All the people are busy now. Of course, except Bai Liyi, he is the only one in his house. He has a housekeeper to take care of everything and doesn't need him to do anything. So he is free. Jin Xuan wants to accompany Zhong Liyao at night. If he returns to Yunzhou for the spring Festival, Qinghuan is not a person who likes to go out. Naturally, he stays in the yard all day, but Bai Jinghong is free, But both of them played the capital all over, and naturally they were bored. But somehow, bailiyi suddenly began to refuse Bai Jinghong's invitation. He said he was tired of playing, but he still went out every day. He didn't know what he was doing.

In this way, the passage of time bit by bit, until the advent of new year's Eve.

In the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze warms Tu su. Thousands of families always exchange new peaches for old ones.

In the evening, after dinner, Zhong Lijin asked for instructions from her family, and then went out to see the fireworks.

Even in the new year, the streets are full of stalls. Red lanterns are hanging on both sides of the road. Hawkers yell, talk, firecrackers and fireworks. All kinds of sounds are full of her ears. She suddenly wants to come to bailiyi. I'm afraid he's living new year's Eve somewhere. When she thinks of him alone, Zhong Lijin suddenly feels sad, She went to Bai Li Yi's mansion.

However, she was pressed on her shoulder before she took a few steps. She subconsciously wanted to shake it off, but she didn't. at this time, she just wanted to look back to see who the man was, but she was hit by someone. The man didn't just want to protect her for any purpose, but she was wrong. She directly bumped into the man's arms, which made her nose hurt, But asked a familiar fragrance, Zhong Lijin subconsciously looked up, bumped into a pair of familiar with the smile in the eyes, although the man with a mask, but Zhong Lijin see that pair of eyes know who it is.

Zhong Lijin looked at his reflection in his eyes like the night, then slowed down and immediately came out of Bai Liyi's arms.

"Come with me."

She heard bailiyi say in her ear, and then she felt her hands were pulled by a pair of warm hands and ran. Zhong Lijin felt the cool wind blowing from her hot face. She was a little lost. When she came back, she had already sat down in a warm room.

"What are you doing in the street?" Bai Li Yi asked casually.

"Nothing." Zhong Lijin naturally won't tell him that she wants to find him.

Seeing that Zhong Lijin didn't say anything, Bai Liyi didn't ask much. He took Zhong Lijin and chatted with him. He suddenly remembered what happened. Then he went out. When he came back, Zhong Lijin saw Bai Liyi holding a flute.

"I'll play you a tune. It'll be new year's Eve."

"Well, wait a minute. Why don't you go to the palace on New Year's Eve?" Zhong Lijin suddenly wants to come to this matter.

"I'm not Yuwen, so I can't enter the ancestral hall." A hundred Li Yi Road.

Hearing Bai Li Yi say this, Zhong Li Jin didn't dare to ask any more. He listened to Bai Li Yi's flute quietly.

Bailiyi played very well. When Zhong Lijin came back, bailiyi had put away the flute and was looking at her with a smile.

Zhong Lijin was a little embarrassed by him, so she had to change the topic.

"You play the flute very well."

"Yes? So what should you do, too? " Bai Liyi said with a smile.

"Me? What's on show? I will not Zhong Lijin stops at once.

"You see, I've performed. You don't come here. Besides, there are only two of us here. If you don't do well, I won't tell you."

"All right." Zhong Lijin hesitated for a while, then agreed.

Zhong Lijin first cleared her throat, and then began to sing in a soft voice. Although she was singing in a clear voice, without musical instrument accompaniment, she was also very pleasant. Her voice was a little low, which should be able to be suppressed. She could not recognize men and women just by listening to the voice, which may be the reason why she was still small.

Caixiu holds the jade bell attentively, but she is drunk. Dance low willow floor heart month, song all peach blossom fan bottom wind.

After leaving, I remember meeting with you. I have a dream to share with you. I'm afraid I'll meet you in a dream.

Bai Liyi immediately clapped his hands.

"You sing very well."

The generous praise makes Zhong Lijin feel embarrassed.

They chatted and stayed until midnight to welcome the first day of the new year.

"Put out your hand."

Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin were standing by the window looking at the fireworks. Bai Liyi suddenly turned his head and said to Zhong Lijin.

Zhong Lijin didn't know what Bai Liyi was going to do, but he still held out his hand obediently.

She only felt that bailiyi had put something in her hand. When bailiyi moved his hand away, Zhong Lijin could see clearly that it was a necklace, which was tied by a delicate red rope.

Zhong Lijin picked it up and looked at it carefully. In the middle of the necklace was a square dice like thing with the size of a fingernail. Each side of the necklace was inlaid with small Turquoise or agate. It was cool to start with. Zhong Lijin thought it was porcelain. When she picked it up, she heard a sound similar to the sound of a bell, It's just that the sound is not as clear and loud as a real bell, but it's also very nice. On both sides of the dice, there is a very small red bead, and there is a white mark on it, which looks like a very small red bean. Zhong Lijin likes it very much, and she can't put it down. She always plays with it.

