Chapter 36: I Have the Need Now

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Just as Bai Ran was stomping her feet in anger, Luo Wei, who had not yet left, came over and handed her a name card.

“Miss Bai, please give me a call should the need arise. I will arrange for you to meet Boss Quan.”

As Bai Ran stormed back to the entrance of the house, she almost bumped into the person standing just behind her. She jumped in shock when he spoke, perturbed to think that he had been waiting to speak to her.

However, she quickly recovered her composure and reached out with her free hand to accept the name card. Luo Wei handed it over politely. Without even looking at it, she crushed it up into a ball in her fist. “I have the need right now. Lead me to the jerk!”

“My apologies, Miss Bai. I can only bring you to meet Boss Quan. I am not authorized to take you to ‘the jerk’.”

“…” Bai Ran fell silent.

With her fists still clenched, she inhaled a deep breath of air to calm herself down. She swallowed the many other names like ‘the jerk’ that was rising in her throat for her to use to describe him.

Bai Ran opened her eyes after some time, and she stressed each syllable of every word that she said, “I need to meet Mr. Quan now!”

“I understand, Miss Bai. Please get into the car over here.” After he said this, Luo Wei nodded his head and bowed politely to Bai Ran before he extended his hand and pointed at a car in a gesture of invitation.

That was the moment Bai Ran noticed her surroundings more closely. There appeared to be a car parked behind Luo Wei.

“This— This— This…

“He couldn’t have prepared this for me in advance, could he?

“Did he anticipate that I would follow after him?

“What on earth is this person planning to do?”

Bai Ran gritted her teeth and wrecked her brains for a plausible reason. She really wanted to shred the jerk to pieces, but for the time being, she could only get into the car quietly.

“And to think I helped the jerk win that round of poker with that ridiculous bet! I must have been blind to actually agree to help…

“Just great! Well he has revealed his true colors in the blink of an eye and on top of that, he’s also snatched my ring away!”

Quan Rui was notified as soon as Bai Ran stepped into the car.

After George got off the phone with Luo Wei, he turned to look at Quan Rui, who was relaxed in the back seat. “Boss, Miss Bai is already in the car.”

“Mm.” Quan Rui did not bat an eyelid at the news and he merely acknowledged it with disinterest.

It seemed like everything was going exactly as he planned.

It also seemed like he could not care less about everything that was happening.

George sat in the passenger’s seat of the car and glanced at his boss through the rearview mirror from time to time.

He was truly clueless about what Big Boss Quan had in mind…

Quan Rui’s eyes were obviously closed but when George glanced at him in the rearview mirror for the fifth time, he spoke as if he could see.

“George, have you been too bored at the company lately?”

It was his usual manner of conversation, Quan Rui’s tone of voice was usually like this, neither warm nor cold, but always slightly overbearing and stern.

George looked away quickly when he heard him speak. He was seized by sudden panic and did not dare to breathe too hard lest it angered Big Boss Quan. He could only apologize tentatively, “My apologies, Boss.”

“Look into Bai Ran’s mother,” Quan Rui ordered. His eyes were still closed.

“Yes, Boss!” George replied with no hesitation, mostly out of fear that he would snap somehow.

The tension in the car defused as quickly as it came, and Quan Rui slowly opened his pitch-black eyes to brood.

He turned to look at the rain pouring down the glass of the car window and there was a hint of displeasure reflected in his eyes.

“It seems like I’ve gone too far during the incident tonight.

“Even George can tell that there is something wrong with me tonight.

“Because of the appearance of that woman, Bai Ran, I did things that are against my way of life.


“Doing these kinds of things that I’m unaccustomed to isn’t actually as humiliating as I imagined they would be.

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“If I’m being honest with myself…it feels pretty good.”

Half an hour later, Quan Rui’s car was the first of the two to enter the driveway of the quiet manor.

Bai Ran’s car followed closely behind.

It had stopped pouring now and the rain sprinkled like fine salt from the sky.

When Bai Ran got out of the car, she thought the air still smelled faintly of mud.

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