Chapter 49: Holding a Beauty in His Arms

Abruptly, George recognized the woman hugging Quan Rui. “Isn’t she the illegitimate daughter of the Jiang Family?

“Didn’t she just meet the Young Master for the first time tonight?”

Aside from feeling utterly confused, George could not make head or tail of the situation.

Luo Wei found himself truly exasperated with George, who completely lacked the EQ to understand matters like romance. The only reason he still had respect for George was the fact that his logical reasoning and analytical skills were top notch.

“Have you looked into the gas stove explosion incident at Miss Bai’s house?” Luo Wei directed the conversation toward a topic that was closer to George’s area of expertise.

Luo Wei’s EQ was much higher compared to George’s and he possessed better interpersonal skills. Thus, he was a capable secretary who could deal with all sorts of human variables at the Young Master’s side.

George, who had an IQ of 180 but a total lack of EQ, mostly helped the Young Master with matters that required research, serious analyzing and problem-solving on the outside.

The split in their job scope was very clear. Although this dynamic often meant that Luo Wei had to deal with George’s ignorance with regard to social norms and relationships, he still admired his colleague’s high IQ.

“Yes, I obtained the CCTV recording.” Where work was concerned, George could be very focused. “The footage is…very interesting.”

“You’re pretty efficient.” Luo Wei laughed. “Why don’t you go grab some supper and return to the manor. The Young Master probably won’t have the time to check in with you for a while.”

“What?!” George looked perplexed. “To think that I rushed over to the site to search for evidence right after I received the Young Master’s call, and then came all the way here as soon as I was done.

“Didn’t the Young Master make me rush all the way here to meet him in half an hour because this was an urgent matter?”

Luo Wei pointed at the couple who was still hugging each other in the corridor. “If you dare to head over now and interrupt the Young Master’s happy time, haha… You’ll have to face the consequences.

“The Young Master is holding a beauty in his arms right now. If you choose to be so impervious to the situation and interrupt him now, be prepared to lose your job. It’s a suicide mission.”

Unexpectedly, this time George understood and scratched his head with one hand. “If I’d known this was going to happen, then I wouldn’t have gone all out…”

After George said this, his expression fell, and he turned and left.

“Why am I always the one who gets the short end of the stick?”

As Luo Wei watched George leave, he shook his head in amusement.

Like George, he knew better than to interrupt Quan Rui and Bai Ran but he could not stand to watch the intimate scene for much longer. He discreetly crept along the corridor and around the corner silently.

The surgery went on for a very long time. Earlier on, Bai Ran only heard the doctor explain her mother’s condition briefly. He said something about her having suffered a heavy blow to the head when the explosion occurred.

The immense pressure of the explosion had slammed her mother against the wall. Although she managed to escape being burnt, all of her internal organs were squashed and there was severe internal bleeding in her chest cavity. Her brain was also affected by the impact. They did not find any blood clots in the CT scan of her skull, but they could not eliminate the possibility of meningitis…

The doctor had also mentioned a bunch of other symptoms that shocked Bai Ran to the core.

Thus, no matter how strong her resolve, it was all too much for her to take in and she broke down, bawling like her world had been split in two when her mother’s heart stopped and she was pushed, lifeless and still, into the operating theatre.

Bai Ran was terrified to consider the possibility that she might be totally alone in the world if her mother, the only family member she had left, were to die tonight.

She cried out of fear.

Admit it, even the most strong-hearted person would also cry in this situation…

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Bai Ran did not know how long she had been crying for. As she calmed down and came to her senses, she realized—to her horror—that she had been bawling in Quan Rui’s arms!

“Quan Rui!

“Legally my brother-in-law and the wealthiest man in Sanjiang City—no, in the entire province!

“I actually…cried in his arms! I also wiped all my tears on his clothes…”

When Bai Ran realized this, she quickly sprang out of Quan Rui’s arms as if she had been zapped by electricity, and stared at him dumbly, an uneasy and timid look in her eyes.

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