"I think it's a good idea for you, third brother, but who will design this dress?" Zhong Li Yao Ruo Dao.

"I'll ask someone to come over. The third sister doesn't have to worry." Zhong Lijin said with a smile.

Bailiyi told her on the way back that he had put a secret guard beside Fuxian, because it was not safe for a woman to go home alone. Although Fuxian's home was not very far away, after they went back, the secret guard wrote a letter saying that Fuxian's parents and relatives had passed away, and she had planned to come to the capital to go to Zhong Lijin, Also went to find a few and she has the same situation of embroidery Niang, convinced them to come together, estimated to arrive in a few days.

"Shall we change the name of the clothing shop then?" Zhong Lijin proposed.

"Well, you are the shopkeeper here. You can say anything." Zhong Liyao said with a smile.

Three people are all a smile, Zhong Lijin suddenly feel that his boss when too incompetent, or to care more about their own clothing shop.

"By the way, you don't know about master Biao and LAN Ge, do you?" Linxiang said suddenly.

"Cousin and LAN Ge? What happened to them? " Zhong Lijin only remembers that these two people had some festivals, and never thought that anything could happen to them.

Linxiang sees that Zhong Lijin hasn't found out what happened between them. He says that after Zhong Lijin leaves, LAN Ge doesn't have to serve her. But at this time, Lin Zichen is injured and it's inconvenient for others to take care of her. This matter falls to LAN Ge. Although LAN GE has a lot of complaints about Lin Zichen, she takes care of her carefully and seriously. They just come and go, LAN GE has an interest in Lin Zichen. Of course, Lin Zichen hasn't found out yet. Even LAN GE has an interest in Lin Zichen. It's Zhong Li, Yao Ruo and Lin Xiang, two onlookers who came to find it. But they are afraid of doing something wrong, so they never tell LAN Ge that they want her to find it or Lin Zichen to find it.

"It's like this." Zhong Lijin touched her chin and said, "if cousin and LAN Ge have no opinion, I don't mind letting them get married, but it depends on their meaning."

"If LAN Ge can marry Lin Zichen, it's good, but don't you have another servant girl?" Zhong Liyao frowned.

At this time, Zhong Lijin suddenly remembered the missing in the Acacia building. She should be in bailiyi's house now, so she told them the story of Acacia. After listening to it, they were both very sad and wanted to see what kind of woman Acacia was.

"Since you want to see that, I'll go to Baili mansion to pick up the people now!" Zhong Lijin said with a smile.

After listening to this, Zhong Liyao and Linxiang urge her to leave, which makes Zhong Lijin a little unhappy. Unexpectedly, they haven't seen this lovesickness person, so the charm is so big, Zhong Lijin is quite helpless.

When Zhong Lijin arrived at bailiyi's mansion, bailiyi was just going to go out to find her.

"To find Acacia? She heard that you came back yesterday. She wanted to see you, but it's too late. She should be in her room now. I'll take you there. "

Bailiyi takes Zhong Lijin to the room where she is missing. Zhong Lijin bends her fingers and knocks on the door.


"Who is it?" Inside came Zhong Lijin's familiar voice, and then heard a burst of footwork.

The door creaked open.

"Mr. Zhong Li?" Familiar face with the joy of reunion and meet suddenly surprised.


I, miss, I'm all right Zhong Lijin said with a smile.

A burst of greetings, Acacia invited two people in, Zhong Lijin came in to see the clothes on the table.

Acacia see Zhong Lijin staring at the clothes, some embarrassed.

"When you came back from Jiangnan, I wanted to give you a gift, but I thought that people like you didn't want anything, so I just sewed a dress by myself. I hope you don't mind the coarseness of the clothes."

Zhong Lijin picked up the dress and unfolded it. It was a duck egg blue robe, and one of the sleeves was not sewn well. Although the material was not top-notch, it was also good. Moreover, the upper body of the material was very comfortable, and there was not much decoration on the clothes, but some bamboo leaves were embroidered on the collar of the sleeve and the corner of the lower robe. It looked fresh and elegant, but not feminine, Zhong Lijin likes to be tight.

"Thank you for the dress. I like it very much." Zhong Lijin said with a smile.

I'm glad to hear that Zhong Lijin likes it.

"By the way, would you like to go back to Zhongli mansion with me?" Zhong Lijin asked.

"What we promised at the beginning naturally counts. We will never break our promise."


Acacia tidies up her things and thanks Bai Liyi. Then she goes back to Zhong Lijin's house with Zhong Lijin. Zhong Lijin arranges her to live in her own yard and next door to LAN Ge. They also take care of each other.

After settling in Acacia, Zhong Lijin went out to find bailiyi again.

"I'll show you a man." This is what Bai Liyi said.

