"What do you mean? I wish I had a miscarriage, didn't I? I'm not as good as you think! I'm going to give birth to a fat son, come out! "

Zhong Lijin didn't know what to say after listening. Anyway, no matter what she said, Zhong Lijin would misinterpret her meaning. It's better not to say a word.

"Come and see off!" Zhong Lijin really can't stand Zhong Lijin's appearance. He shouts Huang Yuan to send people away.

"You! Hum! I disdain to stay with you After finishing, Zhong Li Yao Jing looks up and goes away.

Zhong Lijin shakes her head when she sees the figure of her leaving. Originally, she thought that when she was pregnant with a child, her character would be better. Unexpectedly, the country is easy to change and her nature is hard to change. She is still the same as before.

At this time, in the prince's mansion, situ Yan and Yu Wenguan ye are playing chess.

"Guanye, people are back." Situ Yan put the white pieces on the chessboard and said.

"I know, now father emperor especially value him and Zhong Lijin, not easy to start." Yuwen guanye said.

"Guanye, before he grows up, let's do it earlier, so as not to get time..."

"I know, but I don't have enough power. Especially after Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin made great contributions this time, a few indecisive old men changed their minds and followed him." Speaking of this, Yuwen guanye's face is black.

"Don't worry, the matter that this draws people's heart still has to come slowly, just Yu Wen Yan still wants to pay attention to some."

"I can't do it, he can't do it." Yuwen guanye squints his eyes, and his brows are full of ruthlessness.

"About yunyeya?" Situ Yan asked suddenly.

"I don't know. The spies sent out can't find anyone, and I don't know whether it's life or death." Yuwen guanye frowns and says, this thing didn't expect that Zheyun Pavilion let him go so easily, he can't believe it.

"I'm afraid I didn't die, otherwise people would have come to me." Situ Yan was also a little uneasy.

"Not dead yet?" Yuwen guanye is a little surprised.

"You underestimate Zheyun Pavilion."

"Forget it. I don't believe it. Can a Zheyun Pavilion be against heaven?" Yu Wen looks at Ye's way, in the heart has measured, on the face is silent.

"By the way, I heard that Zhong Li Yao Jing is pregnant. Is the baby yours?" Yuwen guanye laughs.

"Who knows? That bitch dares to give me medicine. If it wasn't for her father's sake, I would have killed her! " Situ Yan's eyes were full of fierce tones, "let her give me a baby, I really feel sick."

"Don't want that child?"

"Of course, Qingshuang is the same. After so many years of learning, she can't even let Zhongli Yaojing miscarry."

"I have a way to get rid of the child and pour dirty water on Zhong Lijin." Yuwen guanye laughs.

"Oh? What can I do? Come on, let's hear it. " Situ Yan was curious.

Yuwen guanye motioned him to come over and said a few words in his ear.

"This is OK." Situ Yan's eyes are bright.

"Wait a year! If she miscarried at that time, it would be very difficult for her to recover. It is estimated that she will not be pregnant in her life. "


Zhong Lijin is reading a book in the room, and LAN Ge suddenly comes in.

"Master, there's someone in the palace. They say there's a celebration banquet tonight. You're invited to attend."

"Well, I'll be there tonight." Zhong Lijin thought about it and then answered LAN Ge.

"All right." LAN song will come out when it comes down

They went back to the palace.

In the evening, Zhong Lijin put on a light blue cloud brocade robe, covered with a gauze of the same color, embroidered with cloud patterns, combed all her hair, tied it with a white jade crown, and held a jade bone fan in her hand. She was graceful and outstanding. She was really the only son in the world. Acacia and LAN Ge were stunned.

Today, Bai Liyi also happened to wear a blue robe, but Bai Liyi's is a royal blue Guangyun sleeve robe, which is embroidered with the pattern of glutton. His hair is half tied, and a delicate jade hairpin and jade crown are fixed. There is a jade ornament hanging around his waist. He does not laugh or speak, but he has his own style.

When they stand together, Acacia and Lange feel that their eyes are going to be blinded. The two best-looking people in the capital are here. Although they are wearing the same clothes, although they are not the same age, they each have their own advantages. One is handsome and the other is handsome. They are both beautiful men.

They got on the carriage and drove to the palace by Zeyi. After a while, they arrived. Bailiyi and Zhong Lijin got out of the carriage and were led to the banquet by the eunuch. Before they got close to the palace, they heard the sound of bamboo orchestras.

The arrival of Bai Li Yi and Zhong Li Jin caused a little sensation. They are both dragons among the people. They are not surprised at this kind of scene. Naturally, they don't care and let others talk about it.

Bai Liyi took Zhong Lijin to find a seat and sat down directly. He talked directly.

