"Here comes the clock. Come and make dumplings together."

Jin Xuanye would not have made this kind of thing. If it had not been for Zhong Liyao, he would not have touched this kind of thing at all. Now Zhong Liyao is coming, he would have been able to retreat.

"I won't go to disturb your interest." Zhong Lijin said with a smile.

"Zhong Li, come and see if my dumplings are very virtuous?" Bai Zhaoying blinked her big eyes and handed the dumpling to Zhong Lijin.

"Er, this is OK, virtuous... I can't see it." Zhong Lijin is a little speechless.

"Ah? Which is virtuous? " Bai Zhaoying doesn't want to make dumplings at all. It's better to let her go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

"Here comes jin'er." Zhong Liyao greets Zhong Lijin with a smile, holding a few dishes of cakes in her hand. "I know you're coming. I borrowed the kitchen made by Hou Ye."

Zhong Lijin has not come yet and can't speak. Bai Zhaoying on one side is bulging her cheeks and staring at Zhong Liyao.

"Zhong Li! Who is she

Why is that woman so intimate! She can also make cakes, which is much more virtuous than her.

"She's my third sister."

"Ah Bai Zhaoying immediately exclaimed, and then immediately stood up, smiling, "good third sister!"

Everyone was speechless.

If Zhong Liyao listens to it, she will be stunned. This girl won't take a fancy to her "third brother", will she!


"Third sister, don't worry, I will learn how to be virtuous!" Bai Zhaoying said angrily, regardless of the black faced Bai Jinghong.

From that day on, as soon as Bai Zhaoying was free, he went to zhongliyaoruo to learn how to make cakes and needlework. Even zhonglijin didn't go there. Zhonglijin was naturally happy. But Jin Xuan had a bad night and wanted to hang zhonglijin up for a fight.

A group of people are making dumplings. Qinghuan, bailiyi and yuwenyan are drinking tea and chatting with each other. After washing their hands, Zhong Lijin also passes by. It happens that Qinghuan is discussing some military issues. Although Zhong Lijin doesn't understand it, seeing bailiyi's surprised expression, he also understands how good Qinghuan is.

"If you really take part in the imperial examination, you are definitely the first." Yuwenyan was also surprised by this man.

"Yes? Sometimes words can't be so full Qinghuan's expression suddenly changed.

"Why?" Yu Wenyan has some doubts.

"Since you are the prince, I'll tell you about it and ask the prince to help the grass people." Qinghuan suddenly kneels down to yuwenyan.

Yuwen flame see, but did not go to help him.

"My uncle has told me everything about you. I can help you, but you should remember what you should do."

"The grassroots understand."

"Get up!"

"Now let's talk about the first thing. Maybe our palace can help you now." Yu Wen Yan way.

"It happened a few years ago. Don't mention the prince. Even Yi may not remember it."

"A few years ago, there was a scholar named Li Zhanyuan. He was very talented and full of ambition. He went to the capital to take the exam, but he was framed and driven out of the exam room in the name of fraud. He was not allowed to be an official for reference all his life." Although Qinghuan's tone is flat, he can hear the coldness in his voice.

"Li Zhanyuan?

I vaguely remember that my father mentioned him. My father didn't like these literati most, but he praised him very much. He was a talented man. " Bai Liyi said, "when my father praised him, Li Zhanyuan seemed to be only 13 years old."

"Yes, he went to take part in the imperial examination at the age of 13. In the next nine years of his career, he was decadent in one year, changed his name to teaching in five years, accompanied by a Buddhist lantern for three years, and died at the age of 22." Qinghuan said, seemingly calm, but it is not difficult to find that his hand has been shaking.

Zhong Lijin understood, I'm afraid that Li Zhanyuan is lotus empty.

"It's a long time ago. It may be troublesome, but I'll try my best." Yu text flame frowns a way.

"Thank you very much." Qinghuan also knows that this kind of thing is not urgent.

"No harm." Yu Wenyan waved his hand.

Although the atmosphere is not very good now, when people gather around to eat dumplings, the atmosphere is good. Until many years later, Zhong Lijin will think of that day and want to go back to that day.

After eating the dumplings, all the people scattered, leaving only Qinghuan with bailiyi. The rest of them had to go back. After all, this is not their home.

Zhong Lijin went to Lin Ruqian's room after returning to Zhong Lifu.

"Mother, jin'er is back."

"You're back?" Lin Ruqian said.

"Well, what's the matter with my mother calling me here?" When she went to bailiyi's house, Lin Ruqian told her to come to her when she came back.

"My mother wants to ask you, what's the matter with you and Bai Liyi?" Lin Ruqian's expression is very serious.

"Don't worry, mother. I have nothing to do with him." Zhong Lijin said, it's just her wishful thinking. Zhong Lijin smiles bitterly in her heart.

"I just think you're too close." Lin Ruqian sighed.