Zhong Lijin nodded, and they got on the carriage. After a while, they stopped in front of a small courtyard, and they got off the carriage.

Bai Liyi knocked at the door.

The door creaked open.

"I guess it's you, Yi." Qinghuan's smile is light, and Qingzhan's light eyes are full of joy. It seems that God is suddenly infected with the fragrance of the world and has become popular.

See Zhong Lijin looking at him, Qinghuan smile.

"Zhong Li, you are all right."

Zhong Lijin smiles back.

As always, Qinghuan's appearance has not changed, but some hair grows on her head, which looks funny. But with that appearance, the sense of humor dissipates a bit.

"Come in first." Qinghuan said.

Three people into the courtyard, the yard full of flowers and trees, especially one side there is a big Sophora tree, there is a vine, under the vine there is a stone table.

"The reason I bought the yard was because of the tree."

Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin sat at the stone table under the vine, and Qinghuan poured tea for them.

"This tree was supposed to be cut down."

"Why? This tree is so big and full of life. What a pity to cut it down! " Zhong Lijin is a little surprised.

Qing chuckled and took a sip of tea.

"This locust tree has always been a ghost. It's too Yin Qi. A normal family won't keep it. What's more, it's so big and full of vitality as you said. It's very evil for ordinary people."

"Then why do you want to..." Zhong Lijin is a little confused.

Qinghuan's eyes suddenly dim down, he looked at the tree, the eyes of the lonely obvious.

"After his death, I have never dreamt of him. Maybe his soul has nowhere to rest

Let it go

Zhong Lijin doesn't know what to say when she hears the speech. The most complicated thing in the world is the matter of feelings. Qinghuan can't come out by herself. It's useless to persuade anyone. What's more, she doesn't have that experience.

"Are you going to return to the vulgarity?" Bai Li Yi asked.


"Think about it?" Bai Liyi picked his eyebrows.

"Well, I didn't want to take care of these things in my life, but now it's different. I'm Qinghuan, not Jin mianye. In the past, Jin mianye was just a person who wanted to be happy."

"Good." Bai Liyi said with a smile, "did you take part in the imperial examination next year?"

"This must be to participate, otherwise you recommend me to be prime minister Zuo?" Qinghuan laughs.

Zhong Lijin was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Qinghuan was also ambitious. The state of Xia had always been divided into two prime ministers and respected the left.

"With your talent and insight, it's no problem to be a prime minister. Why should I recommend it?" Bai Li Yi said, "but why do you suddenly want to intervene in the affairs of the imperial court?"

"Each has his own needs. When the next emperor comes to power, the imperial court must exchange blood." Qinghuan Road, the voice is a little cold.

"What are your requirements?" Bai Liyi naturally wanted to know the purpose of Qing Huan. After all, Yu Wenyan was the next king.

"I want the emperor to reexamine a case a few years ago, and." Qinghuan stroked the Buddha beads in her hands, her eyes were as gentle as water, like moonlight, "I want men to be with men in this world Speaking of the back, the voice is not big, but the tone is firm and powerful, without a trace of wavering.

Zhong Lijin was shocked when he heard that. If those old people in the court heard this, they would say that it was absurd and rebellious. They would even directly strangle Qinghuan. Even Baili Yi was surprised. He didn't expect that Qinghuan would say this.

"I know it's hard to achieve, even impossible, but for a lifetime, nothing can happen." Qinghuan said with a smile, his face full of firmness and confidence.

"Well, if you want to do that, I'll support you." Bai Liyi suddenly laughed and then opened his mouth.

After hearing the speech, Qinghuan and bailiyi looked at each other and laughed.

Looking at this scene, Zhong Lijin has an indescribable feeling in her heart. She has a premonition that it will succeed.

Three people sat for a while, then left, only Qinghuan a person in the yard, Sophora tree gently shaking with the wind, Qinghuan looked at the tree, closed his eyes.

"Ah Zhan." Qinghuan whispered.

Here, when Zhong Lijin goes back to Zhong Lijin's house, someone comes to visit her. But this time, it's not an old friend who comes to talk about the past, but Zhong Lijin's most annoying Yao Jing.

"The third brother is back. I'm sorry. The elder sister is pregnant. It's inconvenient. She didn't come to see you earlier." Zhong Li Yao Jing pretends that when she talks about her pregnancy, the satisfaction and joy on her face doesn't seem to be fake.

Zhong Lijin hasn't seen Zhong liyaojing for a long time, and has forgotten her appearance. At this time, Zhong liyaojing's face is not as arrogant and domineering as before, and it's a little more gentle. It's mostly because of being a mother. It's been about three months, and her stomach has been showing up.

"Congratulations, elder sister. If she is pregnant, she should not go out at will. What's more, she is still three months old and unstable." Zhong Lijin was kind-hearted, but she didn't appreciate it at all.

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