"What is this?" Zhong Lijin asked.

"This is a necklace that I made. Take it as a gift for the first day of the new year." Bai Liyi said with a smile.

"Is it really for me?" Zhong Lijin was a little surprised,

"What? Can't believe it? " Bai Liyi picked his eyebrows.

"Yes, it's so exquisite that it must be very difficult to make. You've taken the trouble." Zhong Lijin said.

Bai Liyi didn't say a word after listening. He didn't know how many of them had been made. This was the only one that succeeded. The dice was really made of porcelain. Inside the dice was a real red bean, and outside the dice were just decorative fake red beans. He really put a lot of effort into it, but now he saw the brilliant smile on her face, He was satisfied with his love for it. He felt that so many days of hard work had not been in vain. Naturally, he had a purpose to do it, which was derived from a poem he saw.

A foot deep red is better than the dust, and the old is better than the new. In the end, he Huan's peach pit is a pity. There is no one else in Xu Yuanlai. Light the lamp at the bottom of the well, deep candle Yi, total Lang long line Mo go. An Hongdou, an Linglong dice, is lovesickness to the bone.

Linglong dice and red beans.

When he was doing it, he kept reciting this poem and thinking about Zhong Lijin all the time

What Li Jin said!

"Take it up!" Bai Liyi wants to watch Zhong Lijin put on the necklace.

"But this is for women, isn't it?" Zhong Lijin hesitates. Is it too feminine to wear this?

"I think of this thing and I make it. I give it to you. It's yours. What kind of men and women wear it?" Bai Liyi felt helpless.

"All right." When Zhong Lijin saw that Bai Liyi had said that, it was not easy to shirk, so he had to put it on.

"Yes, it looks good." Bai Liyi watched Zhong Lijin wear the necklace with satisfaction. The red rope made Zhong Lijin's skin more and more white.

"It's late. I'll take you back." A hundred Li Yi Road.


In this way, Baili Yi sent Zhong Lijin back to Zhongli mansion. Fortunately, it's new year's Eve today. There are still young boys and maids in Zhongli mansion watching the night. The masters have gone to bed long ago. Only Zhong Lijin is still outside. Lin Ruqian first sent someone out to look for him, and then heard that he met the people of marquis Ding, saying that Zhong Lijin was with Marquis Ding, Although he didn't want his daughter to stay with Bai Liyi, there was no way to do it. So Lin Ruqian asked someone to leave a door for her and went to bed.

After Zhong Lijin came back, Zhong Lifu completely closed the door, but because of ShouSui, so some lanterns and candles have to be burning all the time, so there are little boys and servant girls on duty.

A good night's dream until dawn.

Early in the morning, Zhong Lijin was called out by Acacia and LAN Ge and changed into new clothes. Originally, she wanted to wear the new clothes made by Acacia, but the clothes could only be worn in spring, otherwise it would be too cold. Today, Zhong Lijin wore a Dai blue gold silk water pattern clothes, which was covered with a same color green brocade and feather Satin cloak with rabbit hair. It was very warm, All the hair was tied up and fixed with a jade crown. The necklace that Bai Li Yi gave her has been hanging around Zhong Li Jin's neck. Before taking it off, he hung a jade pendant around his waist and a jade bone fan in his hand. He dressed up like this and went to salute Lin Ru Qian.

When Zhong Lijin salutes, her mouth should be sweeter. Otherwise, she can't ask for a red envelope. Although she doesn't want to talk to LAN Fengjun, the new year's custom can't be changed. So Zhong Lijin still wants to salute LAN Fengjun and ask for a red envelope. One is unwilling to salute, the other is unwilling to give a red envelope. Both of them are reluctant, so after going through the necessary procedures, Zhong Lijin left directly to the ancestral temple. After worshiping her ancestors, she wandered around the house. When she met someone she knew or was not LAN Fengjun, Zhong Lijin would reward some silver. Therefore, all along the way, Zhong Lijin's face was full of joy.

"Three CHILDES."

Everyone's face is full of smile, let Zhong Lijin see also can't help but be happy.

There is a tradition in all the dynasties of Daxia. On the first day after new year's Eve, the emperor will hold a palace banquet. On the third day, he will go to the temple of heaven to offer sacrifices. Thank God for the good weather and the peace of the country.

After reporting, Zhong Lijin and Lin Ruqian took a carriage and went to dingguofu. Today, bailiyi invited them to a family dinner. Zhong Lijin would go. After all, bailiyi spent the Spring Festival alone.

I thought bailiyi would invite a lot of people, but when I got to dingguofu, Zhong Lijin found out that bailiyi invited Bai's brother and sister, Jin Xuanye, Zhong liyaoruo, Qinghuan, yuwenyan, Linxiang and Zeyi, who came to the capital specially to accompany bailiyi, Other people's bags are terrible.

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