"Mother, no matter what my status is, isn't it an honor to make friends with Marquis Ding?" Zhong Lijin said with a smile that she knew what Lin Ruqian was thinking about.

"It's just that, as long as you can control your sense of propriety, I don't want you to be a high official. I just want you to live a safe life." Lin Ruqian stroked Zhong Lijin's face and said.

"Don't worry, mother. We'll all be well and live a safe life." Zhong Lijin hugs Lin Ruqian and soothes her.

When Zhong Lijin comes out of Lin Ruqian's room, she is almost ready to attend the dinner in the palace, so Zhong Lijin goes straight back to her small yard, where Acacia and Lange are waiting for her.

After dressing up, Zhong Lijin and Zhong Litan get on the carriage of Zhong Lifu and go to the palace.

"What are you busy with recently? It's always the dragon that sees the head but not the end. " Zhong Lijin joked, "don't you have a sweetheart?"

"I'm still young. How could I have a sweetheart so early? What I've been busy with recently is something to do with Zhong Lifu. " Zhong Litan shakes his head.

"What happened to Zhong Lifu? Is it not about the restaurant? "

"No, it's about after Zhong left the mansion." Zhong Li Tan said in a low voice, while observing Zhong Li Jin's reaction.

"Isn't it all right now? Why care? " Zhong Lijin said.

Zhong Litan looks at Zhong Lijin with meaningful eyes.

"The third younger brother seems to have been making friends with the prince all the time?" Zhong Li Tan said with a smile.

"What does big brother mean?" Does Zhong Li Tan want to stand on Yu Wen Yan's side?

"That's what you think. Since you are the one who leaves home, you should make plans for it."

Zhong Lijin wants to say something more. The carriage has stopped.

"What's the matter?" Zhong Litan frowned.

"Back to the master, it's situ's carriage." The boy replied.

"Situ Yan?" Zhong Lijin said.

"Mr. Zhong Li." It's situ Yan.

Zhong Litan opens the window, just as situ Yan's carriage and Zhong Litan's are side by side.

"Mr. Zhong Li, my carriage broke down suddenly. Can I take a carriage with you?" Situ Yan said with a smile.

"Good." Zhong Li Tan naturally won't refuse, let situ Yan come up.

"It turns out that the third young master is also in the carriage." Situ Yan said with a smile.

"Master situ." Zhong Lijin greets him.

"By the way, why isn't my sister in the same carriage as you?" Zhong Litan frowned.

"Jinger is pregnant. Of course, she can't take this kind of carriage. It's not soft enough. I changed it for her."

Listening to this, it seems that situ Yan dotes on Zhong Li Yaojing, but in fact, Zhong Li Tan and Zhong Li Jin both know that this is just an appearance. If he really admits Zhong Li Yaojing's identity, situ Yan should call Zhong Li Tan a big brother instead of a distant childe.


After Zhong Litan finished speaking, the whole carriage was quiet, leaving only the cry of the boy driving the carriage.

Zhong Lijin suddenly felt more and more sleepy, and then fell asleep on the carriage.

"Third brother, third brother, wake up!" Zhong Li Tan shakes Zhong Li Jin.

"What's the matter?" Zhong Lijin rubbed her bleary eyes.

"When we get there, why are we all asleep?" Zhong Litan doubts.

"Maybe I went to bed too late last night and got tired." Situ Yan said with a smile.

At this time, Zhong Lijin realized that they were all asleep. Zhong Lijin sat up and didn't know why she always felt that there was a kind of medicine smell around her, but she didn't know where it came from. She thought it was Acacia and smoked her clothes, so she didn't think much about it.

After they got out of the carriage, situ Yan said thank you and left by himself. Zhong Lijin and Zhong Litan were led to the hall by the eunuch who led the way, because this time, all the officials with official positions came with their families, except Zhong Lihan who was still working outside.

"Gentlemen, please." The little eunuch took them in, asked them their names, and then led them to the right place to sit, then turned and left.

After they sat down, some officials came to say hello, either with Zhong Lijin or with Zhong Litan. Zhong Lijin was a little surprised. In fact, most of these officials said hello to her because of Bai Liyi's face. Zhong Lijin also understood that the key was Zhong Litan, who represented Zhong Lihan. Now Zhong Lihan doesn't know where he was demoted to, Naturally, no one will pay attention to Zhong Li's leaving home. Unexpectedly, it is different from Zhong Li Jin's imagination now. Naturally, she will not think that it is because of Bai Li Yi.

Because the banquet was different, the positions were fixed, but Zhong Liyao Jing sat next to her. I don't know why or who arranged it. Bai Liyi was the first in the left row, while Yu Wenyan was one position behind him and sat on the right side. In this way, Zhong Lijin was far away from Bai Liyi.

"Here comes the emperor and the queen."

Slender voice pulling, Yu Wen to with the queen came in.

"All love Qing is flat."

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