The most important thing in the court is the people who meet with the wind envoy. After all, they don't judge the situation. They can't survive in this court. Now Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin have made great contributions. Naturally, these people want to make up with each other.

Someone came over with a wine cup and tried to talk to them. Unexpectedly, bailiyi didn't pay any attention to him. The official had to leave. There were other officials who were unwilling to come forward. Bailiyi refused one by one.

"Why did you refuse?" Zhong Lijin asked in a low voice.

"These people are small officials who have no chance of success. They are most likely to meet with the wind. It is harmful and useless to make friends with them." Bailiyi explained.

Zhong Lijin nodded to show that she understood.

Sure enough, after a while, those officials did not come. At this time, another wave of officials came. Zhong Lijin remembered that two or three of them were senior officials, and they had a good reputation among the people. Bai Liyi had a different attitude towards them. He would not only drink with them, but also talk with them. Of course, he would take Zhong Lijin with him.

At this time, the eunuch outside the main hall, who was in charge of delivering news, began to shout at the top of his voice.

"The prince is here, the prince is here."

At the same time, both of them come in. For the reason of etiquette, even if yu wenguanye is older than Yu Wenyan, he still has to lag behind Yu Wenyan.

Yu Wenyan was dressed in a purple jade smoke brocade floating light robe. His appearance was a little different from what Zhong Lijin had seen before. Originally, his face was somewhat similar to Bai Liyi, but now it seems that it is not. His excellent appearance is just that there is no emotion in his eyes, some are too calm, some have no expression on his face, some are thin, and his skin is too pale, And Zhong Lijin impression that is still a child's yuwenyan completely different, Zhong Lijin looked at some heartache.

Yuwen guanye is taller than Yuwen guanye, but he doesn't look as powerful as Yuwen Yan

There is always a insidious, even wearing a white dress does not make people feel how sunny he is, just feel inappropriate.

"Meet your Highness the prince, your Highness the great prince."

The officials salute. Yuwenyan nods and raises his hand to signal them to get up. Then yuwenyan goes straight to the place where bailiyi and zhonglijin are.

"Uncle, Zhong Li." Yu Wenyan greets two people.

"Yan'er." Zhong Lijin opens her mouth to call him. The heartache and worry in her eyes are obvious.

"It's OK." Yuwenyan is naturally moved by Zhong Lijin's concern, he forcefully squeezed out a smile.

After a short conversation, Yu Wenyan sits down opposite Zhong Lijin, next to Yu Wenguan Ye. Due to the problem of seniority, Yu Wenyan can't sit in the same seat with Bai Liyi. He can't sit in the same seat with Bai Liyi. He has to sit in a lower position. He shouldn't have sat opposite Zhong Lijin, because sitting here is equivalent to sitting on an equal footing with Zhong Lijin, It was brought by bailiyi again. Naturally, no one would say anything.

But yuwenyan doesn't have an opinion, which doesn't mean yuwenguanye doesn't have an opinion. He has been staring at zhonglijin, full of resentment. He thinks that a big prince of his family wants to sit in a horizontal position with an official's son. How can he be reconciled?

Before Yuwen guanye sneers, Yuwen Yu comes with the queen.

"Meet the emperor, empress."

Another salute. Yu Wenyu and the queen went to the top and sat down. Then Yu Wenyu opened his mouth and asked them to get up.

Next, Yu Wenyu said something to praise the performance of Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin. He also said something to let the officials of the imperial court know the consequences of taking bribes. This relaxation made the officials who had misdemeanor panic and sweat on their back.

"Next, Aiqing people will have a good time, especially Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi. They must have a good time!" Yu Wen Yu said with a smile.

The following is nothing but some song and dance performances. Some people are tired of watching them, but there are always people who don't think of Shu. The former refers to Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin, while the latter refers to some small officials.

When Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin were discussing whether to leave the field ahead of time, they suddenly remembered the sound of Jie drum, accompanied by the sound of Qin. It was like a soldier who had just left home. Although he didn't give up, he had to leave. There was the pain of the newlyweds' parting, and the worry of the mother and son's parting. He was lingering. Suddenly, he became enthusiastic and generous, but relaxed, It's like fighting in a fierce war. Suddenly, the drum becomes slow and pathetic again. It's like the rest after the fierce war. Once the success is achieved, the bones are withered. It makes people sad. Some people can't help crying. Then there is a light drum sound, like the soldiers go home.

A drum song down, but let the atmosphere in the hall become lively up, have been talking about this drummer is who.

"This drummer is a master." Bailiyi praised it.

The queen saw that everyone was curious about the drummer, and even Yu Wenyu and Bai Liyi praised the drummer with a smile.

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