Chapter 48: Only Quan Rui Was Willing

Humans are such strange creatures.

Bai Ran lived alone from a young age, taking care of her sick mother alone. She had always been deprived of paternal love due to the absence of her father, so she always had her guard up when dealing with strangers and learned to rely on nobody else.

So, when Bai Ran met Quan Rui at the Jiang Family’s residence, she immediately reacted with hostility.

She did not actually detest him. She just wanted to protect herself.


For some strange reason, her supposed wariness of him crumbled at this very vulnerable moment in the hospital.

Nobody would help Bai Ran. Only Quan Rui had been willing to do so.

Regardless of what his intentions were, his appearance in her life at this moment redeemed him of all his ulterior motives in Bai Ran’s eyes.

Bai Ran buried her face in his chest and hugged his waist tightly with both of her hands, as though she was afraid that he was going to leave her at some point. If that happened, she would be truly and entirely alone…

Quan Rui, whom she was hugging, was stunned by this turn of events.

His body stiffened at her touch.

He never expected that Bai Ran would dive into his arms so abruptly…

“When I met her at the Jiang Family, she was arrogant and aloof like an untamed stray dog. Where did that go? I offered to help her just now, at my house, but she refused that so quickly. She even said that she wasn’t interested in me, yet now, she’s holding me tightly in her arms. It doesn’t look like she’s going to let go anytime soon, either…”

Quan Rui’s long thin brows knitted themselves into a frown, and a different type of glow lit up his deep-set eyes when he finally sighed silently.

After a long contemplation of Bai Ran’s reaction to him, he reached out with his large hands and patted her on the shoulder gently, slowly, over and over again, to comfort her.

Quan Rui thought he could see right through her now.

“She’s like an untamed stray dog with overgrown claws on the outside, but deep inside, she’s actually soft and gentle like a small fluffy bunny? What a surprise! I didn’t expect to stumble over such a gem when I headed over to the Jiang Family’s residence tonight!”

When Bai Ran felt Quan Rui’s hand on her back, attempting to comfort her, her heart softened further.

She cried and cried without holding back.

Then, she conveniently wiped her tears on his suit.

“Mm, this fabric is so soft and gentle. It’s very comfortable to rub my face on.”

The two of them held each other like that in front of the operating theatre without saying a word.

Luo Wei watched from afar with a fatherly smile.

George joined Luo Wei in the corridor much later, and his first introduction to the situation was seeing his Young Master hugging a woman!

Somehow, the scene was very heartwarming but strange!

George found himself reeling at the sight. “This… What’s going on?”

“…!” Luo Wei turned when George appeared next to him. He gave George a look of mock disdain and amusement lit up his eyes. He found himself unable to keep the excitement from showing in his voice. “George, why is your brain always so slow when it comes to things like this? Can’t you tell? The Young Master is in love!”

“Huh? No way! Doesn’t Young Master have an arranged marriage? Besides… Look. Look! The Young Master’s hugging a woman so gently. He’s never this gentle. Even on good days, he’s exceptionally cold and strict with us. And we’re the closest companions he has.” George remained immersed in his own world. As he analyzed at the scene before his eyes, he kept wondering if he was supposed to do something about the situation.

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As Luo Wei heard George voice his thoughts, he could only massage the area between his brows helplessly and then smack George across the head. “You’re a man with all head and no heart!”

“If the Young Master is also this gentle with men, then…then that would be truly terrifying!”

As George massaged his head, his mind seemed to be able to process the situation much better. “So, you’re saying that the Young Master likes this woman?”

“Oh… Alright, continue being even slower than you already are!” Luo Wei groaned. He felt dumb having to explain this situation to George. “Why do I have to work with a person with an EQ so low he can’t understand this?!”

“But… It can’t be… Isn’t the Young Master uninterested in women?” George continued to badger Luo Wei as he watched the two of them clinging to each other from afar. He still had doubts about what was happening.

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