stopped at nothing to get his way.

While the two of them discussed this strange new side of their boss, across the lawn, Quan Rui had found the ring that Bai Ran had been fretting over.

It was small and the diamond on it was too tiny to be valuable. But the color and the design of the ring was pretty good.

Quan Rui picked up the ring from the grass and showed it to Bai Ran. He asked, “Is this it?”

“Yes, yes, yes! It’s this!” Bai Ran nodded her head furiously. She had not expected Quan Rui to be able to find the ring so quickly and she was relieved that it had not gotten buried or washed away. She hastily reached out her hand to take it from his palm.

After all, this ring was her most precious belonging.

But as Bai Ran’s fingers almost closed around the ring, Quan Rui shifted his hand away from hers and curled his fingers around the ring.

Bai Ran was baffled by this action and she looked up at him for a clue to his intentions of this.

Then Quan Rui stood up calmly and made a show of stuffing the hand with the ring into the pocket of his trousers. He put on a serious expression and said to her, “Come and find me tomorrow. Don’t forget that you owe me a day’s worth of your time.”

After Quan Rui finished giving her instructions, he turned to leave.

He had only helped her search for the ring in order to fulfill his earlier promise to her.

Now that Quan Rui had found what he promised to help look for, he did not feel like giving it back to her.

Since she clearly treasured this ring so dearly, it was the perfect incentive for him to use to get her to seek him out again.

Quan Rui walked away from Bai Ran abruptly without turning back.

By the time Bai Ran returned to her senses and ran hurriedly after him, she was already watching helplessly as he got into a car waiting by the entrance. The car sped off into the night.

Thunder continued to rumble overhead, and rain continued to pour down heavily around her.

Bai Ran still held the umbrella Quan Rui had put into her hands and she was still struggling to wrap her mind clearly around what had happened.

“That ring is obviously mine.

“Quan Rui said that he would help me to find my ring!

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“But now that he’s found my ring, he decides to take it from me and stuff it into his own pocket instead?

“What… Is this some kind of joke that God is playing on me?

“You jerk! At least give me a way to contact you if you want a day of my time!” Bai Ran merely felt dizzy from screaming at a car that was already a very long distance away.

Furthermore, the rain was so heavy that it drowned out Bai Ran’s voice. There was no way he could have heard her.

Quan Rui left in such a haughty manner. He was gone in a flash, without a trace.

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